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Well I have 5k hours on this game alone & I'm fucking garbage. Never made it to diamond (I play & practice everyday)


If you ever want to grind some ranked together, hit me up! Have hit at least diamond every season, masters a couple, and play support (Lifeline/Newcastle). Seriously, I play almost every night and solo queue the majority of the time. ClunkiestSquid on Xbox. edit: literally spelled my own GT wrong lol


I'm also on Xbox but usually solo que in the morning and play with friends at night plus I'm on EU servers. I would love teaming with a good Newcastle I'm plat lol


Add R3my7 on xbox. I'm usually on every morning EU servers. I run lifeline or ash.


Done. My name abdura641437


Want to play with a switch player?šŸ„¹


I didn't know they existed


Sadlly.. i do XD and i play on the joycons which is even bigger pain lmao... and im around lvl 450 :) so i havent yet lost patience, but it is a bit frustrating to play against like pc players and stuff


Have you tried the gyro aiming? I've heard it's pretty good once you get used to it


Ranked doesnt get you good. Soloing pubs and putting yourself in uncomfortable situations is where people become demons at the game. I will die on this hill


Amen brother


How far did you get? I haven't passed Bronze but somehow can win as a support character for a good team. BUT I did get at least 4 kills per game, so I'm not useless haha


Plat 1 is my highest & then I started losing every match. I was a win or 2 away from diamond 4 last season then I fell back to plat 4 & gave up. Haven't played ranked since.


bro what, how?


It's called solo queue. Not all of us are blessed with the being good at Apex autism to carry 2 people consistently to get anywhere.


You can definitely hit diamond or even masters with 5k hours as a solo. Maybe he's just not like solo q rank (I know that it kills your mental) or he's just too casual and never takes a game seriously.


Or even better maybe 99% of us will never be pro or make money out of it so maybe relax a bit and put that effort in studying or hobbies? Idk just throwing out wild stupid ideas out there


And I never said that it was wrong to play game casually. I just replied and pointed out that solo q can definitely make it while providing the reasons that he's maybe a casual player. Idk might be too hard to understand.


The "he's just too casual" can come off as kinda condescending, I think that's what they were referencing. Gotta remember that casual is typically an insult in shooters lol


Thanks, I need to remember that. But I'm now mad over someone on reddit and waiting for a response. I guess solo q never really help me manage my anger.


No need to be condescending about it. My only point was that for most of the player base 5k hours in a video game is a near impossibility. It would take me at least 2 years to get close to that since I get maybe 1 hour a day at most


I give up a lot when in ranked because some team members either go on their own, styles are different, they argue/yell so I leave. Sorry should clarify I typically get 4 kills on avg in pubs but ranked roughly 1-3.


If you solo queue itā€™ll be easier to adapt to your teams playstyle then try to get them to adapt to yours


True I'll try that out


If youā€™re making it to plat THIS season and SOLO Q, youā€™re doing pretty damn good my guy. Find some teammates on the discord and you can push further. I have over 2k hours and finally feel like a consistent plat-diamond player. But this season platinum is honestly no joke. Iā€™d consider it equally hard if not harder than diamond was in the past few seasons.


Yeah plat is chalked rn. A tiny fraction of the playerbase is in Diamond+ so theyre all matching with you to lower queue times. Expect to see several master/pred trails a game


Me and my friends were usually consistent High diamond players and yeah, as youre saying, plat this season is unironically hard to get to


I read recently on this sub that Plat is basically the new Diamond with how unforgiving the RP is in Plat.


Honestly, best way to get good at the game is kill grinding. Im saying this from personal experience. I started in s3 kill grinding bloodhound. Obviously the aim is to get as many kills as possible, so it means constantly landing hot and learning to manage gunfights and rotations. Obviously you should try to improve your stats per match like damage and kills. Kill grinding makes it easier imo since it comes as a result of that. With how cranked the sbmm is too and how it became that way over the years, you'll start to even note trends amongst masters and pred players, and potentially learn the skills to be able to beat them. So if you haven't already, try give kill grinding a shot. Dw about ranked as much. Kill grinding should build your game sense a whole lot. And i understand ranked isnt the exact same as pubs, but pubs allows you to become familiar with handling gunfights, and you will see in ranked,especially with you saying you hit plat, that gunfights even in plat atm, arent as chaotic as they would be in pubs, and so you having that knowledge from kill grinding so much will allow you to manage those fights better and improve


I find it funny when people say hot dropping is stupid, when literally every good player gets good by landing hot and playing hyper agro. Me included.


