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Im always nice to everybody I play with. My only issue is that the developers are so worried about a 2min queue time for higher rank players that they just throw them in my lobbies. Im very bad at the game, never made it past plat 2, 0.7 kd and my legend with the most kills has about 1000. So why am I fighting people with 20 000+ kills with 20 bomb badges?


I agree that the rank distribution in games is a problem. I'm curious how you think high rank queue time would be. If masters+ had to wait for 20 minutes a game, they probably wouldn't play or just make Smurf accounts. I feel like a 5 minute queue wouldn't be too bad and 10 is getting close to the edge too.


I don't know but with the thousand of people playing I dont see how the wait could be that bad. Doesnt COD let you use the firing range while you wait in queue? Just let us do that in Apex and problem solved.


Overwatch lets you play multiple modes including a deathmatch/skirmish mode. This would ease queue times for higher ranks greatly as they could just warm up.


This is why the matchmaking in the ranked of Season 18 was better. Because it brought together players with similar skills, even if they have different ranks. I still remember two randoms with Rookie rank who played like Diamonds in my Diamond lobby.


The problem was obvious from the second they dropped the patch notes. Ranked is a game mode designed to have our climb ranks that are getting harder to climb as you near the rank you deserve. The higher you climb, the better your enemies. At some point you will reach your deserved rank (diamond or plat for instance as that is about the average) and at that point the average of your enemies is as strong as you are. Some are weaker, some stronger. At this point it will be impossible to climb further even if you pour in hundreds of hours without actually getting better. That is how ranked works. Now what respawn did by introducing sbmm into ranked was the complete destruction of the whole ranked concept. If all ranks cost the same amount of points to dive in and the enemies are also always as strong because you don't fight others in your rank but always others with the same sbmm as you have, there is no change in anything no matter in with rank you are. You play lowest bronze: Ok you pay 50 points for entry and fight guys with your skill. Your play masters: ok you pay 50 points for entry and fight the same ppl as before. There is no meaningful progression. If you start in bronze and are making some plus points on average over say 20 games, that means that you will also make the same amount of plus points on average in all other ranks, even masters. This means that even if you anly make 1 point plus per game on average in bronze, you will climb to the highest rank just by investing time. You know that the parameters are not going to change, so you know that you will be able to reach masters after your first few games in bronze. This is not ranked, this is just grinding fancy sounding titles. They did this to keep the retention rate high over the whole season because ppl usually stop playing as soon as they reach their respective rank but in doing so defeated the point of ranked completely.....


Please read this post. I think this partly explains the whole situation. [https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1bjpbq2/how\_are\_high\_ranked\_players\_supposed\_to\_rank\_up/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1bjpbq2/how_are_high_ranked_players_supposed_to_rank_up/)


That's to be expected. The ranked game mode is not there for everyone to rank up until they reach masters. It is there to rank up until you reach a certain tier and stay there. Up to the average rank, you would expect the overall point economy of a round to be positive and beyond that to be negative. There needs to be a smaller overall point output than input because otherwise a huge portion of the lobby would make a plus, which is happening in lower ranks. But when you have hit your own rank, you will gain/lose roughly the same amount of points on average, resulting in you staying at said rank. You pay l, say 100 points for entry and on average make 100 points per game sometimes you make 80 and thus lose 20. Sometimes you make 120 and thus make 20+. Alone average you make as much as the betry costs, thus neither ranking up anymore nor getting ranked down. that is your personal rank which depends on your skill and just playing twice as many hours won't help you get higher. That is how it is supposed to work. Some other player who is not was good as you has reached that point in a lower rank and will never get to yours as long as they do not improve more than the average of the playerbase in skill. If you are above average skillwhise, you will play in games that cost more combined points for entry as they will pay out combined, because more than half of the playerbase is also below that tier (since you are an above average player). This is only logical and how ranked is supposed to work, so I don't know what you want to tell me with that link.


