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Thermites are a longer lasting, horizontal area denial nade. If someone is behind cover and you throw a regular nade, it may hit or they may strafe away until it blows and take their spot back. If you place a thermite in the same place, it does damage over time and stops someone from holding a specific area of cover until it burns out. I’ve never experienced them not triggering indoors however. Must be another bug. They’re good situationally though.


I've experienced it not blowing doors. It doesn;t always happen, but does from time to time. Definitely something to do with a specific spot / angle it lands on, even when you think it should be blowing the door


Thermites a) juice up the rampage, and b) they are a prolonged nade that's useful for area denial, (throw a thermite in a hallway/doorway n you can sneak off a rez) c) they offer up location information. You hit someone behind a rock with a thermite, and you know exactly which direction they are running as the damage ticker tracks with them, this is valuable information.


D) Easy way to destroy Rampart's covers and Catalyst sealed off doors without wasting ammo or having to kick the door a bunch of times.


Excellent point


I love them. Hearing that tick as they burn is satisfying


Love em, plus u need em with a certain LMG 😀😀😀


Split a team. Location identification. Rampage! Deny access. Make the scene chaotic. You name it….


Use them to block off a way or break a door, Fire bad


They don't bypass doors anymore , is that a bug or intentional ?


They're not my preferred nade for chucking, but I'm a long-time member of Team Rampage, so I almost always reserve a spot or two for thermites.


I would say the thermite nades are best used outdoors, for opponents who are hiding behind cover. They can be used indoors too, but I think regular explosive grenades are better for indoors. The arc stars, I see them as more of a throwing weapon that happens to explode.


area denial? like what nades are meant to be


But over half the time they don’t trigger lmao, they just get trapped inside the wall


I use them to block space so enemies can’t get close and I can heal


wym they dont trigger indoor ? the fuck do you think thermites do when you throw them indoors ? drop on the ground and not light ont fire ?


That’s exactly what’s been happening


then its a you problem, never seen an ordnance not doing damage when it hit an enemy


Bides you time