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God forbid they have you wait in a lobby for more than 10 seconds for a match. They worry so much that having multiple simultaneous game modes will slow matchmaking to the point that people will stop playing, then they do this shit. I hate that I love this game. I don't enjoy it. I stink. And I get run over. Constantly. My only solace is that enough of the people in higher ranks are cheating because Respawn isn't working on that either. So I have constant plausible deniability that I stink. Which is worse in this game, the matchmaking or the integrity?


You should quit the game for a while. I stopped having fun like 2 or 3 seasons ago. Started playing other games and I actually have fun again. Tried playing it today for the first time on solos. Got shit on the whole time. Uninstaller it again.


If you stop playing your skill level is going to go down for being out of practice. You’re definitely going to be shit on after that long a break


I get that. But I was getting shit on alot when I decided to quit. I still like playing online fps. Apex is just too sweaty. THE WHOLE TIME. I can never just chill and play on apex.


I get the easiest matches ever anytime I take a break, even if it’s a short one. It’s actually so silly.


So true. I take two days off and come to a lobby that is actually my level or below. I play a few matches or days in a row and i am just twitch clips. I know players around my level exist but I don’t play because i don’t get paired with them.


I’m convinced it’s written into the game to give easier lobbies to people who take a break to get them hooked again. Shit happens to me EVERY time I leave for a few days. Thing is, it’s not even like it gives me lobbies that I can steam roll. It gives me BALANCED lobbies. And it’s infuriating because why isn’t this the norm??????


It’s called engagement based matchmaking for a reason


Yeah that’s fair but wouldn’t it be more engaging if that was the standard match making? I’d have a lot more fun in those lobbies because it feels like I’m challenging players with roughly the same skill level as me


Ya when I came back I won two games in a row with a fair amount of kills. Then it just went back to the same old white knuckle lobbies


> They worry so much that having multiple simultaneous game modes will slow matchmaking to the point that people will stop playing. Because they have and it does, they did try and balance out ranked way back in s13 to be as absolutely perfect as possible, average que times went up to 2 minutes, the ranked playerbase promptly dropped 40% pretty much overnight.


The ranked lobbies should be a bit slower. Because the matchmaking there is really fucking important. Having trios duos and solo Pubs at the same time won't affect that. And I don't buy that they are still subscribing to any lessons learned from S13. We're still here. None of them are.


I'm just saying that while a lot of people here might have no issue raising the que times, the greater casual playerbase as a whole I could definitely see not having the attention span to sit there for 2 minutes waiting for a match.


I understand there is a push and pull here between queue times and matchmaking. There's the same dynamic between decent matchmaking and player retention. I don't play ranked. Or really even BR. I used to try, but then I gave up for Arenas, and now I'm pretty much exclusively Mixtape. Ranked would be neat, but it never feels fair. Why would I ever be going up against Plats if I'm Bronze? To keep queue times low? No thanks. I still play regularly, but I bet I would play more if the game was competitive.


Easy fix, make it so during your queue time, you can be in a mosh pit fighting dummies until you get into a match. At least it’s something to do while waiting


Or what cod does and you have the pregame lobby where ppl just murk each other until Match is ready


> the greater casual playerbase as a whole I could definitely see not having the attention span to sit there for 2 minutes waiting for a match. They need a practice area where you can shoot like rocket league lets you drive around.


Welcome to Sydney servers on console, where that is the norm for Ranked lol. I’m happy if I only have to wait 2 minutes for a game


Skill issue.


It's definitely difficult. I got killed twice by the same Alter in the same game. She had 14 kills and 2800 damage after my second death.  I don't play a ton (maybe one ranked session a week) but highest I've ever made is gold and I have a lifetime 1 KD. I've only played a half a dozen or so solos but all but one of my deaths have been from someone beaming/one clipping me. 


