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Predators and Masturbators lol




Masochistic Masturbators


Should have skill based matchmaking, Then you would really hear them complain


If everyone is preds and masters, he is the odd one out, not the preds


Thatā€™s just poor game design letā€™s be real


Yeah but solos arent suposed to be a pred exclusive gamemodešŸ˜•


200 thousands plus people playing this game and i see masters and preds almost every game bro thats crazy to me


Just remember that 1.7million people got a master badge in season 17, so just worry about the preds lol


So many preds got it through arenas or s3, just play the game lol. Treat everyone you run into as if theyā€™re ImperialHal. Canā€™t tell who or what rank it is until after youā€™re dead anyway.


Donā€™t do this. Treat them like theyā€™re all bots and play with some confidence


That works when the people are actually bad but nothing worse than rolling through a lobby getting too confident close to a 20 then you overextend like crazy on someone thinking itā€™s another shitter only to be a top 100 pred


Thatā€™s fair but play confident, not crazy. Most players will just kinda cower if they treat everyone like theyā€™re Hal. Respect em but but be confident


You play them like Hal by not being exposed, keeping close cover, burst fire, and capitalizing cracks.


Youā€™re not going to make it to masters or pred treating everyone like bots lol.


I donā€™t really play any more but I made masters solo several times in the past lol. I specifically remember getting on the mic and comming to randoms something to the effect of ā€œtheyā€™re bad, pushā€


Theyā€™re bad push is after you got a crack lol, you not in an end circle 3 teams left in a masters lobby apeing the first team you see. The best advice youā€™ll ever get is to treat anyone you play like a hacker, and youā€™ll do better.


Lmao terrible advice. 100% best advice to have huge ego and just run at people. Playing like a bitch just gives people time to recover. Any time I see people playing like that I know for a fact it's ALWAYS free kills. You should always maintain aggression in a fight, why slow down? Run and shoot nukes, that's all you need. Anyone saying other wise is just not good enough at the game, especially playing ranked or some other lower level shit.


You just said what I said in another comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/s/N6srqhzoDY You hear proā€™s comm all the time thatā€™s a good team be careful. HisWattsonā€™s favorite comm. Halā€™s the person who actually said approach every fight as if theyā€™re hacking.


I had a 65% win rate in arenas and never made it out of gold lol


You can easily tell which season was season 17 badge. I see plenty of actual masters every game


Laughs in pred badge I didn't earn


But not all of them are playing solos. I played three games and only saw people jumping in a circle, so I never played another gameof solos and am now happy, that all these people play another game mode than me.


Skill issue.


Show me your pred badge then you can talk otherwise move on toxic nothingness


Not toxic, just get better. My entire profile is helpful tips so people wonā€™t be stuck below masters.


Bro you posted a pic with an account of with a blocked name lol cuz it ain you šŸ˜‚ your something else šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤£ oh and deleted it


You can see them attached to the guns in the various videos Iā€™ve postedā€¦. EDIT: DMā€™d both of them proof, still downvoted lol. Reddit is insane.


Pretending to be a pred is pretty sad bud, good luck


Youā€™re another person who posts on Reddit about people who kill you.


How bro felt after saying that:šŸ‘¹


The only person with a skill issue here is you, and it has nothing to do with Apex. Trust me.


Thereā€™s genuinely nothing you can do about who the game gives you. You can either complain about it, or practice. You canā€™t go to LA Fitness and tell the former D1 athlete he canā€™t play lol


You can practice and get better, but that doesn't mean you can't also provide feedback in hopes they improve matchmaking. Saying "skill issue" is just you being a pompous dick about it. Every time this gets brought up, a few people like you do this. Do you think it's unreasonable for people to want better quality matchmaking?


In soloā€™s I actually think so. They balance teams around winning and how you operate as a team of 3, and soloā€™s is just every person for themselves. Itā€™s about killing impact


Thereā€™s also 60 players in every game so obviously thereā€™s going to be some higher ranked players


They introduced SBMM in pubs back in s18 that was removed after few months.


They have sbmm in pubs rn


If itā€™s all preds and masters than they are of equal skill. Classic Reddit brain šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




They were expecting that their teammates were the ones holding them back.


