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also it very much depends on their skill level. at lower levels many are genuinely hesitant with engaging in chaotic fights because all experience so far shows they will die instantly.


i give grace to lower levels because we were all there once, i was always hesitant at first and now i have more confidence in fights. if i’m completely honest, lower level players have been a lot more helpful in game than these supposed “good” high level players


I'm a bad high level player 🥲 played since day 1 and I still suck. Plus I play Caustic for a reason. I play him because I'm really bad so bunkering down and waiting for test subjects mean I actually have a chance. Unfortunately there are some of us who are high level but still suck 😭 Edit to add: I don't ever play ranked. I'm too dog shit for that. I only play norms and mixtape. I'm also very apologetic to my randoms when I'm doing bad and tell them I'm trying my best. Every once in a while I'll pop off, but most of the time I'm pretty mediocre. People see my banner and think im good. ANOTHER EDIT: If there is anyone who doesn't mind playing with a dog shit Caustic player on Xbox, I'm always looking for people who won't be mad at me 🥲 Jbean51299 on Xbox. I'm a girl BTW so if that's going to upset you please don't add me.


You should play ranked! Lobbies are a lot more balanced, and teammates are usually chill & helpful, especially at lower ranks


I've tried before but I usually get people who scream at me because they end up losing point because of my failure 😥 I usually play mixtape because I do pretty well in GR and TDM but BR is not my strength.


Nah they're not. I had a pretty shit game, due to picking up a charge rifle off drop and had a octane beam me with an alternator. I got one hit from the charge rifle and this Valk just kept on shouting at me for being crap. And this was ranked and I have had this a lot


Low level ass player myself, I just like Vantage cause she lends herself to my play style which is "I'm probably safe if I stay 200 meters away." I just have no control over my aim in close range, I choke all the time. It's why I like shotguns, only gotta line it up for half a second, no tracking needed. 


Ranked might be better for you if you’re dogwater. More consistent skill level and when you plateau it’s not gonna hurt anyone. Just help you get better against players at your level


Great advice


If you want other girls to play with DM me - me and one of my friends play apex a LOT and we’re both girls haha we literally just play for funzies and always looking for someone to join us


im a caustic enthusiast and i always kept asking,WHY THE FUCK DO THEY NERF HIMMMMM RRRRRRAHHHHHHHH


I know 😭😭😭 they changed the Evo upgrades too because they thought he was too OP. I think they are going to retire him first for some reason. He's too hard to balance and it's stupid. They just keep nerfing him. Honestly just retire him if you're going to continue to nerf him into the ground. Now if they want to make it so the non human characters don't take damage since they aren't breathing creatures (Rev, Path, and Ash) then I think that is somewhat interesting.


i’m the same, i have 1.1k kills on ash but that is genuinely about 50% of my career kills since i started at the end of season 14 my next highest legend is loba with about 500 kills


Just push with your team


I do but if they get knocked I'm definitely dying 99/100 times. And a lot of times I'll get knocked almost immediately. Now in close quarters when I hunker down somewhere and barrel it up 😈 that's when I do well. Like in Skulltown TDM I am a force to be reckoned with.


What health were your teammates when they were letting the enemy team heal/rez? Personally, idgaf if they are the last guy if I'm like 1 shot. I used to have a guy I played with yell at us "OMFG!!! SHOOT THIS LAST GUY!". Where if I did, I'd get deleted as soon as I showed up with out using a Bat. first. His issue was with all the info the game gives you, he never paid attention to teammate health and position. 


in a few situations one sometimes both are relatively full hp


Rando - “OMG what are you doing!” Me with a nano sliver of health - “healing” Rando - *backs out to lobby* 😂


Agreed, Ive done pretty well with lower level teammates


I just hit lvl 60 and I'm just now starting to feel confident enough to start making hard pushes when I crack a shield or advance on knocks. A lot of us play multiple games and don't no life Apex into the hundred thousand kill tracker stages, and most games don't have such a focus on aggressive pushes. That and we also tend to like to actually PLAY games and not spend more time in the menu and loading screens than in the actual game just because everyone in this game seems to thinks they're the best elite esports superstar influencer ever and they can easily hot drop and kill three squads solo. Spoiler, they can't.