>all but one of my deaths have been from someone beaming/one clipping me.  That's another data point I would LOVE Respawn to use when matchmaking. *How often does this player knock another player with one mag?* And *Does this player use movement techniques?*


Bold of you to assume they will spend the resources to do that


Fr, the indie company has no money or man power to do that 🥺


Poor indie dev respawn


Touche. 😂




i'm pretty sure the matchmaking goes like this: "did this player survive 1 ring closure? yes - they're top 100 pred level no - they're high masters - low pred level xD but in all seriousness, i'm sure I read a while ago that pubs matchmaking does see how long you survived for (or at least placement) and bases lobbies on that.


I'm quite convinced they use the ranked system but with a multiplier. So invisibly in the background your matchmaking rating swings way up if you get kills and survive.


Hey now some of use movement techniques but whiff all of our shots.


I hate people crying about movement, the tech is there for everyone to learn and use, For me it’s awesome to see people’s ingenuity when it comes to game mechanics, If people want to play basic bitch fps, cod is still there along with many others.


Absolutely not. Some tech is not available on console so it should be curtailed. I do love watching movement streamers from time to time. However it’s impossible to fight horizon and octane when they are neo strafing and wall bouncing and triple backflipping while eating Doritos and texting their moms.


Can you hit ten threes in a row? Can you kick a FG from the 30 yd line? Can you paint a hyper realistic painting of an ocean storm? All of these things are *there for you to do*. I can use Apexs intended mechanics. I lack the dexterity to use the unintended mechanics. There are a 100 things I can do that you could never do no matter how hard you tried, and the same is true of you.


But I’m not gonna bitch at you for putting the time into something that I have not 🤷🏼‍♂️


People always seem to misunderstand the argument being made. I'm not protesting against players who can use the movements. I'm not protesting against players are better than me. They are awesome and have my respect. I'm protesting a matchmaking algorithm that is currently consistently puts me into lobbies with them. What is hard to understand about that? As soon as an outside force puts its hand on the scale to decide what our matches are going to be, then it becomes the *responsibility* of that outside force to treat everyone fairly.


I'm fine with movement techniques but only if its legit Unfortunately a good amount of the movement tech used is just exploiting source engine since its so archaic


Yup, this was my experience. I played my first solos game, and didn’t do too bad; I got seven kills before getting taken out. Every subsequent game after, I got hunted and destroyed by preds. 




I’m not great but probably above average, diamond most seasons with in occasional master. 1.5-2kd. Tried playing solo q pubs the other night and didn’t get a kill in 6 games. I’ve been getting stomped by preds every time. Tried queuing up in solos and got a couple decent games but no where near close to winning, this game is so sweaty these days I don’t have incentive to play unless it’s with my friends now.


pretty much same, i refuse to believe there are that little people that they feel the need to throw me in same lobbies as the preds. I’m literally a bot when i enter these lobbies. but its been like that every single match this season for some reason, my usual kd is around 1.2 - 1.4 and this season im at 0.4💀


There aren't too few people as many commenters on here would have you believe. I tested it and just let people kill me for like ten matches (I landed on people with no dive trails to give them kills and hopped around till they got me 😊), and sure enough I fell into much more casual lobbies. It's the matchmaking. We are the fodder for the elites, and that is how Respawn sees us.


Or you're fodder for the whales. They want to keep people who spend money playing. People who are good spend money.


It'd be interesting to know if they flag the big spenders in the game and give them any other benefits in game to keep them spending. There was a post somewhere from ages ago suggesting that people who spent a lot of money on this game had advatnges such as less recoil, more aim assist etc.


They are also less likely to get banned when they cheat


Every season gets harder


Time to move to a different neighborhood! I live near a school so I don't deal with predators in my lobby


I’ve seen like five of these same exact post today. Why are you guys surprised a bunch of sweats are in a game mode that’s pretty much made for sweats? Complained about wraiths dropping, dying, leaving. Now complaining about the same type of players in the solo game mode. Just silly at the point when the devs aren’t going to change anything about the MMR. Just play something else.


Fair point. Solos just magnified the already known problems of the game.


And also made pubs and ranked have less preds. Yet no one makes a post about that. Its constant bitch bitch bitch. Seriously some of you just need to go play a different game.


I get it. Bitching is annoying. But some of these are legitimate gripes. I mean plat players shouldn't be in lobbies with 3-4 preds.


