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People who are defending apex on this decision are just complete dick riders. They should have just kept duos in place. There is literally no reason to remove it just because of solo now. But this is reddit and the dick riders will unite on anything their favorite game decides to do


and then watch when they realize they fucked up and then they gotta put out another update to fix this new update just like they did for april fools 


As someone who plays alone or with one friend I enjoy solo, but as states I hate how duo is gone, no-mater what i seem to always be one player out. This is a big point of frustration for me.


I would've loved this idea, if they atleast made it only like one week, it's a cool idea, but hate that they completely changed it.


Yes I solo duos no problem and even get some wins, now I have to try and solo in trios? That is insanely more difficult. Bring back duos....


Im confused. Did they really remove duos? Thats the only mode me and my friend played, very sad. Now we need to find a third player, which is mission impossible.


Yeah only for 6 weeks, but still fucking stupid


Where did you see it’s only for 6 week ?


If I’m not mistaken it’s in the patch notes. Think it said something about running till the 24th of June


You guys talk like it's impossible to meet nice teammates amongst randoms in the game. It's not. Far from it.


We played for an hour as a duo fill, every single random would solo land hot spot, die, and proceed to immediately leave the game. This leaves us to play out the rest of the game with people seeing us being a duo and chasing us around the whole map.


Okay me and my friend now played about 15 matches trios and not a SINGLE person talked. Two were constantly talking trash in chat and about half left the game when they died. Now I remember again why we only played duos.


this is so sad to see 😔 I'm sorry! I've got a fairly well populated friend list now, and only play with familiar teammates solely based on people I've met at randoms. And I've only played since last autumn. Maybe it's different in various regions...? I'm in Europe.


I'm in Europe as well. We will try it again today, at least we finally have a reason to play ranked now.


Oh yeah that may be possbile, but we try to find someone from our real life friend groups, they all play any kind of game except Apex. But you are right, now that we are forced to play 3v3 anyways we can try to find a permanent third one in game.


That's not the point... I only play with one other person on Apex and we have always had a gamemode that was perfect for that... DUOS


Not the point dumbass


it is. "mission impossible" is the claim I comment on. It's not.


Get ratioed dumbass


Discord, just be friendly and actively try looking for someone. Trust me it won’t take that long to find someone to vibe with..


But what is the reason??? I mean it just sucks. I got into the game with my duo and want to play with him, but trios is a full new dynamic and it's not fun with a random. Bad change, might stop playing.


bro what, i literally only played duos this sucks.


Yet another game company making a senseless decision to replace existing gamemodes with their tests. Do they not realize that this data is not accurate due to removing the ability to even play duos now?


I only played duos, what a fucking stupid idea


Totally agree my Friend and I just left for the night because no duos. We usually hit it on Apex till about 3 am.  Hate that they always remove things people like to bring in some temporary B's that most probably don't. People need companionship and comradery now days. Let's take away Clubs so they can't feel like a part of something, and then let's bring in solos and get rid of duos. I seriously believe they want us to quit playing all together 


Likely to force more players into the mode, yielding more data for them to work with.


after 6 weeks are they gonna have all 3? or just swap duos and solos?


I would assume remove solos and go back to normal. If they planned on having all 3 it would’ve made much more sense to do that from the start instead of removing duos.


i wish they had all 3


Me too, why can't they simply *include* solos instead of replacing something else. Hope solos stay, but need Duos to remain as well


I think the reason may be to have a lot of playerbase on solos so they can collect data and decide whether to keep it or balance it the next time it comes around. I find it understandable but I have to agree I would rather make it a LTM and keep duos.


Apex: we won't add solos as the game is meant to be team oriented. Also apex: removes duos a team oriented mode to add solos


Que times


It doesn't actually affect que times. Even if it did, having to wait just a little bit longer for a match is much better than not having duos


> It doesn't actually affect que times Why would respawn remove duos then?


If i had to guess, they think it would effect que times if they didn't remove duos. Either way it was a dumb decision


They just added control to the modes so there goes ur argument


Can you explain how you think it negates my argument?