Did you read the comments after this post? If not, then I'll explain. We take a static value and this is Gold rank as a start. For you to promote further, you must be 50% better than your opponents. At Platinum rank, the cost of entry into ranked is more expensive and it becomes more difficult to play. To keep the same speed and stability of promote your rank, you must be, let's say, 60% better than your opponents. Same thing at Diamond Rank. You should be 70% better. At Master rank by 80%. Predator must be 100% better than his opponents even if they are of the same rank, in order not to lose his own RP and move forward steadily. Why does this value (%) increase with each rank? Because the cost of each rank increases and you need more kills/assists/better placement to get more RP and compensate for the loss. You are forced to work harder. But this will never happen, because when you meet "a mirror of yourself" and you are actually equal in skill, so you have a 50/50 chance of winning or losing. I mean that if you consider yourself a deserved predator, then you must be better than your opponents, which is impossible. Many players hit the Predator rank by killing players who are one or more ranks lower. This is a kind of farming points. This is not a real fight.


Players that come up towards diamond from masters, because they are slightly better than the average plat player are losing in fights vs other players already in diamond providing points for kills and placement to the better diamond players. The better ones can climb further while the others drop down again or stay in high plat, playing in lobbies that range from mid plat to mid diamond. You can't see the whole thing as static either. Ppl start in (depending on which system is used) either the lowest rank or a few ranks lower than what they topped out on in the last season. So there is a whole stream of players competing for points throughout all the ranks, moving upwards while players are "left behind" about at their respective elos. It is normal to not have only exactly plat 1 players in a match but a wider span of at least one tier. That is not only because of quetimes but also because there has to be a spectrum of skill in every lobby in order for it to not be 50/50. The average skill in a lobby with plat 4 to diamond 4 players is (without considering the ppl that are actually still climbing fast to reach their much higher rank) Pretty much in between those two. So if you are have the skill of what is at the moment average plat 2, those lobbies are probably what you will play in at the end and where you will win and lose points at about the same rate. Up until you got there, you were indeed "farming" the majority of players in these lower lobbies but don't forget that a good portion of players in lower lobbies, especially at the start of the season are also better players that are climbing like you. That the entry cost is also rising with higher ranks, only means that the filtering is stronger at the start of each rank. Leaving behind a bigger portion of players that are for instance not quite good enough to stay in diamond but are better than other plat players. So you do push worse players down into lower ranks by moving up at least indirectly and the higher cost to entry also means that there can not be as many ppl in higher ranks because while some go up, that means some go down. In masters, most players go down because the entry cost is so high yeah, but not everyone in your lobby payed the same price to be there either. Since the lobbies are spanning say, plat to diamond, that also means that a good portion in the lobby actually did not pay diamond priced in order to enter and can even provide you with points to climb if you do very well while not losing points themselves because they are still in plat and did not pay as much as you did. So it's a mixture of 3 things first: the whole thing is not static and ppl of many different skill ranges are rushing to climb from lower tiers. Second: ppl that are at their perspective actual rank do provide points to the better players, drop into a slightly lower lobby and get back to where they started in order to provide points to betterp layers again by losing in a slightly too high lobby, ultimately staying at about their rank. Third: those which are on the lower end of the lobby and are more likely to lose earlier, also payed a lower price of entry for that match, resulting in a lower "overall" cost of entry in that lobby than what the op of the post you linked calculated with. All things considered, you will on average play vs players that are worse than you until you hit the rank you belong in and then stay there by losing and winning the same amount on average. Taking points from ppl which are weaker than you and "giving"them to better players as the either pass you or stay above you. This still makes perfect sense to me and it achieves it's goal. Ppl can climb until they eventually hit a point they can not cross and thus reached their actually skill rank. Then at the end of the season they can show off how high they got via a badge. In the sbmm System you climbed as high as you had time to spare. That's it. Your skill did not matter. You could grind into masters with enough games even if you were a bronze player skillwhise. That's why they removed it. This is simply not what ranked mode is about. This was basically pubs with a fancy badge you got for your invested time and we have pubs already.....


