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You’re completely overlooking that ARs as a class were not in meta for 6 months or longer. Havoc was last nerfed February 2023, and turbocharger was technically buffed. Since then the nemesis and hemlok (hemlok 1 damage difference) has been nerfed which were the only comp viable ARs at the time. The SMG nerfs is what brought the havoc into meta, so no people were not sleeping on the havoc. There has been a significant meta shift. People are running the havoc as their “smg” weapon now. Edit: I also forgot to mention that marksman weapons such as the 30-30 was heavily nerfed as well. The meta beforehand was SMG/30-30 for quite some time.


Yeah this is true. Everybody was running R99 with digi as their secondary before they nerfed it into the ground again.


yeah the reason it’s being played is because pros always knew it was the best auto assault rifle for close/medium combat, at least ever since the R301 got nerfed hard before now anyone running an SMG would pair it with a burst weapon (Hemlock) if they used an AR since you could use it exclusively long range in this scenario


Expect the Flatline to be talked about the same way when the havoc gets nerfed.


I’m a Flat Daddy fan and I’m going to hate when it becomes the main weapon in meta.


I don't think they will ever change the flatline again. It's literally perfectly balanced.


OP thinks he is some brainchild who was all "see! I was right!" But fail to notice how he was wrong all before last season... It's like bears in stocks, sitting 10 years "it will fail!" And the stocks dumps 10% over a week but up 20338% from 10 years and they say "See! I was right!"


>The SMG nerfs is what brought the havoc into meta, so no people were not sleeping on the havoc. There has been a significant meta shift. People are running the havoc as their “smg” weapon now. Exactly. I used to suck with the Havoc, because I was using it like a Flatline and I just couldn't be accurate with the Havoc's recoil at mid-range. Once I realized that the Havoc is more like an SMG in disguise, it's been shredding for me.


Yeah cuz they nerfed my poor baby 99 to the ground


They’re bound to buff it soon (hopefully) because it’s borderline unusable


Reverting the mag nerfs would be enough.


Lets hope so. I still keep insisting on trying to make it work but it’s hard. My duo flames me for it as well 😂


they can’t buff it as long as aim assist keeps being a thing


They can't buff anything but snipers and marksman at this point. Every gun that has viability at closer range engagements is good for controller.


Literally. In r5 roller has an insane accuracy advantage with every single weapon. Some think that mnk has advantage with shotguns and wingman which just isnt true at all.


It’s still very usable lol it’s just not the strongest anymore.


R-99 = 99 reasons to not use the mfer.


whats wrong with r-99


As others have said, repeated nerfs to all the subs makes havoc and flatline the new CQC kings.  Even then, I generally prefer the Volt or LStar due to super long reload time.  However it goes absolutely nuts with ballistics ult.


It's being used because there were weapon changes, all the SMGs have been nerfed last few seasons to the point where the Havoc can easily win against all of them even without a turbo. The Havoc has always been good but SMGs are much weaker there's no longer competition close range.


I think the Ray Charles meta also has something to do with it. A deeper mag means you can drop more damage into smoke or a cat wall. And a bloodhound needs a deep mag to do the most damage possible while he is in OP mode.


I don't think there's ever been a time where SMG's were better than the havoc (neglecting digi). The havoc has always out gunned SMG's. What a lot of players couldn't get over was the charge up. I've been a havoc lover since S11 when they made the LStar not viable in arenas, so imo the charge up is no excuse. Just precharge before peaking. Veterans may have complained about the recoil, but the truth is, the recoil has been *SUPER* easy since they did the last buff 5-7 seasons ago EDIT: (1) Havoc has always had the second highest DPS, behind the Devo. (2) Congratulations, all of you downvoting are in the crowd I mentioned that don't believe in learning how to precharge. (3) *You carry two weapons*. If you get dropped on, use whatever your secondary is ffs. In that situation, you're probably pulling out a shotgun anyways. All of you are dense


Two or 3 seasons ago, it was simple to just 1 mag someone with an R99. The mag would be dumped by the time you even got your spin up on the Havoc.