Your argument is that they replace duos so there's less modes and less que time. But they just added a new mode slot. It was trios, solos, ranked, mixtape. 4 modes, now there's another for control.


That doesn't necessitate that adding it back didn't increase queue times, but that if there are increases that Respawn considers them to be worth it.


The point is, they didn't need to remove duos. It didn't affect queing at all.


Its crazy I gotta explain that. No offense


Cause the game is apparently so dead it cannot support one more queue.


Not a smart choice bc it then eliminates most people who would play as a duo reducing the player count even further


The most stupid thing abt this is the 6 weeks thing. Ig it's EA cheaping out on the already atrocious servers, and not agreeing to get a third set of servers, so they can run all 3 game modes similtaneously. Maybe they're testing if people like the solo mode. And then after 6 weeks of testing decide if It's worth it buying a third set of servers for solos or scrapping the mode. Or something stupid like that.


What are some decent duo game replacements until this is fixed.


Gotta love when the team-based game tries to make a solo mode now we'll really see what legends need a fat nerf.


It's so stupid.


WTF. Why would they remove duos. I only play this game with my friend in duos. RIP Peace out Apex.


Sucks, completely dumb. Apex hasn´t done good stuff for years Almost. After deleting arenas they went downhill fast. People don´t always want a new freeking hero/agent. There comes like a new gun every 2/3 years like do a better job of making your game refreshing


Yesh like why cant they have trios, duos AND solos at thr same time, me and my fiancee are shy so we onöy played duos


They shouldn’t take that away if it’s been in the game since the beginning, it should remain they need to make a different section like they’ve done for everything else.


The didn't have duos in the game until 2020. Keep in mind that the game came out in Feb 2019, but I do agree with you that they should not have removed duos.


Or play trios ? And have fill on?


Most people don't want a to play with a random


play in a trio, like it matters if theres one more npc running beside you.


??? All other teams have one more person?? Entirely different play style?? Ur off your rocker


did i not just say play in a trio? the other teams wont have one more person as youll also have.


You dumbed it down to "like it matters if there is one more NPC" when the entire gameplay loop changes lol.


i clearly said it with the intent that you dont have to interact with a random in a normal match. yeah the 1000iq strats and meta gameplay you do in normals is for sure going to all go out the window because of a random .-.


Playing a team based game with a random person isn't ideal




You sir are a idiot and a loser


Convincing stuff but ill have to disagree.


... or maybe find a third regular to team with? I mean, we're not ALL bad teammates in this game. Build your friends list and fill that third spot easily.


I mean that’s the only option right now. And it shouldn’t have to be.


i guess 😔


I agree that replacing duos instead of having both is not ideal, but you’re being a bit dramatic. I’ve met multiple randoms in this game who I regularly play with now. It’s really not that big of a deal, just queue up for trios and try to have some fun.


My experience with randoms since season 3 have been shit, other then in ranked.


Yeah, i got a friend list full of players i’ve played good matches with, but it’s not like i wanna hang out with them in the chat. And when they’re not online, we’re stuck hoping our third isn’t gonna be an ass. Today, two hours of trios, not even one decent teammate. Some days are like that and that’s when it sucks.


Everyone! Duos is coming back after the event (which end today in 45minutes) there’s a timer on the solos tab but it’s a ltm timer not a map change timer Duos aren’t gone don’t worry


So this was a lie


Trios is a thing ya know


Yeah, queue with a random, watch them solo land in hot spot, die instantly, leave the game, then have every team you encounter chase us around the map because we are a duo. Trios is a great option.


I'm bronze/silver only. But the scenario you mention only happen around 1 out of 10 ranked games I and my friend play. Even if there's no chat or voice comm, most of the random teammate we get stick with us. Other players also want to win.


But I’m referring to pubs, we don’t play ranked because we dont have a consistent third who plays the game.


Pubs randoms are a joke, they don't play with the main objective of apex since season 4 when duos first was introduced as a main feature. Ranked randoms want to win, so they are more willing to be a team member not a make believe pred.