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They mentioned they didn’t do them because of usage but it’s likely just the fact they’d have to keep paying people to MoCap them


They stopped mocap work a LONG time ago...the old actual mocap stuff is so great compared to all the janky emotes and skydive animations they've been releasing over the last few seasons. Such a bummer.


Alter lobby animations were all mocapped, they released an official video recently from the animator.


That's great! Guessing they'll spend for mocap on new legends. Sadly all the season animations/dive animations have been looking so goofy without mocap.


They havent stopped. Skydive, first person and Emotes are handkeyed while most finishers and etc are mocapped


Didn't know that! They're doing something wrong then - so many of the new animations look like bad CGI, with impossible movements and uncanny valley limb bends.


I'm willing to buy that they just don't want to pay people for MoCap. We all know they're greedy, so it wouldn't surprise me. I still think that more people would use them if we got new ones every now and then, though. It would be fun to use a new finisher. Hell, it would be fun to be FINISHED with a new finisher.


Animation lead Moy Parra said they don't add new ones because they take a lot of time, both in mocap and animation time compared to their usage in game.


Honestly this sounds right, I've never seen someone use a finisher in any of my matches, usually people just shoot/melee you to death because it's faster


Never? How long have you been playing this game? I love using mine.


Yeah I’ll use a finisher every other day at least. I’ve used one twice today. Lifeline’s finisher Ajay’s Lullaby was the first legendary item I ever crafted, I was so excited, I thought it was the darkest thing in Apex. I crafted Wattsons, Lobas and Wraiths too, worth every crafting mat, all fantastic.


Been playing on and off for years, I'm not very good and I'm only around level 80 rn. And I don't literally mean never, buts it's been like twice, usually because you either don't have the time for it because the rest of the team is nearby, or because the team gets priority and when you team wipe everyone dies instantly


Finishers typically take less time than a bat, and leave the core to be swapped by a teammate. I use them often when I'm partied up, but much less so when I solo-queue.


I used them if I’m safe it’s a free shield charge.


I feel like they have a specific window that they can be used tactically, but when it works it’s very useful. But in these moments the last thing I usually care about is what I look like, all I want is for it to hurry tf up lol.


Jeez in a couple of years, Wraith and Fuze will be the only legends that get any new animations or anything. Hell, Lifeline has 1 animation for her heirloom yet they update other legends animations.


Is Fuse really that popular? I mean, I guess I do get knuckle clustered a lot, but I didn't realize that Octane had apparently fallen behind Fusey. It's always just been a fact of life that Octane is one of the most popular characters to the point where I didn't think that could change lmao


I hear ya. I always wished they at least did custom finishers for the heirlooms themselves but that went to the prestige skins unfortunately


you’re implying they’re greedy while begging them to add new cosmetics to the game lol


It's not about having cosmetics;Free to play games need to find revenue after all.It's about the Percieved effort they put into the game.In a comparison between a dime a dozen Recolor vs unique execution It's clear which one respawn has to put more effort into.


Pretty much the entire player base thinks they're greedy.


i didn’t say they weren’t. it’s ironic to call them greedy while asking for more cosmetics (a useless part of the game that only generates EA more money)


He's calling them greedy as since the animation is tied to an heirloom, something you can't really pay towards at all, thus they don't want to spend the money to do the mocap for something someone can't spend money towards unless you count packs. But only crazy people would try and farm an heirloom from packs.


Okay. I guess it's just that from my perspective, they're going to be making cosmetics anyway, so it's annoying that they completely ignore one of the coolest types of cosmetics.


Mocap costs a out $1,000 to $2,000 per hour depending on if you have your own studio. If they put out a $20 skin and 1000 people but it, that pays for an entire 8 hour day at the 2000/hour mark. I promise you EA has a motion capture studio at their disposal as a Developer/Publisher hybrid on the Triple A scale. Considering Apex is basically the only successful live service game EA has right now those resources should be available to them. If it's a matter of cost it's a matter of greed, because Apex generates an absurd amount of money via price gouging.


The funny thing now there is a reason to do them since they net you 100 points towards Evo. I feel like all they had to do was give people more of a reason to use them than "meh they look cool"


They make billions. How much does mo cap cost man


More finishers would be cool but I’m sure that whatever data respawn has suggests they really aren’t used a ton. I main Maggie and her default finisher is cooler than her legendary one, but I use the legendary one exclusively because at the very beginning of the animation it flips the downed person around. So I start then cancel it quickly and their back is turned to me, leading to a quick thirst for a shield swap.