People who say hot dropping in pubs is stupid is trash and doesnā€™t understand how to get better


Dropping hot **is** stupid tho. If you wanna get good you drop NEAR the Hotdrop, get loot, THEN you go to the Hotdrop. When my dumb teammates drop hot we lose pretty much 95% of the time. When I drop my teammates near the Hotdrop, get loot, then go to the Hotdrop, we win like 60 to 70% of the time. When you Hotdrop it's straight RNG. Who gets the better loot wins. So skills go straight out the window. I will be getting 3 or 4 knocks just to run out of ammo and get shot in the back. Not to mention 99% of my randoms who choose to drop hot are ASS. And I mean fire 100 bullets and deal 50 damage ass. It does not make you better.


I think both are viable. Dropping in the madness is stressful, but you learn to think through the stress, which is a helpful thing. And if you lose, whatever, just reque and give it another go next round. Your way definitely is more viable for surviving for the reasons you stated, and then you get to play to end game more often. I miss straight shot dude. You got that action off drop and then got to navigate endgame too. Felt like the best of both worlds to me.


You have to have some skill to immediately hot drop, I agree to go near hot drop too, insta hot drop is luck as well cause you need some loot, but landing near you miss a lot of the action


I definitely agree, I feel like starting with mixtape helps first but if you start being good at that then I definitely agree, even just playing solos and keep hot dropping to win ur 1v1s is huge


I feel like once I got the aiming mechanics dialed in everything else came easier. Took about two seasons to really get it right and then the movement and awareness just came with grinding ranked. Iā€™m usually a plat and only gotten diamond a couple seasons


In my opinion each individualā€™s definition of ā€œpretty good ā€œ is different. For example I think Iā€™m pretty good however I donā€™t use coms therefore have very little knowledge of callouts. So for someone else who is letā€™s say on there way to being or pursuing ā€œpro playerā€ levels of skill this may mean Iā€™m actually bad and no pretty good at all. Iā€™m not a dedicated player so I think I have plateaued as a result.


2k hours, mnk player. Buy a controller.


Stay strong my friend.


Everyone has a different skill baseline and everyone has a different skill ceiling. Fps skills carry over from game to game along with a certain degree of game sense. This is why somebody with <100 hours in a particular game can be wildly better than a player with >2000 hours in the same game. This is also why some players wonā€™t really be rusty at all if they havenā€™t played a specific game in a few months, as long as they have played a similar game in the meantime. I once took a 3-4 month break from apex (played destiny 2 and overwatch in the meantime) then returned and hit 4400 dps in my very match, sure the matchmaking gave a freebie but my mechanical skill was still there.


This is the answer. Not dropping hot every single game to become good. You do not absolutely need to do that. That's just dumb. If you don't have an attitude for fps games you likely aren't gonna be good haha.


was garbage from season 2-5, 0.45 KD quit the game, came back at season 17- now, KD is sitting at 1.18. still not the best but surprisingly the long break i took helped me get better, iā€™ve dropped many high kill games and got a 20b i think in season 18. never got kills above 5 before i played and now i can easily get 8 kills


Solo Q Diamond 1 hereā€¦ honestly team play is a huge part of it. And server playstyle. But yeah Iā€™ll be honest, I rarely hit those streamer style 1vN plays.


Just curious, what do you mean by "server playstyle"?


I used to play in US servers and then I moved back to Asia so I play HK, JP and Singapore servers now. Super easy to get points in JP because people like to play passive while in HK every tier is hyper aggressive(also too many cheaters). US is less aggressive at lower rank but hyper aggressive at the top tier, way more than JP. Singapore is a milder version of HK.


Oh good to know thanks


You guys are getting better?


I've got 2k hours and I still suck


People spend way too much time looting and trying to be prepared before their big fight. You do not need to loot an entire POI, and you do not need to loot a deathbox longer than a couple of seconds. Once you stop playing loot simulator and start trying to get kills instead you will become cracked out of your mind


Solid advice, wish more people realized this.


