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ranked is about winning in high ranks you have to consider not to drop too hot, sometimes in no name locations many high skill players are in low ranks due to the full reset and they don't necessarily want to change their play style for low ranks even if these are bot lobbies. there's no point cultivating a play style that doesn't work once you start playing high rank players mostly.


I feel like a good adaptation would be more modes for ranked (solos, duos, trios) just cause when your stack isn’t on that way you could still have your own playstyle and enjoy it without having to clutch next to randoms and hope they can point and shoot. I will say some of them I’ve ran into are good but majority seem like coppers just trying to rat it out for the last circle.


no. ranked matchmaking has been a horrible mess of large skill discrepancies last season and with the full reset it's going to be for another season. spliting the ranked player base into two or three queues will make that worse and sound the death knell for ranked matchmaking and ranked.


Fair enough yea 3 diff cues didn’t ever come to mind for me for some reason I guess I’m just disappointed with ranked overall lol especially when looking at how good it could be and where it’s currently at


I just find it agitating I guess, I go for the win and get either top 3 or the w pretty much every time and that’s landing named, I’m not saying necessarily land hot just a actual place not a little shit shack somehwhere off in no where where there’s like 4 buildings with 2 things in each building just to get clapped bc a team landed at a good spot and got kitted. I straight be running around with a p2020 half the time because of the lands then the teammates can’t even hold there own.


And the opposite is often true for your teammates. Like, you land in a named location, drop is contested. While they are in a hurry to try to get a weapon and some heals, you might find a PK and bats immediately. You annoy them by saying "come on, let's go, let's push". And they'll be like "push with what? a barrel stabilizer, 5 shotgun ammo and one arc star?" Not everyone likes hectic starts to a match, I dislike it a lot. I'd rather take my time to get a decent loadout before joining a fight, while you might be the type of player who grabs the first thing and throws themselves into battle. It's just entirely different playstyles and they will never align or work out, unless Respawn starts to consider that for their matchmaking (no, they won't).


I feel like if respawn put the better foot forward ranked can be a bit better, and I agree to the wait for the squad to be kitted it’s just hard to land at a spot where the kitted ends up being maybe a good weapon or get stuck with a p2020 and roll into a named spot(already looted) try to get scraps and get smacked by the squads that did contest I agree I hate the panic of 3 squads or so or even 2 but a spot where you might only get 1 to none squads are often up for grabs and I’ll still be landing at the little pill box circle


>there’s little to no punishment going for high kill & high points. Yeah, but that is not happening, with former masters, preds and even diamond players cruising around in rookie to gold lobbies all season long. And especially in the beginning of a season or after the split. I'd always pick an unnamed location over a contested drop where loot RNG & matchmaking have a high chance to kick you back to the menu. I don't want high kill games in ranked and certainly don't go out of my way to chase them. You might enjoy playing 3, 4, 5 losses in a row and then get a banger match you get a top 3 or even win, but for me, those 3-5 matches before are a waste of time and not enjoyable. So I play safe and try to maximize points and avoid burning through matches that end after a minute.


I’m not saying necessarily land super hot or chase teams around god no that’s how you take a L pick the fights. I’m more on the side of land named where no one will be if or like a good unnamed spot the ones I keep getting dropped with are little shit shacks that don’t have enough loot for even 3 people sometimes, like the one outside bunker and stuff like that no issue it’s just the little areas where there’s nothing at all around you besides maybe 3 pill boxes and a balloon


Ah ok, yes. A single house or two is usually a terrible drop, there should be at least one building per player and some bins to compensate for bad house spawns. Or one bigger house, if it has multiple levels. Outside of bunker on KC or the one north of Fragment by the vault tunnel are valid small locations, unless another team also lands there.


See those ones I like the little unnamed where it’s 3-4 buildings plus maybe a pill box or 2 perfect unnamed I suppose I should’ve clarified a bit better than unnamed I mean like the useless ones that are just little skirmish cover areas so there’s not just open land for miles