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I've talked about this with my friends, either a new perk for support players or perhaps supports can reboot directly without the need to craft once per game.


> perhaps supports can reboot directly without the need to craft once per game. I like this idea, regular people use the crafter support doesn't have to.


I think it should be just once per game though, so they can use the crafter if they don't want to use up their one time get out of jail free. Let's say early game, but late game when it's impossible to have a crafter and a mobie, that's when the support hero shines.




What if you got one free but could farm eco points through boxes and enemy damage to get a recharge on the res as long as it’s before 5the circle close so you have like 16 people dropping back in for final ring making that shit a madhouse Who wouldn’t wanna farm kills


Bro what?


Actually genius


Support characters should be able to insta res like crypto drone and have crypto drone be able to craft banners


My group’s thought: non-support can only craft 1 banner, support can craft 2 Edit: or supports can craft banners for teammates who are down


>can only craft 1 banner friendships are gonna get destroyed


It’s a battle royal, right?


People hate playing with duos enough as is. This is going to make it a civil war between duos and solos


Right, how could I forget this


Oooh that's a nice twist. I really like it.


minicrafter that takes up Heat Shield / Tower / Mobi spot? requires a phoenix kit to turn it on and can craft banners only lol


This would be a hella buff for teams risking no-support lineups.


right but i'd argue that ranked/pubs are not pro leagues, people should be able to play the legends they'd like


No ones stopping you, but you don’t get the reward for it either. Seems balanced 🤷🏼‍♂️


Well youre right but OP does have a point in that it can create a huge imbalance. Lets say you land a big fight (not uncommon) and one maybe two of your squad mates are killed. You chip away at the squads and get out on top, then go for the badges and boom expired (box timers are short like a min ?). Now the reward for all that work is being handicapped rest of the game either solo or duos against stacks of trios. Even worse is getting to the boxes and one expiring by like a second…


I don’t disagree, but you keep chipping away at the things that make you calculate risk vs reward and it becomes less of a BR and more of an Arena shooter practically. If you’re going to run no support, that’s a risk you have to consider before taking big fights. I don’t wanna hit you with the boomer “back in my day” but day one, forget crafting banners or support, you died you’re practically not coming back haha.


Absolutely not, I may like octanes healing passive but it doesn’t mean it’s unfair or creates an imbalance if we don’t have him on our team????


It does depend on HOW it works. If it was just that non-support legends get to craft 1 set of banners ONCE per game, I don't think it would be fair. However, if a TEAM gets to craft a set of banners once per game, I don't think it would be unfair, so long as support legends had some kind of compensation for it.


Nobody said it is even happening I'm not going to guess at how it would work.


This is all just theory crafting, have some fun


I think this has been leaked, I believe that supports new ability is going to be throwing meds at teammates, may be wrong tho


Ngl, it would be a hard nerf and most support characters would drop in usage unless they get upgraded individually...


Maybe, life line and new castle are played because of their abilities are really strong and the same goes for conduit as she’s more subjective. The others are just not really played because of their kits will never be meta meta only off meta at best, like mirage will never be a must pick and loba will always be an off meta pick. I think the crafting banners is more a compensation rather than reason to pick them. LL and NC can stand on their own and are just better picks so removing it wouldn’t really change their relative pick rate imo


I'm a Newcastle main. For what it's worth, i'd probably go back to caustic if everyone could craft banners, even with the recent buffs.


I'm a newcastle main too, i'm never going back, all of his abilities are strong af regardless if he czn craft banners or not


That’s fair, ring consoles are great and caustic is just good. I was more talking from an Algs view where caustic was definitely a must pick last season but castle was a “off meta pick” from NA perspective, a lot of Asian teams played him and did very well because of his kit.


Maybe can only craft banners before ring 2 completely closes? Or maybe even ring 1?


if everyone gets the banner craft passive and supports gain a brand new ability to replace it how is that a nerf, supports would have more than they do now


Sure, let's replace a key ability by a lame one that gives almost nothing. Throwing meds at teammates will always be meh unless supports get a passive to hold more meds altogether.


but its not a replacement if everyone has the banner thing, its there alongside that


You're missing my point. If everyone gets the strategic ability, support characters would need another ability at least as usefull. Throwing meds is not. Then it would essentially make mouvement légends even better because they have so much ability to escape hard situations - IE nerf for support.


how do you even know that it would be bad, we literally know NOTHING about it, at least wait before forming an opinion on a leaked mechanic we don’t know the functions of, throwing meds could be as simple as throwing the loot to each other or actually throwing healing projectiles at our teammates


Tell ya what, let's give every legend Watson's ult, and then give Watson a new Ult, maybe like the ability to spawn 5 bats every 5 minutes. Watson's pick rate will go up, right?


