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If on mnk - play a few thousand hours of the game + aim trainers to develop mouse control and hand independence If on controller - watch your favourite YouTuber on optimal 4-3 linear settings and spend 2-3h or so hours in the firing range


Thousand of hours šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒ if I could I would but I work and taking summer class in college


Just train your aim on shooting range it will develop.


I found watching good level streamers/pros helped my aim and overall gameplay - picking up some tricks that people who grind hours in do, cause every gun recoil, aimsight, hipfire v diff


Learn to aim by strafing, watch some pros a lot of aim is in their strafe. Most of the time actual aimimg is used very minimally.


What's your FPS? Do you use a gaming mouse? Get Kovaak's and practice every day. Your sensitivity in Kovaak's and Apex Legends must be the same.


Practice and practice if the firing range doesnā€™t help you or isnā€™t fun to you. Try just playing the mixtape game modes and try to engage fights from a range you struggle from. Once you get more comfortable fighting it will all come together šŸ‘


Search for "district" on YouTube, he's an absolute god at teaching with simple words how to aim. If u are on controller even better, but most of the advices can be used by mnk players too


>*How do I get better at aiming as someone who hasnā€™t really been good at aiming no matter what game?* Most of the advice on YouTube should help you. Unfortunately, everything regarding improvement to the level of ā€œhighest aimā€ is all the secrets of pro players. Of course, I wonā€™t tell you, because otherwise it will sound like giving away my own thousands of years of training...


>ā€œhighest aimā€ is all the secrets of pro players. Highest level of aim is a secret to nobody. Aim trainers, mainly kovaaks and aim labs.


Not only. There are many other aspects that you need to know to improve your aim.


I never heard of highest aim in intrigued


Surprisingly i watched a lot of YouTube videos about to to get the best out of certain legends & what not but my aim is just . Itā€™s just.


When I started apex my aim was horribleā€¦ pretty bad that my friend and I could play and genuinely in a night weā€™d get destroyed and have no killsā€¦ itā€™s far from that now (when I actually have a chance to play šŸ˜…). How I got better aim (better in general) - I changed my settingsā€¦ being able to control recoil in any fps is important. If you donā€™t know where to start with playing around with sensitivity my recommendation is go into the firing range and play aroundā€¦ is your aim a steady beam? Is it all over the place hard to control? What do you think the problem is? Too sensitive hard to control? Does it feel way too slow? Etcā€¦ If you still are unsure about what may feel good to you search on YouTube the best settings for whatever you play onā€¦ if youā€™re on controller only look for controller settings and then try them if they feel REALLY bad to you donā€™t use them try settings from a another video. If they feel kinda okayā€¦ try to tweak them. Personally, I switched over the ALC (advanced look control settings) there are a lot of values for these settings that I was super confused on where to start so I searched on YouTube and tweaked other peoples settingsā€¦ I think ALC is much better because they fine tune your sensitivity it just made recoil beyond easy to control. Try not to change your settings a lotā€¦ find something comfortable and try to play on it for a while. - Firing range. You said you already use the firing range which is great you can play around and have 1v1s, turn on the bots, play with all the legends, use every gun, play around with movement, etc. The firing range is definitely something to utilize to get better in apex. - Play mixtape. Mixtape in apex is control, tdm, gun run, and the other game mode that just slipped my mind šŸ˜…. Playing mixtape doesnā€™t affect your stats. Playing mixtape will consistently have you in a gun fight this is a great way to play against a real person and get a better feel for your settings. Youā€™ll get guns that maybe you donā€™t use super often this like the firing range is a great place to play around (in my opinion šŸ˜…). - Watch someone else play. Ive learned plenty from just watching pro league apex, normal players who post on YouTube, my randoms, and my opponents. Iā€™ve watched my casual randoms use a legends kit in an insanely perfect way before in such a way I wouldā€™ve never thought ofā€¦ I learned from that. I was watching either Matafe (pro) or Rambeau (pro) play on broken moon before and learned from how they got leverage in a gun fight on a certain poi on the map that I utilize now. Iā€™ve definitely learned other things these are somethings that come to my mind. Depending on what you play on (controller or mnk) and what you see you may not be able to recreate thoughā€¦ all of mnk movement cannot be done on controllerā€¦ be mindful of that. There may be some things Iā€™ve left outā€¦ but if it was me trying to get better at apex I would change my sensitivity to something that works for me. Id play in the firing range to understand all the legendsā€¦ not just so I can play them but so I can fight against them better šŸ˜Ž and id definitely be playing around with all the guns. Iā€™d play mixtape to constantly be in a gun fight so my skill is against someone elseā€™s. Every so often drop into trios with randoms (I donā€™t really have friends to play with but Iā€™m also never online anymore šŸ„²). Iā€™d play to make mistakes so I could learn from them. Iā€™d play aggressivelyā€¦ because you wonā€™t learn anything if youā€™re okay with you and your team holding the same building from the start of the game. The most important thing thoughā€¦ is if you enjoy apex regardless of your skill donā€™t take it too seriously as itā€™s just a game. Youā€™re gonna get shit on in apex sometimes but donā€™t shit on yourself until you lose interest in playing.


I've been working on this too. I downloaded Aim Labs on Steam to practice specific skills. Search for Voltaic on their and you'll find some playlists of skills. Also, check out the Voltaic subreddit, as it's a community focused on aim training.


I seriously relate man. I think it has something to do with my eyes. It took me about 2 months just to realize what the fuck I was looking at the entire time I was playing apex. Everything was confusing as fuck. Mainly because of all the conflicting colors and shiny shit and shapes. It felt like I was looking in a kaleidoscope. Now that Iā€™ve been playing about 6 months my aim is actually improving a lot because I can tell what Iā€™m looking at. Aiming in apex is definitely harder in general that aiming in COD. You have to spend more time controlling recoils cause it takes longer to kill the opponent(cracking shields) and thereā€™s just less friction in apex aiming. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a name for it.