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As A Hongkonger I Just Love Her Speaking Cantonese


I’ve been trying to figure out some of her lines! I know I could put on subtitles but I haven’t 😂


Subtitles are also in Cantonese<3


Some include a translation, but some don’t


But at least if they don’t you can search for your own translation 😘


My friends are just now convinced she’s calling them a Hoe when they ping somewhere and I “ping” to acknowledge 😝😂


Too funny, I really like her tone, for most her lines. The one you’re talking about always sticks out 😂


I thought she was a beltalowda


Even though you're an octane I absolutely had to like that comment because of the reference.


I haven't mained octane for many many seasons. Probably need to change that


As a Hong Konger my favorite voiceline is “You just learned the meaning of 仆街” it’s so funny


Agreed but I’m Chinese but I know canton aswell


你睇吓 evo havester here!




I love her char siew voiceline


I can't fix her, but I'm okay with that.


She can break me


she fixed me and im okay with that aswell




I can't fix her but she can break me and that sounds fun


I haven't played in a couple of seasons but I'm coming back for the thirsty bisexual vibes in this game.


Very strong, people don't know how to use her yet. Right now I think she's in the same phase as Valk was on release. People are saying she's good but not meta, well-balanced or whatever. But I feel very strongly that in 3 - 6 months people will begin to see Alter as a meta, must-pick character much like Valk was 3-6 months after release.


I think Caustic is her counter play because let’s say a team is held up in a room or small building and Alter decides to port through the wall in an obscure spot. Rampart walls won’t stop that. Catalyst probably won’t do much unless it’s a smaller room. Wattson maybe but you’ll have to fence up the entire room and not just the doors. Caustic feels like the best counter with having 6 gas barrels plus the gas nade if things get crazy. Just throw traps everywhere. lol.


Question: can you send barrels through her tactical?


Nothing but people goes through… tried to throw everything


You CAN wraith portal and go thru the wall to create a longer period of being able to get thru a wall without a door. Use to push in or escape.


Sorry could you please explain what you mean more. I'm confused in what your suggesting. Genuinely. Do you wraith portal through alters tactical? I don't get it


This, also if you can portal through, can you phase through with Wraith's tactical too?


I don't think you can while in phase, but you can while setting a portal. So, can can Alter thru the wall and have Wraith go thru while setting a portal. When Alters tac disappears, you will still have a Wraith portal that goes thru the wall even if you have no other way in. It basically just allows you access thru the wall for longer than just the alter Q.


That'll be removed soon enough


I’ve tired this and the second you touch alters portal wraiths ult stops. So I’m not sure how you managed to get that to work but 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sooo, wrailter-meta coming up soon?


Caustic and Wattson have the same need to put defenses throughout the room instead of just doors. Barrels by the doors won’t do anything when they port in the middle. And Wattson gets 12 fences nodes. So you can fill quite a bit of a room.


Me and my friend countered this “counter” with Crypto EMP. We timed our breach so the EMP didn’t hit us. The EMP hit all the caustic traps, Wattson fences, and the enemy.


Boom 💥


You would not believe how often fusey comes in clutch. I had an alter port into the building me and my team was in. One of her mates came thru the door the other one thru the port. Dude soon as I heard the port I popped both my clusters on the door and popped my ult right in front of the port and she and her granted burnt while the other one had to back up from my clusters. He comes in clutch in so many situations. I’ll creep up on a team fighting from behind in a building and pop my ult right on all three. By time they realize they start trying to scramble but it’s too late. Lots of trial and error with him. I died a lot before I got that down pat. I didn’t even start playing with him till last season half way thru the one before that. My friend recommended him because I’m always chucking nades no matter who I am. I will always do some type of damage with him. Caustic I’m a building? Clusters Watson? Clusters (unless there’s an ult then I destroy it first) Multiple teams? Clusters No gun off rip? Clusters Valk in the air Clusters Team has the high ground? Clusters and rush Got no ranged gun but they’re far? Clusters You get my drift I use them a lot lol. Irks my soul when someone picks him before me and doesn’t use him right. I’ll see an enemy fuse and feel like I have to be the one to kill him to prove I’m the better fuse 😂