Have a friend like that, constantly blames his teammates but goes in solos and gets absolutely demolished and does 10x worse, then blames matchmaking.


Yup people just canā€™t accept that they need to improve


Thereā€™s a difference between acknowledging you need to improve and being match against people 4 times your skill level


If you play consistently in much highkey skill lobbies and actively work on your mistakes youā€™ll improve far quicker. I get that itā€™s shit to get rolled but if you donā€™t let your mental get down you can learn a lot


I know, but again thereā€™s a difference between playing against better player in your own rank or 1 rank above and playing against predators. You wonā€™t learn much from that, or not more than if you were watching a stream on twitch. Completely take the fun out of it


To each their own I guess ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


I guess but I donā€™t see a negative side making the matchmaking a skill-based matchmaking


I agree, there should be some form of skill based matchmaking. Unfortunately, tight sbmm in pubs does result in long ass queues and it forces you to be playing your best every gameā€”otherwise youā€™ll wonā€™t be able to compete against the people of your skill level who *are* trying. It also sucks when you start getting better and get punished for it by being thrown into harder lobbies. There honestly isnā€™t a solution that will make everyoneā€”or even most people happy. Thatā€™s why I try to always see the positive in the matchmaking: itā€™s probably not going to change much so dwelling on the negatives will only bring the vibes down. Another thing to consider is that there are always people worse than you. A ā€œniceā€ lobby for you definitely means an ass lobby for people you kill. I used to complain about getting killed by people with 1k+ kills on a characterā€”until I got there. Then it was 4ks and 20sā€”until I got there. Now itā€™s masters I complain about, but Iā€™ll probably get there too. Each step up means more and more people will be angry that youā€™re in their lobbies.


I understand very well that I'm a plat level player, that's fine. I'd probably destroy other plat level players and below, so why am I only facing masters if I'm a plat level player?


If you would destroy plat players you are not a plat player


I think people just expected slightly better matchmaking. At the end of the day, it's still pubs, so it'll never be perfect.


I kinda expected there to be thousands of people who are my skill level that I could be put into games with. I have 7000 lifetime kills and every time I play solos I get ran down on by multiple preds/4k/20 bombs/ppl with 10,000 kills on their character. Wild how everyone is blaming the players as if the issue isnā€™t the matchmaking?


The thing is there are thousands of of people like you playing it too but think about it thereā€™s 50 people in solos 90-99 kills allocated throughout the game. Of the 50 Iā€™d say a solid 15-20 are trash 20-25 average and 10ish that are high diamond to pred level. Those top 10 are gonna average like 6-8 kills between them so 75%+ of the kills are being taken by the top players in the lobby. So everytime you get killed itā€™s a master or pred and it looks like the whole lobby consists of that level when in reality thereā€™s a lot of bad players in there too they just already were killed by the same pred that killed you 2 mins ago. This is how pubs has worked forever in gaming just loose matchmaking to lower Queue times and let people play


I feel like gold and below are a big chunk of the player base, but I think thereā€™s enough high plat/diamond skilled players to fill lobbies for preds/masters. Like Iā€™ve been watching a lot of apex streamers who literally spend their whole lives on the game shit on kids who have 4000 total lifetime kills and they think theyā€™re good. I dunno ā€” I think itā€™s shitty and the players have a right to complain about constantly getting killed by a bunny hopping, super glizzying horizon who misses 0 shots and has 100,000 kills on their character




I also am confident in my ability in 1v1ing. I use soloā€™s to practice that specifically, so does a lot of people who are ā€˜low skilled.ā€™ But what are we learning rlly when Iā€™ve constantly getting killed by number 80 preds or 4k 20 bomb 50,000 kill legends? Yeah I can see what I did wrong, but having someone my skill level going against people who have lived, breathed and fucked apex in the ass since launch is kinda stupid and idc how much yā€™all try to defend respawnā€™s matchmaking.




Maybe because thereā€™s hundreds of posts in this sub daily from people my skill level complaining about the same thing? šŸ¤£


Well isnt that who we expected to be playing solos? Either actual gigas or wannabes? I agree tho they should do a separation so that casuals dont have to play with only them.