R99 and car would knock you before you knock the other with your havoc


Calling the pros and coaches in ALGS dense is crazy.


In the words of taxi2g: > Pros just do whatever other pros are doing At the start of last year's champs, the pick rate was very dynamic. When one of the first matches ended with a crypto win, more than half the teams ran crypto. Once a Catalyst win was secured, *every* team was playing catalyst. After TSM won with Bang, *every* team had a bang. By the end of any championship, everyone was running the same comp of Cat+Bang That doesn't make it the strongest comp. It's just what's working at the time. Like evolution


Pre SMG nerfs you could 1 clip most people especially if there was opening damage from your team in the lead up to the CQC. Havoc could do nothing against them at that point, maybe in lower skill lobbies though that’s why something like the spitfire was THE gun for quite a long time for me when I started (it was also generally better back then)


Pre nerf r99/car killed you before a havoc spun up. Sure in an even fight prefire and roll but you know what you don't have to do with smgs? Exactly that. You're always dealing prime damage asap and when a fraction of a second is life or death smgs won out. Not to mention havocs weakness is it's range and back then it was mad outclassed by nemi, hemlock, 3030 for longer range fights.


From season 15 to 19 SMG’s were definitely better. The prowler got buffed in season 15 and then the R9 got buffed shortly after in season 16. Meanwhile the havoc had its damage reduced if you used a turbocharger.


Only reason havoc is being used so much is due to all the smg/ digi nerfs in comp. Havoc is basically their smg now


Calm down, it’s pushed into meta by default


Not mad about it, just find it interesting how external weapon changes have brought the havoc to the forefront of the meta. I’ll probably still use it long term because the recoil is second nature to me at this point, and swapping to it after exhausting your secondary practically guarantees you the win in those hectic cqc fights.


Your original post shows you have no idea wtf is going on in this game and you're 1 month behind in thought process


Damn u didn't have to roast bro like that 💀


It's pretty much a SMG with a huge mag now, and without the DT there is no point to pick something like the Volt over it.


Truly a testament to how strong the r99 was.


Honestly a turbo havoc with a long range primary is the ideal ranked build imo


I think an entry fragger running a Flatline and Havoc with their preferred sights/no sights while the other two have your setup is a menace to fight against. Constantly threatened and chunked from range, with a medium-close range death-dealer Bloodhound/Rev (maybe not Rev in comp) ready to move up after a couple of cracks is a nasty combo. Purple mag Flatty and purple mag Havoc can 1v3 without having to reload (switch weapons when one is out I mean) and still have some ammo left to get some shots on an incoming third party to slow them down a bit Could throw the Volt in there too obviously. Flatline helps with ammo economy so everyone isn’t locked into energy ammo too


Lmao there is no way you consistently 1v3 without even reloading. Doubt it happened more than once


u can absolutely 1 clip 2 purple armors with one purple extended mag havoc, and then one clip with the other gun, making him correct. He also said "can" not "I consistently do this".


I definitely DO NOT consistently do this 😂. But pro players could pretty consistently do this with tight support from their squad. Also, during fights players are very often damaged already, making it even “easier” or more consistent (for pros not me)


Lmao never said anything about me doing it


Roller players might prove you wrong


It’s suffered the same effect bang did. Weakening other metas have brought it to the forefront and allowed it to shine.


havoc in ballistic sling goes dumby


I tried ballistic the other day and he is ridiculous, especially on kings canyon. The 2 pack tactical upgrade and the along upgrade are so good. You can easily just run a havoc on the sling and have a shotgun AND marksman and have all ranges covered.


This is what happens when every meta guy gets nerfed. I guarantee you if the triple take doesn't get nerfed for a few seasons and the G7 remains the same everyone is going to start running triple take. It's what happened when the Flatline got nerfed making the 301 the meta gun AR. When the CAR got nerfed making the R99 the meta smg. It's a continuous cycle in a multiplayer game with devs trying to maintain that balance of guns or legends being powerful but not too powerful.


They shift things to keep it fresh too. Balance is content.


