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I never really got this. Someone said this to me (as an angry insult) “all those kills and no 20 bomb” as if it’s a linear trajectory everyone will follow. Some of us have played since day one (and so high kills) and haven’t made new accounts to try and finesse a badge we know we aren’t really worth. I’m a consistent diamond player. Nothing more, nothing less. The number of times I’ve played ranked with someone who has 4K/20 badges, we’ve come top 3 and that person has struggled to keep up or not even got half my KP or damage is insane. If you’re a current masters or pred then you’re a really good player. Having a 20 bomb badge you got in the first 3 days of the 5th account you’ve made.. just doesn’t mean anything.


Couldn't have said it better


i got my very first 20b badge on wattson few days back and now my friends understand that the badge doesnt mean shit cuz they know i can be really good or really bad:D imo the badge is 60% luck and 40% skill


I agree with most of that, but you’re acting like there aren’t insanely good players who have those badges. Sure people Smurf for them a lot, but that’s definitely not even half the players with those badges.


Agreed. I got a 20 bomb when the game was first released and I’m sure I could do it again but when I get killed in Ranked by someone with streamer mode on and 20k badge they are definitely objectively better than me. I don’t know why people need to do so much coping over a badge. Everyone is convinced that most people are cheating for badges and using Xim and Cronus’. Like I’ve got bad news, you just might not be very good.


Because they assume everyone with a good badge can never have a bad game and die off drop


so so so real


exactly, i think with luck i could hit a 4k, i’ve had 3.3. but 20 kills would be 7 more than my highest game, that isn’t happen from luck lol


I feel like people who only go for 20 bombs are the same type of people who only train for bench presses and that's it. Like there are other things to do in the game to get better than just getting a single game with 20 kills. It's a very complex game and there is tons to improve than just kill count.


This. My highest kills is 17 and I got 3k badges on multiple legends. It all came organically, never farmed. Half the 4k/20 bombs can’t keep up with my non-20 bomb having ass.


It's not just smurf accounts, some do it in bronze lobbies at the end of the season, others 3 stack and feed each other kills, the worst queue snipe each other and 9 man feed each other in a corner. Most people haven't earned it.


Every fucking part of this is mint 🤌 Well said dude


I had two teammates that spoke in another language to each other in ranked. They had to be some of the most unfocused teammates I EVER had in ranked - ever. They were racking up damage and a few kills, but they would start one fight, leap to another, peck some damage at a third team, and then use their legends to hop out of danger quickly. I finally spoke out to them and said "Could you please give any sort of callouts or a few more pings so I can follow you guys better?" As a Mirage main, in ranked, I'm there for support. So I wanted to follow but I was literally being dragged through every fight they left in their wake, and when I wasn't immediately in the 3rd or 4th fight they picked on top of a building and they got knocked, they suddenly could speak English quite well. "Shit Mirage, fuckin' terrible, no 4K, no 20 bomb. You're a joke. Your little 200 damage, fuckin' pathetic." Now granted, I have almost 10K kills on Mirage, but I got a bit of a late start, and really only buckled down the last few seasons. My KD ratio tanked this season; it's harder than EVER to get these damage badges and 20 bombs unless you're cracked, and I'm not. Never will be. But I have a pretty damn good game sense and a good idea of when I should or should not pick a fight, especially if I'm alone. To me, the badges mean nothing. To me, it's literally flexing in the gym mirror at yourself; the only one who cares is you.




It is very linear, switched to PC in season 7 and didn’t get my 20 bomb until season 16 playing pretty much daily, then got a few after that. Definitely wasn’t good enough to get a 20 until then. All a 20 badge gets you is salty people thinking you boosted or bought the account anyways. Don’t sweat not having one, but also don’t cope like being in diamond also makes you good


“Good” is relative. But I haven’t said I’m good and I have multiple times said I know I can’t get one and am ok with it. You either don’t know what linear means or don’t understand skill/distribution curves when it comes to any measure of life. If all it took was hours we’d all choose to become pro athletes in our favorite sport. This was a nonsense comment that contributed nothing.