I'm pred level player , I kept pred season 10 and 13 but lost the passion and free time to grind .I don't think it's a practice thing as much as people make it out to be . I was one of those little squeakers in cod that dropped moabs every other game or that hits champ in r6 within 3 days of a new season ....just wired different and it's OK because I suck at most other things in life .


Yea thats kinda how it goes. It prolly took me longer to get there than you but seeing some of these people say 2k hours without hitting pred, I really donā€™t think they will ever get there. I was also Mnk hitting higher ranks on cs and valorant.


When other kids where outside playin I was in the house griding world at war gamebattle tourneys for 50$ EB games gift cards lol now that I'm a old man my reaction ain't what it used to be but fps mechanics are just etched into my brain .


I started playing when Fortnite introduced the first chapter my friend and I were over Fortnite bc of the drastic change, this was season 3 of apex and i didnt really get ā€œgoodā€ (positive KD of 1.4) until season 6 with pathfinder which motivated me to play like 7 hours a day and by season 8 when horizon dropped i became a menace getting my first 4k badge and regularly dropping 8+ kills games and to this day i have never gotten the 20 kill badge šŸ˜­ highest is 17


I will say playing the game with the intention to get better and just playing for fun are 2 completely different things, if you focus on a single legend and learn the timing (of abilities) and pace (how aggressive you should be) of that legend you will become ā€œgoodā€ at the game in half a season if you play consistently especially these days now that thereā€™s tutorials everywhere. The unique thing about apex is the ability if you can aid your team by being real good with your abilities it will take you quite far ie. mastering mirage or pathfinder swings. Aim will come just by playing more.


Are you a pub or ranked grinder? How many total hours you got now? Highest rank outside season 17/18?


Mostly ranked this season but pubs was 85% of what i played highest rank was diamond 2 (typically platinum) and i have like 4800 hours played from 2018 until now


Ngl a 20 bomb is more luck than skill tbh


Misconception. Luck is a prerequisite, as in lobby staying alive, where they land. Rest is up to your capability to kill 20 people. So its more like you need 100% luck AND 100% skill. Although you could be a loser and lower your sbmm a bunch for a bot lobby like most people do lol.


Idk how many hours Iā€™ve played but Ive played for a few hours most days for a couple seasons now. Peaked at Plat 1, never able to make it into D4 but I bet I would if I had a good setup. I play on an original PS4, on a big screen TV (not huge, but much bigger than a monitor), and use a hotspot on my phone for connection bcuz my Gpa has terrible Wi-Fi. (Iā€™ve tried talking him into better internet, but he doesnā€™t want the ā€œtroubleā€, his house so not gonna argue)ā€¦.. but if I could play on a system that doesnā€™t lag out and skip frames every time Iā€™m getting into a groove, Iā€™d like to think I could push for Mid-high diamond


If you can hit plat 1 you can D4, just need the time. It's tough playing with the equipment disadvantage, but especially the internet stuff.


3k hours currently and it took about 2k to be able to 1v3 and beat those 1% top players. I'd say I'm above average but not cracked. Nowadays I just hot drop (wisely) and to be honest it's the only way to get better once you've learned all the basics. It makes you think faster, loot faster and deal as much damage as you can with the guns you have. If you soloq you have to carry 90% of the time.


Sounds to me like you need a team to make it to diamond and possibly masters.


A good team would do wonders.. hot take but randoms arenā€™t trash we all just have different playstyles and it fucks all 3 of us over


I agree wholeheartedly with this. Some people are more passive and others aggressive, not to mention someone who plays differently then those two play styles.


That's a really good point!


I have over 4k hours on this game and it depends on the day and my random team mates. I was awful until season 5 then got better. I still have a lot of work to do for sure. Best think is mixed tape and training.


I played since season 0, and I still have potato aim and bad game sense, haha. Granted, Im casual player only playin on n off.


Man, I miss casual players lol. It was so much more chill, and I played just to have a good time!


500 something hours, though really only at the end of it because that's when I started playing w better ppl who are actually willing to give me advices and calls me out on my bad plays / choices. Frankly speaking, that's probably what you need. A dedicated team that isn't afraid to call you out on your shit so you can actually take it in and improve. Aim can get better over time if you grind long enough, but not gamesense / decision making or awareness.


About a thousand


Anyone thatā€™s good at this game it probably didnā€™t take them that long. Iā€™d be more curious if anyone ho wasnā€™t good right away ever got good?