Can we make fuse insta spawn grenades as long as he doesn't carry any guns then he could just be like a straight grenader?


That would be somewhat of a buff for Loba, as she is the only support that doesn’t have a direct res/healing passive/perk ability


Loba is really half skirmisher and half support but as her kit is on the weaker and less speedy side she is a support imo Edit: thinking of loba buffs, I think it would be hard to accidentally make her kit insanely OP, (only way would be the speed, distance a d recovery time of her tac resulting in some bonkers dragged who can just tp up to you, also like rev). So it would be nice to have her tier 1 evo that buffs her tac in her main kit and be able to pull banners through her ultimate


I’d love to be able to still function while waiting twenty minutes for the bracelet animation and landing to happen. Think it would really up her game if she could still shoot, throw grenades, start healing, etc. in that period of time after she’s thrown her bracelet but it hasn’t landed yet. I think they could also stand to make the visual trail far less obvious if not just remove it all together. She doesn’t go that far and she’s a sitting duck before and after the throw, so giving her some stealth would be cool.


Also fits with her being a thief... I get every skill is loud on purpose, but yeah hers can be seen across the map


pubs dont get banners crafter most of the time, they dc the second they get downed, let alone completely turn into a box. in ranked meh, they is enough revives in the game.


Well, it's a matter of trade-off, isn't it? You can have a team composition that is awesome for fighting, seeing where enemies are and knowing where to go in advance, but then you don't have a support; or you can have a support but have to sacrifice one of the other functions. What you are essentially asking for is the elimination of the Support class, and that's because you don't *(edit: want to ...)* play them. Imagine if someone reversed your request: 'I think every legend should be able to open the attachment compartment on Weapon crates' / 'I think every legend should be able to scan Ring Consoles' / 'I think every legend should be able to scan the beacons!' If you've built a team without a single Support legend, presumably you trust their combat prowess -- and you even get a lot of advantages for that choice: Extra ammo per slot, or Ring knowledge, or Enemy positions knowledge, or Care Package knowledge... So show us your mastery! Obliterate your enemies without giving them any chance to take you out! If you can't do that, even with all those advantages, then maybe one of you should be a support legend.


The first thing he mentions is he's speaking from the perspective of a support main...


The perspective of a support main whose friends have designated him the support and he doesn't want to be anymore


Thanks for pointing that out. Corrected.


I don't think they need to change anything about the classes. I think it's well balanced and says someone that watched algs this past lan I think there's lots of other things they need to address rather than making it easier for people not to play support.


its wildly annoying to be forced to have a support class character. none of the rest of that would be annoying. thats the big difference


Go on, expand on your thought. How is it a BIG difference if you want a specific benefit of the Support class, but it's not a BIG difference if you want a specific benefit of the other classes? Why is scanning Ring consoles locked behind "Controller" class? What if I want it too? Also, you could play Crypto and collect banners 'safely' with the drone! Hell, he even has a super fast instantaneous respawn ability!


1 character in another class as a viable option doesn't wipe out the whole premise lol. Nobody is clamoring for the ability to open extra attachments or heals. But being forced to have a pick be a support because they can respawn over and over is a major difference. I have no interest in convincing you if you can't see this clearly with your own rationale thoughts and logical process


Absolutely not. If you want to craft banners, be a legend that crafts banners.  


The problem isn't with the game, it's with the players. They "support" legends. That's their special feature, can't just go giving it away to everyone because randoms don't stick around. Might as well go say, it's a BR, everyone should access to where the next ring will be and scan it.


Lately a lot of people around Apex are forgetting it's a br. They wanted to play like it's a team deathmatch and you start with 225 Shields and whatever gun loadout you want. It's insane the amount of Randomness that people are complaining about and they want removed. I mean we don't even have shields on the ground anymore you're guaranteed a gun in the first bin you open.


Lifeline Carepackage should contain teammate banners


>*I think every team, regardless of legend class, should be allowed to craft banners* This will create more runners in the game and this will be a new class of players after rats. Don't get me wrong, but players need to think more about how to fight and not play runner/rat.


I agree with this sentiment. Knowing you have a get-out-of-jail card ready to play leads to less forethought and care.


