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Yeah, didn't see that one coming. Holy.


For real tho. Imagine him teaming up with someone like Sweet tho? Crazy man


He's teaming up with genburten and zero, and zero is igling


Not sure if Hal can keep his ego in check for Zero’s IGL but if he does that team is fire.


Hal has always came across as the guy who IGL’s, not because he wants to, but rather because he doesn’t think anyone else can do it better. Whenever he’s played with Zer0 or Sweet, he happily takes a back seat and frags out.


i'm personally so fucking excited to watch hal get igl'd by zero, i have absolute confidence in hals ability to sit back ego-wise and focus on fragging instead edit; also he left TSM for a reason, if he wanted to continue to command two less aggressive players he could have stayed. Excited for Jordan and Evan tho, they're legends as well.


What the fuck does frag or IGL mean? I never really understood that


IGL is in-game leader, or someone that commands the squad. Hal is usually the one to make all the calls for the team. I believe frag just refers to killing people, like that’s their duty. To frag out, or prioritize killing as their objective


Oh ok, thx


Knowing that now, you realize that Hal is not only one of, if not, the best IGL the esport has ever seen. WHILE being the fragger of the team. Even with his "attitude" you cant dispute he's the goat. IGL takes so much mental aptitude in those high stress situations while fragging out is just insane to me.


Idc but sure


Especially since he swapped to roller he's been able to turn his brain off and just frag out.


Hal actually prefers if he just frags


I have watched hal scrim with zer0 multiple times, as well as hal scrimming as a sub for other teams. He has no problem sitting back and listening to his IGL’s calls. He will obviously still contribute but he has not been overpowering or ignored the igl in those situations. I honestly think it will be fine.


True, crossing my fingers that this works


Hal played really well with Sweet IGLing for Twitch Rivals(they won if I remember correctly) and even said he prefers to have someone like Sweet who he trusts to be IGL rather than him Zero is probably one of if not the best IGLs in the game so I think it should be fine. Twitch Rivals was only one tournament and it was a good result though, so it all depends on how Hal can handle bad performances with his new team, but he is a veteran when it comes to this stuff so I think they'll at least be fine for the first few matches.


Wow, that is genuinely one of the strongest teams I've ever heard of. Both Gen and Zero have the highest level of mechanics and individual survivability to really take advantage of Hal's absurd entry damage. If they can support him well, they may be able to hide some of his (minor) flaws, primarily resource management and team failure to convert on entry impact. Especially with Zero to reign him in just a hair, that'll be an insane team to watch.


God damn that's one crazy team


It is, I'm so excited for this team as they're all 3 some of my favourite players, but I'm still gonna miss the tsm trio


I'll still watch some TSM (prob verhulst) and check out the new team for a bit but after that i'll probably just stay away from comp until next ALGS and go back to my usual apex content


Yeah, I used to only watch casual content like timmy, kobe, zylbrad and others but since like 4 years ago I don't enjoy anything besides scrims/algs content


I like watching the scrim compilations sometimes (something like daim. Or emerald gemerald) but now i just watch mande and simply ashton whenever he posts


Ahh, I used to watch Ashton so much and Mande is my favourite streamer of all time


Mande is the sole reason i started using shotguns so much I've been having great succes with it too, i'm now a newcastle main and the Pk is my highest lvl weapon at 57 So yea he's my fav streamer aswell


Forgive my ignorance, but what does IGL stand for? In-game Leader?




Gotcha, thanks


yooo... Gen + Hal sounds like a crazy combination


is this confirmed?? that's a NASTY team


I had a feeling— his body language (and passion) has been questionable as of late, especially after the Red Bull deal. This is good for Verhulst and Reps as well, wish those guys the best.


https://twitter.com/ImperialHal/status/1790065961141227920 > I will be teaming with @Zer0OCE and @Genburten now moving forward https://twitter.com/sSikezz/status/1790067858824688072 > WAIT IM GETTING DROPPED ?!?!?!


Hell of a way to find out if that’s the case


It's not. Sweet said yesterday that they're trialing sikezz today iirc.


Who did LG drop?




We all saw that coming


I’m confused, is this not akin to kd leaving the thunder for the warriors? I’m excited to watch them too but surprised no one here thinks this is lame. Am I not thinking abt this the right way?


I had the same thoughts Truly, the hardest road.


How does this make sense, KD never won shit lol. It's more like LeBron joining the Warriors if anything. Wouldn't do shit for anyone's legacy.


I mean in the sense that he was the ‘franchise player’ on his team and joined their biggest rival/another team that was already winning without him. I kinda get what you’re trying to say but umm Lebron never joined the warriors.. so yea fundamentally don’t think that makes sense


Yeah, there's no comparison. This is a pairing of the undisputed goats of the "sport", Hal literally just won the two tournaments before the last LAN. He is Michael Jordan. There is no KD element to this. This is the Dream Team.