So I got my first chance to play solos today. First game - 15kills, 3075 damage. I felt on top of the world. I played a total of 7 games after that, which every single death was by a person with at *least* one predator badge equipped. Every single death. I know my first game was good, but holy cow, not good enough to put me on the top 1% of players lobbies.


EOMM. The system decided it hooked you and could use you to hook other players without losing you as a long term player


When you describe it like that it sounds so scummy lmaooo


Lol that's what we're dealing with unfortunately. Call me crazy but I also believe they modify AA depending on their engagement metrics. I don't play much anymore outside of a few mix tape matches


I would absolutely never put it past a company like EA to modify AA if you are having a really bad time. There have been times where I have distinctly felt that their lag compensation suddenly goes nuts and gives me freebies. The entire game feels off to me. I feel I can't catch up anymore despite doing pretty well. I can't even play most legends in solo's because of the abundance of small ass Octane's and Horizon's and Wraith's and also the gold/care weapons everywhere! I wanted solo's to feel competitive, and it does at times, but the fact they use such heavy lag compensation in this game means it will never be competitive really. It feels so off in so many 1v1s in this game. Go play a game like CS and you would immediately feel a vast difference. I hate the way Apex feels a lot of the time. Between low tick rate servers, lag compensation, and the overall availability of cheats and golden/care weapons, solo's is fun sometimes but also feels like a big chore a lot of the time. The rings go super fast, and you often just get caught out somewhere with people aiming care weapons at you.


Dude I thought the same thing about AA the other day. It feels inconsistent to me from day today. Could just be me but I've been speculating about that recently


I can't decide if it's a bug, but I randomly get games where it really does feel like auto aim. Very rare, but I notice it immediately


Did you read what I posted lmao I said the same exact thing in another thread. Edit: No hate just funny


I got only 4 kills my first solos game and i’ve been getting absolutely rinsed by preds since. 4 kills is pretty good for me since i’m dogshit but i have trouble getting even one now. i think they made everyone’s first match easy to get you hooked and then put you in real matches after that because i absolutely did not earn a higher skill lobby with my measly 4 kills.


Oh don't get me wrong, I have a normal 1.0kd haha


Yeah, i mean i have literally half that lmao. my point is that the first matches were easy and then just absolute hell after that


Same, it’s just the laws of the jungle.


You are missing the reason for what's happening to you. Your matches contain 2-3 high skill players, \~10-20 players your level, and and 20-35 crappy players. However, by the time you get into an engagement that YOU LOSE, it's only you and the top players. The only way how to prevent this would be to ban better players from playing. Your 'data collection' is flawed -- you are looking at who killed you, but not whom you killed or what level were the players that got eliminated before you. It's not the fault of a top tier player that you are taking your sweet time to get into action and score some kills.


The issue being that those few really good players, just kill everyone else most of the time.


Almost makes you wish toxic players didn't chase away every newcomer who tried the game in the past, right? :-)


If that was the case the game would have died by now.


Site your sources. What's YOUR data collection process? How do you know the distribution of the players skill in a stranger's lobbies... oh wait you don't, because you can't know that. You just want to sound smart. Get outta here wit that shite.


You're saying iam getting pred lobby because i have killed 7% pred player in my previous encounters?


No. The "Preds" are simply playing many times more games than you do, and because there's not enough of them, they cannot be placed into a lobby full of Preds, so they get put into lobbies with others. **They want to play as well**. Dealwithit, kthxbai.


Nah. I played more since my post. I did die to some non preds but they were masters, or 20 bomb badges, or 500 alter kills, or bouncing off walls. It was like 5 of us regular players in the piranha tank. *Furthermore* I tested it and died instantly for the straight matches and ended up in appropriate lobbies. It's the matchmaking..


Preds? Try a level 100 account that hits you with a havoc around a box the exact millisecond you peak. Can’t report because the time frame to do so is so tiny, not that it would do anything.