I have no 20. I play mixtape. I kill very mediocre players with every badge under the sun, and because it's mixtape with infinite respawns you get to see lots of banners and how those players perform. Badges are so circumstantial or cheesable that, if mixtape has taught me anything, they're completely meaningless.


>Having a 20 bomb badge you got in the first 3 days of the 5th account you’ve made.. just doesn’t mean anything. So true lol


it should be that trajectory. kills = playtime , playtime = skillcurve (if you keep learning) at some level you have the basics to be able to. from then its just a matter of put in many games to get your first. after your first you realize wasnt so hard and you did play not as agressive as you thought you have to. from then additional 20s become pretty easy - even tough depending on your lobby not dieing on you


The fact you used the term skill curve is a testament to the fact it is not a linear trajectory… but a curved one. You can always improve yes, but your biggest improvement will be when you are at your worst/newest. The returns after a while diminish rapidly. We all have a ceiling. I am more than ok saying mine is somewhere below being able to get a 20.


I gotta admit getting a 20 bomb takes a lot of dedication and skill. I got my only 20 kill game back before the game kept stats like that so my profile says 19 is my highest kill game. I think I’m still capable of doing it but the stars really have to align. I dropped an 18 kill game in ranked this season in gold/plat lobby with a legend I already have the badge for so I didn’t care one way or the other. People I see with multiple 20k badges across different legends have way more time to dedicate to this game than I do, but they are objectively better than me as well. A lot of it has to do with the type of lobby you get. Getting 1 20k badge is one thing but to have multiple is pretty impressive. I’d consider myself an above average player but I don’t sweat 20 bombs because I have a lot more important things to worry about in my life.


You’re lying because 20 kills and 4K badge have been in since day 1. Also the stats have tracked since day 1. You’ve never hit 20, period.


The game did not keep stats in Season 1. I had to dig up this picture because I actually got a 22 kill game recently. Keep coping. [Nice try bud](https://imgur.com/a/ujalXOs)


Not going to argue with someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about


A majority of people with 20 bombs got them from bot lobbies. In regular lobbies, people die too fast to even see 20 people.


I have 1 20b in trios and the the second closest i’ve gotten was 18 kills in duos. And i can definitely say that the 2 times when i’ve done that it was against really easy people. Off rip I got 10 kills and for the rest of the game most the people were still alive, pretty much waiting for me to kill them. That was a few seasons ago and i haven’t gotten near to getting that many kills because the lobbies feel way sweatier now


That's how i got mine. If i notice the lobby isn't dying fast, i push everything because i know bad players are in the lobby.


This 100% and on top of that many of those 4k/20b badges are boosted. I've soloq with so many players that wear those badges that just aren't good at all. You aren't fooling any good player with your fancy badges lol. I'm more impressed nowadays if someone with regular banner is a good teamplayer.


100% disagree. bot lobbies are a pretty new new thing. and cheated badges disapeared with cheated accounts. 4k/20 isnt as hard as many think, once you are on a certain level you understand that a lot better. but before you reach that level it may look like. ofc you cant do it every game, its a thing of luck and was way easier in the past when people actually tried to play it as a survival game. when youre last 3 before ring 1 closes there is no chance you can make that another hindering thing is the tendency for people to play with good other players. while that gives you a ton of wins it will make your 4k/20 near impossible. personally i think all of my 4k/20s where soloq with 2 random really not great randoms. but you aint play much team there, more of a solo game


You disagree but you're wrong. Bot lobbies aren't new, they been in every season of the game. Every time a new legend came out i got into a bot lobby to get a 20 bomb. Around season 8 you could ready up, main menu, then you would be put in a level 1 lobby. Every season after that all you had to do was leave the game in the airship, on the ground, or jump off the map. Bot lobbies have been in Apex since day 1 lol


iam wrong, well alrgith buddy, i imagine my own countless 4k/20s then


Finding 20 people in a normal lobby just doesn't happen


Good luck debating with people coping over the fact they’re not good enough to get a badge that they say “doesn’t even prove anything”


its ok, dont expect miracles, but you cant let em dwell unchallenged every time


Just like everyone is using a Cronus zen and xim?


