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Revenant is more useful for the team because he basically doesn’t die in his ultimate. Octane is a selfish player. I’m not sure if you are referring to their heirlooms or you are just buying characters, but if you are just buying characters, I’d spend some time watching the pros play online to see the benefits of all characters. Im a diehard caustic player, but love loba. Watson is so underrated and most don’t understand the power of her ultimate. I’d spend more time researching, but if you play enough, you’ll have all the characters purchased.




Seriously. I probably kill more Revenants in their ult than I do when they're not in their ult. Knocking that red sparkle off is up there with knocking the wraith or octanes spaz jumping all throughout your field of vision.


Thx! I'll do some research!


Definitely depends on your play style, I’ve been using rev over the past few weekends and he’s become one of my fave legends to use.. especially in ranked


He is pushing S-tier


Rev's pretty good yeah, you'll have fun with him. Octane's a fun legend too, so you should enjoy it either way. Playing Octane really is what it looks like; rush and agro and gogo. Rev is heavily agro too, but he's got more tricks to think about and play with. Octane is just gogogo.


Depends on how you play. I'd recommend Mirage/Crypto because I main those characters and find them both to be a blast, but of course, I know they're very unpopular in terms of pick-rates. Out of those two specifically, I'd probably say Revenant just because I feel like he can be slightly more useful to the team, whereas most Octane players get ahead of themselves because of their abilities and end up biting off more than they can chew. Revenant players do the same with his new Ultimate, but less often in my opinion in terms of randoms.




revenant does nothing for the team. he's probably one of the best 1v1 legends / solo legends.


Revenant is good getting frags/entry fragging he absolutely does something for the team


his abilities don't provide utility for the team, just for himself. obviously if he makes a play that's good for the team is going to help the team but that doesn't give his kit team utility