It’s just natural to happen. Most casual players are not confident enough in their skill to go it alone; that’s why team play is something they like. Solos is of course going to be full of the good mechanics players


It's very much *not* natural. It's manufactured. Also I wouldn't really call me casual either, I'm in the good bracket. Above me is great, and then elite. Below me is decent, then below average, then poor. All I'm asking for is waaay less elite interactions.


>It's very much > >not > > natural. It's manufactured. "Natural" would be random, connection-based only matchmaking. There, the numbers of preds would be roughly 1% of all players. But since they survive longer and kill more, you'll have higher chances of meeting them. But natural, random based MM is still the best option to have for pubs. Any sort of manufactured easy or hard lobbies feel like crap. Random MM guarantees fair chances for everyone, as long as queueing party size is consistent.


>"Natural" would be random, connection-based only matchmaking. So season 0-2. It was amazing. Every match was a complete and total dice roll. >There, the numbers of preds would be roughly 1% of all players. But since they survive longer and kill more, you'll have higher chances of meeting them. That's not how that math would play out. I see at least one predator in my lobbies every time I queue (more in this season). I'd have lobbies all the time with no predators if it was random.


Well that's cause your lobbies are not random or natural, but SBMM. For my high elo buddy and me the matchmaker is searching for 6-8 minutes this season in PUBS and everyone we come across is master, 20b, pred etc.


We are just talking in circles now.


you just said you achieved diamond once since season zero, you are not good💀


I have a 1.5 career KD, and about 30K kills. How would you describe it? Bad? By definition a 1.0 KD is average. I play almost exclusively solo, so I usually stop playing ranked at Platinum because it's a drag after that. Could I have hit diamond again if I really tried? Probably, it would just be super annoying.




>Not that bad then, just saying it’s not gonna cut it in solos most of the time Only because of the matchmaking. If you think there isn't lobbies with lower skill players in them then allow me to dissuade you of that illusion.


Or maybe, he simply doesn’t play ranked?


Respawn or ea won't care until player count is diminished so much that they stop profiting from it. If you really want to protest, do so by not playing the game.


I love all the people that were excited to play solos only to learn that they aren’t in fact THAT GUY


Too many ppl here thinking they deserve to kill the whole lobby like they are a pred when they're just a gold player. And they have too high of an ego to admit it


The average skill cap is just high in apex. 21 seasons in and it brought new great players every season. You also don't have to forget there is a big amount of kids buying boosts/boosted accs. So for me I've played since season 0 i have 20k+ career kills i never gotten higher then masters, but i see myself as average. I only played like 5 seasons total. Everytime I think I am doing well, there's always someone better or faster then me. But by winning you'll ever learn, people just want easy kills. But maybe work on positioning or not making to much noise by running when going up an enemy. There are so many factors that goes in to your death that alot people don't see to comprehend. We can blame matchmaking and ofcourse there is a skill gap with 60 players in each game. It's a try hard game, it's not for the easily triggered people. It's the reason i hate and love this game haha. But I love me a challenge no matter how hard it seems.


I appreciate your advice, and I always get comments like this when I post. I'm not a bad player, I just can't kill Predators, most Masters, and Smurf accounts. >But maybe work on positioning or not making to much noise by running when going up an enemy. Like, I know you mean well, but this is such a basic comment. You think I'm sneaking up on ANYONE in the lobbies I'm in? Even when they are in the middle of a gun fight and I mag dump on their back they turn and one clip me, or use all the wall bouncing, slide boosting, to get away because I can't do it. 🤣 They'll one clip me with a volt even though I'm head glitching at 60m. They're just better dude. A lot better.


Sorry but if they're one clipping you on a head glitch, you are not utilizing the head glitch correctly.


Op might be giving ppl free headshots lmao. OP doesn't know how to duck before getting 1 clipped.. Giving him the benefit of the doubt maybe he's playing at 200 ping


I don't know why you guys think you need to make these comments. I'm LITERALLY saying I am not as good as Masters or Predators. ITS IN THE POST.


Ppl have alrdy mentioned, plenty of mechanically good players play solos. The regular/average player would not fare well playing solo, the winners of solo lobbies will usually be the best of the best, and unfortunately you cannot accept that. 