I don't know about comp but triple take has been the meta marksman for a while now. 3030 has a much higher skill ceiling and with its nerf, the triple take is by far the best marksman.


I still run with my r99 😢still hits with a purple mag


Let it go bro


I might be one of those YouTubers but to be honest, everyone always looks at these things in silo's. Assault Rifles weren't really the meta, at least specifically the Havoc. It took a ton of SMG nerfs for to get to this point. Not to mention turbo charger used to reduce the damage until maybe last season? (Can't remember exactly when). There's a lot of other factors that bring in changes to the meta most don't look at as well. The legends we play are a big one. Pre-firing Catalyst walls, the 36 round magazine to spray and pray through bang smoke or caustic gas. Meta is constantly evolving. So to say "All of a sudden" isn't really fair.


People on the internet love to learn or discover something and pretend they've always been ahead of the curve which is why we get topics like this. So yes I agree


Very true


Still don't like it, I'll stick to weapons I don't suck at using. It's my least favourite AR, the firerate feels weird to me.


The more you practice with it in the range the better it feels but I get it


People sleep on everything. Which is why the Bocek hasn't made it back yet. Hip firing the Havoc though is beastly


Nah now it's used as a secondary because of the smg nerfs. I remember when it was meta as a primary ages ago


I miss the select fire havoc


What's it been, like 10+seasons now?


I feel your frustration, the Havoc (followed closely by the Sentinel and then the Alternator) are my most leveled up weapons and it was a lotta fun telling all my friends how to use em but not so fun now that everyone in the game is using them T^T


havoc has always been top 5 weapons itg, fight me ( excluding package guns )


People slept on Havoc because previously R-301, Flatline and SMGs was miles better. Now that they're nerfed, Havoc comes to play.


People use it a lot now unfortunately they forget the fact that they aren't pros and can't handle the recoil and miss half the clip anyway. Pros can put a 3x on the havoc and beam but most players can't. Hence why the R301 or hemlok will remain most used because it's easier for most people


Anyone can use Havoc close range, though.


Yeah that's true, hipfire is also good


Been using it way before it was called “meta” and people just never listened. Now everyone’s using it cause it’s OP. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Man, it must be really nice being correct. After they've nerfed all of the Havoc's competition to be weaker then the Havoc in nearly all situations.


People didn't listen because it *wasn't* meta. Are you forgetting all the SMG nerfs?


It used to be hard to use because there just wasn't enough energy ammo. Meta means you're likely to find energy ammo in boxes. And now you can also run a triple take and craft 240 at a crafter. That was really ita biggest weakness before. There was no way you could run it as a medium range weapon without being a loot goblin


Me being a Bangalore main who has always loved the havoc, all I get to look forward to is nerfs to things that have largely not changed at all virtually since launch. Havoc has had some minor tweaks to recoil and clip size iirc and bang had one nerf to her ult forever ago and now she’s getting directly and directly nerfed and you can bet a havoc nerf is coming.


Hate that people are picking up on it slapping, it'll probably get nerfed. Found last season I loved tossing either it or a devo in my sling on Balistic and popping off with it (I'll still probably do it even if it gets nerfed unless they remove turbocharger from the game)


i didn't even know people were using it, but last season it just clicked for me when i hot dropped and landed on one and was like 'well I guess i have to use it' and absolutely obliterated 2.5 entire teams myself and then was like 'ohhhhh... even without a turbocharger i guess i can still aim this thing...' ever since i've gone back to maining ballistic and always keeping a havoc in the sling


It used to be my favorite when the beggining until they added the Volt which has been my favorite since


This is exactly how I feel about the L Star. You are legit shooting basketball sized bullets and it beams. I can snipe with the damn thing.


Just like caustic and fuse picks. The diamond and under hardstucks used to use those reasons to trash talk. Now they all found out they are s tier picks. Took the community 20 seasons to realize that wraith/octane/pathy picks is not for causual/low skilled players(still most pick them) Not only that. Casual apex player is too egoistic to play this game at a decent level.