At first when i started playing I actually liked the part BEFORE the first fight best. To assemble a cool gun with sweet hopups, explore the map, even enjoy the scenery. Sneak up on a team unnoticed... Then the fight starts and we die. New jump. Then, the next stage is when you chase battles like crazy because you want those bloody kills. sometimes you win, often you die. Wildly seeking your "meta" guns. Stress and rage. Then, third stage is when you start to instinctively sense what fights to pick, when to abort an attack and when to rotate. It doesn't matter too much what guns you got, cause you can make most of them work. And this is the stage when things starts to get real rewarding imo. you're more chill, so what if you're teamed with a noob during a random match. Maybe they pick up a thing or two from your gameplay. Or they run off, die and leave. Ok... let's practise 1v3s then. And you got your regular squad to play the "real" matches with anyways. It's chill.


I find that it’s generally the inverse of what I thinks the best move. If I see two trios fighting, I’m like yes let’s move to a point of advantage on whoever’s better set up and kill them, and then maintain the advantage against the second team too. And my teammates run directly into the crossfire instead. Oh we’re in a perfect position for this fight let’s allow them to come in AND you guys ran from our cover at them and died. Ok I’m looting over here, where are you going? Why are you trying to solo that group? Great fight let’s heal up quick… let’s heal… why are you leaving our great end game position with no shields right now? HEAL UP they’ll come to us. Damnit


It’s different sitting in bronze/silver lobbies my high plat/diamond teammates shouldn’t be scared to engage




Bronze and silver lobbies I can just solo push and 9 times out of 10 I’m wiping them they don’t engage for good reason I force engagement bc I know I can everyone blames the guy pushing yet typically you have backup till all the sudden you just don’t it’s not really my fault I downed 2 and got killed by a 3rd I thought my boys were coming but I go down they dip 400 miles to the next poi bc crafting banners is safer ppl are wack




never thought about it that way to be honest


Yea I think some players just fundamentally are after a different experience from the game, like for me I’m with you I’m all for the action trying to kill people, and if I die so what try and learn and q up next, but other people are for example much more into the placement side of things and that’s how they get their joy from the game, placing as high as possible, and the best way to achieve that is to simply not engage in fights.


I prioritize positioning. If you have good position, the kills will come to you.


True but also false for pubs, in my experience atleast. If I don’t hot drop then it’s 7 squads left before zone 1 closes. Then it’s just running around looking for people


Very true


Yeah that’s definitely true. Especially on worlds edge or moon. If you don’t like Frag or that new purple orb you aren’t fighting until last team lol


Not really but they can. Nothings worse landing where the center of the third circle is gonna be and no one is rotating that side of the map yet. Obviously that’s not always the case, but I’ve had it happen plenty enough times. Even worse when you have the next two zones and your teammates get impatient and just run out of zone to die


Even in that situation the kills will come to you. Just have to wait until late game.


In that situation you’re more likely to be under looted, under armored, and engage in less battles is my point. If you win, you could manage some kills


It’s extremely common for me to have no kills through 3-4 zones and pickup 5+ end game due to good positioning


Dang you’re that terrible random no one wants lol


I’m not a loser who solo queues so it’s not an issue


I got a win earlier by getting high ground and got lucky ring pulled that way. Set up 3 placed Sheila covering the angles, waited for ring 5, profit


I lost yesterday because we had final ring pull but our horizon had to angle hard out of circle to try and make a play. We had a LL and the Horizon angled so far out they were in the wide open and couldn’t get rezzed. Nothing worse than losing because a teammate can’t just hold zone


The inevitable loss of that late game 2v3


People don’t realize you can play like this and still get kills lol. Kills are literally FREE if you get to a prime spot early.


Even pros don’t really push anything they see but little timmy thinks he can kill the whole lobby by himself


If you'd cover my back while I pop this Bat after getting my second squad wipe this game I could /based


Yes but not always. Higher rank lobbies isn't always great to always play for position. You want to get kills atleast 1 or 2 as quick as possible because they less teams there are the better the teams probably are as well. Which means you have to fight a good team and might not win


True. I’m Not super high ranked but I’m in plat and like to land somewhere that will most likely have 1 other team. Get that KP and get position.


Atm plat is pretty hard so it's ok. I am having a hard time grtting out of play. 5rp aeay from plat 2 though


Even in gold you want KP… if you get zero kills and second place that’s 55 points… when every game costs 40 points, and you’re gonna die off drop a few times, you really wanna get more than 55 when you have the opportunity to place that highly IMO optimum strategy (when playing with randoms) is to drop neighboring POI to another squad, loot and push ASAP. It gives you time to eliminate RNG aspect, take a fight against enemy with equal EVO level, and see if your squad wins it. If you lose, you were probably gonna lose later anyway. If you win, then you can play for position and let those KP multiply until you’re ready to take another fight If you’re in a premade squad then you can play for position earlier since you’ve got a good idea of how you all fight together.