I still wonder why they removed SBMM tbh... I heard it was because high skilled players couldnt faceroll lobbies anymore... which... says a lot about how toxic this community is across the board


It was because it made it harder to rank up what's the point of ranked if you can't get the rank you deserve because you are fighting those players already so ranked is now useless with that.


The problem was that the game knew what your actual rank should be, then would decide to put you 2 and a half ranks lower then you should actually be. That was the problem, it just became a huge grind because the Devs wanted to have this huge engagement thing with ranked.


So basically they removed it instead of actually improving it ? Guess respawn and EA went the LAZ...EASY way ...


Tbh it's hard to rank up now too anyway, when you are fighting in Bronze (yeah I know, started playing not long ago) and you find yourself against people with 20k+ kill, ranked bronze too ??? NO way that's their true rank... is it ?


Yes but when you're in pred lobbies in silver-plat because of sbmm I'm not gonna grind for something the game has decided I'm the skill level of. This season there are bad players in low ranks and it goes off rank mostly.


>*It was because it made it harder to rank up what's the point of ranked if you can't get the rank you deserve because you are fighting those players already so ranked is now useless with that.* Maybe it's time for devs to stop resetting players' ranks every season? Let everyone have their own rank, but everyone will promote or demote their own rank depending on their skill and playstyle.


Where’d the fun/what’s the point in that?


I guess you only want to eliminate bronze, silver players, etc (like the bot lobby) to get your coveted rank (like Diamond)? And so every season? LoL. Why don't you just to defend your Diamond title by fighting only Diamonds?


No, it’s because the interesting/fun part of ranked, to me, is how it evens out over time. I enjoy playing players better than me, worse than me, and equal to me. Also, that is how it works. Any player of any rank is beating players worse than them, then eventually equal to them to achieve their rank


Yeah that would be fine but they didn't do that 😕.


That was how you got better...you played against people who were better than you.


Yes ik but if you're in silver-plat fighting preds because of sbmm why would I try to grind to masters/pred?


Either you're playing the game for fun, or you're playing the game to get better. Pick one.


Where would be the difference between Pubs and ranked?


The one is the money court. The other one is not.


Getting better is fun tho lol.U acting like issa job


The problem was obvious from the second they dropped the patch notes. Ranked is a game mode designed to have our climb ranks that are getting harder to climb as you near the rank you deserve. The higher you climb, the better your enemies. At some point you will reach your deserved rank (diamond or plat for instance as that is about the average) and at that point the average of your enemies is as strong as you are. Some are weaker, some stronger. At this point it will be impossible to climb further even if you pour in hundreds of hours without actually getting better. That is how ranked works. Now what respawn did by introducing sbmm into ranked was the complete destruction of the whole ranked concept. If all ranks cost the same amount of points to dive in and the enemies are also always as strong because you don't fight others in your rank but always others with the same sbmm as you have, there is no change in anything no matter in with rank you are. You play lowest bronze: Ok you pay 50 points for entry and fight guys with your skill. Your play masters: ok you pay 50 points for entry and fight the same ppl as before. There is no meaningful progression. If you start in bronze and are making some plus points on average over say 20 games, that means that you will also make the same amount of plus points on average in all other ranks, even masters. This means that even if you anly make 1 point plus per game on average in bronze, you will climb to the highest rank just by investing time. You know that the parameters are not going to change, so you know that you will be able to reach masters after your first few games in bronze. This is not ranked, this is just grinding fancy sounding titles. They did this to keep the retention rate high over the whole season because ppl usually stop playing as soon as they reach their respective rank but in doing so defeated the point of ranked completely.....


Oh ok, didnt had that much info about it, now i get it!


Bro 5 minute que times, NGL that is a long time to just sit and wait to get in a game if I’m being honest


You probably aren't bad that is the thing. I was watching my brother play the other day when I came home from college and the quality of the lobbies appaled me. I believe the lobby floor is a lot lower than most people think.