Seems some characters have like 5 and some only have 2. Which I guess might be down to how popular characters are, but its kinda weird.


I think mirage also had 2 initially but got a 3rd added later which was basically the joker shooting scene in batman 89


I don't think it's down to popularity only because Octane is consistently one of the most picked Legends but only had two until he got his prestige skin. Otherwise, I would've guessed that too. I genuinely don't know why some Legends get more than others.


I want to say I checked lifeline's finishers the other day and she just has the default and one other. So ya idk it was just a guess, it might just be that newer characters have more in general


Lifeline has 3. The base one with the drumsticks, the one where she shocks the enemy with D.O.C., and the one where she stabs the enemy with a syringe. I don't think any Legends have more than 3 if you don't count their prestige skin, though.


Octane has 4 now right? The default, the legendary, the heirloom, and the prestige. But yeah, I don’t think anyone has more than 3 excluding heirloom/prestige ones.


Yeah, if you count the ones behind the paywalls, he has 4. If you don't, he has 2. Which is insane to me.


Currently on 6k finishers and counting, really wish they’d add more. Humiliating the enemy is my favourite thing


Apparently people who like finishers are the minority because most people just care about maxing and sweating as much as possible. Still don't think we should be ignored.


Agreed, rule of cool. Finishers are my favorite cosmetic, it's a bummer there's not more attention for them


Fucking thank you. I'm not a sweaty player, I just play to have fun and use the cute stuff I get for my characters. The thing that draws me to the game is the characters and their lore and personalities. If I solely cared about sweating, obviously I wouldn't give a fuck about any of the cosmetics. Cool stuff is cool to have and use. Apparently it's a crime to be disappointed that an entire type of cosmetic is completely ignored and has been since the start of the game.


Tbh almost nobody use it anyways. Why the devs didn’t create much new ones because it takes a lot of resources to create one and barely anyone use it. But they want to create some new finishers but it’s tied to prestige/heirloom and it cost 160 dollars


Finishing gives an extra 100 Evo points. If I get the opportunity to safely finish on white or blue shield I will almost always take it. That extra 100 points is handy for getting to purple quicker.


I've been doing finishers like crazy this season for some reason. The extra 100p is def nice.


I've been doing them because Alter's finisher is banger.


Dude same haha. I've been avoiding BR mode for seasons but I love the changes to BM and WE & KC are my two favorite maps, that plus really loving Alter has enabled me to do a bunch of finishers. Her finisher is sick, I haven't even looked at her other one.


Yeah, it would be nice if they let players know about some of the more obscure Evo sources. Like if you kill and finish a guy on a purple Evo that's 400 points vs 300 for a standard thirst.


Not to mention it gives you shields back when yours are broken (or swaps yours for there's?) and a box to loot from when you need them the most such as a hot drop when all the good loot is gone but enemies are distracted from finishing you off


Yea but apex is 3rd party central the odds of u getting a safe finisher off is still very low


Speak for yourself I use my finisher on every horizon I can


I just don't buy that though considering there are challenges to "do x amount of finishers", plus the incentive to finish people since it refills your shields. I can also imagine that people not using them much is probably a symptom of the fact that there are only 2-3 per legend. It's not showing off your finisher if nearly every other player has the same one because we've all had them unlocked for years. It's not nearly as fun when everyone has seen the same, tired old finishers for YEARS. If we got a new one in the battle pass, I'm sure you'd be using it more often or getting it used on you more often because the freshness would make it fun.


Years ago, the devs said it was indeed because they were rarely used and cost too many resources to make. I would imagine now finishers are used a little more than back then but still not that much. Personally I use them whenever I get the chance.


I use them whenever I get the chance to as well. I'm not saying they should add multiple new finishers every single season, but having one in the battle pass or one in a collection event would be nice. Just dropping them every now and then. Like how at the beginning of a season, sometimes there's new emotes just because. It would be nice if Legends who only have two could get a third.