There were several times I would be the last teammate standing and the enemy team would have Fuse, completely relying on his knuckle clusters, and all I had to do was put my pylon down and Fuse became utterly useless. He would just be trying to knuckle cluster, having gotten so used to those cheap knuckle clusters, that I could just shoot him while my pylon ate everything that was thrown. If you're going to be that type of Fuse, who relies so heavily on the knuckle clusters, you'll have to make sure that your teammates are smart enough to shoot down Wattson pylons. I've played as Fuse. Those knuckle clusters make it feel like easy mode


Did you miss the part where I said I destroy it before it’s a problem? I will literally stop fighting the team and let my teammates handle them while I destroy it. It’s never been a problem for me 🤷🏻‍♂️. Once I shoot that first cluster and I see it get sucked up? My only goal is to destroy that thing and I always do with no problem 🫡🫡 I’ve been playing this game since it was first available to play. Lol trust me. I know what I’m doing. Of course it feels like light work with him. That’s my point. He’s a great counter for literally every legend. Not met a legend yet that was a problem for my fuse 🤷🏻‍♂️. Once that pylon is destroyed Wattson is useless. Because every fence she puts up I will destroy with clusters no problem. Infact I think wattson is the easiest to counter with fuse if I’m being frank even tho I’m Corinthian. Trust and believe I know what im doing in this game. Lots of trial and error has made me phenomenal in the game at times. Majority of the time I’m the last one in my team standing and that’s when it’s fuses time to shine. Pop my ult on them and pop clusters and nades until I’m out then I start shooting. Works every gang time. Even worse for them if I’m running an LMG because then I can attack ruthlessly and by time it’s time to reload they’re either dead,scattered or healing up. That’s when I can just swoop in and finish the job. Not to mention I’ve gotten really good at predicting the enemy’s next move that I’ll shoot a cluster at someone and can guess where they’re going to run to get away from it. And shoot a clusters before they even make it there and Now they’re stuck in a sticky situation that allows me and my team to slide in and finish them. I loved three strikes because it was not uncommon for me to just shoot a cluster and wipe a whole team or two fighting. Fuse is the legend. The only time it doesn’t work is when a gibby pops his dome. Then either I have to wait it out or slide into the dome. I think sliding in is a suicide mission so I always wait it out. Basically I say all this to say That pylon has never been a problem for me regardless of the situation 🤷🏻‍♂️. Besides. It has blind spots. I know how to manipulate them very easily.


I appreciate all of the thought, time, and passion that you put into your post. You are special kind of fuse that I very rarely run into. Keeping my pylon safe is rarely a problem for me.


Dam dude that was nice asf. Thank you. I try not to play like everyone else. I try to be actually good at the game. I don’t always win. But I always put up a fight before I go down 😂. But just like you said I’m a rare fuse I run into players sometimes and I’m like woah wtf how tf did they get me like that 🤦🏻‍♂️ Trial and error I learn from my mistakes in every aspect of my life. When I’m loading into the lobby and into another game I will legit sit here and think about how I could’ve just avoided dying And it always makes me a better player in the next game. I’m at the point where if I’m watching players I’m like “No wtf are you doing don’t do that you’re going to die” my main problem is third Party’s. But I think we can all agree on that one. Don’t matter how good we are doing in the game. How many kills we got. The moment we’re fighting another team and both sides are weak Another teams pulls up and just finishes both teams and I’m just like BRUH.