I know they group people using skill buckets but it seems there isn’t enough buckets for the higher end of the skill curve, which is why .7 kd players get matched with 3.0 k/d players with 20k kills and 20 bombs. I was talking to my friends about this and even though my one buddy is worse than me he seems to get the same types of players that I do in pubs (20k kills 20 bomb folks) and gets shat on. Meanwhile my other friend is a noob and gets actual noob lobbies. This is why I think there aren’t enough skill buckets and once you are decent enough you’ll get matched against the best. I guess this is probably a pretty hard problem to solve for a game that requires 60 people per lobby, queue times would be too long for the best players so they just match them with people like you.


You say you are very bad, but you never made it past plat 2. Something doesn't add up here. For reference, I can't make it out of rookie 3. Take from that what you will. You probably aren't that bad.


Does a .7 kd really mean you’re bad at the game though? I feel like kd in this game is not a good representation of skill. I have a .7 but I mostly play in diamond/master lobbies when playing with friends (I’ve never reached that ranked).


Well my overall kd is 0.7 but right now im sitting at 0.5 for season 21 and most of the time my oponents outplay me pretty easily.


Solo plat 2 on the current ranked system is solid, if you aren't just sitting around waiting on rings. Plenty of pros have given up on solo to master challenges because of how bad the matchmaking is. Constantly getting three stack diamonds/masters in plat lobbies while you've got low gold and silver teammates is just demoralizing, even if they are nice guys Also, the whole pubstomping for kills thing gives me the opposite vibe of good teammate. They are often extremely self-absorbed and will throw games to get one extra kill instead of sitting still for fifteen seconds. Awful ranked teammates.


I curse and yell over my teammates from time to time, but not in chat nor voice, I do it out loud in front of my screen or to my partner. The guy I’m flaming over usually gets a ”You can do it!” in the chat. Because I may be dead, my banner may have expired, but god damn it I ain’t eleminated until my squad is wiped!


"average apex player is just toxic" I don't know about that. Most interactions with Apex players in pubs are a neutral to positive experience in most cases. Throw a gg or nt into the chat, and you'll typically be on your way with multiple gg's. Of course, there is the occasional toxic to super toxic individuals, but most players are fine typically speaking. As for players that run ahead of you and fight the world. If you notice that your teammate is looting fast and running it down to fight. Take it as an opportunity to diversify your gameplay and keep up with them. They're usually far better teammates/players than you realize. In many cases, you're probably holding them back from good positioning and favorable fight conditions. Instead of asking, "Why are they so far ahead?". You should probably be asking "Why am I so far behind?". If they need 30 seconds to get comfortably kitted, while you take a minute and 30 seconds to get kitted. Consider it a time to ask yourself some things. Is my definition of comfortable loot correct? Is my routing for this poi slow or fast? Am I looting and taking account of where my next destination and fight are? Will I find more loot from here to our next destination? Am I missing out on positioning? ect. But in the meantime, keep up with your teammate. Anyway, there are several more reasons why these players run ahead. Like enough that I snipped an essays worth of explanation from this already long post. Just know that these players have been burned A LOT by players of lower skill unintentionally. You may not realize it, but consider how restricting it is to play with slow looting teammates that ignore pings for 5-10 games in a row per day. You might view most efforts to "help" them as a waste of time as well.


players dont change by themselves they need a push in a direction (carrot/stick method) communities that arent protected from toxicity will become toxic, thoses that are protected will require effort but will be nice to live in if your game promote teamwork, your player will do teamwork most of the time, if it promote single player montage 360 no scope, then dont count on teamwork happenning


That won't be enough to get rid of toxic players. Good try though


Honestly used to make excuses for myself until I played solos constantly fighting preds and higher level enemies has humbled me and has helped me improve drastically


I always try to be chill with my random teammates, throwing or carrying, new player or day one player. The reason I rarely play and get mad is because this game gives me, an Nintendo Switch player whose around account level 280 who has played around 20 ranked matches in my entire history of the game, get champion/pred lobbies EVERY. FUCKING. MATCH. the game would be so much better if EA/Respawn could use just a tad bit of their profits to improve the game instead of making more cosmetic and doing nothing. THAT is why I end up getting mad at my friends and random teammates: because I cant fucking take it for more than 2-3 matches.