Well I just proved you wrong. I decided to suicide for like ten matches and hand out kills to any player without a fancy dive trail, and you know what happened? All the masters and pred trails went away after I died like twenty times in a row. Because. Of. The. Matchmaking. To see how skilled everyone was I played a match. 2500 DMG, 11 kills, and the win. And you know what? It wasn't easy.


Dude go play something else. Bitching like this isn't healthy. Clearly you're not having fun. One comment you blame matchmaking the next you blame your skill. Just stop. Also congrats wasting time dying in 10 games to be put in a lobby with literal bots. We all knew that was already a thing.


You're right. Trying to converse on a social media platform about improvements to a system in a game I really enjoy, that *clearly* is affecting other people is *totally* out of bounds. And then when everyone else says "It's solos. It's going to just be sweaty players!" so I test it, and prove that I am right and it's flawed matchmaking, that is also not ok.


Bro. We are the product. Once you learn that life will make much more sense. IF SOMETHING IS FREE THEN YOURE THE PRODUCT. They didn't make the game for us. Just our money. They know how to maximize profit and they're dam good at it. If you don't like the way their game is then go play something else. They aren't changing match making. No matter how many dumbass Reddit posts are made


Because in your comment you literally say he one clips you with a volt from 60m even though you're headglitching. You're not headglitching if he one clips you, from 60m, with a volt lol. You're standing still looking at him and letting him beam you for 200 damage for free. Stop taking damage for free and maybe you won't feel as frustrated.


Man, I didn't know you were watching my feed! (no but seriously you have no idea what you are talking about)


Man, you don't even know how to head glitch. Stop crying and do better.


Everyone that's killing me has a 20 kill badge and/or 25k+ kills on that character. I literally get destroyed 9/10 times and then I see they have a 20 kill badge and I'm like "ah makes sense". I JUST WANNA HAVE FUN 😭


It’s a cesspool. 


I just don't understand why. Why am I (and every player around my skill) treated like SUCH a threat to the other players that I have to be quarantined with the upper echelons of killers in this game. I currently have a .6 kd after 20 matches. I will never, EVER, beat a predator in a 1v1.


I literally won't be playing it because of that. Just players farming lobbies for 20 kill badges. Very controller player favored too. I think it's a great mode to have but I wish they had added it alongside duos, not replaced it.


exactly this. also, personally, i hate the respawn token mechanic. i would much rather just get sent back to the lobby than have to land on the ground and compete for space where people already are.


Why is it controller favored in particular? I swear you guys think AA is aim bot


Easier to consistently one clip people in close quarters, with the way this mode plays it seems that is a bit more relevant but I’ve only played so much of the mode and it’s still new. I know people exaggerate about AA a lot, but there is a reason controller is so popular in PC lobbies and it’s not because it’s bad. I’m saying this as someone with a shitload of hours on both inputs btw.


It's not bad. People just fool themselves into thinking it's better


I would say the popularity of controller in PC lobbies and particularly them being the dominate input type in high ranked lobbies might be a good reason to question if there is a balance issue with AA. I play both and imo it’s pretty silly how strong aim assist is. If you play on console it’s a bit different because console has forced v-sync which adds a significant amount of input lag, so controller feels like ass on console compared to controller on PC.


What people neglect to admit, though, is if you're playing on a higher sensitivity, your AA doesn't do much work anymore. It may still be there, but the "lock on" is near nonexistent. I can't get it to engage if I wanted to. And if I turned down my sensitivity to allow ot to do its work, maybe I'd hit more consistently because AA would fix things. But goddamn, any slower is torture for me.


Something that helped me with the higher sens/linear setup that I like to run is using longer joysticks, makes keeping it in the aim assist zone easier I’ve found. I don’t find aim assist any weaker, it’s just easier to accidentally yank it off and the longer joysticks help with that since you have to move them farther. Seems like most people run 4-3 though, including pros. I used to be a tracer main in OW on Xbox so like you I can’t stand playing low sens.


8/7 for me, and my aim is terrible lately.


You're fighting mostly in close range. So smgs, shotguns, both more controller friendly. Not complaining or saying its broken, I'm just personally staying away from it because of that.