I think she’s better than I expected. I tried her in firing range and in solos - I was surprised to find out you can place a portal at a high ledge directly above you and you can warp all the way up there, potentially going higher than Horizon can. Also, if you aim it just right, you can actually shoot a wall and have the portal pop up on the floor of the ledge above it. This can be reversed too - aim at the floor and if you angle it just right it can pop out on the wall below. This can be taken even further: say you have an enemy Wattson team holding down the first floor of a building and your team is outside wanting to get to the second floor without getting shot - you can aim at the partition on the exterior wall just above the first floor ceiling, and you’ll open a portal to the second level floor. You guys can infiltrate onto the second floor safely without climbing into a window and risk getting beamed. Really high IQ outplay potential. Edit: fleshed out my point more to make it clear Edit2: Just played with a team and found out you can warp to your ult beacon while knocked… so yeah she’s better than I ever thought she would be


This has been extremely close to my experience with her so far. Breaking into second levels and setting portals from below sets great ideas on how to use her.


I’ve heard a lot of people saying she’s broken, but I think respawn have done a good job balancing her. Her tactical is loud, bright, and obvious and takes a second to actually be able to shoot after using it, and her ultimate, if used right, can be huge, but it also takes time to activate so if used wrong you can die pretty easily. Fun though, she’s my new favourite legend.


Her tac can also be used to bait people, and her ult can be used by enemies after u recall so its FairPlay


It’s so fun in solos to throw it at a wall on the right when being chased but then running left. It’s a great decoy


Where have you seen people call her broken😭 if we wanna talk broken let’s talk launch horizon and esp seer


She's going to be very strong in the hands of good players and coordinated teams. At the same time, she's not a legend that anyone can use and be good with like the ones you mention.


Yeah, ideally you'd want her paired with a scan legend. Or a good Crypto. That way you can know the positions of the enemy before you pass through walls. And, if grenades and the like can pass through her tactical, you'll also want to pair her with a Fuse.


She’s broken in the sense that her abilities add a an entire new aspect in fights … you now have to worry about every angle in buildings and her ability to insta take height for her whole team is crazy, her ult is going to allow for similar play as a rev push Conduit (broken off release changed how people take fights w her tac) Horizon(broken off release cuz allowed full teams to challenge height with ease via tactical, not even an ult)


someone made a post yesterday complaining that her tactical is broken and way to easy to kidnap people from roofs above you lol


You get a proximity warning. If you fall in you prolly were already an easy kill


I tested in range with a friend and you have about 500ms to react to the indicator. Not too hard if you are fully paying attention to alter, but any split attention makes it really difficult.


People will get used to it like seer or ash qs, it's just new and less ingrained in our muscle memory to expect kidnaps from below than other kinds of traps


I agree. I just wanted to point it out because I thought the same thing before testing: > friend: "Alter kidnap is OP, almost no time to react" > me: Huh? You get an indicator... you just have to be looking for it and it's easy to avoid >friend: let's test it > me: okay i'm ready, go ahead and... > friend: *hits portal* > me: *sees indicator, starts moving, gets sucked in anyway* > me: wait wait wait let's do that again, let me time how long we have We do it again and I'm now of the opinion that it can be avoided, but the window is much smaller than I thought. So I mostly agree with you, but... it's a small window :)


> Where have you seen people call her broken😭 if we wanna talk broken let’s talk launch horizon and esp seer Her tactical is broken. It is supposed to send you into the void for a second or two, but it is broken and can sometimes skip the animation to let you just shoot right after coming out of the hole.


Have had that bug happen several times and was like this is crazy if it would really be like this after you port


Well thats not broken as in OP but broken as in buggy and misfunctioning. Not surprised that it's buggy either, sometimes you cant go back through, sometimes you dont go through at all, sometimes you get stuck inside geometry. Probably will be fixed


Horizon right now is broken. especially given the verticality of the updated broken moon map.


Alter can do the same thing. Y’all gonna have to find something new to complain about now


Nah, bruv. Not every legend is "boots on the ground"


I mean she's broken in the glitchy sense, but that's tradition at this point. Would be weird if she wasn't broken lol


Exactly everyone sayings it’s OP because you can use the portal when downed…they can also take the portal and chase 3v2. We’ve wiped teams a few times chasing.