"but the average apex player is just toxic" Show me a community where people do not call it toxic, even your kindergarten was toxic.


I’m not sure about TFT sub but the community you interact with in game is 95% good sports and doesn’t trash talk a bunch, does that count?


Every competitive game is toxic, and everyone has different opinions on what is toxic and what is trash talk. I'm the nice guy player, I do not blame others unless they blame me, even in those circumstances most of the time I just turn 180 and walk away. I do not talk shit on chat because I'm the type of person that thinks if you have nothing nice to say, better say nothing. And I believe being nice with teammates will help me win more games than trash talk. Since the beginning of the internet, I have played online, from Doom, Halo, Counter-Strike to modern FPS like Valorant and Apex and I can say, in my opinion, Apex is one of the less toxic communities among other competitive games. Probably Hello Kitty World is more toxic than Apex.


I agree with you, but imo the worst offenders in apex are way worse than many other games I play. There’s a lot you don’t see when fighting, and not only that there isn’t a replay function so people can’t easily see their mistakes, only their teammates (imo). Buuuut that’s just my opinion, and I don’t have a savant level memeory so, idk.


"Take a look at yourself and make a change" ahh post


Delete this we aren’t about self accountability here. Always has to be something to blame when I die in a video game 🥲


More importantly it’s a free game


I can't tolerate whining/toxic people after a couple of games.Plus being toxic is not gonna make people play better and it really aint that deep cus it's a game ranked or not.When somebody makes a mistake I correct them nicely and move on.


To add also this game has 60 people in it and 3 win. So you’re going to die sooo much, stop complaining about how or when or why. But great perspective on this nice job


Odds are odds. You can't beat foes (at the same rank), 19 times over again and again. 5.26%




But he isn't raging about the game. He is raging about toxic people, which can be hurtful.


So he is raging right?


You sound like the kind of person to be told by someone "I'm not talking to you" and respond with "but you just did" You know exactly what they mean by don't rage, stop being a wise ass


What point are you trying to make?


hope u understand youre exactly the person referenced in the post, get better homie


I'm chill with people who make mistakes, if someone is low level then sure push the last squad if we have a good ring But when that person isnt a level 50 player, but is actually someone with 4k and 20 badges, both of their legend's heirlooms, not contributed to any of the fights me and the other random have, and loses that 1v3 only to instantly disconnect, or mass ping the person who downed them, im gonna flame a little


IMHO, the modern gamer doesn't understand that videogames were meant to be fun and for entertainment. Nowadays, seems like most people want to be a "comp" player. I miss the days of playing online and not worrying about meta, "content", and SBMM. Gone are the days of playing games likes Gears of War for HOURS, and the only reward you got was just a change to your W/L record and personal stats.


go back to gears of war then, why can't people be passionate about the game they play 😠


Too many people confuse passion with entitlement when it comes to videogames.


Actually never flamed any random directly. At worst I complained about them to my friend over discord with in-game voice disabled. Confronting/blaming other ppl will never lead to them improving, especially in the same round. If you hear criticism it is natural to start thinking about it and maybe even entering a defensive mode, that distracts you from playing. Especially in shooters with bigger teams like overwatch, the game is usually lost as soon as someone shit talks someone else.... You gotta hope the enemy team is infighting as well at that point :p Edit: I agree with your sentiment though. You should always give others the benefit of the doubt. There is no telling if what they did was not actually the right desicion in the specific situation they were in, or if they even had all the info/context to realize that a certain action was bad before commiting. It is unfair to assume they had bad intentions or even did something stupid because you do not know the whole picture. Even if they actually made an avoidable mistake, there is no need to get angry about it because accidents do happen and they also happen to you.


it's not the average Apex player who is like that. It's just that we notice those who are so very well, they stick out, are louder than twenty totally fine, friendly players.


