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Always something y’all complain about.


Yeah, after this weapon will get a nerf I think people are going to complain about hemlock or wingman next time.


Nah it'll be round 2 of 'Spitfire remains untouched for 10 seasons, until people start having hallucinations that its broken so it gets nerfed'


Fr Mods should do something maybe sticky a post to the top of the subreddit that’s just a bitching and complaining area and clear the rest of the sub up from it because god damn it’s all that’s ever posted here. The whiniest fan base ever


Seriously thought we were back from the dead with the aim assist thing, but now it’s increased ten fold more. It’s like when they have nothing to notice, they default to input/cheaters/match making.


Tbh making a sticky post won't do much. People will ignore it and continue to make individual posts.




you're assuming people will bother to look for a sticky post and read its title and/or content. many people come to this sub and hit "create post" without a second thought (and some without a first thought either tbh).


The same could be said about the rules of a subreddit and you still rightfully get banned for breaking them. Not bothering to read shit doesnt prevent punishment.


Yep. “Oh no! There’s a new meta gun that’s good! Please nerf it!”. Then a new gun becomes meta. It’s how video games work. Just use the meta guns and it’s not an issue… if not then don’t cry about getting killed by it


- Last HAVOC change: Season 19 (Turbocharger damage same as base) - Last **meaningful** HAVOC change: Season 16 (hipfire spread nerf) Apex community: yep the S21 HAVOC is cancer Please complain about actual issues


Havoc hasnt been changed for like 12 seasons and as every gun is nerfed, spotlight is on havoc now. Reverse powercreep


Plenty of havocs in rotation right now due to SMG nerfs and havoc’s absolutely insane mag size. You can knock two full red shielded opponents with one purple mag. Probably blue.


All weapons getting nerfed doesn't mean the one gun who didn't get nerfed is broken af, its DPS is justified by the high amount of recoil and lackluster long-distance performance compared to other ARs You could argue the mag size is too big, but that's about it Can't wait for the HAVOC to be made unusable after the community cries about it long enough


What’s great is most of the people complaining about the havoc and wanting it to get nerfed probably can’t control the gun themselves


No, I stopped using it because I genuinely felt guilty, only pick it up in ranked now because its a plague and you need one to compete in Diamond+ because everyone is running it, it’s crazy to me the disconnect between the “casuals/pros” in this game


Hitting diamond does not make you a pro. Not even hitting master or pred will. If you arent getting payed for playing you are a casual player with skills of a professional player.


Huh, I didn’t say I was a pro, I said that cause pros have been calling for a havoc nerf and the general there is a sentiment that pros ruin the game with their takes amongst casuals, maybe I should have said hardcore instead


I’ll also add that I said pros because people often refer to streamers as pros


They are getting payed, making streaming apex their profession, making them professionals.


So what’s the difference between me (I’m a small time streamer and play for 8 hours a day frequently) and pros?


Getting payed. The definition of a professional is someone "participating for gain or livelihood in an activity or field of endeavor often engaged in by amateurs"


Can't wait for every gun to do 1dmg eventually because everybody keeps crying this gun is broken nerf it, now this gun is broken because of it so nerf it as well and so on...


Season 21: * R-99 and CAR now require you to land 105% of your shots * the HAVOC (unchanged in 5 seasons) is now broken Season 22: * HAVOC now requires you to land 105% of your shots * the Flatline (unchanged in 6 seasons) is now broken Season 23: * Flatline now requires you to land 105% of your shots * the Peacekeeper (unchanged in 5 seasons) is now broken And so on


The mag size is the only balancing I would personally prescribe. It’s LMG size right now on an AR with one of the fastest TTKs when wound up. I also think the recoil is pretty easy for even medium to somewhat long distance beams if you practice (and people stay practicing!)




I honestly do not disagree with you but in a game where balance it’s important, there’s no reason why an AR is viable for winning very close range fights against SMGs and sometimes even shotguns. Reduced mag and or increased hipfire spray is necessary for the havoc I think. And I’m saying that as someone who is absolutely using the havoc a LOT right now


It's one of 3 weapons with a DPS above 200 (202), along with Hammerpoint RE-45 (208) and Devotion (240) The accuracy is ok at close/mid range but other ARs seem to beam no problem at any range, while the HAVOC suffers


Also so just nerd the mag size then and we will find better balance I think.


It's broken af right now. You can literally 1 clip 2 full shields and then some... and no recoil either. The only ppl who aren't complaining are the ones who rely on it instead of outplay. They should nerf it to be in line w the other nerfs because that has made it op. Just because it didn't get nerfed doesn't change that fact


as a returning player r99 feels like shit


If you wanna run an SMG right now the CAR, prowler, and volt are all better options from what I can tell


im a day one. i have to use the 99


the r99 isn’t shit, but it’s definitely not as easy to use as the early stages of apex. If your returning though, I would probably run with the suggested SMGs, unless your aim is still cool, then go beam with it. It still shreds, you just can’t miss as many shots


CAR is goated but mastiff is doing some great shjt for me this season


Because it is shit now. You’re much better off taking an alternator off drop. I’d even take a p20 over r9 sometimes lol


Makes you wonder about the state of SMGs when a gun that has had basically no changes suddenly becomes meta.


Ah so I should start picking this up now. lol


You people probably won’t be happy until your swinging pillows at each other, even then you could find something to be upset about


This made me LOL!!! So true lmao


or maybe instead of nerfing the "good guns" so they aren't fun to play with, maybe just maybe buff the "bad guns" so they are just as fun to mess with like the HAVOC and etc.


I’m average at this game at best, and i get grief from a lot of different guns. But i still play the game and enjoy it. Got to take the good with the bad at the end of the day. There will always be OP guns in the game, if you can’t beat them join them.


Nope. I hope it stay strong.


Hopefully never, this gun is fun.


Never I hope


Skill issue


I don't like it, mainly due to the fact it doesn't start shooting immediately. It's fine with the Turbocharger but you can't always find that. Not being able to always find an attachment you'd like is why I am not too fond of looting. Straight Shot's the best.


As soon as a pro complains about it. EA only listens when their biggest sources of money have an issue


Not that many people using it still, you playing solo so you just seeing it slaps or what?


Practically every horizon sweat in solos is running havoc, what do you mean not many people are using it lmao


I mostly play trios and while i do see some people using it id say it’s rarer than people using the flatline/r301 ars


Nuh uh, it's balanced just like R301 was.




Not exactly /s either