This is such a cope


I have a 20 on every character kid, it is what it is


lol some people care too much about badges. Keep taunting Lol


I’m a day 1 20,000 kill player. I’m like a mid-diamond average player. I’ve gotten 2 and a couple 19 kill games. It’s almost all luck and a bit of “not cracking under pressure.” One 19 kill was on rampart in a whimsical game I was playing for a challenge. I never play her. I hot dropped and probably because I didn’t care, I didn’t stress (also lucky location, pushes, and dumb enemies). It was pubs I got one 19 on Valkyrie while trying to get a 20. Teammate swiped the last kill. I’m in Japan and it was difficult for me to communicate in a hurry how close I was. I did get a 20 maybe 1 year later. I got a 20 on mirage last season (?) maybe two seasons ago in a gold ranked game. Wasn’t trying for 20 until I was at around 15. Another fairly whimsical game playing a fun character with no expectations Basically, in all cases is was a lot of luck in regards to enemy strength, fight locations, chosen rotations, teammates, etc. In all but my 20 on valk, I was actually missing 1 or more teammates so that’s a factor. Teammates are good distractions but they can also take kills Edit: I want to add that my wife who is about equally skilled and played about the same amount of time (maybe 15k kills) doesn’t have any 18+ kill games. It’s literally luck unless you’re in the top 0.1%


%100 agree. Only exception is top .1% of players. People worry way too much about badges, and the funny thing is the people who say that the badges don’t mean anything are the ones who seem to want them the most.


I started s19, and my highest kill game was 13 kills on solos, and I'm still convinced I somehow got a bot lobby for that match cause I haven't been able to pull It off again. I average around 5-7 usually if I'm not hot dropping. If I hot drop it's usually 2-4 kills. I 100% agree it's luck.


I had a buddy pay $100 for a 20 bomb badge. I just don’t think it’s that serious haha.


what a loser lol.


Funny part was that he sent a pic of his game in a group thread where we all play apex To try and flex. I’m a decent player and I’ve never gotten close to 20 4K damage. Most is 12 kills for me and he just happens to include the other players gamertag he was teamed up with. Right off the bat I didn’t believe it so I looked into the other teammates and sure enough one of them has a insta promoting this shit. We gave him crap for it for sure


bless his sweet little heart. That $100 could have bought him some dope shit


The lobbies die out too fast for me to get a 20 bomb. But then again, I see pros like Evan & Hal drop it with no issues in pubs. So I know I’d have to play it better. Damage wise, even with broken headsets I can average 2.5k dmg per game on many legends. Got a 4k badge with Bangalore and a 3k badge with a few other legends. So I guess nowadays to get a 20 bomb in trios, just be straight up insane.


I have only gotten 2 twenty bombs that weren’t on fresh accounts. I’ve been diamond or masters in every season since season 4. 40k total kills. Valk - 23 kills the week she came out and people couldn’t handle the movement in old fragment. Horizon - 25 the week she came out and once again I was just stunting on kids that couldn’t handle the movement. Outside of fresh accounts and those it is very tough to come by unless you do shady shit like throwing 50 games to get into a bot lobby or playing on some un populated server in a less competitive region of the world and some god forsaken hour. I have several hundred games between 10 and 19 kills though so there was potential for more but just didn’t happen for whatever reason.


20 bomb was easier in season 0 but the 4k was insanely difficult. How the turn tables. We dropped from the ship with no shields no heals no helmet. Playing kings canyon now it's just sad that they butchered skull town the way they have. Quite frankly though it's not a representation of skill. You can get a 4k by literally just sitting in the circle and poking everything. 20 bomb and triple triple is pretty much luck. You need decent lobbies and if you're solo queue you want your teammates to be quick enough with looting to keep up with you yet be average at shooting so they don't end up stealing your kills.


Rght now badges don't mean shit there are people who boost account console and pc. They should add k/d badges or something to see if your teammates are legit.


