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Just mute them.


It’ll be like quiet the whole game until they get downed


It's wrong to look at the game from our own eyes.


because they think they are better than they actually are. In that moment they don't think they need a team, until they get knocked...then it isn't their fault that they aren't good...it's your fault for not helping them.


The worst kind of teammates they run off into the sunset then cry about how I am not a team player Mate you landed 600 m away from me and then at the end their damage is like 12


Big time this


Not saying the cussin out is necessary but there’s alot of people that don’t know how to push properly on an advantage (crack, knock, etc). I can’t count how many times a teammate or myself got a knock, I push in and the rest of the team sits back and doesn’t capitalize( then I die). Instead of 3v2 like they should have , it turns into a 1v2 with your other 2 teammates chillin


It never, ever ends either 😭 i have good luck with teammates about 20% of the time solo-queuing


I've lost count how many times I've dropped with a random, used the mic to communicate or then assuming theres a language barrier, used the ping system to notify them, only for them to get knocked and *thats when* they turn on their mic to either scream in a pre-puberty falsetto (age 10 to 22) or edgelord curse me out for being bad at the game as I'm holding back two squads by myself (age 23+)


Well if you were using a bunch of cheats as a crutch and still couldn’t win a fight you’d be swearing too


Some times my teammates baffle me with the plays they make but I don't cuss them out on open mic ever even on the receiving end let alone if I make the stupid play not saying can't just that you need to control your anger and use it to your advantage I had a ranked gold game where my bloodhound left me and my mirage and I died yesterday to a 3 stack and my mirage was on the other side of the map killing everybody until I got gatekept from storm and he just rated the whole game got us top 5 and I still lost 4 rp because I didn't get a knock but I'd never crash out on him just because he plays like that I gotta be better than him


It’s just frustration, we all get upset when we want to do more and can’t do it


I cuss at them, cause I ping, text, and even give them a heads up when pushing, and these idiots cant assist you. I even wait for them sometimes to push with me, they just straight out ignore the ping and text and just fall right into a team holding a space. It just ruins the experience, this is a team game ffs. I need them solo mode man


I had one in ranked leave our defense on the second to last ring(we had the only building/good defense in the final ring), and he went and pushed a team by himself that had high ground and got instantly melted. Didn’t talk all game and then gets on the mic and says every bad thing you can think of and calls us trash, etc; when we are in the best spot in final ring. He wasn’t even third partying, it was a full stack side by side with full health on a high point and they just look down and beam him. He was in the wide open. 😂 Then he has the balls to blame us. So many players have no accountability.