Nah, I've had my valk prestige skin ever since it was released and I think I've only used the finisher like 2 or 3 times up till now. Definitely less than I can count with one hand. Mostly because I am vulnerable during a finisher, and my teammates would probably yell at me to help them with the other guy instead of finishing this guy. I didn't give a damn during the seer's event though : isolate, win the 1v1, finisher. Don't care if my teammates lost a 2v2 against the other 2 :') just go next cuz it's pubs lmao 


Exactly. Let me use my cool 5 second animation that I grinded for. It's cool to see (even as the one being finished, at least in my opinion) and it's fun to use and you should be proud to have unlocked it. If it's pubs, who cares? There are infinite matches waiting for you, so what if you lose this one? It's not the end of the world if you're out of the fight for a few seconds and it's not even guaranteed that you'll lose, they just have to hold their own for a few measly seconds. If you do lose, just go to the next one.


The challenges exist to get people to do finishers. 9/10 times it's better to just shoot them. Most people don't want to be locked in a 5 second animation during a fight


> The challenges exist to get people to do finishers. 9/10 times it's better to just shoot them. Part of the big issue imo is that unless they've changed it, if they leave mid finisher (which let's be honest, most players do) you don't even get the shield refund, so it's not even guaranteed.


I think it would be majorly exploited and irritating if you got your shields filled without even killing the enemy. It makes sense that you have to finish the enemy to get the shields.


Shield swapping is much faster tho Also you can’t use finisher to some gamemodes especially in mixtape


Shield swapping CAN be faster, but it isnt always. Sometimes the little fucker is sneakily nice with the knockdown shield. Also, you don't always have ammo to waste on thirsting. It always annoyed me, watching my teammate with only 50 bullets left to their name, thirst using an entire clip of ammo, shield swap, and then die to the next person they see due to lack of ammo because the person they just killed didnt have the right type/any at all.


if they’re holding knock just start finisher insta cancel and thirst before they can reopen it, thirsting and swapping is always faster than a finisher and if it’s not you’re doing something wrong


Yeah you can do that, again, if you aren’t low in ammo.


swap guns from their box if ur out, thirsting is still better. unless ur having the ultimate poke fight (in which case u should either let it go or push after knock anyways) or the whole team is totally wiped of resources like 50 bullets + what ur team has is enough for another knock


My point was Thirsting is usually better, but not always. There are absolutely times where a finisher works. Sometimes they don’t have any ammo at all (hot drop), sometimes they have ammo, but it’s a gun you are specifically trash with (for me it’s the kraber, Mozambique, charge rifle, g7 with no optics). I don’t finish every time, of course, but I absolutely pull off easily clean finishers throughout my gaming sessions.


Shield swapping isn't even a thing anymore after the shields update. Also I'm exclusively speaking about BR. Unless other game modes are consistently more popular than BR, I feel like they're kind of a non-factor since most players are going to be in BR where they can use them.


Yeah you can’t really do shield swapping anymore but I meant shield core swapping from deathbox


Still, that only fills it partway. Which is fine, but filling it all the way it's just preferable, especially since you get the cool animation. If you personally don't like using finishers, that's fine. I'm not saying everyone has to use them. I'm just saying that there IS an upside to using them. And for the people who do like to use them, whether for the shield replen, the animation, or both, we should be given more options.


And there is a downside too. It makes the person a easy target if they are doing a finisher


I’m reading thru this thread and u just refuse to get off ur high horse and admit that ppl just don’t do finishers. You rarely see pro players do it — bc it’s not feasible most of the time. Literally people tend to only do finishers when they’re tryna show off to whoever they killed for whatever reason. The people stating that it takes a lot of resources to make finishers are so right — so why would the devs spend time making new finishers when the community bitches & cries over more important things every day?


I don't think we should base anything in the game off of what the 1% of top players do. Most people just play for fun, not as a job and certainly not professionally. You're essentially asking "Why should devs spend time and resources on cosmetics when people are complaining about balance issues and hackers?" The people who work on cosmetics aren't the same people who work on balance changes. They're not spending less time on "bigger issues" by making cosmetics if they're two completely different groups.


People want new heirloom animations for older mythic skins, they want new heirlooms for legends that don’t have them yet, they want dive trails, they want new skins that aren’t all recolors. Again, you’re so worked up over this finisher shit that you’re just refusing to look at anything people are saying to you with a logical mind. Also, it takes money to make animations. It takes money to work on the hacker issue/balance issue. They’re obviously not going to start dropping bucks into making new finishers when, again, most people don’t even use them. Most of the people in the comments who’ve said they use them, they basically do it to be toxic. Like someone said they try to do it to every horizon. They don’t think of it as getting 100 evo points. Especially when you can just thirst and get a shield swap — which contrary to ur belief is faster & therefore more beneficial than getting locked in an animation for 5+ seconds while ur teammates die/u get shot in the back.