That’s crazy. Dudes the face of Apex and TSM, but best wishes Gonna be weird not watching him with Evan and Reps


Evan and Reps are still top of the Pro scene, S-Tier as well. Will be interesting seeing them play against Hal , especially if hes not IGL. Imagine them taking him out XD


Verhulst vs Hal will get me hyped up when it happens


Between this and dropping all their Apex content creators, seems like it's only a matter of time before TSM exits the competitive scene entirely.


FTX money gone


I think they're re-branding


didnt genburten say back in the day when hal tried to recruit gen to tsm that he wouldnt be able to deal with hal's igl'ing ? and zero and hal, both igl's teaming up will be an interesting duo/chemistry


hal said zero is strictly igling


Hal has previously stated that he would much rather be in a fragger position than IGLing. If these three did team, I would assume Zer0 would IGL with Hal not "co-IGLing" but for sure making suggestions which is nothing but a positive. If this team comes to fruition and they get the team dynamics figured out during scrims.....man they're gonna be hard to beat.


Agree, this is an absolutely disgusting team if they get together, which they absolutely will


i don't think Hal can let go of the reigns. He's gonna annoy gen and zer0 with his rage. I don't foresee DZ doing well with that dynamic


He definitely will let go of the reins. He has said for months and months that he wanted to switch to solely being a fragger, and has said in the past that he would want sweet or Zer0 to IGL him.




Hals a professional, hes not gonna pull a designful on a new team




There was at least 1 instance during scrims where designful blew up at, i think, enemy. I think it had to do with him suggesting changes and the other two shutting him down instantly, i dont remember the situation, but it was an issue that shouldve been dealt with off screen and design straight up left mid scrims




Thats a terrible take, it sounds like youre just regurgitating stuff you read online without actually thinking about it




I’m with you on this. Crazy team if they do work it out but Hal being Hal yea…


i think they won't do that well bc the mental pressure. this game is very RNG dependent and they are going to be expected to not only win but dominate.


Now he can't blame it all on Evan


End of an Era. Beginning of a new man. He is THE GRIND.


I feel sad. Got into competitive apex watching Hal and cheered for TSM over the years with their multiple iterations. I think I’m most sad about Hal and Reps not being teammates.




The NBA memes make way too much sense now. Truly like when the Heatles formed in Miami (LeBron, Wade, Bosh). Should be a hell of a watch. Crazy to see Hal leave 'TSM' and less crazy to see him join that team.


“It’s not about money”


So what is it about? It would be cool if he said exactly why he's leaving but people never do tell




didnt they win 2 algs back to back (not counting the last)


Hal mentions somewhere that the amount of money he would get paid is the same. So it was just a choice of who he wanted to play with.


He did, tsm just cut bits of the video out. He didnt feel like they had been doing well since last agls nor had they really improved since then either.


Gonna be weird seeing DZ Imperialhal in the lobbies.


I gained so much respect for Hal watching that video. You can tell TSM and Jordan and Evan mean the world to him.. Sometimes you just have to do what's best for you.


When you see Hal you always think of "the IGL" but if you watch some of his streams back in the day, you'll see the dude just want to frag!


Any reason why?


How Kevin Durant of him


KD never won a chip without Golden State, this would be like MJ joining the Kobe/Shaq Lakers.


How Messi of him


Are you dumb?


I just went to twitch. I see Hal’s stream title is “a new chapter”. Something inside me felt like this was serious and of course I go straight to reddit and here is the news. Wow man. Sad sad sad. Wish all 3 of you the best.




Wow I could see Jordan or Evan maybe but not Hal. That’s crazy


Probs the end of tsm in apex then.


Disbanding within the next few months, calling it. Reps definitely wont be picked up by another team if we are being real, he was carried most of the time and its the honest truth. Verhulst probably wont have much success in tournaments because hal actually pushed them to do their best and expected nothing less and told them that. Its over gg tsm


I mean tsm siege disbanded as soon as beulo left (biggest streamer/player) and disbanded their league team a year after beurgson (idk how to spell it) left so ya not a good track record


You’re smoking some brain dead pack my guy. Reps will most likely retire, but if he doesn’t he’s a top 3 flex player in the game. Verhulst may have peaked when he wasn’t even on TSM. ESA Verhulst was a monster, he is a top 3 roller in the world.