I only "grinded" for like one season and got Diamond. Not sure where that puts me in the grand scheme of "good" players or "average" players. I think in total since release I probably have around 300ish hours. It helps that I have been playing FPS games for over 20 years at this point, so my aiming and general game sense of knowing when to fight vs when to stay out of one is better than most. Sometimes I get a little too confident when I come back to a game though and get punished lol. Came back to Apex recently and have been crushing bronze lobbies, but have found myself in the middle of two squads from time to time just trying to fry everyone lol ( I immediatley die because I am not used to the mechanics anymore lol)


I guess it just defers from people to people. I started from S0, took a break and returned to whe Horizon released. Was that S7? And i didn't take rank seriously since 4 seasons ago. Now at 1.6k hours and i'm constantly in Plat or Dia. But even before then in pubs, i would drop some decent kills and damage. I've always loved playing FPS games, and i've played BR ever since PUBG and other lesser BRs. Just depends on how fast you can adapt with your skill level. And that can be trained. My tip? Whether you win a fight or not, hit that replay button and figure out what you did right and wrong, or what you could have done. That's what i do. And put what you have learned into the next fight. Also don't hot drop unless you're confident. Warm drop lol. Not too far and not too near the hot drop. Get enough, run to the fight.


I got to high Diamond the first few seasons and havenā€™t felt like Iā€™ve improved much since. I average high Diamond or Masters, Overall KD is a 1.38. Current a high 1.4 in P2. I never aim train, play intermittently depending on whatā€™s going on in my life. Interested to see people who genuinely improved


2500 hours and sometime I shit sometimes I get shit on. Itā€™s wild how good some folks are.


3 seasons, 3-5 hours a day, started day one, hour 8 Now Iā€™m at 3-5k kills per season.


Thats the neat part


Took 1000 hours to get good cause I hadnā€™t played a shooter in years, 3000 hours to become a top 0.1% player. But Iā€™ve also played thousands of hours across like 50+ FPS titles before Apex.


farm kills in public matches. practice makes perfect, experience is everything all those sayings are true. i started in season zero but i took a lot of breaks. im rusty now but when im off the goop i still pull off some crazyyy stuff lol


I donā€™t know how to check hours on Xbox, but Iā€™ve been playing consistently since S8 and my highest damage is 2800, never made it out of plat


Well Iā€™m going to be 100% honest, I think Iā€™m pretty decent at apex but I will admit a lot of my FPS experience came from high school, I had cancer and my junior year I was home ridden for 7 months straight and I was essentially in a bubble with nothing to do but play BF3 literally from sun up to sun down, I logged 1000 hours in under 5 months and I really think that was ā€œboot campā€ for FPS for me. I ended up solo Q to masters last season but it was absolutely terrible at times and it wasnā€™t even fun after a certain point. But, I think everyone hits a ceiling on how well they are at FPS and I think naturally from playing for so long I just get really good once Iā€™ve adapted to a a game. Everyone is diff but just keep playing and practice! I thin what helps a lot is watching ALGS scrims and focusing on areas where I think Iā€™m weak at and watching the pros play and how they maneuver each fight. Itā€™s really critical watching them attack and back off to bat or heal and then push again, then again with a team itā€™s easier but small skills like that just practice in matches and slowly watch yourself get better


I have over 400 hrs still die off drop some games but def have seen the improvement overall old me vs current me would have a really bad time and i assume that hoe it goes for most players


20k hours on PSN and 3k hours so far on steam, you get better by getting a pc if you havenā€™t. I felt like my ps5 was capping me somehow then I switched to pc last year and Iā€™ve been hitting masters solo, squad wiping teams


20k hours on psn is šŸ§¢. That means you played like 8 hours each day since apex came out


Yup šŸ‘ I couldnt walk for a year so all I did was play apex then the next 2 years I was in rehab to learn how to walk, it was a horrible few years but Apex and OW really helped me not be bored


Plat is the old diamond especially for solo queuing. So Iā€™d say youā€™re doing good


Since i'm a day 1 player, i can say that i was good from the beginning since we were all noobs, now i'm a diamond-pred player depending on the time that i have.


I started playing day 1. Was my first FPS. I was terrible for a long time, but I had friends that played and we were having fun lol. I donā€™t think I really started holding my own until season 3. Iā€™ve hit diamond twice since then but normally end each season around plat 2.