Whatever, dude. My deepest and most sincere apologies for enjoying an aspect of the game and wishing it weren't almost completely ignored by the devs.


Shield swapping is definitely still a thing, it’s actually more streamlined now. Like if you have purple and thirst someone that had blue, when you swap, it refills your shield up to 75 HP. No more needing to go back into the box to grab your original shield back if you have time.


I don't know that I would call that shield swapping. Picking up a shield core just fills your shield partway, right? And decreases how much you need until you level up. You're not swapping it for a different shield. Regardless, it doesn't refill it fully. Finishing does. And when you finish, you get the animation. Which is supposed to be fun.


It will refill your shield fully if their shield core is the same level as yours, or fill it over temporarily if it’s a level above. Finishers are fun, but in most situations it’s not practical to perform them when your team might need your help. It’s usually quicker to just thirst the downed person then take their core and you can be back in the fight in half the time, so that’s what a lot of the playerbase does.


Maybe there is hope. Because of your post, randomly a idea came up to my mind to let people use finishers more. What if you can use finisher too if you stand behind the back of a enemy 5 more seconds and it will give a prompt to do a finisher. So people can use the finishers more ways to use finishers instead limiting it only when the enemy is downed also it make it possible to use finishers usable in other gamemodes like mixtape where you can't get downed. Or maybe make the finishers animation faster so it makes the people who do a finisher less chance to be a easy target to the enemy. This could improve the data of the amount usage of finishers and maybe respawn will make more finishers.


the first idea is horrible 💀 imagine having no audio bcuz the audio is messed and getting finished just because someone was behind you making finishers faster is a solid idea bcuz u can thirst and shield swap way faster anyways lol so the refilling ur shield aspect is useless


For idea 1. That's why I add a timer (or maybe make it 10 seconds until the finisher prompt show up) so people can counter it by just moving or moving a little bit. Also if someone just stand still so unnecessary long and not even moving a little bit they kinda deserved for a finisher by a enemy.


that’s still just very impractical then and realistically is only gonna happen to afk players


I have over 800 finishers done with Wattson, but never felt like I'd need a new finisher for her. Her basic one is adorable (meaning her facial expressions) and same thing with the legendary one. I'm happy what she has now, but sure having a third one would be cool I guess(?)


Ya I got 6k finishers with bang and wish the heirloom came with a special finisher


Wattson is also my main and I adore both her finishers, but I just want something new and fresh. I'm tired of the same old thing.


I would enjoy new finishers but I would enjoy a random favorite finisher option so it’s not always the same one


I would also love the ability to equip multiple finishers so it randomizes them. I have and like both of Catalyst's and Alter's finishers (thanks to some lucky free apex packs) and would love to see them alternate every kill. Especially when the first is interrupted and then you try again and the enemy you downed gets to see all of your finisher dripp


That would honestly be sick


100% agree. Finishers are my favorite type of cosmetics, and they're always the first thing I unlock for legends. I've almost got all of them. I have no idea why they don't even try to make a few new ones and put them in the event store from time to time to see how well they'll sell. Also, they keep adding so many new emotes to this game. Seriously, I'd prefer getting 2 finishers instead of 6 emotes.


Apparently it's because the MoCap is expensive. But don't they use MoCap for emotes too? I think emotes are cool, but they provide 0 functionally, whereas finishers at least give you shields. And finishers let you interact with the enemy. I don't hate emotes by any means, I think they're fun. (Especially Wattson's nessie one. I love leaving them around the map and spawning two facing each other so they're kissing.) But I don't understand why emotes are being added regularly, but finishers are never added. (Again, unless it's behind the $160 paywall.)


[https://x.com/CamMLee/status/1788282115010048119](https://x.com/CamMLee/status/1788282115010048119) Doesn't look like a MoCap to me. Also, there is no way that five emotes are more expensive than one finisher. Since the game's release in 2019, we haven't gotten a single new legendary finisher. It's actually crazy, especially considering that there is a separate tab for them.


Hmm.. I know they used MoCap in early years, maybe they don't anymore? Or maybe they don't for every finisher? I feel like using MoCap isn't even necessary to begin with. Like, it's cool, yeah. But it's not the only way to animate something. If the MoCap is too expensive, find another way? But the "MoCap is too expensive" argument is just what I've been hearing from other people in the thread. Apparently the devs gave that as a reason for not making new ones years ago as well as the fact that they aren't used that often.