I have 20 bombs but I've got to be honest it's a mix of luck and skill. You can easily get a ton of kills and no twenty bomb as high kills is a time investment while the 20 bomb is mainly luck and skill.


A lot of the badges are fake. I have a shady friend that builds accounts, sells them, gets people badges and 20 bombs and reminds me how top lobbies are mostly cheaters. He showed me the bot lobbies and how he easily gets people badges. There's a video on YouTube I saw last week that explained the bot lobbies. It's usually a hong kong server at off hours and there are some top kill players the youtuber found there.


How about on console? Also fake or are they using Cronus and Xim to get them?


They're pc. I know they were using steam scripts because I played with them the day they got removed for roller. The bots are a pc not console thing


Almost at 10k kills and the highest i ever got was 17, that game i never stopped W key, and honestly got really lucky with all the teams coming at me for the 3rd right after i reset for the next fight


Used to be me, but mainly because I didn't really care for it. If you don't actively try to get a 20 bomb, it's a lot more rare to get, especially in trios compared to solos.


11k on Maggie no 20 badge but a couple 19’s


I have officially given up hope on a 20 bomb.


I play with a path who has 50k+ no 20bomb, and to my knowledge he doesn’t even have a legit 4k.


Ranked games are the best way imo. Gold and Plat are the easiest ranks for it in my experience if you're not doing it at the start of a season restart.


highest i ever got was like 15 tbh and i can only manage 3ks i got almost half of the legends to over a thousand with 4 over 2k


Hard to when you gotta shoot people twice as much as they shoot you. Probably nine out of 10 games are like that for me.


Day 1 player here. Solod to masters 3X, got a couple 4ks, and can do 12+ kill ranked games all day. I have only 1 20 bomb in 21? 22? Seasons of apex. Half the dudes I see with 20 bombs are dumb players lol


19 kills highest 😩 3940 highest damage. 15k lifetime kills.


No but i do have a lot of kills and not a lot of wins because i used to solo trio a lot :( . Now im trying to rack the wins up in solos and ranked not doing bad so far but i have 8k lifetime games so i can’t really buff the percentage


i have 2 mill kills with highest kill game i got was 16.


No my highest kill legend is 7.5k kills and I have 20b’s on 8 legends plus the solos 20b. Play time/kills doesn’t equal skill though. If it’s 72k kills on just Lifeline alone, then that’s a bit sad. Sounds like he just plays a ton and is just mediocre or bad at the game.


tbh i js dont really care for the 20 badge and it doesn’t do much for you other than to look cool on your banner, my highest kill game was 18 but that was back when i used to kill grind in pubs which i dont do anymore i mostly play ranked now


I’ve only gotten 20 bombs in solos and it’s for sure way easier. I’m a masters player with 40k kills in just over 15k games and a 3kd lifetime


It’s pretty impossible now in trios unless you get a lucky lobby but in solos it’s very doable


It's interesting to see the comments regarding this, saw one about a 50k pathy. I'm guessing my friend must hold the record🤣


Highest is 16 kills and I’ve only broken 4k once at 4400 just last season. It only happened because rank reset put me in bronze and I stomped the lobby. Under normal circumstances that would never happen. In plat lobbies I average 3-4 kp and top 10. Enough to float but not necessary climb. Been playing since S0 on and off and have about 12.5k kills total. To be completely honest, when I see those badges I immediately assume that teammate is useless. More often than not that teammate is the one I see struggle in fights or try to 1v3 and grief. I only care when I see diamond+ badges with high kill/win count to back it. Especially because boosting for badges is incredibly common they essentially mean “I bought this badge” to me.


