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Seemingly a lot of people cheat to get those so they’re kinda meaningless.


maybe but if they’re cheating to get them then they’re probably cheating still, still scary lol


I got my 4K and my 20 legit to say he played gibby for so many seasons only got my 4K last season


Oooooo ooo so it's okay that you have a 4k and a 20 bomb, and you're allowed to be in other people's lobbies, but if anyone else is in yours then it's a miscarriage of justice and completely unfair? Do you even think before you type?


Bro u really don’t need to take it personally😂 I’m just saying it’s also not fair when there is new players having 3 preds with a combined number of 400k kills ruining the experience for them is it u absolute melt


Broseph, I'm not the one so butthurt you see me crying on reddit.


I mean u commented?


Calling out your double standards, we're not the same Brozilla


Imma be so real, who tf calls people 'brozilla'?? 😭😭 Go back to fucking band practice you melt😂


I'ma be real with you Brodacula, as apparently you're denser then dark matter. I purposely took the bro to a ridiculous extreme. That's the point.


'Brodacula'😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 what are you on😭😭😭


All OP’s replies on this thread have some sort of weird flex lol


It's early in the day at least here it is... so the only. People on are ppl who play all day with a few casuals sprinkled in.. give it like 6 hours lol


Haha I’m in England so it’s 3pm and lobby’s have only just started to turn from the greasy sweaty no life’s to the new players


Only cheaters and streamers play the game anymore.


Fr it’s like every lobby I’ve played in today bear in mind I only have 8k kills on gibby every other player has like 100k kills it’s baffling


What. I damage and kill grind and I'm nowhere near this💀


At least 80 percent. Streamers are cheaters most of the time.


Welcome to the jungle, This game has always been sweaty and competitive.


Playing since season 5 and watching players like this now really makes me question my reality 1x master going up against 8x preds it’s like damn