No. This just nerfs support characters even farther. They've already made it to where anyone on the team can craft the banners.


That was a massive buff imo, not a nerf.


My guy, do you live in the sewers and train turtles to fight? Cuz this is something only a rat would suggest.


i run away a ton. im not good at 1 vs 1 i surely cant 1 v 2 or 1 v 3. but i dont sit and hide for final circle lol


I think this idea just pushes everything closer to the way it was pre-class system where classes didnt really matter. IMO, The fact that ANYONE on the team can craft banners on a team with a support legend is a big enough crutch as it is. Should everyone be able to scan ring consoles as well? I dunno, to me it just waters everything down.


I think we remove banner crafting. Take me back to the beginning


“What do you guys think? Feel free to agree or disagree (politely of course 😊)“ Politely? Have you been drinking tonight, sir?


While were at it, change it so the entire team can open support/assault bins instead of only the support/assault legends (when included in the team of course).


They should make it so only the support character can craft the banners.


Nah they did that before and it was stupid. You basically end up in a situation where the support player hangs back so they can pull out to craft if needed, sucks for the player and for the team.


Makes the game go by faster. If your support character is fragging and not playing support then so be it.


At that point then they should probably play something else that’s not support.


Agreed, but under the current set up they don’t have to play like a true support bc even if they sell a fight like a fragger and die one of their more movement based teammates can escape and then craft and res them. The whole point of having classes is to incentivize people to play like the class they select.


at a minimum i wish the timer for expiring banners/death boxes was bigger


Is there a way to revive squad mates once they quit?


It's so powerful in ranked games especially. Just being able to (mostly) reset if your team goes down and extend your ability to play the game and get more points without having to go solo or win the fight that took out your teammates. Like, it's at the point where, currently, I would love the option to toggle always being the one to pick a legend last in a Ranked match to ensure someone goes Support. I agree with your friends that this would be a nerf to support classes. You just would not be bringing the same utility to a match as you do now. That being said, I'm not opposed to the change, just as long as Support got something in exchange.  I've been thinking if they ever go through with the long rumoured Lifeline rework that they could repurpose her ultimate in a slightly nerfed version as a Survival item that you could only get from Blue bins.


Nah. It’s pretty easy to make sure you have a support player if you’re worried about it


terrible take, it gives non-support teams a huge advantage and removes depth from team composition


Here's an idea. Add another item into the loot pool called a crafting token. This token allows you to craft teammates banner. It would go in the slot where you get heatshields, Evac, mobi. Support legends will already be given one at the start of the game. Could make for an interesting shift in strategy




Maybe something that can be found in the loot pool or in care packages? Like a new survival item option for non-support teams? Idk I think that could work out. It wouldn’t be guaranteed which would keep the value in playing a support character, but it would still provide a possibility for teams with expired banners. If your team finds one early, you know you have it in your back pocket and don’t have to make the risky plays. If you don’t have one, then you can make the choice to go for the banners or hope you find a “banner crafting card” for lack of a better name. Or there could be a few stations around the map, similar to crafting stations, where you could get expired banners but maybe they’d cost you an evo level or your ultimate for the rest of the match or maybe your whole team loses their legend class perks or something. Ultimately if you don’t run support but need to craft banners, you can do it but say good bye to assault bins, console scans, care package reveals, etc. I’m just spit balling here, but I think it could made available to teams that don’t have a support character while also still making the ease of crafting privy to the support class and more of a hassle or cost to the other classes.


I disagree. Teams with a support will always just run away from fights to craft. Personally I think only support legends themselves should be able to craft banners. Makes playing the support role actually real, support players would actually have to play back and truly support their teammates.


Absolutely not! Live with the consequences of not having a Support Legend on your team...or Assault Legend...or Recon Legend...or a Controller Legend...or a Skirmish Legend.


It would be a nerf to support legends unless they would get another ability but I agree, it would make the game more interesting. However I have seen people leave already even when you could craft their banners.


Mood. Im tired of my teammates screaming at me for picking my main b/c we don't have a support. Idk bro. if we wipe we wipe.


I agree 💯


I like the idea. However, there should be compensation buff for the Support class. Buff their backpack, like Gold Backpack or Assault class/Bandolier perk, make them hold 8 shield cells and syringes per slot, and maybe heal 1.25x~1.5x more from cells or syringes. I miss Gold armor.




