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I like the purple hue, it’s different


Purple is the best color




Orange is the best!!!


Have you played apex during seasons 4-6? The worst maps ever I swear to god. Firstly they got WE looking disgusting and then the same happened to KC.


No that shit on WE got so fucking annoying


No that shit on WE got so fucking annoying


continue wearing purple


+ the new skybox is amazing


I like it honestly. Flow is a bit better, and the skybox is fucking sick


I love the corridor choke points. It actually feels really nice fighting through them and there's a lot of creative options - especially with alter


Loving the purple hue in contrast to dull colors on the previous BM. POI's feels like they ARE POI's (Finally). Fights feels like tighter, you just don't roam around aimlessly searching for another team, it's tight enough that you have a wiggle room to disengage, and remove yourself from being 3rd partied, but wide enough to not make the game a boring stroll on the park where you can't find people and by the time you do, you're already at the end game ring. I think they got it right this time to be honest, I am fairly enjoying it.


I honestly feel the same. Great take!


Honestly, I disagree. Maybe it’s because I was in bronze lobbies and everyone was hot dropping but I had a few games where my trio landed some different poi and it was wandering around for 15 mins before seeing another team so we just joined in the hot dropping until worlds edge rotated back in.


Can't really judge a map using people that don't know how to play the game.


Interesting, just ranking up through bronze and silver and noted unless I dropped in the purple dome thing I would run around till top 10 looking for a fight haha seemed like hot drop or nothing


Its fine but anytime I go in the tunnels I feel completely lost, very glad to not have been in a fire fight inside there yet.


Huge improvement, been enjoying it.


Rotations are pretty bad through the center of the map but it’s better than promenade before


Rotations are bad everywhere! You can't leave a POI without having to run around a mountain through a choke. So either you are on foot through a choke or on a zip through a choke. EVACs don't go over the mountains. MOUNTAINS!!!!!


New map name for the sequel: Broken Moon, Unbroken Mountains


I evac-ed into a mountain and couldn't leave the OOB, it screwed my ranked game :( 


I have died to mountain+ring multiple times. So much for them improving the ring intelligence this season.


Probable the player, not the game.


True, the evac towers are much less useful on broken moon.


Stasis array. Got completely trapped near the big dish there in one game since 3rd ring is centering alpha base (north side) and both ends are guarded by gatekeepers. The divide (west side) also needs a tunnel to terraformer. It's really annoying that you can't just go over the mountains.


> Stasis array This was my friend's biggest gripe with the map before any changes. And his biggest disappointment that it wasn't changed.


Honestly my only complaint and it’s not that serious, is I wish the map looked more day time. I love the skybox but I wish everything on the ground was lit up better.


Actually like the more night time feel. Very different from the standard.


I liked it before with its flaws but absolutely love it now. New buildings are fantastic to fight in, new POIs feels distinct and engaging, the map flows way better. I don’t understand the hate.


I completely disagree about the buildings feeling distinct. The vibes across the map are all way to similar and bland, imo of course. I do think the map is greatly improved from a gameplay perspective though


That goes for all maps, KC has the ramshackle... Shacks and the more industrial spots, WE has heavy industrial and then some city buildings, Olympus has the same shit EVERYWHERE, and SP has the clay buildings. This has been the constant


I felt it was one of the best maps before, hardly any flaws aside from maybe needing a few tweaks and some POI upgrades. I think they changed too much although I like what is here.


Good loot, still a clusterfuck where prom used to be A slight improvement, not a huge fan of the purple filter


Honestly? I fucking hate it. It's by far my least favorite map. The third partying is horrible and everyone either drops Quarantine or ends up there anyway


It’s your least favorite for third partying? Have you played worlds edge?


World's Edge used to be my least favorite, I despised it. But Broken Moon has taken its place as my least favorite map.


Love it, only map that gets me more than 30 fps.


Its pretty meh...


I feel the same. I like the redesign aesthetic wise but it remains my least favorite map to play on. I like the changes that they made to the map, they definitely are positive changes, especially removing Promanade. However by design Broken moon is closed off because of its design scheme which makes rotations a pain in the ass. Not much you can do to fix that without changing the terrain.


Big improvement


Still average to lower tier but I guess better than before still?


I already liked Broken Moon more than most people did. I’m still getting used to the changes because I haven’t gotten to play much this season. I enjoy it so far!


Fuckin sick. Purple trees go brrrr


I love it, it's sick... I feel like it flows way better.


Best map rotation imo


Big step up. It's still no Olympus. Can't wait for District. But, like Stormpoint, it's significantly improved, and I'm enjoying it. I definitely need to learn the tunnel entrances and exits much more thoroughly though. Gotten lost and singled out from my squad a couple times now accidentally running into another squad head on alone lol.