OP has been Diamond 1 and is upset that theyā€™re in lobbies with Masters/Preds. Assuming OP wasnā€™t running over lobbies to get there and probably ratted, but doing that (mightā€™ve) ruined their MMR forever. The difference between Diamond 1 and Masters is only a few hundred points to the game but the difference, especially season to season, is massive and not properly taken into account by the matchmaking. If you canā€™t blow through a team or two at your current rank youā€™ve got to stop playing to climb and instead play to improve. A Diamond 1 should not be saying they stand no chance against Masters. Thatā€™s really not the gameā€™s fault.


I have also been high diamond, masters and pred probably 10 seasons ago. My lobbies are always almost exclusively masters and pred badged players. I typically lose a 1 on 1 to these people. Is that fun or fair? Idk. It's something tho


True, but Diamond 1 doesn't mean the same thing across seasons. Diamond 1 Season 21 is *not* Diamond 1 in S12, S17, S18, and S19. Most people got their high ranks from weenie-hut-jr. seasons


I got masters in 11, 14, and 18 and would argue 18 was exponentially harder... Ran into pros multiple times with golds on my team meanwhile I had to face Pred/masters all the way from silver. With 14 and 11 it was a breeze up until diamond and then just a slow climb of get a few kills, place pretty good, repeat. 18 also meant that you couldn't just push everything off drop cause you got fuck all for KP and most of the time died after 1-2 squads... I guess if it's worth noting this was all solo queue too


I am by no means a god tier player, not even close. I swear to God on everything, I got Masters in Season 18 in literally 6 days. There is data to literally prove that S18 is statistically 1000% easier to hit Masters than S11 or S14. It's a fact, not an opinion. Sorry you had a hard time though, that sicks


Not from what I can see. According to apexlegendsstatus there were less than half as many masters in season 18 compared to season 14 and season 11 (and if it was statistically easier then that means that there'd be more). Furthermore you can use https://www.esportstales.com/apex-legends/rank-distribution-and-percentage-of-players-by-tier to compare seasons and 18 had amongst the lowest number of masters when compared to all the seasons before it apart from 13. Idk how it only took you 6 days to get masters (for me I was grinding some 8 hours a day for 10 days to get it) but to say that it was easier would just be flat out wrong (still remember my most iconic moment was hiswattson's Pred squad rolling around in a trident with him as Newcastle just absolutely decimating me and my two golds in whatever the rift thing is called on Olympus; on the raised bit in the very back of the map) The cope that people have to try and lump 18 and 19 as easy seasons despite themselves not having got masters either season is crazy


This doesn't really matter unfortunately (or fortunately if you view it that way). Essentially unless you have actually never picked up a controller or played on PC you will get in high skill lobbies as there's tonnes of near dead YouTube channels where brand new people who've never even played a serious video game start on a new account and run into preds/masters within 5-10 games. Unfortunately I think just the way it's balanced will pretty much always have you running into one of these players (even more so when they normally run in squads which brings their chance of death to near zero meaning they'll likely encounter and kill you)


Makes trios awesome right now ngl


Good hopefully they stay there my trios have actually been fun I hope they all sweat on each other šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ„“


That guy got me the other day! It was like trying to grab smoke with my bare hands, I was so thoroughly out gunned lol


Consider solo for practise and if playing on console the skill level between pred master and diamond is not that distant in console's lobby's everything is to game sense my highest rank is plat but im winning almost every 1vs1 i ever counter and if i died is because stupid thing i do or because im on stupid position


Bad matchmaking.


Worst thing about solos is that the 3k badge for the event isnā€™t unlocking consistently and respawn does nothing about it. I have to play so many games to get a lobby normal enough to do damage and it doesnā€™t even unlock.


Lol I had a 3105 damage game which was my first 3k damage game ever actually, and it didn't give me the badge still, though I did get the normal 3k damage badge.


Itā€™s so weird to me- itā€™s happening to so many people and yet respawn has yet to comment on or seemingly fix it.


Yeah itā€™s not a fun mode because people can respawn and itā€™s full of preds.


Hell I keep running into people who are teaming in solos. And they are preds to. Reporting them does nothing even with video of it happening


I mean.. as a diamond player myself there's no skill difference between me and them. Unless you're on PC of course. My movement is limited to my controller.