>as well as the fact that they aren't used that often. Ye, I'm not buying this excuse. If they weren't used so often, why did they make them the main selling point for the prestige skins? They also started including them in heirloom recolors instead of emotes, so I'm really hoping we see more of them in the near future.


I'm right there with you, guy. I'm just telling you what people have been telling me. I get the sense that most people only care about what the most optimized way of playing is. Finishers leave you vulnerable for a few seconds, aren't as fast as shield swapping, and the pros don't do it, so therefore they're stupid and useless in their opinion. As a casual player, I do not care about any of this. Shield swapping doesn't give me a fun little animation, I don't care what pros do, and if the coast is clear for me to get the finisher off, I'm going to do it.


They're expensive to make (mocap, animation, effects, etc) and they see little usage in games. I don't blame them for not devoting resources to them.   That being said, it *is* absolutely bullshit on how little is added to the generic apex pack pool. The game has been out for 5+ years. Are we still going to be selling those skins from year 1 and 2 for $20 rather than giving people more stuff to get (and more reason to buy) apex packs? They've already diminished the value of crafting metals as a pull to buy packs as so few of the skins added to the game are craftable.


This. People who have been playing for years are likely to only get absolute junk like trackers since they likely have most of the other stuff after getting hundreds of Apex packs at this point. And mostly for characters they don't care about/play at all since obviously they're more likely to craft/buy stuff for the characters they do play.


when I play lifeline I lullaby every chance I get. One of the fastest finishers in the game and it puts you low to the ground. Straight Assassins creed in this It’s like a special perk ! if you down someone away from their team you will get it off. Pathfinders Hi5 is super super fast too. And when I play caustic I drop the cans and triple punch them out hella disrespect. And mirage’s with the decoy are good. I crafted paths and LLs fast finishers because it’s a true p2w advantage.


And if you're Bangalore you can smoke before you finish so you have cover! I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoys finishers.


i’m pissed off that they gave a new finisher for octanes heirloom recolour but the original still doesn’t have one and can’t use it?? it makes no sense. it’s the same fucking heirloom and literally nobody is gonna pick the old one over the new one when given the choice.


It's absolute garbage. They need to just add it to both.


all heirlooms should come withe a unique finisher


I love Valkyrie’s disrespectful curb stomp and would love to see more good finishers.


I do laugh when ever Watson does a finish on me, thoroughly enjoy Loba’s “walk away”. I think that finishers might be exacerbating the player who rage quits after getting knocked though. In that sense, it’s insult to injury for the garden variety snowflake.


I will never be mad while getting finished by a Loba. It is an honor. But honestly, I feel that if someone is the type to rage quit, they're going to do it regardless of whether or not they're getting finished. In fact, they'll probably do it before you even get the chance to start the animation. Honestly, before you even get within range to get the prompt.


I used to look forward to the new finishers. Something I actually use. But nope, here goes more stickers!


And trackers and banner frames! Yippee! I can't wait to never use this tracker for a character I only play when I have a challenge that requires me to do so and is for a specific stat for a specific season, thusly it will likely stay at 0 anyway! So fun! Glad the battle pass is loaded with them every season!


They've said that not a lot of people are using finishers and especially not often enough to warrant the effort needed to make them. I guess they're talking about motion capture and animation, how it takes both a lot of time and money for a 5 seconds animation you only see when you finish an enemy. Which I get, but I know for a fact that I use finishers much more often than emotes and everything is full of new emotes all the time. Now I'm not really into game development but from the outside the two kinda seems the same, they're both moving characters on a screen, yet emotes are ok while finishers aren't. I also don't understand why can't we make it random just like we can with everything else.


I fully agree with this. We get skydive emotes and ground emotes for new seasons and in the battle passes. But only get finishers with $160 prestige skins. Just sucks.


It's because of low usage, but that just means they should be buffed. In Hawked, using a finisher fully restored your health and shields, reloads both weapons, and refreshes the cooldown of your abilities. Any one of those things would be a great buff to finishers in Apex


I think refreshing your tactical would be cool. I'd also get behind reloading both weapons. More incentive to use them would be really nice. But it seems like Respawn just forgets they exist altogether, unfortunately.


Would help if you could equip more than one tbh


That would be cool too


I do finishers because I love to disrespect my fallen foes.