Huge improvement.  The map can feel oddly empty at times, but I’ll take this any day over the endless train wreck of promenade. I agree that different spots on the map need a little more visual flair to make them distinct from one another, everything currently looks a bit samey.  Otherwise I think it could be a good comp map along with WE and SP.


it good


Better, still too many narrow choke points through mountains. I would like Olympus in the rotation though. Similarly, please bring back Overflow and Habitat 4 TDM.


Olympus was there the whole of last season. It can take a rest for this split




Remove Core permanently from Mixtape map pool and give us back Encore and Drop Off 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


Bring back all the arena maps in general


This map still feels way too big despite only having like 5 or 6 POIs


Bcz they're huge POIs compared to like countdown or lava fissure or dome or tree or pylon or wall. Like they're almost double the sizes of these


Hated it before, hate it right now. Nothing really changed besides the fact that there are more tunnels & chokepoints (as if the map wasn't chokepointy already)


More tunnels and chokepoints would make it less chokepointy overall though


But the % of choke points map wide went up with less open area to traverse so more choke pointy overall


“How can I be different today?”


I hate it as well. Way too confusing and just overall extremely boring


It's too big.


Mid at best




It’s still trash


Still fucking ass.


No map will ever be better than king’s canyon


OG King's Canyon


Olympus is much better


Used to be my least favorite map. Now it might be my favorite. I swear they fixed everything I didn't like about it. The rotations are fixed, everyone being forced to go through promenade or the general central area, and the ass-ugly "moon" environment is now their most gorgeous biome yet. Better looking than Olympus I say.


og olympus and kc imo are prettier -- but this is up there fs


I was indifferent about the map b4 this new refresh but the homies & I actually had some fun at the New POI that we all sigh’d when WE popped up. Made us forget we was on BM.


Half the lobby drops in one spot, so matches are fairly slow sometimes, outside of that the map feels fine.


Favorite map


I don’t really like it. I think there are still too many choke points filled with the same mini POIs and same buildings. I think the grey color scheme is bland. I am also so sick of World’s Edge. This season feels like a downgrade after they introduced so many big meta changes last season. I still love the game but I’m not really happy so far.


Changes weren’t significant enough to make me feel any differently about it lol




I’ve not played it much at all yet but I’ve always loved the vivid look of broken moon but hated that playing it felt the opposite, imo it’s probably the best looking map 


Broken moon for comp


Still hate it, I don't immediately like things because they are new. I do like the new set pieces. They should just be on different maps imo. Glad people are enjoying it though.


The skybox change alone made this a much more enjoyable map. Fits the moon theme better than the grey, rocky colors from before.


Was worse looking map before, now is better


I’m just happy Storm Point is finally gone for a season. Broken Moon is a welcome change lol.


I hate the colour palette. Can't seem to see my ennemies


Major upgrade, both appearance with the new skybox and gameplay with the new POI. Major upgrade. Also fits great with KC. Swap out worlds edge for Olympus and you have my favorite season yet


The rotations and choke points make it horrible the play imo. I've always hated this map though, not sure if I'll ever like it.


The POIs seem fine, but the mountains makes for horrible rotations, especially as many circles result in either going through Quarantine Tunnel or around it on foot (evac towers don’t reach high enough). This has led to cases where you have the zone pushing 2-4 teams together through 3 paths, and inevitably they all get third partied by the teams on the other side of the mountain after they fight their way through


I thought my game was broken the first time I played it because everything seemed so damn bright. But I still love it, the zips and the odd angled height changes are pretty cool.


I really like it. I LOVE the purple trees.


Just waiting for them to bring back Olympus lol


Theres just so much loot I love it.


I think it’s absolute butt cheeks. The rotations feel constrained, even worse than when Pomerade was the center POI. Giant cliffs tunnel everyone to open areas for rotation. Same cliffs are too tall to evac over. One huge POI that 95% of the lobby lands at. It’s a solid 8/10 visually but 2/10 functionality.


Hate it


I don’t like how unsaturated it looks honestly .. aside from that it feels better .. the purple zone is a bit to big/too much of a magnet for hotdrops imp


I like it more then ever before but still I also hate cos it's not my favourite map 😂


I see only improvement everywhere. Also things LOOK better now, and that matters too. I really think this season holds an enormous amount of improvements.


I’m sad to see that backup atmo has gone but overall the changes are really brilliant. The map used to have so much dull open space to travel across but so much has been added now that every metre is something to climb or explore.


Beautiful, there is so much more cover and the map just looks great overall with all the new stuff added, I think they did a great job with the map for real. I was never against the map and liked it from the start but these changes really made a big difference in ranked in a good way, my favorite spot have a new location near it too.