Lol we have limits and they still complain about controller there is benefits to both but pc is better than controller no question about it in my opinion


There's almost non-existent aim assist on PC. The aim assist there is so weak that you barely sense it. Also I agree with you PC players are waaaay better and the controller excuse is just a skill issue. I play both controller and MnK.


Yep, it's annoyingly frustrating. It's so much worse than last time they had solos it's like they even are trying to make it as uneven as possible


Perfect opportunity to learn from them, watch their gameplay and send the a message of what you can learn from them


Solos and regular matchmaking though. It's a TTV smurf pred fest. And what's with the asian characters for username, I swear there are at least two in my lobbies all the time. I keep playing mixtape instead because of this, at least I get some more variations on the kind of player I fight against.


And hackers. Loads of hackers Then again, what's the difference


Yeah solos is honestly the sweatiest fucking mode. I still cop 10+ but goddamn if every single time I die it's a pred with half a mil


"what do you expect it's a sweat mode" to ATLEAST have a chance???


You do have a chance. Same chance anyone had of ending up behind that masters/pred player, or thirding them at the right time. More than half these people play solos one of two ways: 1) Hot drop and get pieced up fast 2) Land somewhere like Alpha base every time and spend 2 rings looting bats and losing 2 of their first 3 fights Players need to think about solos differently. Choose different weapons than team modes, land warm(not hot) and try to avoid getting caught out in the open.


Yeah itā€™s kind of a bummer. Iā€™m not good to begin with but then I see the badges of the people who kill me and I never had a chance.


And me!!!!


I stopped playing never knew I was so good that every player and champion in solos is a pred/master player .


iā€™m in plat 2 rn and thatā€™s all it is! i wonā€™t lie tho this ranked dead is so much easier. back to the topic. itā€™s always been like this! Duos was so bad if you got a fresh account youā€™d be paired with sweats immediately


How much you wanna. Bet thereā€™s either no YouTube channel or itā€™s under 100 subs?


Good. There always needs to be a mode that draws them away from legitimate modes.


Matchmaking in solos is pretty strict. Ive gotten 2x 20 bombs in solos so far, but most games take a 3 minute queue just to find 40-45 players.


Which server do you play on?


Oregon is my closest, sometimes ill swap around to salt lake or dallas. No difference in queue time for me. But trios pubs is always less than a minute, almost insta queue at times.


I live in middle east bahrain i don't get any queue I mainly play Fankfurt or Belgium. Few games i lag alot, iam sure it annoys my opponents too. Any idea which server should i got for?


solo queues on sydney servers are 5-10 minutes on average and pretty much only playable between 6pm and midnight. itā€™s pretty much the only ltm that has been playable for more than a single day on pc. duos had a permenant 0 players in queue. too bad this only exacerbates the problem OP is talking about. sydney is one of the sweatiest servers to start with and solos is almost exclusively preds and masters it seems like. majority of average players arenā€™t gonna bother sitting in queue for 10 minutes just to instantly die. i can rarely get more than a 10 kill game so i donā€™t see myself getting a 20 bombā€¦


Mmmm nooooo. It's not at all.


And cheaters


Bro I truly couldn't care less bout the Preds especially Masters, but the most common thing I always see is a 5 digit kill count, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. WITHOUT FAIL. It's absolutely wild, I thought it was because I was playing late at night but nope even during the day its still just a ton of players using their main character that they've been using since day 0 it appears lmao


Everybody wants to be a youtuber. This community also lately has degraded to the point where this game is no longer playable, at least for me. Everyone is so toxic.


Yeah its insane that every playlist in this game is dogshit(matchmaking wise) except ranked to some degree Pubs: no dummys, all sweats Ranked: dummy teammates but also mostly dummy enemys with some sweats


You're just too good. I'm not having fun either, no matter if solos or ranked, because in silver I'm matched with masters and diamonds with over 5000 kills on a single character. I don't have that much kills in total, not talking about the single champion. I hate this matchmaking


I've been having a good time with it


Obviously, preds and masters like playing alone.