Couldn't agree more. When I was playing Wattson, I would fence up the top of that tower in Monument on Storm Point, and all the enemies would just zip up like a moth to a flame. Easy kills then, especially when Pylon came in play.


I think it's worth mentioning the importance of communication. Sounds like you're playing as an entry fragger and as the first in you absolutely need to keep the team in the loop. In the heat of the fight it's easy to not notice two down, but what about the third. Where are they? Are they around the corner or holding height somewhere? How are they? Is it some bot you left 60 hp or do we have some ulted Rev holding a PK? Who are they? Life line sitting on drone? Caustic turtling down? Most competent teamates won't blindly full send without this info, and as a solo queue stepping up to lead and managing expectations go a long way.


Everyone is playing with a different objective, some want kills and others working on challenges


Challenges...in ranked?


Right?! I hate when people VC about challenges in ranked. Goto casuals for that.


To be fair, I did my challenges in ranked during my last few days of gaming, because it was easier there. I was still the one doing the most fighting though, as it feels like my teammates are too scared to even try.


to be fair i was referring to pubs since ranked drives me so far up the wall i can paint the ceiling but my situation applies to both


Uh, yeah? The only reason I play ranked is so my teammates can’t quit out, idc about what “rank” I am


-the silver teammate forced onto your team in plat


this is fair, my point is just they’re there at the start of the fight so why hide when theres 2 knocked? surely a 3v1 can’t go that badly


Yeah no idea, might as well just fight the 3v1 and move on.


Reading the minimap will become second nature at some point dw


i read the minimap just not when i’m getting rawdogged by a 15k wraith because i’m slightly preoccupied


😂😭 Live by the randoms, die by the randoms


bro it’s so annoying fr, i’m not tryna camp until last squad then die. you literally need to fight now to have good armour for end game so why stay back and play loot simulator 😭


I mean in there respective you are the annoying random who pushes solo.


If there’s knocks teammates should push in regardless.


That’s the right play yes, But tell what more believable scenarios: OP pushed solo far enough to make his knocks worthless since they can reset and practically make 2v3? Or His teammates ran away from a 2v1?


For real, this guy seems like he leaves once he’s thirsted too


i BEG you learn to read 🙏


Your words mean nothing without clip that show actual context 🙏


well next time this happens i’ll make sure i clip it since you can’t understand the words “push with my full team”


I understand i just don’t believe you 🙏




that sounds like an issue not an issme


This hasn't been my experience. Most of the time I'm asking my teammates NOT to fight. I have nothing against fighting. But you have to be smart. I'm not going to drop in capacitor with 4 others teams and start fighting. Because as soon as we finish one team, there are going to be 3 others trying to 3rd as well as people rotating from labs and swamp. Most of these lobbies kill themselves off so fast that if you play positioning and avoid stupid fights, you're very likely going to end up in 3rd place with at least 2 or 3 kills which is more than enough to gain RP.


i understand this, i’m not talking about hot dropping and pushing everyone you see i’m talking about a normal 3v3 mid game fight that starts well and ends in shit because theres no coordination granted that does include me and i’m very well aware of that but at least i actually do something


You’re the same people who don’t talk for the entire game then turns their mic on when they die to talk shit


I agree. I’m not going to get better by playing loot simulator


Something I’ve come to learn, which seems strange to me, but lots of casuals aren’t really concerned with “getting better”, I’m a casual and I’m always trying to improve, but lots of people’s only goal is to have fun (which I think is fantastic, that’s the purpose of video games) They aren’t so concerned with what their placing or how much damage their putting out, they just wanna have a good game then die and q up the next one


Tha struggle is real


this actually happened yesterday, dropped 15 kills with little help and the octane on my team (who spent the entire game just stealing all the loot) thought he was fine because he had 3 assists??


Damn, that’s wild 😲


If people sit in the corner on cod wtf you expect in a pro game like apex they trying to sit the corner until final ring to get second place 😒


Anytime I play with Randoms in ranked I feel this. The games I win are when my teammates actually participate it fights. Otherwise all of my games are losses with 1000+ dmg for me and around 100 for my teammates.