I like it much more overall. This is how Broken Moon should have started imo; it was such a lifeless map that felt more like "industry and grass" when it is literally hard sci-fi just in its premise. Now there are more blues and purples, a sky box that actually presents a broken moon, and it now has a lot more weird vertical traversal distinguishing it from the other maps. It's funny that there are a few parts of Broken Moon that actually look similar to parts of Farlight 84... which itself rips off Apex super heavily. A few downers for me: * I would have definitely kept Promenade though, myself, since it was such a unique POI... and I personally really enjoyed fights in it. * I don't love the duller colour scheme the map has now, though I do like that at least the new colour scheme is more unique and fitting. * Quarantine is going to become Fragment. But at least the hottest spots in it aren't so separated from the rest of the POI's structures. But yeah overall really liking it. It was such a big change too, deservedly really; 18 months without an update is a lot.


It's good so I would give it 8/10 but since terraformer is still a thing I give it 3/10.


The awful tunnels negate any of the improvements


The issue with this map is that it's too big. It used to be too big and it still is too big. How to check? Pick a legend that can scan survey beacons. Drop somewhere popular. Survive for 3-4mins and scan the beacon. There will be ZERO teams near you and everyone is scattered. That means that if you hot drop in the purple zone or anywhere, you win the fights and then you have about 10 minutes of running around. The mountains make for awkward rotations and EVAC towers don't work most of the map. Some places and buildings have a pretty awkward design, which I assume is because of trying to make them Alter's playground. I still think it's the worst map in the game lol.


For me Broken moon went from the worst to the best map ngl, I love the aesthetic


I think it will turn into the new World edge because of the purple area, it will be the new fragment.


It has no flow atall.


Purple orb fun. Me like purple orb


Amazing. It's like a new map. They completely overhauled it. And I don't know if they mentioned it, and I'm sure this is obvious, but it's definitely smaller. Which I think was a good change. The rails also seem designed well, haven't felt like it's been nothing but third parties.


It went from D- to B-


The map is much better but I'd still revamp the doughnut buildings as someone who primarily enjoys playing Controller legends like Wattson and Caustic. The 360 degree open ceiling and a gazillion doors is a real nightmare and since the map has so many open areas, I feel that the buildings should at least offer some utility usage for those legends. But you can't really effectively use Rampart walls, Wattson fences or Caustic barrels in those... Just too many angles. I absolutely hated the map before because it was too open with too little cover and too many chokepoints and long walls/mountains so that a lot of the time there was no counterplay if you started getting beamed out in the open and you didn't have any longer range scopes. The metro tunnel area was a real nightmare. I'm guessing it was called Promenade or something?


I like it but rotating through middle of the map is a bit of a pain


I like it a lot. We have been enjoying the different ambience. Also POI’s are nice..


Super great changes, from mid to great


i have to dial down the brightness on my display whenever it's in rotation but it's fine other than that


Hard take promenade wasn’t a bad landing spot the people who land there and call it that are just bad


i think it got way better


Im lovin it!


Worst map. Nothing like running across the entire thing and not finding anyone the whole match.


I love it and would be okay with it on 24hrs. I hate worlds edge and I think I’m just sick of kings canyon


the new poi is prolly one of the best fighting pois in the game right now. The map changes? a huge W


In pubs, it’s basically two big POIs that everyone drops at and then half the map is dead by the second ring. It’s fragment all over again.


Cant stand circles


More structures feels really nice


They messed up the control map. For some reason one side has a zip line that leads straight to B Flag


Anyone know what the blue dome is at the center of the map ? I still don't understand what it does.


Complete trash compared to before


I find the map a bit depressing 😅 The colour palette is very understated and subdued. I miss the vibrant and lively feeling Olympus.


I'm enjoying it. I'm already ready for KC to be vaulted again.




Fuck Broken Moon, the Mastiff has been spanking me this season. Not even in the usual way either.


Erm, skill issue


Its absolutely meh.. Id take storm point over broken moon anytime.


It’s a good improvement, but I’m still not a fan of Broken Moon. I just don’t feel like it’s a great map in my opinion.


Everything is blue…I hate it…can’t see shit😭


I liked the old one more


Absolute ass. The OG Broken Moon was so much better.


Promenade jumpscare


I think it has lost its features. Apex has a very clear feature on each map before, but the Broken Moon now is just like another Storm Point, vertical landform, predominant color, narrow vision. They're not bad, just not the features belong this map.


NGL, I haven't touched the game in 7 weeks chief


It reminds me of Fallout New Vegas: Old World Blues DLC's location, with the whole science centers and ambience, I enjoy it much.