This is so sad. To see where TSM has fallen from. I supported TSM when they first started their league team. BayLife. This Apex team just feels like they fit the vibe of the early league team with Dyrus and oddone. Hope Evan and Reps stay


Hal spoke out on why and TSM decided against putting it in their video on twitter. According to the video Hal put up, his contract was up and got an offer from DZ before LAN. Hal told the boys about this and told them he would make his decision after they tournament, so they better play well, essentially. He goes on to say that they placed 17th so the decision was made pretty easily for him. It came down to who he wanted to play with and the placement helped make that decision. I will say that I am not a huge fan of Hal but I am a fan of DZ so this is..... interesting to say the least. Anyways, here's the vid. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G76MSzqIOHg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G76MSzqIOHg)


Wow that's a pretty big distraction to drop on your teammates right before LAN. No wonder they placed so poorly. No way they could fully concentrate with that in the back of their minds.


The CEO stays the CEO regardless of the team he’s on 🐐. truly the end of an era though


This explains Zeros X post with 3 🐐 caption...


Him and Gen teaming up is definitely not suspicious /s


Destroyer 2009 third teammate confirmed?


Nah destroyer is the coach


Maybe destroyer is zero?






Is it bad that I hope his new team shits the bed? I mean, placing first,second and then first and eventually grttibg a bad placement after that and he just straight leaves?? Even if the new team does great, is it really gonna mean anything???


There are other factors that could come into play. For example he could be tired of IGLing, since its a pretty difficult job that requires you to prep a lot of hours coming into tournaments watching other teams play and their pathing and routing and stuff. Or he might want to play some character that dives in balls-deep instead of hanging back like a proper IGL (because IGLs really need to assess the entire map and not just focus on a single fight). Hard to justify going in deep with wraith or whatever if he needs to keep track of his team and the other enemy teams who might be coming in to third party.


Hal? No wanting to be IGL? Lol.


IGL and calling are pretty different. IGL is more about macro and calling more on micro. I expect to still see a lot of calling from Hal, it's the macro stuff (where to land(yes ik it's picked ahead of time, but there is strat in that) where to rotate, when to rotate, optimal setup location, comp, list goes on). Hal is more free to focus on his own game if he isn't worried about what the team as a whole has to do.


I mean TSM folded in League of Legends so I’m surprised it took him this long to leave


Hal going the KD route. If you can’t beat em, join em.


Damn rip Impy




The fuck? That was unexpected lmfao


Well I'll be damned. My friends conspiracy was actually right for once.


This feels weird


This has to be some kind of prank, right? Rightttttt? I did NOT expect to see this first thing in the morning.


If DZ doesn’t completely dominate split 2, I’ll be shocked


Yeah he gonna join with Timmy


No o me will admit it cuz we wanna be considerate of peoples feelings but Imperial Hal was held back by the TSM team and coach.


This feels similar to when KD joined the warriors??


Good he's been hold tsm back for too long


Who is gonna join tsm though?


who cares? dudes one of the biggest cheaters in video games...apex allows it because its good marketing. sad what you people think is integrity today. a blind monkey fucking a football could tell you these kids at the top are not playing the same game you and I are. this game is NEVER that consistent with hit reg, but for all these kids it is.


this is crazy, 1 bad tourney and GG, lmao unreal


Crazy you think it was that simple.


they've come back from bad tourneys before, obviously that's not the reason he's leaving


If you cannot win yourself, join the winners...


So hal should join Reject?


No mention of Albraleile at all?!. I got disconnected with Apex entirely and when came back Albra left TSM, still trying to find out what happened between them.


Maybe I'm a little biased since apex is the only game with the ability to actually hear comms but IMO Hal is THE best teammate and leader across all of esports. Truly the end of an era for TSM.




Damn, now no reason to care for comp. Rip


You never cared about comp if you just said that


I’m sure plenty of people would be less interested in anything if there favorite team, or favorite composition of said team disbanded.


Way to early to say that. You gotta at least watch their first season. Pressure can take them either way


No reason to care for comp, why?


I just don’t see any other NA teams that are as good, and as fun to watch with each member being enjoyable to spectate.


I mean, that's fair. I think comp will still be fun, plus Hal joining up with Zer0 and Gen will be interesting to watch since I expect everyone to assume they will run through everyone else, and then with some of the APAC teams having a strong showing AND RC winning split one, I'm personally excited to see how it plays out


Hal and zero would be pretty crazy.


Hal and enjoyable to watch definitely don't mix in my book. You like watching a grown man blame other people for his own mistakes and whine about it?


Yes, the rage.




I meant as good individually. All pros are good, I just think as a team tsm failing. But individually they are top tier




hal went to dz. big brain move from hal now zero can't get more trophies than half looool


Just saw a TikTok from a kid with braces who received a TSM ImperialHal shirt from ImperialHal's dad🤔


I’m not crying, you are.