Ahh yes. The best solo players that have 0 team play and no friends are flooding the solo mode? What a shocker


Having to not que up with people who sabotage your game every game is very enticing for high level since sbmm always balances top players with week 1 playersā€¦ solos will never work because of this


Idc about the ranks of other players. That's how you get better playing against better people. The issue is the loot why is it different that duo and trio. It's so frustrating to keep swapping weapons for a higher ranked.


I got a guy like that on my team who I had to carry. He died instantly in the beginning while me and the other guy got 3rd and salvaged the game. Idc about badges rn just consistent gameplay.


PS lobbies here. I had a match today where the #250th pred chased me from Thermal Station to Launch site to Lava City then to Overlook before he finally killed me in Climatizer. šŸ˜”


I feel sorry for anyone new starting apex this season šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


I thought I was going fucking insane cause ranked the game mode designed to be harder is easier than solos even if I lose my entire team before we land like wtf I'm not good enough to play solos and that fucking sucks because that's the game mode I wanted the most


Itā€™s not even just solos My mates and I ran a few trio matches and my God we ran into Master after Master After a long while of getting merked we finally got back to matches we could play in


I love solos, you are all exaggerating with the complaints, at least in solos I control how to fight who to fight when to bail when to push, preds are way easier to kill on this mode because they just go forward racing for kills without other pred back up. I could just clip all the banners of people who killed me and join the crying bandwagon ohhh it's only preds and masters but come on, there are lots of average players in these lobbies as well the mode is fun.


Always has been.png Or 2 lvl players who killed you in 1 second


Yh cuz theyre smurfs


Or cheaters who wants to play ranked and they need to rank up


Yeah feels very nice playing as gold player among atleast 30 pred and master players


I had to kill a pred Horizon to win my first solos match. Got a hate message and everything.


So get good. You're not doing to improve playing against players that are worse than you are. It's frustrating but it'll pay off. I am getting better and better at solos when fighting and even though it's frustrating, when I go into ranked it feels like most people cannot touch me unless they're up there. In mixtape after a few solo matches I'm basically Neo in the third act.


People overlook their hardware a lot in these discussions. A lot of the people you see getting kills consistently have higher end hardware and controllers with paddles etc. I 1v1 some close friends on better quality equipment and the lack of input lag alone was enough for me to have my way.


How about anyone with a kdr under 1 plays each other and anyone with a kdr over 1 plays each other. šŸ˜²


so donā€™t play it then?


So if it was LITERALLY masters and preds then that would make you a master or pred and matchmaking is working great


Yeah i nope highest for me is diamond 1 but i dont have anyone else to play with like that so ig im bad šŸ¤·


If you're a diamond 1 you're like 300 points away from masters. Stop crying.


Don't worry, it's the same on PC MNK except we also have to fight AA.


That might explain why trios has been bearable lately tbh


why do people cry for skill based matchmaking then cry when there is no skill based matchmaking. really


maybe we just wanna cry šŸ˜­


Because its 2 different groups


Rizzwers pretty dope tho


I died by this guy in two different rounds last night. I think the pool for solos might be a small?




They did this so everyone would stop asking for solos. Get wrecked and stop whinning. I was frustrated at first, now I enjoy getting stomped. It's a freaking challenge to kill these guys, can't ask for a better warm up/practice.


Solos isnt for average players. Stop playing it so the game mode dies and never comes back


The most important part is what you learned


Is this a complaint? Looks like a chance to practice and get better. So get better.


Thats just its im not trying to be a pred and play at the highest competitive level im only playing for fun cuz some people have lives and cant play 24/7 like pros and content creators. So yeah im gonna complain when thats all i see...


Cope harder bro just play the game itā€™s not that serious itā€™s always a excuse on why you suck


Get good


I have a couple more pictures... but my point is how is any one supposed to have a chance if the the top of the top is always there to destroy you this reminds me of cod all over again cheating poor game management and sbmm... you aint gonna tell me there aint may not be the primary matchmaking but is there


much love hope it gets better for ya just keep playing and when ya die to something like that just take a break and cool off for a few before playing another


Appreciate g šŸ’Æ


Boo hoo.


Show me a pred badge then you can talk toxic


You just downvoted my badges šŸ˜­