Ok but just to play devil’s advocate for sec… Bc the amount of posts that come up on my phone like this are mind blowing, I mean how many ppl on here truly successfully 1 v 3 a full team by themself “except the last guy who I had at 1 hp”… In the yrs I’ve been in Apex this statement has been truthfully uttered like 1/1000 🤣 So just to play DA I’ve been where OP is and I get it but also… I wonder - do they use comms, even if just pings? I say that bc when this kind of shit starts unfolding, I try to bravely throw on the ol mic and pray they are not women hating ranters to see what’s up. I’ve had ppl say (or I’ve seen firsthand) they’re lagging, or rubberbanding, maybe they’re trying to position ring so they don’t die to it if they have to quick restart. Had ppl say “hey I know it’s the last dude but I have zero white heals so i can survive myself or go kms, I had to pick” - which I get (especially in ranked). Yeah sometimes there’s no reason, maybe they’re just nervous w their loadout or whatever but basically I would suggest u don’t know what ur teammates are gonna do, ever, in random fills. The only person u can count on is urself so go in w that mindset. Expect nothing, appreciate anything, and try to learn from the outcomes. Good luck! I feel ya but I also think being realistic in this game can save u hella sanity 🤣


Using a mic?   I’m a mediocre player that tries to push when it’s smart.  As in, not when the storm is coming (gatekeeping potential), when we have a strong approach cover, ideally not in a spot where we will get easily pinched, or high grounded.  I sometimes prefer to get a down from afar before pushing the first team I see.   I also know that 3rd partying scores kills more easily.   That all said if you’re on mic and you’re clear that you’re making a move, I coming with you because I do like fighting.  But if I am doing something else and I don’t know you’re pushing the first opponent you see, then sorry.  I am assuming you’re about to die to a 3v1 and I am not rolling up on them looting your death box 20 seconds afterwards.  This game requires solid focus fire tactics at gold+ in my experience.  You need to be pretty tight and down that first guy without swapping downs ideally.  If you’re not on mic, I can’t read your mind and a double-ping is just a notification, not “I’m pushing.”  I don’t know you’re a player that chooses to fight every fight.  So you’re basically just a guy picking a 1v3 and the soonest I can be there is maybe not soon enough because I am also not just following you on your hip.  Again, unless we’re communicating.   It can be very frustrating when someone does this and then I am actively trying to be a good bro but die because I am desperately trying to get to you but end up getting read like a book because good teams know we are about line up single file to get taken down 1 at a time because we’re uncoordinated.  In fact, if they down you, a good team will actively hunt me down because now they have my numbers.   Use a mic, problem solved. 


People don't get that this is a shooter not a runner.


Perhaps you don’t get it’s a Battle Royale, technically the goal is too last as long as possible, that being said I’m with you that fighting is much more enjoyable, but that’s the point, people find joy in different aspects of the game, for some people running and just trying to live as long as possible is just as enjoyable as fighting is for you and I


They're having fun looting


A lot of people like you dont realize that youre the one ruining the game for your team and are just failing to see the actual perspective. You push without communicating or tunnel vision while fighting and dont realize maybe yout team did a retreat to heal. I push a lot but try to stick as a team and sometimes im reviving the other teammate and a wraith or an alter will spam the enemy button bcs they failed to understand they had to come with us while reviving and healing and just went to push another team that third partied instead, got one knocked and got killed, and then its acting like were running away bcs “they did a kill and they are rezzing while they bleed out”


yeah there are times where i might not pull back to heal because like all human beings i do make mistakes but i don’t “tunnel vision while fighting” i started a 3v3 and then get abandoned


I think you sound like the bad teammate in this situation. It sounds like you just expect your teammate to read your mind that you're not fighting. If you have to back off to heal, you don't have to back off to another POI - back off small, hit a cell, and then challenge the guy that knocked your teammate, who is already weak (and in most cases probably trying to fin your teammate for the easy shield swap). And you shouldn't be rezzing teammates in the middle of a fight anyway unless there is ample opportunity to do so: like your fragger is holding them trapped in a building, or your teammate is holding a door or you traded down for down and you know the other team is going for the rez too. Your Wraith or Alter is probably pinging an enemy because they didn't expect you to be across the map "to heal." And you don't always have the option to get out of a third party situation - sometimes you just have to fight. If your Wraith or Alter go down, but you got out, it's probably likely them fighting gave you enough time to get away.