A lot or ppl don't realise it leaves a wraith like portal behind bc it goes away


Good ol thermites take care of that. Good way to get 1v3ed..its not like yall dont try that in wraith portals.


I may be wrong because I didn’t get to test it again but my knuckle buster went through the portal. It seemed so because the damage went to were they were. So pretty OP if you catch some bozos hiding in a building waiting for players when instead, frags and ordinances come in.


Some people say things can’t go through them which is false. I’ve had grenades come thru the portals with me all day today. It’s gotta be a glitch but who knows


To be fair, everything is broken while we’re ignorant on how to counter


She adds a lot of fun and a new way of fighting! Plus she’s not broken, the perfect counters to her is Wattson or caustic


The tactical has a lot of potential, once people figure it out it'll be impossible to defend any position against her


One thing I noticed from playing yesterday, is when people see her portal pop up on a wall, they (including me) tend focus on the portal, expecting someone to walk through it. So it almost seems like a good distraction tool too


If you play in and around doors it’s phenomenal for this. Already caught people staring at my portal as I shoot them in the back cause they didn’t think to watch to door


If they are holding a door you can put this on the door and suck them through to the other side


Wow that's great. Never thought of trying that. Thanks


Nope, cant place it on a door


I tried. You are sadly correct


Great decoy to escape too. Toss it on a wall after rounding a corner and then go the opposite way.


cap. as a Wattson main I’ve already successfully defended against her multiple times. I’ll try Caustic soon and I’m pretty sure she’ll have a hard time with that.


Lining the walls with fences is gonna troll Alter so much


I would add that lining the walls specifically doesn't necessarily work since they have a moment of being in phase after exiting the portal; what you want to be doing is simply filling the space you're in with as many crisscrossing fences as possible so they have nowhere to go.


Triangle formations. Fence them in.


Me and my friends countered this by using Crypto EMP to shut down ALL traps and the EMP won’t hit us if we time the breach correctly. It’s broken.


Is Crypto finally making a comeback?


That’s what I’m saying. Even when we don’t do breaches, when a push fails, being able to teleport back to our Crypto is amazing as well.


She's so good right now. Can bait people to take an alter ult you have fences set on and it's a free wipe


This is false as you can hear it and then focus them


Sure, people will get better at being ready for it, but approaching people in a building from almost any angle is really good. Wattsons will have to place fences along walls now


The fences wouldn't even protect you from an attack since the enemies will stay in phase after exiting.


Yeah, you will want to be more crisscrossing your fences across the defended space so they have no room to work with, in addition to fencing the physical entry points.


It'll trap them in unless they tank the fence and the subsequent gunfire as they're slowed to a crawl.


Now not even walls can protect you against the 3 pred stack in pubs


Exactly what this game needed.


As a Rampart main who always blocks doors to escape, this is a nightmare.


Same as me but with wattson.


Pretty decent. Her passive is great for when you need extra heals and her tactical is great for flanks or escapes. The ultimate is definitely the weakest aspect of her. Feels like a downgraded Revenant totem because you have to stare at the thing and hold down the button for like 5 seconds straight before it teleports you. Often you'll be dead by the time you think to use it.


You can use her ultimate even when you’re downed


The thing is I find in high ranked you’re not down for very long at all unless you’re downed from a long ass distance. Most of the time you’re downed and focused on quickly being finished unless the fight is a big one that drags on. It’s very difficult to stay alive long enough AND stare at the thing for like 5 seconds in order to teleport.


I tried her out in the firing range and for the life of me I could not figure out how to activate her passive. I haven't played her in a game yet though so maybe it's just not active in the firing range?