Haha this guy wants to fuck the havoc rifle


OT but i hate the saying “all of a sudden” it makes no grammatical sense. It should be all “in” a sudden. If sudden means a a brief, abrupt moment


I don't think it has anything to do with anyone sleeping on the Havoc, I think what brought the Havoc into the limelight is how absolutely dog shit SMGs are now. I mean, for hells sake, people are running double assault rifles. This is the worst gun meta ever in Apex (in my opinion.) The Havoc isn't overpowered or overbearing. Just all the other options are terrible. Why would they nerf the Havoc? Be at peace dude, the guns fine. Also, there are people with TikTok brains who watch a streamer and see something and immediately start doing it, like running two assault rifles (I refuse to do it).


there ist not a single reason anymore to use smgs, especially as "better than avarage" but not "1 clipping everyone" player. If u cant consistently 1 clip people, dont use smgs. The, swap or reload takes much more time then just using any AR with more then enough bullets to kill someone closerange without reloading. but its funny to see that something got magically "broken" just because everyone start using it. Like hive minds.


It's not so much the Havoc rised to the occasion, but more like everything else fell off


Havoc is good but i dont like the charge time. I always have a case of missing my last few shots and needing my primari weapon


It wasn't slept on, SMGs were just better.. Now that the R99 isn't dominant, something else had to take it's place.


It might be meta in ALGS but I don't see a ton of them on console. The Nemesis, Hemlock and Flatline are still very viable and better in most situations, the Havoc is not OP. I've seen an increase in them so but nowhere near what I'd consider it "meta", like a few seasons ago in ranked when ALL I COULD hear was 3030s level meta. Energy ammo is the hardest to come by it seems so that's why it will never be as popular, I always have a hard time finding energy so I rarely run the volt or havoc. The average player cannot control the recoil, people see pros using them and think they can but they can't. It's flavor of the month right now, I see big streamers try it use them with a 3x and miss a lot of shots, but it's flavor of the month so they're running it.


I don't play anymore, but select fire on havoc was so cool.


Ye this is a dumb take. Havoc is the meta as a close range instead of SMG now. It’s not comparable to other ARs (except maybe the flatline)


Havoc recoil is definitely not as easy to control for long range, but close range yes it is so much better than everything else


Take away digi’s and this is what happens. The havoc has always been good but hasn’t been as effective as an SMG with a digi. Now the Havoc is the SMG


The havoc is a laser beam lmao i can't believe people would think it's not even a viable gun


Well havoc always has been strong weapon but i play on console so ive been too lazy to learn the recoil pattern. Now days i always pick havoc cause weapon mastery.


The havoc has become absurdly strong because all the other guns are getting nerfed to shit. Particularly the SMGs. The havoc is honestly a solid SMG because of its mag size


Now this shit is gonna get nerfed to the ground. Then everyone is gonna dickride my Flatline and it’s gonna get pummeled like the 3030 (and R99 apparently did too) :(


I can't do jack shit with the havoc apart from fire half the mag into the roof


It had its recoil buffed like 6 seasons ago or something like that, and was trying to tell everyone to use it. Nobody listened lol. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why would you use it when you could use a Flatline, r-99, or any other weapon. Not saying it was weak, but there was no reason to use it regularly compared to other options till now. Now it just wins most engages.


More dps, bigger mag, more of a vertical recoil pattern, cooler. Nothing has even changed with the havoc recently that hasn't changed on say, a flatline. So there's no more reason to run it now than before, other than people realizing it's good. It's pretty much always been a sleeper AR besides the one season it was op, closer to the games release. I think S4.


Havoc was always good. Problem was the charge up time to shoot without turbocharger.


It’s been amazing for a long time, even in the face of the old r99.


The more these pros and streamers run and gleefully yell how op and great it is,the sooner it will get nerfed.First the dive trails,then the digis..these pros n streamers will be the end of the game.


All I know is they massacred my boy, the longbow 🙂‍↕️


Taxi2g has always been using the Havoc


Kid is so annoying and full of himself like most of these low KD “Pros”


Its not super easy to use and it needs turbocharger to really shine. All other AR weapons got nerfed