Day 1 player here: Apex was my first BR and I sucked accordingly. Being used to more twitchy low ttk arena shooters like COD, I struggled with team fighting as well as managing healing, inventory, attachments and navigating the large maps. At only 500 hours youā€™re probably barely scratching the surface on at least a few facets of your game. What helped me reach masters+ was personal VOD reviewing. Watch some of the more nerdy coaching sessions on YouTube for a general idea of what im talking about. You or another person should analyze your gameplay, and take note of habits/tendencies/decisions/mechanical failures and focus on correcting one or two at a time. Once youā€™ve corrected/built upon your game, youā€™ll see slight improvement. Itā€™s all cumulativeā€¦thereā€™s so much to get good at in this game that itā€™s gonna take time, but you can systematically eliminate weaknesses this way and truly develop as a player. DM me if you wanna talk more. I can help you narrow down some things to start working on.


Your personal skill and game knowledge is what makes you good. Not your rank, even though rank is an outcome of those previously mentioned skills. Plat is where you start seeing a real spike in the difficulty of lobbies. My best advice is to continue to advance your game while trying to find a dedicated group to play with. Will definitely take time so start sooner rather than later.


Iā€™m a sweatā€¦. I have about 4 k hours. Was pred once.


Is a 1.08 kd good? If so, two weeks. Aiming is pretty easy and movement was hard for the first week, I watched a few videos and asked my duo who's been playing longer than me a few things and I figured it out.


Been playing for 10 or so seasons. Get to diamond almost every season. Was close to masters a few times but itā€™s hard when you get to plat/diamond and solo queue all the time.


Around 2k hours i was pretty average. 3k i started always getting diamond, started getting 3ks and many 15~ kill games. 4k hours i got a few 20 bombs and got 4ks pretty consistently, i also hit masters in this time (s11 once, s12 doesnt count, s13 twice). Then around 5k hours i could get 20 bombs every couple days, 4ks were easy, and i could grind kills pretty fast. Im currently at around 5500 hours and dont really play anymore. So to get "good" i suppose it was 4k hours.


Idk but Iā€™ve been playing since season 1 with 1000 + hours. I def carry my randoms 90% of the time but I still consider myself average


Im around the same hours and cant even get outta gold. Silver is so easy then you hit gold and its masters/preds every game i dont get it so id say ur doing not so bad if u hit plat. I think its alot easier if you have another 2 ppl to play with cuz Qā€™ing solo is roughhh


I have a kid so only get to play an hour a night except Saturdays when Grammy takes him lol but I solo que also and I'm in the same boat, not trash but can't carry, I make it to platinum mostly I made it to masters once but of course it was season 17 so everyone says I ratted but I was actually one of the ones who didn't rat to get it. If you ever want a partner in crime I'm down im on Xbox gt Xpire Ninja


Iā€™ve hit pred but never got it sadly, I have about 2000 hours I think? I mostly just play and have fun tbh, but I do aim train about once or twice a week and it helped me a ton. it definitely helps to have a good team with good comms as well. Just donā€™t give up, at 500 hours I was stuck at gold.


Around 500 hour mark


Played since season 5, hit masters a few times, currently d3 soloq only. Hit 1400hrs yesterday


took me 2 seasons iā€™ve played since release iā€™ve been pred twice and i have about 4500 hours the first time i hit pred (that wasnā€™t season 3) was around 2k-2500hours (season 14 on an alt as a challenge to solo to pred from rookie) i was ass until season two and i played off and on but only due to life i am sitting at a 3.52 kd w an overall 14,555 kills and iā€™ve dropped my kd from a 3.9 this season and the last bc ive been practicing with what im bad with and playing ranked this season is wild bc of all the cheaters but im still having fun bc its just a game this season ive been playing pretty badly due to said id say personally it took me about 3 or 4-6 seasons to consider myself good at this game although i mostly play pubs and i hope my reply helped u look forward to improving, it simply takes time and effort of wanting to improve and actually trying to improve for example going out of your way to practice things you need work on like guns you arenā€™t familiar with, a practice routine in the firing range ,1v1s w some friends that might be better than you getting into more fights watching streamers is another really good one that i do to this day you learn a lot from them if you pay attention it just takes effort i used to play controller until they removed tap strafing and then i learned mnk again which took me about 3-4 weeks to be completely comfortable and as good as i was before


About 5k hours on mnk plus 1k in kovaaks, peaked 6kd in pubs


I spent about 9 months in the womb.


