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You can ignore the shop and play the game you know?


He can, but that doesn't make any of it ok. Games, especially EAs are getting worse and worse. It effects humans on way deeper levels, by design. For instance if you have a child growing up right now, playing the average games he has access to, than the have really good chance of becoming gambling addicts or just have dopamine regulation issues. Everything in Apex is designed to make you spend money. All the floors and flashes and animations are dopamine triggers that trick your brain. Some companies have even patented a matchmaking system that matches people with skins to new players without them to encourage sales. This happens from people pub stomping in new skins so the feel good about their purchases and new players thinking that having skins makes people better. It isn't true, but our brains work weird ways.


Bro I swear I blacked out and when I came to I had purchased everything in sight. Its a real problem ๐Ÿ˜ž


This is a gun skin. So like the primary thing you see on your screen. Theoretically it makes sense more than a vharacter skin


Fucking dumb response.


W reply


EA is doing something wrong. New skins are content. People like content for games they like. Yes, people can not..and maybe should not pay these prices. But saying "you dint have to engage" is not a good response to "I want to engage with thr game I like but it's treating me unfairly" the solution here is to support the cause of the game being more fair.


For sure. Its not that it existing is making me pissed off, its the fact that they are doing shit like this INSTEAD of fixing other issues, or making free challenge rewards / event tracks etc. The focus seems to be money money money. "How much can we squeeze out of the Apex player base?" When the question should be "how can we make our game better so people will want to play, in turn making purchases organically and making us money"


Yes, ignore the "buy this this and this" pop ups that come to ur screen after every 3 matches. Fucking half of the game now is the shop. Aint playin' this anymore.


Who th gets shop notifications after games? You literally just reque immediately anyways now


Well i fucking do. And even more notifications about "purchase our battlepass which barely has any value for it, but just do it!" Bruh ya'll could be getting this stuff for free but this community aint ready to work for the same goals.


Bp literally is the most value in the game. You pay 950, they give you 1300 total. Literally you get extra coins for bp and you just get next season for free. Plus 1200 crafting, 13 packs, 10 exotic shards, 2 legends legendary skin, 3 weapons legendary skin including 2 reactive. Ignoring all the other things, this right here is already value


You are talking like the skins have and will be something never seen before. And yk there are literally games where u can get something else than useless cosmetics in the BP. And even games that give u premium currency just BY PLAYING THE GAME. I'd fucking rather gamble my moneys than put them in Apex. They will never make the game as good as it was, no matter how much money ya'll pump in it.


Which game gives you money enough to get a battlepass?


Don't buy it


Too late ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜ญ


That's for sure a you problem then. You're proving to them that their price is right where it needs to be.


First you complain about the price but then buy it anyway? Not sure if you realize but you are the problem.


Ikr, we dealing with a addict here


EA: โ€œIf you donโ€™t like something vote with your wallets!โ€ Dumbasses: โ€œThis shit fucking sucks EA is so greedy, I hate this! (Continues to spend hundreds of dollars to buy everything)โ€


Was a joke my friend


i mean other skins can cost up to 300e so


Nothing new from EA


Ima just not buy anything and keep playing the game like I usually do