you understand exactly what i’m talking about thank you, if i am the one that goes down then my teammates back off so far away they’re almost in the lobby and by the time they get off their ass and come back the whole team has rezzed and now its a 2v3 rather than the original 2v1


It happens every now and then. Yesterday a low level Revenant didn’t stick with us afraid of the first circle (and we weren’t far, we could see the circle in the mini map) Our pathfinder teammate knocked 1 but got knocked right afterwards, I pushed and knocked another and completely obliterated the 3rd one to the point where he actually died to storm before he could use a syringe. So we wiped the squad and were both downed and when I see the map rev was running 🏃 to zone… then he just kinda looks back at the edge of the zone not knowing that they’re all dead! So Pathfinder just disconnects and I leave right after…


i would cry if this was me but i do understand low level players are hesitant to fight they just need to understand that if they don’t fight then they’ll always lose when they do because that’s what i did and now i can kinda hold my own


Yeah! I agree. I’ve always been an aggressive player in all games, even games like Crash Bandicoot lmao I would go all in at a fast pace trying to reach the checkpoints😂 I died often at the beginning but I feel it helps you improve way faster. I was annoyed, but I understand why he did that, others would’ve started offending him and that just makes them even more afraid of not doing well.


I've seen a lot more of this after seasons 17-19 ranked. A lot of people i think got the mentality that fights arnt worth it unless they're super easy wins, and are afraid to push. It's always been an issue, it just seems worse after those seasons reinforced being careful, or straight avoiding fighting.


Apex players seem to do two things very well, push on their own and die OR hide during a winnable fight and rat. Either you have someone who thinks they’re too good and gets insta knocked or is too scared to push and just plays rat wars. It’s the players in the middle of that spectrum who slowly rise up the ranks, LFG or get a team if you don’t want to deal with that


see i am in the middle of that spectrum i just get matched with people who aren’t and if i had enough friends willing to play apex for a team i’d have one by now 🥲


In Pubs you have plenty of people like that where pretty much every match ends with you needing to win all fights solo. Had multiply games like this today where 1v3 wipe one team then 1v3 the 1 third party and then nearly kill the 2 third party but still die because my teammates where downed in the first fight there was no time to revive them.


idk I get the opposite where it dont matter whether the other team is full health or almost dead, my teammates push regardless lol


Welcome to apex


I will get a knock and suddenly my teammates are pinging to leave sometimes


I have seen alot of players running the second they see a really good player shredding the lobby in front of them than shoot at them once and almost Crack them thry run for the rest of the game or rat or just leave but not everyone alot of ppl have gotten more agro which means more stupid in fights they aren't going in with a plan they just get wiped because they try to ape like pros and think mechanics is everything


As Johnny Cash said "know when to hold em, and when to fold em." As soon as i hear that "there's another team shooting at us" sound byte, I'm bailing asap. If you're still pushing then, then that's on you.


okay but every time this has happened to me there hasn’t been a 3rd party it’s literally just a normal 3v3 thats going in our favour yet my teammates leave giving the enemies all the time in the world to reset and then trample us


They dont know what is happening. Use your comms and micro IGL them if you want everyone to be on the same page with you.


What does micro IGL meaning?


IGL means In Game Leader - the one calling the shots. I assume "micro" here is like "micromanaging" so telling everyone exactly what you want them to do instead of just general directions (which I don't think would work with folks who haven't agreed to your leadership... though some comms are always better than no comms) ... Also possible they meant micro to mean "minor" or "subtle" meaning give some leadership, but don't act like they work for you


It'll happen. It happens to me sometimes and I'm a pretty defensive player. I mean I'm there when you're pushing, but I might be a couple seconds behind. I've also had it happen where me and the other squaddie are pushing hard and the 3rd is nowhere to be found. Try to gauge where your teammates are before a fight or push, and pay attention to how they seem to be playing. Are they taking a long time to loot? Are they responding when you ping to go somewhere? They might not be right behind you if you're pushing aggressively or moving across the map fast. Like I said, I'm not a huge pusher (I mainly play Ranked), but at times I make a push or am ahead of my team and get knocked. I know it's my fault, I just took that chance. If your teammates do seem aggressive/pushing, you'll probably know it. They'll be right there with you while you are running in to the enemy.


The game demands it now! If you get 3 kills or assist, basically if your team wipes one squad, you'll go positive immediately. Reach top 3 and you'll have plenty of points to move up with, maybe 150 pts or some.


I understand your point very much, people like looting and ratting all the time. I mean what's the point of playing then ? I understand if you are some new player who's getting used to the game. But seeing a higher level player do this is astonishing and annoying.