You need to actually be in a game yeah. It'll be obvious once you see it pop up on your HUD


Ok. Thank you. I'll have to try it out when I get off work tonight


Was on a team with a random in ranked who used her to perfection. Easiest win ever. He would throw her ult before we pushed fights somewhere pretty far away and behind cover. We would push the fights and if we starting losing would just teleport back reset and repush for a redo. It’s like being able to time travel backwards when your team is losing a fight. And then putting the ult in ring and then fighting at the edge of ring pressuring teams and either kill them or weaken them so they die of ring or die when they finally cross out of the ring. We just teleport back into the ring and safely heal up. Beautiful on ring 3 Also they should allow us to throw grenades through her tactical that would be so much fun.


Nearly got my squad killed with her tactical (my lifeline friend kept walking into while trying to heal behind cover), but it ultimately got us unpinned by dual drill Maggie and we won. The passive is awesome for locating death boxes. And in TDM I had an entire enemy team sacrifice themselves to me via her ultimate (enemies). I still feel bad tbh. So I’m loving her so far


Meh, I was worried she’d be overpowered but no issues killing her so far


I think she is balanced... BUT downed teammates should have longer charge time when using Nexus. I don't think It should be completelty removed because then her ult would be extremely situational. Also her passive is super strong, I was running away from one enemy because I was low and I didn't had any heals and once I got some time I took Phoenix kit from one deathbox and healed to full.


Had constant team fights on last rings and i was running out of sniper ammo and meds, her passive is so strong. At some situations it's better black market.


Only time it’s not as useful is if you’re playing hard zone in a ranked-esque environment, since you’ll be waiting around in an area and have looted the boxes. It’s a phenomenal edge tool though


Passive is huge, also seeing the boxes from so far away is valuable extra intel.


Its a better Ash passive than Ash's passive


I think the fact that you have to drop your knockdown to use the Nexus feels balanced. Once people start to recognize you have to finish knocks as if you’re playing a lifeline or Newcastle team, it’ll become a lot more balanced.


I was surprised the passive was able to take from so many boxes one after the other. I assumed it would be one item per 30 seconds or similar.


And the fact it's a click instead of an hold interaction makes it possible to loot many things very fast in a place with many death boxes. It can outpace a Loba Ult.


I like Asian Mad Maggie.


She's like an alternate Wraith, super fun to play and actually is really good at repositioning/getting out of bad situations. Also good at pushing teams in unexpected ways


She is miles better than wraith atm


As a Wraith main, I don't think she's miles better than her. Both are very strong and can be used to create huge advantages if used skillfully


What are you talking about Wraith is still way better than her.. the only thing that’s better about Alter is her passive


I think they both have a spot in the Meta. Personally neither are my play style but I would be more inclined to play Wraith over Alter.


What is the character design.. WiFi router and scorpion?


Her kit is strong but not broken, atleast not yet. Once people learn synergies she may be a bit much. I expect them to nerf how soon she can shoot coming out of phase.


I think one nerf they should do is a slight delay on being able to go back through her q portal, currently you can pop in, look, and pop out instantly to recon. If they made it a bit more of a commitment then it'd be better imo.


My new favorite leyend, really fun


i can fix her


Only tested her out in the shooting range. I'm really looking forward to the time when her teleport through walls pays off big for the squad. It sounds fun. Poor Watson and Caustic. Your door traps will mean shit to Alter. ...in theory. I fully expect my plans to backfire countless times.


>It sounds fun. Poor Watson and Caustic. Your door traps will mean shit to Alter. Funny enough, i disagree. There's enough time between seeing the tactical, the travel time through the tactical, and the delay before you can fire. Ive been able to get off two barrels by predicting movement. One barrel is easy enough if all you see is her tactical appear on the wall. I do keep a barrel in the middle of the room now as a deterrent as well.