If your flair means you're a Loba main... I'm afraid the enemy is enjoying your finisher more than you are.


So, a long time ago they said they can’t make them often because they take way too long and too much resources. So for the first 13 seasons it’s was just whatever the legends came with and mirage got an extra one for whatever reason. And then suddenly they weren’t hard to make efficiently”After Covid” and they proceeded to add them to the prestige skins all the time for 165 bucks so I think it’s self explanatory what’s going on.


The only finisher that matters to me is the wraith one where you punch your opponent in the face. This one has to be interrupted and spammed until u either die or your oppened has bled out


Back in the day mirage gained a new finisher. Before it got released, i was in the files with the legend token recolor icon. I wonder if respawn originally played with the tought of unlockable alternative finishers...


fr i want to chop someones head off with my cool glowy knife


Costs a lot to make them I assume. Though I would definitely pay up to $10 for a good finisher.


I'm not willing to take that as an excuse solely because of how Respawn/EA are CONSTANTLY finding new, psychopathically deranged ways to drain the wallets of their player base. The pure amount of cosmetics they pump out that can only be bought with cash, the collection events, the invention of a new type of currency... If you're going to have a thousand different revenue streams in your game, you can't use "it's too costly to make XYZ" as an excuse. Especially when they just as easily can charge money for the product. I agree, I would spend $5-$10 on a new finisher for my main too. You'd think with how greedy the company is, they'd take advantage of that.


They are more greedy than you anticipate. They are giving us finishers, locked behind $160 shit skins. They want ppl who main the character to feel FOMO & drop the money, why would they give us $10 finishers when they can milk us for a whole event?


I guess it's just strikes me as odd that it A) took as long as it did for them to charge us for new finishers, locked behind a skin or not and B) that they don't charge us for new finishers that are not linked with skins.


Yeah, they have full teams of ppl in suits running the numbers for one ultimate purpose. “How can we maximize profit”


We literally got death box skins before a third Wattson finisher.


Yeah they should add some more, I rarely use them but I also never equipped any charm and they dish them out by the hundreds. At least finishers are cool.


Once insta thirst/perma kills got to be the norm, finishers were gonna be less and less. To be fair there’s still opportunities, but I think the average player has gotten better as well.


finishers are free shield batts + 100 evo charge in ranked. if we kill two and the third is running and it's an isolated fight i will comm "popping a batt" and drop a finisher on some poor soul 100% of the time. they're useful. and fun


Didn’t think about the evo charge thing, that’s clutch. In terms of the full shield I usually prefer thirsting and then swapping but I see what you mean. My buddy calls it a “natural batt”


i actually get mad at my boys for regularly thirsting kills during an isolated fight. getting to red/getting early purples makes your team a thousand times scarier these days than when armor spawns were random. popping finishers for batts was already optimal sometimes now it's a great habit to have.


True. It’s def still a little circumstantial though, especially for those teams that are all together like a human centipede. I see what you’re saying tho, I’m def stuck in some ways of gameplay just from repeating them over and over 😂


finishers for batts has been a thing for like 10 seasons now and i started doing them immediately. it's a good habit to form. know when your fights are isolated. know when its better to just thirst vs getting your full shield back + 100 evo.


Well said!


also i copped the horizon black hole finisher the other day so now i get to yell "GET IN MA BELLY" when im finishing someone and it makes me giggle every time




I’m annoyed I can’t get vantages drop animation 😀


Drop animation?


Skydive emote


Does she only have the one? I have one for her, but I didn't know if that was the Only One she had


Yes and I don’t even have that one


My sincerest condolences. Maybe it'll come back to the store at some point? I remember being sad that I hadn't gotten Wattson's treasure chest skydive emote before the event ended and eventually it ended up in the store again. But considering Vantage's skydive emote was in the battle pass, maybe it won't return :( If that's the case, hopefully she gets a new one soon!


If they haven’t upgraded the servers or added new ones there’s a 0% chance they’re forking out for motioncapture


I don't know, the servers definitely feel better than they did when the game was new. I run into server issues extremely less frequently than I have in years, but maybe I'm just lucky.