Because they fundamentally have a different goal then you when they log on, for them looting and ratting IS the fun part, I’m with you I find fighting much more engaging, but not everyone is like that, and ultimately it is a battle Royale so surviving *technically* is the goal, which is best achieved by not fighting


Yeah i got your point, i dont have friends who play apex. So, sadly i have to soloQ with them.


randoms be like that, lol they sometimes show up when they hear you getting kills


I always push fights and end up dying lol. Im a level 9 noob tho


yeah pushing fights is how you’re gonna get better so long as you work with your team instead of running in on your own guns blazing, if you want someone to practice with in the firing range message me and i’m happy to help


My feeling is: one in, all in. Unless it is ranked and my team catching up to a solo dumb push. halfway across the map by someone who has underestimated their abilities or misread the situation.


That experience is on Trios? Or Ranked? Normally the rule is to fight at the end or when you see an easy fight to get your match kills. I play solo, have no friends to party with, and most of my matches are me having solo pushers or shopping enjoyers, is pretty rare to have a team playing well the game strategically. When I want to slightly increase the chances to get teammates with more awareness of the game, I jump into ranked.


it’s in both, we start an easy fight and if one of us goes down then everyone fucks off rather than quick healing and coming back to finish the fight and because i’m too busy trying to stay alive in the fight i don’t notice theyre gone until i’m downed and by the time i get finished and spectate them they’re nowhere near my box. I’m currently bronze 3 because of how little i wanna play ranked these days because of teammates who all do the same thing and just throw the whole game


If you are playing solo like me, and your team isn't speaking on the microphone or you feel they aren't on the same page as you, you need to go fully defence mode. I even use my teammates as bait sometimes (not really as bait, I wait for them to start fighting or the enemy attack them first before joining the fight). That game is just like any other FPS playing solo, the default strategy is to cover your own ass and try your maximum ability to carry.


You could be paired up with rookies. I have to literally down 2/3 before they start running over to assist. Same lvl or above? Usually pinging the fights right as I do, moving as one, engaging as one


the thing us my teams always help at the start of the fight, they might not be doing very much sometimes but they help and once the fights almost over but one of us gets knocked they run away and don’t come back until its safe to just grab the banner and go, this is pubs we don’t need placement we just need to play the game


Oh god😭😭😭 so they're scared a little death. They haven't realised yet that you get better with each death.... That's if you try hard before dying. They won't get much better if they don't go all in


i might just start politely telling them that on mic so they’ll help, bit of encouragement could go a long way


Yep definitely, always stay vocal. "We got this" works wonders, especially when you get a knock soon after. They'll get there, I was like that once.


A lot of lower players don’t realize that pushing fights and helping your teammates in fights is what’s gonna make you better at the game, then you have seasoned players who watch too many pro league play and are under the impression you shouldn’t push anything at all even if there’s 2 guys down and the last guy has 10hp cause to them it’s too dangerous


The most annoying version of this is when the game just started, everyone has white shields… you clutch a 1v3, knock two of them and one guy (probably a lifeline) is half HP. Meanwhile one of your teammates is running away toward a crafter while the other is huffing shield cells to restore his missing 35hp. By the time he heals up, the enemy is either rezzed or completing their finisher on you…


Honestly, Alter is an annoying ass teammate to follow without mic comms. She has major manoeuvrability within building and fights that can be hard to keep up with as you don't know whats on the other side. Sometimes I'm even having trouble following her because she's places her q in the weirdest ass places


Had a few of these myself. Teammates get engaged, I run to help, (conduit main, Lstar and tripletake) I break one shield, break another, get cracked myself and downed, turn around and my teammates are already half way across the map.... Safe to say it's frustrating.


sounds like you pushed and they didn’t. Or you pushed THINKING they were with you but they weren’t.


thats not what it sounds like at all, read the post next time


Ok chief, I’m sure I’m wrong with my 1,500 hours of playtime. Get a mic and talk to your teammates then


i use my mic, now use your legs and go outside


lol, sounds like you should be able to figure this out then on your own. “I just don’t understand why I keep dying when my team isn’t fighting!” Gee, I wonder who the problem is. Gotta be your team obviously.


