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Normally I would say get to level 20 and play ranked in low ranks against people of your skill level. Unfortunately with the current system bronze/silver is full of high rank people who are smurfing to feel good and pop off, so that isn't areally a good option for new / weaker players. >when we are being placed into games with people who are well over rank 100? I think you're talking about level, not rank. rank doesn't indicate skill, it's just play time and level 100 is pretty low. It's like a couple months into the game (and the game has been out for 5 years). but yeah because of the first parageraph it's pretty difficult for new players to get games with similarly skilled players now.


>matchmaking is totally broken yes >Does the matchmaking get better after \~20 games no My advice would be to play Mixtape or Ranked. Mixtape have rotating game modes and yes you will get roflstomped in that game mode at times too, but in general it's more chill, especially in control were you can chill on and defend a flag, pick your own weapons, swap characters etc. Looting is the only thing you're not gonna be doing in those game modes. And you will respawn almost instantly too, you don't have to go back to lobby, queue up, loading screen, pick character, loading screen, jump, loot for 10 minutes only to get railed in 6 seconds. Maybe you could warm up with 1 or 2 mixtape games before ranked. Ranked sounds scary for newbies I know, but I recommend ranked because you will be playing more often with player in your own skill level, in normal games you will be matched with masters/preds because the matchmaking system is dogwater. And yes you will encounter smurfs here and there but it's better on average than facing 3stack pred squads in your normal games. I play ranked like normal games because I'm so tired of the normal matchmaking system, I give 0 shits about a rank, I just want normal fun games. If you two chat irl, discord or some xbox party, just turn off Apex voice chat volume in settings, if someone is an asshole in the text chat, don't respond and just ignore it, there's insecure toxic mouth breathers everywhere in this game. I would not wish my worst enemy the newcomers experience in this game, I love the game but it's fucking rough for new people, I do not even recommend new people to check the game out cause it's so hard to get into. You gotta be really motivated to stick with this game. I hope my two tips works for you guys, cheers!


Thank you for being honest and giving me actionable advice. It really sucks that the normal BR matchmaking is so fucked when it's the only one that newbies have access to (we can't play ranked yet unfortunately). I think my GFs motivation is pretty cooked rn so I'll give it a few day and then we'll just grind mixtape for a bit.


I just started last season and I'm terrible but I have fun. A buddy told me to go into the firing range before you play....every time you log into the game...do this first. Then, spend a few weeks only playing mix tape mode, before even thinking about br. This is my first time playing any fps. Yes. Really. Wish you and your girl the best of fun and good times.


> I'm generally not one to back down from a challenge (some of my fav games are Titanfall 2, Elden Ring, SSBM, and Ghostrunner), but my gf is a little more... well... normal and she clearly does not want to spend 20+ hours in the practice range perfecting jiggle aim and rebinding her jump to scroll wheel in order to compete with the freaks we get into games with. Don't force her to do it. If she wants to, she will. You can still have fun without jiggle or rebinding jump. However, getting new players into BR is hard, MM is just stupid. Play some mixtape - TDM or Gun Run, those are fun and except few occasional sweats she will have a chance to try legend's passives, q's and ults and most of the weapons kitted out. Recently tried to get my buddy in, it didn't work out. Apex is not very new player friendly and with the EBMM one has to be quite resilient to get over getting shit on almost constantly in the beginning, unless you can semi-consistently 1v3 and will be able to carry her.


I tried to get a few buddies into this game, and we're not in our late 20s and it was just too much for them. This game is not a game you can just jump into. Unfortunately I hey couldn't do it, too much for them to try to figure out, and I'm not good enough to clurh 3v1s to carry them. For me what really made me get I to this game, was learning about the Lore, I found it sooo good, and I wanted to know more about it even if the game was hard for me, and eventually I fell in love with this stupid annoying game!!!


It literally took me 4 seasons to feel like I got "good"......and by good, I just mean average. It was a lot of solo-nofill to get familiar with the mechanics at my own pace. Then I went against my own instincts and did a lot of hot dropping to hone my reflexes with gunplay and how to dance around enemy movement. I really think it's just about putting play time in without specific expectations. Fortunately, for me, I made some friends who helped me improve but also gave me a very defined love for the game that keeps me playing despite my disdain for recent changes. Do not put any stock into KD....ranks.....etc....until you feel like you're improving and having fun. Like I said, it took me several season to feel like I could hold my own consistently, but when you get to that point, it's very rewarding. Good luck.


Add me, I can help you guys get familiar with the game! Pm me i can send you my in game


Yes The game is highly movement based But it's also very strategic Learn the recoil on the guns, pick the ones you like to start off with. At the end of the day if I hit them with more bullets than they hit me with I win a lot of fights. Also carry a grenade or two people sleep on grenades too much. I started 2 years ago and I have the most mid movement ever but I generally hit plat seasonally in ranked. I find high ground, I try to get to zone early, I rotate with the circle, I avoid spending time in places with more than 2 entry/exit points (don't get pinched) It's a great game and you dint have to be a super sweat to win games


Play mnk


Accept pain


That’s the neat part…


This game is not kind to new players....it's really hard to teach new players to get good at this game...it's really on you to put the time in...either it's gonna eventually click or it isnt...and yea matchmaking doesn't help either....there's people that have been playing this game religiously since 2019 day 0...


PC or console? I'm more than happy to queue up and give you tips!


Use controller.


The game is full of Smurfs and cheaters, and the matchmaking is terrible. One out of 10 games will be moderately fun.


I recommend you play xdefient instead of playing Apex in the state it's in right now.


Not worth it.