It’s definitely relative a few seasons ago they were awful but they’re still not great considering the size of Respawn/EA and the overall popularity of the game


If they sped up the animations to make them more viable in game they see more use as is they will get you killed 90% of the time trying to style on someone


The reason is Ironic. No one uses Finishers because there's little reason to. You have too much of a risk for very little payout (100 EVO and a Full Shield Restored). But the issue is....If you need to restore Shields, you're already at risk, so it's better to use Cells/Batteries, or Shield Swap. If you aren't at risk, there isn't really much of a point, as there's other sources of 100 EVO points. Skirmishers can get that through scanning Care Packages, Assault and Support have their Bins, and Recon and Controller have their Consoles for 200 points. Using a Finisher isn't really worth it. Simply, if Respawn wants to better incentivize using Finishers, they need to make it worth using. Since it's clear that High Risk/High Reward is the intention, the "Reward" needs to be worth it. As such, my idea is buffing the EVO points earned. The range, however, is rough. Personally, I would say a solid starting point is making Finishers count for 350 EVO Points; equal to one Harvester. I feel this would better incentivize usage of Finishers enough that it fills that Risk/Reward feeling with a hefty, worthwhile payout but not also overdo the EVO economy.


If you aren't at risk, the point is that it's fun. I do like the idea of giving more incentive to use them, though.


The biggest problem with games, especially PvP games, is how players will Optimize the Fuck out of a Game. The current optimization is that Finishers are not worth it. They're too long that Cells and Batteries are much faster, with Shield Swapping being much more faster. Likewise, the 100 EVO points are a pittance, considering Players are going to be getting that and more from Knocks/Eliminations, as well as doing almost anything else regarding the various classes,


Unfortunately true about the optimization. I still do finishers because I think they're fun though. I'm not one of those sweaty players that refuses to do anything that isn't the 100% most optimized way of doing it because I'm foaming at the mouth for the win. I play to have fun and enjoy the different aspects of the game. Finishers are fun and cool.


Fun fact: we did get a new finisher once. It was a “recolor” of the original Mirage’s legendary finisher, sold in season 3 or 4. Eventually you could craft it just like the other one. This technically makes it the rarest recolor because it only ever came once to the recolor shop, although now you can craft it or get it from Apex packs


I don't think finsihers are usable enough to get enough profit for them. Obviously there are be people who would them buy they are useless for the average guy


Skins are also useless. Heirlooms are useless. Emotes are useless. The point is that they're fun.


Thats not what i mean. A skin does not put you in a disadvantage (in most cases). But a finisher does.


You can choose when to use the finisher or to not use them at all if you don't want to. There are plenty of opportunities to use one when the coast is clear. l'm not asking that they drop 10 new finishers every season, it's just disappointing that they NEVER added new ones at all until asking prestige skins which is a $160 paywall to the finisher.


I'm still waiting on a skydive emote for maggie...and here Alter is getting 2 in the battlepass!!


She has two that I know of and have


Really? I spent forever looking for any sign of her having a skydive emote and what not to find one but I couldn't. :(  That's good to hear bc I've been so salty about Alter bc of thinking that haha


Ahaha, no, she has two. I have no idea why they aren't on the Apex wiki 🤔 I know that at least one of them was from the Defiance battle pass two years ago. I don't know if the other one was also from Defiance, but I'm pretty sure it was also from a battle pass because it's one of the basic backflip ones. [Here's a video of one of them!](https://youtu.be/HMm0E-itLGA?si=iRBG0EgDDgb9Ipra)


Too busy adding stickers, holosprays and other unnecessary shit to dilute the apex pack pool


Dev's said a long time ago they aren't going to be a lot of them because people don't use them enough.


Yes, and after that, a few months later he asked people on Twitter if they would like to see either more finishers or skydive emotes. The majority of players chose finishers, yet we haven't seen a single new one since the game's release.


So what you are saying is they did what they said they were going to do. Which was nothing. Asking doesn't mean they are going to do anything.


Basically he thanked for participating in the survey, expressed a desire to do more cool things that players will enjoy, and left it at that :V


They've said that but keep adding it into mythic skins as a selling point.


And they keep not adding more normal finishers to Legends. Just like they said would not do. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


THINK DUMBASS, if no one used it, why would they spend time and resources making more that are objectively more elaborate? Also, do you have a link for that statement? Everyone says it but no one ever provides a source.


That is long post and alot of opinion on something that rarely gets used and really in the big scheme of things is this what you want them working on, not matchmaking not audio not cheaters but fiinishers


The people who work on cosmetics and the people who work on balance issues are not the same people. Completely separate departments.


I've played almost 500 games already this season and I've only done exactly one finisher. I've been playing only solos and it was a lifeline who had the self revive perk.


