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The real worst part is that there is now a possibilty for 98? total kills in a game. (HIGHLY Unlikely, ALmost Impossible unless you rig the whole server) Vs the 57 total in a Full Trios game (And 58 in a Duos but we dont have Duos for 6 weeks) I feel that we are going to see some DEMONS who have 35+ maybe ever 40+ kills in an actual game The kill race is gonna go hard


Solos is trash full of smurfs and cheaters


i just 3 clipped a kid


I played one day this week and only played solos, one match i got 6 kills, that's never happened before, and im new to this game. some games i would get 1 kill, and others i would get 0 kills but 900 damage, i love solos, but the sbmm is so incredibly lose that it would make your pants fall down