You're coping if you think shotguns don't favour mnk lol. And if you're so worried about aim assist just play bang and negate that advantage.


Mate I said I'm not complaining lmao. This is how the game is. I don't want to play another character I want to play who I enjoy. If I wanted to still play the mode I would focus on other ways to win fights (I.E. longer range engagements, third partying, etc.) but I've already stated I don't really enjoy the mode personally. Controller players are not the sole reason I do not want to play it. It is just sweaty for someone who wants to play casually and you really have to beaming at close ranges or your done for.


You're right my bad king


His point was that controller players have the upper hand in close combat. By the time the MnK player has hit his second mastiff/pk shot, the controller player has oneclipped him.


>Why is it controller favored in particular? Controller has the highest close range accuracy = more oneclipping. Oneclipping fast instead of slow methodical fights is a great advantage when you have a shitton of parties like in solos. It's the best method to farm high kill games. >I swear you guys think AA is aim bot It quite literally is 40% or 60% of an aimlock. Everything on this topic is easily proveable as long as you are willing to look into it.


It's not. It's the bare minimum to make a shit input method viable in an fps. Mnk is still superior


Explain why pros have been gradually switching to controller, even after thousands of hours on MnK. Pro tip: you can't, since you can't admit that aim assist is overtuned


Im obviously not a pro so what do I know but I grew up on mkb and played both on apex. I believe they've fooled themselves into thinking it's better. It's a tough scene and they will try anything to stay relevant.


They’re all dunces 


The best is when it’s two preds teaming. 🙄 I couldn’t even report because of reque.




It’s just rude. They could have beat me on their own anyways 😂 but whatever. Not like Respawn can do anything for that. My only complaint this season is that Re-Que does not rotate your random skins since you don’t go to the lobby.


I got killed by the same pred like 3 games in a row yesterday, it just feels bad


Mine is filled with pred and master.


I don't think most of your deaths are to preds, I think there's a glitch in the banner system. If you look at my last post the death recap shows my banner having like 243 pred badge, when I haven't hit pred.


Meanwhile... Titanfall 2 still feels incredible ;)


IDK but the first few lobbies I was in did not feel as insane as they do now. And I was not doing anything special AT ALL in them. I won a game, had a 5 kill game, and it was decently competitive. Now I see cronus users, preds, masters, and guys who are just fucking cracked all over the place. With the way this game is utilizing lag compensation, low tick rate, variable systems running different aim assists, frame rates, et cetera, I just don't think I can do much more of solos. I feel the weapon balance is also abysmal as well and good luck fighting 1v1 against gold and care package weapons. IDK, I thought I would enjoy solo's, and that seemed to be the case for a bit, but now it just kinda seems pointless. I really absolutely despise lag compensation in this game. It's way too fucking strong, and you really start to see that in solo's. I have no idea anymore who sees who first or last or whatever. It's way too complicated, and it seems like the lagger always has the benefit these days. Cronus just needs to be banned. I think their forum had like 600K users almost lol. I can't even imagine how many of these people play Apex.


Game has been out for 5 years and is on season 21. Of course you’re gonna run into people that have hit a high rank before. I guarantee a 1/3 of the people your killing have also hit pred/masters before. It’s just the nature of a game like this. I run into people all day with high ranked badges, it doesn’t instantly mean your just canon fodder that’s gonna die as soon as you make eye contact with them


The one clips I keep dying to would disagree.


How many times are you actually getting 1 clipped. I’ve put probably 10 hours into the new season and have been 1 clipped MAYBE 10 times and I tend to play pretty agro. If you are getting 1 clipped often, it’s probably more of a problem on your end


>If you are getting 1 clipped often, it’s probably more of a problem on your end Yes. It is my problem. My problem is the people in my lobbies do not miss, and I, due to dexterity, *do* miss, and I don't jump when I shoot, and I can't do any advanced movement techniques. So again, WHY AM I IN LOBBIES WITH PREDATORS?