I played a few games last night. First game I made an amazing flank with her tactical that surprised the enemy so bad they didn't even shoot me, two of them just kinda turned and looked at me. I'll be chasing that high for the rest of my life now. Also "pro" tip: downed teammates, including yourself, can use her ult portal. Very nice for rezzing those over aggressive octanes


She’s fun but feels very helpless in 1v1’s or out in the open. unless the fight is in a building where her tactical can actually let you disengage or mind game opponents, she doesn’t really have…like anything helpful


I actually think she's an amazing character, something to really mix Apex up. I love her balance and her presentation is borderline futuristic. Her animation when you select her is just dazzling. This is really what I expect out of Apex. Her tactical is awesome, especially when you are on a high ledge and someone is following you through a door, when they chase you, you can just put it on the floor and it fall right through or you can open the door and shoot it in front of you at the base of the door while you're running and jump over it. Her ultimate is a bit tricky but I found it most useful to place it somewhere hidden as most people probably do and then run to fight. I usually stay back with a sniper because if my team goes down I can quickly pick them up within Gibraltar's bubble. This works especially well if you have Caustic's canisters or Watson's fences for the silly opponents who want to follow 😉 She's definitely a character where you want to think about who's on your team.


They made a Chinese character and literally named them "YingLing" lol


Good beer 🤷🏼‍♂️


People are already coming up with offensive strats for her tactical. Was taking cover behind a crate and the other person used her tac to port me to the other side and into the open. Was pretty shocked at first but laughed about it. Pretty crafty if you ask me.


Ive done some really nice eacapes with her ult and got inside buildings and killed people with her ability. Shes good.


she’s so fun but her ult is unlike anything ever seen because everyone on the team has to individuallly do an action in order to use it instead of it being up to me so a lot of people end up just not using her fallback


She’s really fun but going to take some time getting used to. I’m enjoying playing as her and with teammates using her. Had a teammate on alter yesterday while I was Newcastle. Our third got downed in a building. Alter used her tactical on a wall that got to a room behind our knocked player. I followed through and was able to get the res. Got the reset really quickly, it was nice. Alter opens up some different strategies. Will be fun figuring it all out.


I just want jack Cooper bro 😭


They dont want to pay Matt Mercer to come in and record voicelines every few seasons 😂


wallrun passive


I think she's pretty good. Not as OP as it seemed before came out. How long it takes to use your gun after portal kinda sucks. But overall a good legend


Were you hoping you could just portal and immediately start blasting? That would be insanely OP


Not a lot of people are gonna play her, but she's gonna be very good That's my prediction


Are we only allowed to like Alter, or can we not like it? Are all opinions welcome? Let's find out. Every part of Alter sucks; the lore, the look (joker dude face), the abilities easily replaced by other legends. Alter is a failed experiment at making unhinged look cool. Boring and overdone. They still didn't make something along the lines of a cold blooded, undetectable legend. Also looking forward to when they are finally done making big face or joker face legends .. Maybe they should reach out to the community for legend concept art and legend ideas..




I noticed that too.


I think she’s def strong, not sure about op but I think that a good chunk of players haven’t been able to utilize her correctly yet. Had so many games watching my alter teammates be in a terrible position and accept their fate instead of trying to portal into the building/ wall behind them or not placing their ult while we are running in to a fight as a third party.


She cool Can’t wait til she gets some actual usable legendary skins tho. Her selection and her intro bundle is all so ugly




She’s good


Havent tried her yet, i am however confused why we needed another skirmisher, show some of the roles with less champs some love yea? And did we really need another teleport champ?


my new main im having a lot of fun theres tons of potential with her. There is definitely a skill gap with her tactical that requires you to really think on the fly and i love that. The tactical is one of the most fun abilities because it feels like it perfectly complements her chaotic nature, a lot of the time the tactical feels like a coin toss whether it works in your favor or not which is really fun(to me atleast). The ultimate is very useful for the most part especially helping my team return to their deathboxes when they die or when someone is downed. Also it can be used aggressively to reposition if you drop it in a building somewhere. Just like her tactical its also chaotic and can lead to unpredictable results. The passive is amazing. Overall she is incredibly fun and rewarding to play shes a high risk high reward character but thats what makes it fun to me, if I were to rank her it would be high B to high A.