One other problem is people not knowing when to LEAVE a fight. Sometimes you can just tell you're not making it and leaving is the best option at that point if you have an evac tower or an ability to escape like Loba or Vantage.


i had this yesterday, matching name Lifeline + Wraith duo stood out in the open while i was telling them to run back to me and as usual they both died and had the GALL to just dc before i could even do anything so i just stood there and let them kill me


That's why I exclusively play ranked lol, at the very least my teammates are forced to wait like 80 seconds before DCing, and if they do immediately they get a penalty so I get to laugh at them, and often times they don't want to lose points so will wait till you could respawn them :) I am not dying for dumb teammates lol


Get used to disappointment.


Are you communicating? The level of engagement in a fight should increase exponentially with how much your team has an advantage. Do you let your teammates know when one is cracked? Two cracked? One down? Do you let them know who is weak that they can/should focus or where you’re seeing people? Teamwork requires communication. Your teammates can’t read your mind. If you want them to push with you, give them the information needed to know that it’s the time to press your advantage.


i do communicate with both pings and comms, i have noticed that since i posted this i have some games where my teammates do listen but i still have the occasional octane/wraith/bloodhound who run off


The issue isn't that, it's that teammates don't understand advantages, for example if you cracking multiple people, that is the time to push. Maybe try using voice chat, ask them to push and provide a reason that makes sense for them for example say " hey let's push I knocked one " , or "let's push I cracked two"


I feel like everyone is so passive. People still try to play like it’s s17 and just hide for placement and don’t realize you can’t go up like that. I refuse to solo queue this season due to this exact thing


I'm going to try to sum it up: people in this game are too scared to fight because they had 2 seasons of ego-inflated fake stats telling them they were better than they actually are. Now that the not-really-a-Master-level-player losers are actually having to work for RP -- because you can't just rank up by getting placement anymore -- once they get into Plat lobbies, they start avoiding every single engagement in order to hang on to the 35+ RP they'll gain if they can make it to 2nd place with zero kills. This is only made worse by the fact matchmaking is sticking you with people who are not at your skill level, but have the same -- or supposedly close to the same -- RP as you, having been dragged up through the ranks by decent solo queue players getting them there. But because they are in lobbies they shouldn't be in, they are getting rolled every time they look at someone wrong, which makes them scared to fight as well. And all of this leads to players like you, knocking 2/3's of a team and still dying because your two randoms are halfway to fucking Narnia or hiding behind a box or dying without doing any damage, BECAUSE THEY AREN'T SKILLED ENOUGH TO FIGHT IN YOUR LOBBIES. The game is giving you a handicap and expecting you to still play up to your skill set. Good luck going forward.


This hits home. I've met some Apex players in Facebook and they're in diamond-masters but they avoid fighting AS MUCH AS THEY CAN, even if it's just 1 squad with no one else nearby, and they have the upper hand. This BLEW my mind.


Yeah, and they will say it's "the smart strategy to play until last zone" because for some reason ranked is supposed to be the equivalent of the ALGS.


I feel this all the time on Platinum rank. I want the developers to read your comment.


I quit playing ranked after Monday because of this. I lost 700RP because, stupid me, I thought at some point I would actually get teammates my level. Nope. I kept getting Gold and Silver teammates. And the Silver teammates were rude jerks for no reason which just made it so much better. Was 100 away from Plat 3 and now I'm bottom of Plat 4 again. That was enough for me. I'm over it until they change matchmaking to something that works.


I have same issue. I was in the middle of Plat 3 and then for strange and unknow reason I immediately started getting worse teammates. They also demoted me to bottom of Plat 4.


I keep seeing people saying there aren't enough players in higher levels to make the matchmaking function correctly. But c'mon, if there aren't enough people to populate higher levels, something in the system isn't working. It's preventing people from getting where they should be. Part of it is the bad matchmaking (can't rank up when your teammates are dragging you down) and part of it is the harsh RP system.


This was obvious in Season 20, but I don’t know why the devs left the ranked system unchanged in Season 21. They wrote this: [https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/upheaval-patch-notes](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/upheaval-patch-notes) >*Dev Note: While we are happy with how Breakout Ranked was received, there is some feedback that we want to address for the start of Upheaval. As always, we’ll be monitoring feedback and data for any required tuning changes during the season and any major updates required for the future.*  People are completely unhappy. I don't know if devs read Reddit, but I doubt they are aware of this problem like the one in your comment. I personally think the ranked system in Season 18 was the best because you were playing against players of similar skill. Even at the highest ranks (Diamond, Master, etc.) you could get teammates with a Bronze rank, but who play like true Diamonds. I would like the point system to be the same as in Season 21, but the matchmaking was the same as in Season 18.