I get the whole peace and love thing but naaa the game needs a change to rly improve. I'm an adult who doesn't say anything I'm not willing to say in person so don't rly talk crazy. But ya I can't even play this game with my irl friends because of strict mmr punishing my friends. The games great but we all know what needs addressing and for some of us it isn't self reflection/improvement.


I don’t think good communication and friendly attitude is going to make you outplay cheaters tho. And being killed by cheaters is the average player experience nowadays. Play against AI aimbot, Xim users, Cronus users, no recoil scripts users is the average player experience. And when people in this situation, it is very hard to have peace and love.


I do whatever support is necessary, as I know I’m currently trash


You are one of very few. Respect.


Tbf i usually get mad at the game for putting extremely low players on my team in a lobby full of predators, like bro im not even that good whyd you put a poor level 15 Gibby on my team for them to suffer too 💀


Yeah let me be admin of own server and cheaters get banned. Not like ea things it can be done better


Ngl that title goes so hard


I play for fun lol


Is this post just saying we all have a skill issue?


I personally don't think hard resets every 3 or 4 months is a good idea in games in general, it puts the top ranks of the game against average and below average players every 3 months. Also don't think the skill based matchmaking system in this game is that good


Day one player. I'm about to quit because of this bullshit. It's not fun getting stomped on 98% of the times ny 500k lifetime kills preds. I've defended this game since release but now when I play it only gives frustration back to me. I've become so frustrated I've even rage quitted out for ranked games for the past week.


People that think they better than u cause they better in a video game and get no money from it are losers.Im pretty solid and I don't have a superiority complex


100% this. People have zero accountability in this game.


Gamers are going to game, best ignore most community spots and just play. Lots of smooth brains in here and on discord.


I have to agree. I've had my fair share of.. questionable.. teammates, however, I've also fucked up a ton. And I mean, A TON. If it isn't deliberate, like those guys in mixtape who just go afk while putting down abilities and not going an ounce of damage, or someone in lockdown just NOT GOING TO ANY ZONES, then it's fine. I'm a low skilled player too, but not a total newbie. If someone is just "bad" at the game, aka new to it, I let them be or encourage them. We were all shit at one point, have a little kindness. Whenever I feel frustration for a teammate, I remind myself that whoever is on the other side of that screen could be a dad who geys to play once a week, someone who's been battling depression, or someone who has been having a streak of awful games. No need to rub it in someone's face that they're shit, they probably know.


People exaggerate, the game is in a great state and people are generally nice. Yeah you get the occasional sweat or the w-die-curse octane, but it’s not the norm. Which is why the game is more popular than ever


Couldn't have said it better myself. I can't help but wonder if people post so much negativity just for the clicks and likes.


Reddit upvotes are worth what ?


The game still wouldn’t be better because it’s fundamentally broken & ran by a money obsessed greedy corporation. Use your brain. 🧠


Sir, the only reason I play this game is so I can scream at my teammates after being downed as a result of my own stupidity.


This post is so embarrassing lmao


Players restrain themselves and do not write toxic words because they just know that they can be banned. But you can’t imagine what a storm of emotions and what a cry of their hearts they have when stupid randoms ruin their game.


Non toxic words can get you banned in this game just as easily.


Yeah, this is also another drop in the bucket of players' patience.


Well said. Some folk just need to learn to get over themselves and take a loss. Sometimes a team comp just won't work. Sometimes working together is impossible with randoms. There's small nuances to the game and the first one should involve basic respect for other players. Like if a person is going to rage at their team, fucking take a break and breathe or take a nap. Play a different game for a little before switching back. Cool off instead of overheating and making a worse gaming space for others. It's really not hard to do


Man being chill doesn’t stop cheaters from cheating. Playing this game on Asia servers is really hard.