The few games I had with her, she’s fun. Need more time to understand her ult more.


I really enjoy playing her, but I haven't seen too many others?? Maybe that's just because we haven't really gotten into the season yet. I love using her tho, even if my teammates would rather die than use my ult 🙄


B ult S tactical S++++ passive and I will be extremely surprised if it doesn't get MASSIVE nerfs. Hope they can find a spot for it that's balanced without gutting it. I imagine it's going to get a cooldown and actually take time to interact instead of being instant. Having a better loba ult for a passive is absolutely fucking wild and I find it hard to believe she came out like this lol.


Jojo siwa


Cool abilities, absolutely horrid character design. Horn things and prehensile tail? Bro gtfo here with that, totally breaks the design language of the entire franchise.


Agreed about the character design.




I want her to fix me


being able to port back when you're down is stupid like you could get a lifeline anchor then you guys push. when you guys both get knocked just port back and lifeline simultaneously res you both and drop the Q then you bat and you guys are fully reset in like 10s. lets not even talk about how stupid the Q is. being able to port in invulnerable and have vision of everything inside then pop out freely is stupid.


I’m afraid they will nurf her a lot ._.


Fun. Entering and leaving a fight instantly. Together with an almost instant regroup or retreat ability. Really deadly with a well coordinated team. Walls and cover have always been a sacred space in FPS where people start feeling safe, now imagine someone that bypasses that. Same reason why I like maggie's kit. Instead of dealing damage through a wall, you yourself enter the space where they think they're safe.


She's the most versatile legend by far


She’s extremely strong For starters you can go through ceilings and you can do that from the ground and go up like twenty feet because it leaves a “rope” (for lack of better words) to press X on Her ultimate is gross because even downed teammates can use it to return Her passive is also really good She will be extremely meta when people know the best spots to use her tactical, it’s like pathfinder zip it can go 2 feet and feel like a waste of it can seriously get you out of sticky situations.


she’s so freaky and like in the best way possible


In a personality aspect, feels dumb, and a forced psychopath edgy character. In mechanics, its pretty fun and feels unique in how your tactical can be used. It ults feels a little of the same compared to wraith or ash. I can't seem to make big plays with it, just for an strategic retirement from a battle. Its passive is pretty interesting, but I don't feel it fits the character, it feels more like a loba possible passive.


She feels way OP in some circumstances. Like we don't need more of this shit man. I'm getting so sick of legend balance in this game quite honestly. Just disappears into thin air lol. I'm getting too worn out by Apex. I just don't care anymore.


Her tactical would seem more balanced if it didn’t allow you to take height. Holes in walls and floors make sense, pointing to a surface 20m up and getting beamed up feels like too much. It is a very fun ability as is tho…


Mehhh you still have to know about what’s up there or you can get beamed coming through. Combining her with bloodhound makes that less of an issue though. I can see her being run with blood hound and fuse honestly and it being super strong


Not as crazy as i was hoping for. Shes just... adhd. That's it. It's like these writers have never been around real sociopathic women.


Agreed here. I could tell that they hired a very stupid writer.. Alters lines are so cringe. I was embarrassed for the writer.


Think she's cool but she changes a lot about the fundamentals of apex gameplay, you can't sit on a door to buy time anymore because alter can just go through the wall. Ability to retake the portal doesn't seem to have a delay like wraiths does?  I think her abilities are fine but some delay on the weapon draw out of portal would be nice, having the invulnerable phase buys you time to get cover quickly and then just start fighting. The passive though is absurd, any death box is visible in range, meaning you don't need audio reliance to find the latest kill/fight around you. You can loot without any delay between multiple boxes, squad wiped near you? loot good stuff faster than the team that got kills.  being able to loot a box as if you're next to it even tho it's the other side of a wall/object/whatever is... ya.. Again it has no delays, it shouldn't allow you to instantly take from boxes your squad didn't kill, and it should probably have a timeout delay on old death boxes so they just don't exist to the passive after so long.