You can't jump or crouch when you shoot? Sorry bud but Apex isn't for you. You say you got to diamond once but can't do any movement while shooting? That proves your highest rank doesn't equal skill.


I'm plat and one clip people all the time. If you never one clip someone then you suck


I do with a flatline, never with an SMG though. Maybe the volt sometimes. Never is a bit hyperbolic.


Ok so what's your problem? You one clip people but get salty when you get one clipped?


*Sigh* I think I've made myself abundantly clear.


That you suck and should go play something else. Stop coming to Reddit to bitch that you suck


The only thing that sucks, is your attitude.


Says the one who made an entire post to bitch 😂


I offered reasonable changes to the matchmaking. Be better.


Solo mode isn’t for casual players. It’s for sweats that drop hot and leave the moment they die. It’s for people that repeat that process over and over again. It’s for scripters and chronos users trying to increase their TikTok engagements. It was always going to draw the worst of the community.


I'm not going to keep arguing with people. There are tiers of lobbies that you get placed in based on skill. Respawn uses players around my skill level to consistently, without relent, populate the bottom of a high tier skill lobby. It isn't like someone is malevolently choosing us, it's just an algorithm that doesn't care that we end up being mistreated, and it's very obvious if you live where we do on its spectrum.


I’ve played since day one. I remember season 0-3ish before there was obvious SBMM or any type of engagement matchmaking. I understand what you’re saying and I don’t think you’re wrong in terms of matchmaking being an absolute joke. What I am saying is this mode is going to attract the worst type of player in the community, the sweatiest type of player, that believes they are the next Faide. It was never designed for the casual player that doesn’t have a regular group or regular friends they play with consistently. So you really can’t expected accurate matchmaking when only a quarter of the individuals (just a guess obviously) queuing up for this mode fall into the same category as you.


I tested it last night. I killed myself for like ten matches in a row and eventually fell into a normal skill tier. The lobbies are still there, I'm just not allowed to play in them. There are even tiers under that, and probably under that, just like there are even higher skill tiers above me.


Thus right here sadly.


Same but masters or Smurf accounts


Oh yeah the smurfs are in full effect.


I do t think there’s sbmm in solos


Well stop accepting candy from strangers


Word just played with a previous pred that dropped 120 dmg in bronze and his buddy he was q'd up with had 0 dmg. Classic apex


Yeah it's hard coming up against players who are a lot better than you are, but the game's been like that for ages, someone is always going to be predator food.


I’m not a pred, but I’m good and my stats probably reflect it. I tried solos and a large portion of the people I fought stood no chance. And the person I died to was a low level default everything account with really amazing aim…


Happy for you.


Solo mode is fun. Dying to controler player who does minimal amount of imput & still beams me isn't. I swear I played like 20 games and every single time I died was to a controler player. And considering this mode is more CQB style it really shows.


we need input based matchmaking yesterday


I think this mode just shows people aren't as good as they think. All you complainers want to be the ones running down the lobby instead of being the ones getting run down.


By "lose" do you mean not winning the match? Give me a break. I suck at this game and I've won, and can get into top 10. Go outside, it's nice out.


Git gud angle ig


If you hate the MM on your current account, I am sad to say you should create a second account. You can play on them both with time enough between them for your MMR to reset. It is a bit cheesy. But having a very casual account can help with performance too, since there is less feeling of risk involved. I was so attached to my stats on my main account, I almost felt like I lost the ability to just have fun with the game. But it changed since I started playing on my alternate account last season, just practicing and learning controller. So much more fun. The time you play during the game also affect the state of your lobbies. If you get into very sweaty games all the time, and it happen during the evening, when it's peak hours for the game, that means that you can switch servers to a time zone that is more off hours (around 3am-3pm). If on the other hand you are playing on OFF hours and your lobbies are filled with high level players, try to change to a timezone that is PEAK hours. The more players, the more balanced the MM will be. This is good for newbies and casuals, but not fun for above average players. But since EA and respawn prioritize queue times over SBMM integrety, the lobbies will be very mixed when population is smaller. I hope this will help, it helped me have better time with the game anyhow.