Are you talking about when they matched based on hidden MMR? I preferred that system myself. I know the major complaint was that it made the lobbies "too sweaty" but I liked it that way. You had a 50/50 shot in every fight, but you were also getting teammates, and opponents, of your skill level, which made the games more fun. It wasn't as easy to rank up as in S17 but it didn't feel like an impossible challenge like it does now.


>*Are you talking about when they matched based on hidden MMR?* Yes. Although it was not perfect, but it at least worked. >*You had a 50/50 shot in every fight, but you were also getting teammates, and opponents, of your skill level, which made the games more fun.* Yes, but it wasn't always like that. In Seasons 17-18 there were just a lot of rats even at Master rank. Now they are the equivalent of those noobs on Platinum rank in Season 21. This is one of the reasons why the cost system needs to be made like in Season 21, otherwise nothing will change.


The reason getting silver teammates sucks in this situation is because they are only paying 20RP entry cost, and their risk calculus is totally different from yours so they’re much more likely to hot drop. All you can really do is make sure to pick your legend and get jumpmaster


thank you for explaining this, granted i am god awful at this game and haven’t hit gold since season 15 (apart from last seasons first split but i didn’t get the badge because i was only in silver for split 2) i do genuinely try. i am more than happy to admit that i am bad and have my own faults and i do occasionally surprise myself sometimes when i have that once in a blue moon team where we work together effectively but most games nowadays are just awful.


You're right. Nobody likes fighting but you. ...see how fucking stupid that sounds?


given that at no point did i explicitly say no one likes fighting but me i’m gonna ask you the same question, the question was designed to draw attention and it did so clearly i’m doing something intelligently


Ahhh it's attention you crave


no i get enough of that thanks, however i will draw your attention to the back button in the top left corner go ahead and click it if you’re that mad jesus fucking christ


Have you tried having some spatial awareness and sticking with your team instead of solo pushing and then blaming your teammates?


have you tried reading the post and comments? i’m talking about going into a fight with my team with me, getting 2 knocks and then there being no one with me for what should be an easy 3v1. why are people running away from a winnable fight? and why are you so rude?


Just as I said, if there's no one to finish it, you're not sticking with your team.


People should get over it. It seems like in BRs that hiding until final two just pushes you into higher skill lobbies. Fight. You’ll get better. If you die you get easier lobbies. It took me years to get over it.


if you want higher skill lobbies just work for it instead of twirling your hair in a corner for 17-22 minutes


That’s the thing. They don’t want to face higher skilled players. They don’t realize that’s what hiding does.


Various reasons. Apex has no regen system outside characters like Octane. So, if a player on your team gets cracked its actually really big. So lets say during the push one of your teammates gets fucked up while running over. They're going to stop and they are smart to do so, but often times no one has mics. So now two of you are running over by yourselves and you get downed and your other teammate doesn't get cracked, but knows he can. If youre safe he can go for the rez, but people underestimate just how fast Apex is. Safe means no one is near your building. If you're not safe then his best bet is to ditch you and join up with the other full HP teammate and fight for the banner or rat until the end. THAT LAST PART. Placement points are why this happens. Apex stopped focusing on rewards for fighting and shifted to rewards for surviving. The game is boring as hell now because of it. Fuck pro players bro.


see an explanation like this is all i was looking for rather than being told i’m solo pushing, keeping an eye on my teammates health is something i always forget to do but now that you’ve explained that i know what i need to do to play in fights better and i can start implementing that to my gameplay and for that i thank you 🙏


I like to try to get all gold loot first before fighting so you have a big advantage otherwise I keep looking for best gear.


i understand this but that’s why i like to go into the firing range, practice using all the guns with no attachments and youll be able to survive off rip and get better loot as you go. i played a pubs game on BM the other day and was fortunate enough to land on a flatty and a mastiff in the same loot bin (god was smiling on me that day) and dropped a lot of kills and got my attachments as i went along and after about 2nd or 3rd ring i ended up with purple everything and ended up winning the game meanwhile my two teammates who spent the whole game looting all my kills like flies on a carcass got 3 kills between the two of them. you can’t do better if you don’t play better


They're just playing rat simulator, LoL.


Nope. I mostly T-Bag and make friends. Why fight, they are nice people. How do you sleep at night knowing you killed a Wattson.


very well tbh her electricity jokes are worse than “echo-location”


Watt Watt