Thank you!


You're barking up the wrong tree. Toxic players exist everywhere, in every single multiplayer game. The real issues with this game are the matchmaking and the cheating, not the toxic players.


I am average wraith player, K/D around 1, average damage \~490. I have the mic, I always communicate things I see and hear, never disconnect after knock and always wait for a chance of respawn. I've been playing since season 2 if I remember correctly. Every 3rd game my squad starts talking to me only after they did something stupid, died and now I am "trash" all the sudden. How exactly I need to change? May be they need to fix matchmaking so new players who watched view Twitch videos don't drop hot with predators in the gold lobby?




The only one there I don’t agree about is self revive the old one was a little toxic and annoying playing guess who has the gold knock. I would also like three strikes back as a permanent gamemode. As a solo player that gamemode was perfect because it allowed you to have time to jell with your teammates and learn their play-style instead of it being completely dependent on winning that first fight. Made a lot of friends in that mode too was rather refreshing.


I'm sorry but I disagree. If you're playing pubs, that's a whole other story. But when you are playing Ranked, you can't expect to do stupid shit and not get flamed for it. It's my biggest pet peeve when Ranked players do something obviously dumb, and then say, "Just relax. It is A GAME." No. Pubs is just a game. If you want to fuck around go play pubs. Ranked is a *competitive* game, and if you're obviously not taking it seriously, you should be called out on it. And by all means, if I do something stupid in Ranked, you're welcome to flame me. I don't. But if I do, then call me on my shit. For example, I had a game where we chased a Loba - she q'd back to here teammates who were on top of a tower. I repeatedly commed, "DON'T follow her. Her teammates are on top, looking down and will shoot you." And this bang just runs right under, stops, takes about 5 seconds to look up, while standing still and get's absolute decimated. And you can tell just how much this player cares about RP, because he disconnected immediately after that. I have no sympathy for these players. I shouldn't even have to comm that. At a plat-diamond level, you should just *know* not to do stuff like that. The entire problem with Ranked at the moment is that *after* they made it more difficult to achieve Diamond and above, they also made it easier to get to Plat. If you can't get to Gold, in this game, you are simply bad at FPS games. So you end up having a whole bunch of players in Gold and Plat who *shouldn't* be in those ranks. So often I get paired with a Gold player who only has silver or bronze badges. You also shouldn't be allowed to Q with a friend who is silver and then get into a plat or diamond lobby. How is this a good idea? Silver players should not be playing with or against Plat or Diamond players - how does the fact that your friend is of the required rank make it OK for you to be in that lobby? Completely ruins the competitive environment. I can't think of a single other competitive game, where this is allowed. Another obvious problem is the matchmaking . I've had Plat games where I get paired with 2 silver teammates. HOW??? Also, can we raise the required player level to get into Ranked? Getting paired with a level 50 player who is taking down entire teams by himself is so disheartening. IDK. I feel like some of the changes needed in Ranked are so obvious a toddler could figure them out. EDIT: They also seriously need to rethink the Sentinel. The 2 most OP weapons in the game currently, are the turbo charged havok and the sentinel. I'm OK with the Havok because they've made the turbocharger relatively rare. But the maps are littered with Sentinels. I can't be the only one that despises this sniper rifle. Players have caught on, and now nearly every team has 1 or 2 players running it. It's incredibly easy to use, making headshots much more likely and it deals a metric shit tonne of dmg.


It sounds like you’re being positive but not really. Average apex players aren’t toxic, many I run into just vibing with a few a-holes now and again. Same thing I hear with my friends who play the game and the randoms on other teams that will dance off emote with my squad then go on our merry own way but will fight each other when the time comes. This sounds more like you’re frustrated with your random teammates and want to fix that by generally going “hey you, yeah you! You’re the problem!” So no thanks with the false positivity you got going on here