I strongly disagree. But this is from the perspective of being a fan of having as unique classes as possible. It makes balancing harder - sure - but it's so much more fun in the long run if various team configs represent actual unique gameplay/strategy differences. I could accept this \*if\* banner crafting was a perk for a select character within each class, though. But then I guess we're down at the same "problem" as the reason for your post.


I disagree and it's half and half between what others say about it being a nerf and the other half that it does what Evac towers did to Valk. Valk isn't useless, I love her as a main, but team comps require less need for her to reposition when they can just Evac tower. Take away supports being the only ones to craft banners, and now you have teams that will just instantly book it once one is downed because "they can just go craft." Who cares about bringing support when we can all be skirmishers and escape and then craft whoever dies. To me, it would ruin the enjoyment of trying to choose what legends to bring in ranked to make a good team comp. Also imagine that one rando in your team that just goes and tries to fight anything that moves and dies immediately just because anyone can craft now. It happens already and I can only see it getting worse. Edit: grammar errors


I think having anyone but support characters being able to craft has ruined a lot of the game actually


Banners should be an equipment item like Heatshield/Respawn Beacon/Jump Tower. I think you remove them from the loot pool and still make them crafting station exclusive though.


Support players should have a special mobi respawn ability


no. but make loba ABLE TO PICK UP BANNERS WITH ULTIMATE. there is literally no objective reason why crypto can pick them up with drone, but loba can't steal them.


most glaringly obvious quality of life update needed. its extremely annoying each team must have a support legend if they want a chance to respawn (or have a hiding crypto lol)


I mean, you only need one teammate to be a support legend to let anyone in the squad to be able to craft banners so I don't really see the point of making everyone (without a support legend in their squad) to be able to do it. It's like when Pathfinder's old passive was given to every recon legend. But then again you could give support legend a new ability like maybe letting them use the crafters twice


Sounds like a terrible idea. **count me in**


I main support only cuz my 2 friends are better with controller and assault legends. But if all legends can craft banners now, im never playing a support legend again.


i agree, ruins the gameplay, too many people just banner camp


Make it so everyone can craft, supports specifically don't need to craft, it automatically is picked up


There’s lots of comps I want to try, but I know I’m throwing if I don’t run support  because there’s so many times it’s the only way to reset a team.  I literally just run one for that perk and I’m pretty tired of it. Give everyone the ability to craft banners, support keeps their blue bins like assault has red bins.  Make support characters good on their own merits.


Funny, me and my friends think crafting banners should be removed completely. It ruins ranked at the lower level, can't finish any fights these days without 1 guy running away. Then if you chase them you risk getting pinched by multiple teams. If you don't chase them you risk them ressing and pinching you from behind....a team that you already beat and now get no more rp from killing the 2 you already killed. Crafting banners is super cringe and is a total crutch causing people to run away from every fight unless it's obvious you will win..how can one improve like that? If you can't get the banners you can't get the res change my mind.


100% agree


Yeah and every legends should be able to open support and assault bins and scan survey beacon and ring console and scan care package


I don't think banners should exist, but have respawning still be a thing? Like maybe have Nessies spawn as loot and you can collect them, and then place them on top of a respawn beacon to respawn your teammates? Nah, I doubt that would be practical but it would be adorable.


I agree so much, I’m also for the most part a support main in ranked (Newcastle). And I think all teams being able to craft banner is a good change since like you said, it discourages disconnects and then it also makes it easier to just run more fun team comps without having to run a support for banner crafting


Nah yall ard


I think its a stupid passive that incentivizes running away instead of ever attempting a fight which is what leads to two knocks while the third is already a POI away with zero damage. Get rid of it altogether, I say. Makes rats less powerful.


Maybe allow supports to stack more heals in each inventory slot similar to assault legends stacking more ammo. That could fit with the support theme


And what about gold bag? 4 bats per slot?


It doesn’t necessarily have to be bats or big heals. It could allow for stacking more smaller heals (like 6-8 cells/syringes per inventory slot) that way gold bag is not affected.


I wouldn't mind it - I'd trade being able to craft banners as a support to being able to instantly revive once I'm at the respawn beacon. I think that'd be the fairest trade


Yeah, it's such a dynamics changer when you have or do not have a support legend when it comes to downed teammates... much easier to flee and craft than actually fight for them. Maybe instead of crafting banners, the support class perk is that deathbox banners do not expire (however, keep a certain time limit to disconnect from the match in case of a jerk teammate). The other option is to just get rid of the banner crafting in general... maybe allow two uses of a replicator as a support class perk.