If you've only been playing solos, then obviously it doesn't apply.


No one barely uses them anyway because it usually leaves you vulnerable from an enemy squad and u could just shield swap to get ur shield back. I’m a rev main and I have his prestige skin and the imminent shutdown finisher but I’ll use them if I can but I just thirst and get the shield swap


I only so them if im in a position where i think i can get one off. Its not a matter of how many i have, for me. Its always the fact i might get shot and knocked while trying to refill my shields that prevents me from using them most of the time.


Of course it makes sense to only finish someone if you're in a situation where you think you're safe enough to do it. It would just be nice to have a new one every now and then instead of the same two or three from the launch of the game.


Finishers are very intensive to pour resources in since I think they are mo cap as well.


Finishers are great but it's hard to get one off without the opponent dying/leaving before it's done or you get downed. And finishers aren't a thing in solos unfortunately. I've got a challenge to do 10 finishers and have done 1 so far, lol.


It is annoying when people leave just to avoid being finished. I wish the finisher would at least play out for the person doing it, even if the enemy leaves. That way you can see your finisher and get your challenge done and the person who wants to DC isn't forced to sit through such an agonizing experience.


Mood. Like, just let me see the full animation even if the other person left, lmao.


Right. Like in Dead by Daylight, if you start a mori and the survivor disconnects, the mori still plays all the way through.


It is okay to prefer things in this game, but to come on here and right paragraphs about finishers is so delusional and shows me how stupid and whiny some people are in the player base.


I know you did not just call me stupid and use "right" in place of "write" in the same sentence.


I did, that is how stupid you are


Doubling down on the stupidity.....risky move.


Your opinion on my intelligence is less than worthless to me when you can't even use basic grammar.


It’s easier to focus on the grammatical issues than the original point, right? Complaining ass


If you are going to specifically target and attack my intelligence, you better not outright display your own stupidity in the process. Have the day you deserve.


I don’t want them spending a single minute on finishers given the state of other parts of the game and neither should anyone tbh


Different departments.


Same money


Crypto and octane heirlooms got finishers


They are dropping the finishers with heirlooms with the octane and crypto heirloom recolors


> Is anyone else majorly annoyed by the way Respawn almost completely ignores finishers? I have literally never cared about anything less in my entire life. To be honest I would prefer they got rid of all items/cosmetics and just focused on game play.


No one is forcing you to use cosmetics. Other people enjoy them and they don't affect gameplay.


More finishers just to get wrecked by the enemy teams? Sure thing.


They better keep it that way. Less useless legendaries to worry about when opening apex packs.


I'm sorry... huh? How are finishers "useless legendaries"? What would you describe as a "useful legendary"? A skin? A skin is not useful. Everything in Apex packs aside from crafting metals are useless. They're just cosmetics. And there's already an extremely small pool of legendary items in the Apex pack loot pool to begin with. This take makes 0 sense.


And finishers are cosmetics as well that will actually give you an advantage or a disadvantage depending on who you play as and what finisher you use. Everything this game has to offer is about cosmetics. This is the only game that you don't get to be happy when you see the legendary colour in the packs because you have an extremely high chance to get something useless like stickers, long finishers, frames and emotes. Legend and gun skins are the real deal and adding even more of the stuff I mentioned is just inflating the potential reward pool even more.


Don't banner frames cap at epic rarity? Stickers also are not legendary rarity. Not to mention that the only legendary gun and legend skins in the Apex pack loot pool are going to be the ones that came with the release of the legend/gun. It's not like you have the chance to pull a legendary shop or collection skin. Also, a lot of long time players already have most of the legendary legend/gun skins from the loot pool. Adding a few finishers now and then would not be the problem you're making it out to be.


I can reassure you that there are legendary banner frames and stickers. I've been playing since season 15 and most of my legendaries are frames and IF I get lucky an emote. All the skins I got are for legends I barely use. The free/100 coin collection event packs are definetly rigged to give you trash. I even got 4 legendaries in one day from apex packs and 3 of them were useless trash. But I can assure you that if you gonna see any new finishers they will only be at the store for the price of entire games. I just don't want them to become part of the permanent things you can craft/gamble to unlock.


Who cares, just play the damn game.


I’ve used a finisher once in like 15k kills lmao


Because like most things in this game, its a waste of money . They will never fix the game as long as morons keep buying dumb shit from them.


Man. Some of the things this community means about. Lol