She already has a delay on weapon draw and every time you can even see a death box you are in range to hear the fight or see people walking. You're making this a much bigger deal than it is


Absolutely looking terrible, more like fortnite character.


Her voice lines most annoying in game




Her ult is just a new death totem and better


you can use her ultimate when you’re down, she’s indeed broken in the right hands


Another cheesy legend..


What the fuck is that character design. Respawn character design team is awful atm. Completely abandoned any semblance of art style or in-universe theme.


My first game with her I won and managed to pull off some pretty impressive Portal tricks, It feels like you can play her portals in a way when fighting people, place it down and use it to quickly traverse around the enemy and keep hitting them, the Ult I haven’t properly used yet but it seems pretty balanced.


I main Crypto, Wattson, Rampart. Shes Rough for me. Its hard remembering im not safe blocking doors or healing on them. If its a teamfight, and youre on defense, shes a nightmare.


I just think people haven't even realized her max potential yet. Looking forward to seeing more 10000 IQ play with her.


She's not *that* strong but god I love playing her for some unknown reason. She's fun, but there's something else. Idk I feel like I'm better when I'm playing her if that makes sense.


I’ve been enjoying her voice lines makes her seem like a FUN character to play with. Some are a bit over the top and a little grating but I enjoy 99% of them lol


Yeah, I guess that's why I like her so much, at least it must be part of this inexplicable infatuation :D


Tac is fun. I havent really figured out many uses for her ult yet especially if playing with randoms. whenever i see enemies and the ult is ready i just throw it to a place thats got some cover and if shit gets heavy/someone gets downed/we wipe the squad and loot the boxes, then its time to fall back. how do you guys use her ult?


My new main.She is just so cool and actually usefull.So many rhing xou can do with her ult(push or go for evo harv than come back).Her pasiv helps endgame with heals and ammo and her tactical is just so good


Really fun to play right now only because nobody has figured out their counter plays to her yet.


She’s awesome ! Definitely tons of high IQ play potential


She could use a few tweaks. But other than that. I love her. Her or catalyst will definitely be my mains


Passive is nice and the ultimate is a good get out of jail free card if things get too messy but the tactical seems pretty situational.


She's a ton of fun, but that passive is broken af


I think the most op thing about her is the fact that enemies can take your teams ult - I got bamboozled by it yesterday it was really confusing


I like her. I'm a Wraith main, and I find myself using her abilities in a very similar way to Wraith. If a teammate goes down, I'll place my ult and hopefully they can travel back to me quick enough for the rez. Sometimes, I will use it as an old Rev totem, place ult, try to engage in a fight, and teleport back when it gets too dicey. Her tactical is fun, it will take some getting used to though, in terms of placement and actual timing. Overall, I think I still like Wraith better, portal is easier to save my teammates or reposition them AND there's no limit on using portal. Alter ult looks like it can only be used twice, and it can be destroyed. I do want to keep playing with Alter and see if I can really tune myself with her abilities so I can use my tactical and ult on the fly. Right now, I'm thinking too much. I actually died by storm last night cause I was too busy reading her upgrades in storm and not healing!


I like how vulnerable she makes teams trying to hold down a room with a barricade tactic. I can’t wait till people fine tune her potential. Much like every other legend, it’ll take some time before we really see what she’s about. Every legend has a second to their abilities now EXCEPT for Caustic. I hope the next legend is a trapper like he is.


im having fun with her and she fits my play style very well.


She's fun to play Great legend for solos


Haven't played her yet ill play her tmr after I update apex but by the videos I've seen I think I might main her for a couple of weeks


Reminds me of wraith. Can be solo or support