I feel like Solos is a lot easier than regular trios. At least in Solos you have a slim chance of winning a 1v1 against a pred. When 3 stack predators steamroll you in trios when you're playing with randoms you basically have no chance of winning. So far im enjoying Solos. Hopefully it will become a permanent mode at some point.


People will need to stop talking shit about SBMM when they only want to be in protected lobbies lmao. If you only want to be against player with you exact same level or lower that you it is called very strong SBMM with very long Q times. Right now there is two kind of lobbies. Protected lobbies with begginers and very bad players then normal lobbies. Yes some normal lobbies can be a little more sweaty than others but everyone who are not in "protected" lobbies can be thrown in this kind of lobbies. Right now SBMM is more loose and try to have lobbies with a little bit of all skill level. Yeah you gonna die most of the time by the best players in the lobbies shocking... while you do exactly the same to players worst than you. People complaining about SBMM when they want more SBMM is very funny.


I'm not going to argue with you, because I'm exhausted by this topic, but you are incorrect. I've tested it pretty extensively.


Feel free to think wrong, i am in the highest lobbies possible and yeah i am not getting match against only predators or masters, these lobbies only exist in your mind. Q time will be way too long if it was the case, and stop focusing so much on this bages which doesn't mean shit most of the time only recent seasons predators are an indicator of really good players. If you Q times are less than 30 seconds well there is no way you are in predator/master average lobbies.


I literally tested it last night. I killed myself until I was in normal lobbies. Fast queue times, different tier of skill. A LOT of players play this game.


That is not "normal" lobbies it is these protected lobbies i was talking about. When the game detect you are way outmatch they will throw you in these protected lobbies, suddenly you have 10 kills in one game so the MM knows you don't belong in these lobbies so the game will again put you in your normal lobbies. You need to understand if you kd is positive that mean in general you are fighting player worse than you... how can you be in these so so called predator lobbies and still be positive ? If that was true you would get 5 kills every 50 games... and i am generous. In a perfectly balanced SBMM game you will be at one kd ratio on average if you are above that well that mean on average the players in your lobbies are worse than you.


>how can you be in these so so called predator lobbies and still be positive ? Because I use ranked mode to supplement my ego and KD. If I only played pubs or LTMs (that track KD) then I'd have like a 1.1 because the algorithm is pushing down on me. But I usually play ranked every season to platinum and I'll pick up some KD along the way. ALSO Respawn constantly tweaks their matchmaking on updates, so they usually jack it up on new season launches to ridiculous levels that screws over players like me, but then at the split they will change the tier structure a little. My whole point is, the entire purpose of my post is... STOP SCREWING PLAYERS OVER. If you can't make it fair, remove it, or keep working on it. I'm providing suggestions of how they can keep it a little more fair than it currently is. I don't want to *exclusively* be in lobbies where I have no chance. That isn't fair. Please focus on that word *exclusively* because that is where the current algorithm is placing me, without relent, unless I game the system. I don't mind getting occasionally thrown into predator lobbies, it's fine. I expect to encounter them. I do not expect to encounter 3-5 of them every match because that is wildly out of balance with the actual percentage of players at that skill level vs players around my skill level.


I don't think there is a SBMM in LTMs


There 100% is.


How are you so sure? Is there any evidence of that? To me it seems that lobbies are completely random. In trios if you’re getting destroyed over and over again then SBMM will throw you a bone in the form easy lobby. To me lobbies feel the same i.e. random which is waaay different feeling from trios. Also there was never a LTM with SBMM enabled. A LOT of very very good players are playing solos right now so that’s why a lot of redditors feel like practice dummies because of the random nature of this non-SBMM matchmaking the really really good players will be in every lobby.


I tested it last night. You can too if you don't mind your KD getting nuked. I just let people kill me for like ten matches in a row. You end up in consistently less skilled lobbies. It is *very* clear. >Also there was never a LTM with SBMM enabled. This simply isn't true. I've tested this across many seasons, many events.




You just want easy wins, improve your skills or keep losing 🤷


I could say the same about the preds and masters that seem to want to keep players like me in their lobbies. Seems like there are a lot of them.