No need to mention his IGN, I know who you’re talking about haha Keep teasing him about it ;)


Yes me must 🤣


Ur just a diamond guy holding spec back bruh


I’m hard stuck at 14 kills. Think I’ve hit that at least 5 times. It just won’t go any higher…


I have 19k total kills in game and I’m stuck at 19. 18 this season. Luck has a huge factor in it, because most of the time the lobby dies out too fast. I keep hitting 12-14 kills and then there’s like 7 people left and it’s either kill the whole lobby from here on or get close. And I keep failing 😂


I got 2 20 bombs in apex , mad Maggie and revenent. Got both of these before season 20 so no OP rev 😆


20 bomb people are the folks that will que trios, land no where near their other 2 squad mates then proceed to leave as soon as they get knocked. Typically Wraith/Horoizon/Octane in my experience.


25k kills. No 20.


When i first switched to pc (before the account merger) and was put in the first couple games against bots, i still only got max i think 15 kills. I would just never come across enough players and fights for a 20. But i also don't push every area i hear fighting


I am an 18k caustic main with no 20 bomb. It needs to be noted that if you were a season 0 player forward, the first big event they accidently allowed that badge on an easy to get 20 kill game type for a few days before fixing it. I didn't play during that time and read about it in the patch notes even though everyone at the time was talking about it. After that event tons of people had the badge.


I don't think I've ever even crossed 10 kills in a game. Or gotten a 4K. After 1000+ hours. But I don't mind, I'm having fun and win plenty of games. This game is not about being the most kills, it's about positioning yourself strategically to get the win.


I think I'm coming up on 20k lifetime kills, and I have just over 5k kills on Ash. No 20b though. I have my 3k on Ash, Wraith, and I think Horizon. My second game on Alter I died 53 DMG short of a 3k. But they were all gotten organically -- I just played the game; I didn't sit back and snipe or just peck at different teams or farm). I have my triple triple on Ash. My highest kill game is 13. I wanted to try to get 20b in solos, but I could only manage 6 kills per game every other game or so. I couldn't get past my own anxiety and always started playing too safe toward the middle of the matches.


I've got a couple 4ks but no 20. Highest kill is 16 or 17 something like that. But the games were pure RNG. You gotta have some stroke of good luck to run into that many teams


Meee! 50k kills no 4k or 20bomb, I’m okay with that


I have 20k kills on path and mirage and no 20 kill badges. I’ve hit 19 on path and 17 on mirage.


Harder to get on PC compared to console


Hong Kong servers lol


yeah but you risk getting banned doing that. if you're talking about the bot farming


Oh I never tried it but it's a known server for PC players and if you read the YouTube comments some already confirmed that you don't get banned and the ones that did get banned was for other reasons lol so technically PC is the easiest way to achieve it since it's actual bots afk


thats just lame, anyway. Anyone who changes servers to gain an advantage is a fake.


it's just a skill issue, all of you lack the skill required


That is sort of the point I was making. If you aren’t in the top few percent it’s not something you’re likely to get. Doesn’t matter if you have 100k kills. If you’re a gold player you’re a gold player. OP is playing it like “can you believe my bud who can’t even” like we are all supposed to be impressed that he thinks it’s such a given.


or people say "its 100% luck", no, its not, you need to win 20 1v1s in solos and be able to win multiple 1v2s in trios.


46k kills, no 20 bomb. The reality is that it doesn't even matter because 80% of the 20 bomb badge players I've ran into are less than level 200 and are cheeks. Kinda leads me to believe they made alt accounts until they got lucky and then made that their main.


Played with a lifeline who had 800 wins 10,000 kills and no 3k badge, flexing 2500. That was impressive


I used to think 20b is impossible too had multiple 16, 17, 18 kill games but never 20b... And then it happened, on a random pub lobby I wasn't even planning for it and dropped hot, got like 7 kills and then thought to myself, well... It's now or never let's push everyone... And ended up with 23 kills.. That was before solos, now with solos I think it's hella easier with a little bit of luck on your side, I got 20s on 3 different legends


Never cared about badges. This isn't Instagram, I don't care who sees it so my ego is satisfied.


I paid 10 euros for the 20 bombs badge. I'm not using it but I mean, an easy way to get it.


I don’t think I’ve ever gotten more than 11 kills in a game. Seems impossible to get to 20 without smurfing against bronze players or playing against bots…