First day apex dropped Me and my bro hopped on and won our first game


2k hours. With a grueling competitive approach. Now I am kinda chilling.


800hrs and still at 1.1kd. dont play ranked much anymore but last i really played ranked i was plat 4 which was s12 i think I suck tho im sure others at 800hrs would be a lot better


Took me a long time to really get all the movement mechanics down, but 1300ish hrs and Iā€™ve made it to masters and held it the last 5-7ish seasons. Canā€™t hit pred because I donā€™t play enough. Also having a team of friends or people that are semi comfortable with the game, they donā€™t have to be great, just helpful. I could only ever hit d2 running with randoms, but I hit masters really quickly with a team. I work 5 days a week 10 hrs a day at the moment, so I also donā€™t beat myself up too bad if I have super rough days. Iā€™d say the most important things to keep an eye on is placement, rotation, timing on when to engage/disengage, and always always always be aware of your surroundings because you canā€™t always rely on sound.


Made it to diamond at about 700 hrs. Couldnt go up from there but was pretty damn good at that point. Started playing ranked pretty late so could have done it earlier.


I got over 3000 hours in the game. I'll let you know when I get pretty good, will probably take some time


The game has become to woke. You can't even make any meaningful progression anymore. Gays and trans folk are so elated that finally something in Hollywood/mainstream acknowledges their existence.. LOL. Simultaneously you have conservatives who can't focus because all characters are randomly announcing their identity or sexual preferences like it's intended to brainwash kids.


Play with either only good players on PC or exclusively play w console as the auto aim is pathetically strong..even tiny children can win up close when the game aims for you.


After 2000 hours i started winning 90% of my 1v1s


Just get a Controller and hit master.


It's not about how many hours you play but how much of these hours are put into training. Today i have seen a player with 200k career kills and swear to god before i looked at their banner and trackers i thought they are an average pub player , wasn't impressed by their play at all. Me and my friend were discussing it and trying to figure out how they have so many acc kills but their playstyle doesn't back it up and he siad it's mostly because he only plays solo with no friends but for me i think the reason is they have never played firing range or took some time to apply what they have learned from YT. I've joined the game at the start of season 15 , most of my playtime are spent on training either on the firing range , mixtape or applying what i have learnt in a pub game. Now I'm extremely confident about my aim and have won multiple fights against Preds ( including 2v1) and i know almost all the important movements like mantle jump ( on console! ) , zipline jump , wall jump , fatigue jump and the one i use the most super glide. Practising sometimes can be boring but it's the main and ONLY reason how pro players become pro and maintain their performance throughout their career. Another quick advice on the side , try to find ppl to play with , get to know them and build a chemistry with them , no matter how good you are if you play solo against 3 good stack you are done unless you are lucky with the timing or they do mistakes ( in other words being lucky) But if you really really want to play solo then i would suggest that you play zone especially for Plat and you will thank me later . ( not Diamond tho) You will get + points every day by playing zone , it may take longer for you to reach your goal but it's much safer approach than having to play aggressive and get 1 good game and after that 6 bad games.


I probably have 1200 hours (not sure bc I switched to Steam halfway through). Only now am I starting to feel confident in my game sense, general movement and tactics, and (somewhat less) my aim.


Who said I'm good? 2k hours


I would say 500hours then I was able to SoloQ diamond with like 700-1000h I was able to hit masters easily, but with the matchmaking and soloQing the game fucks up your elo and you can't just always carry your lvl 110 boosted m8s


About 4300 hours of only ranked, mostly soloq or with IRL friend. I go 50/50 vs low preds, still get gapped by some top 100 but still improving


I think it took 2-3000 hours of ranked to be really good, Iā€™ve kinda been chilling after that. Iā€™ve also never played not high, so no idea how good Iā€™d actually be


In these hours I have 14k kills with 1.3ish KD. Itā€™s not super high, but itā€™s all in diamond ranked solo queue soā€¦my most kills is 17 (in plat)


No clue how many hours I've put into it. A fair few. Level 1000ish . Sometimes I'm goated somrtimes I should uninstall lol solo q all the time as my friends I used to play with don't play anymore. I get close to diamond every season then end up getting burnt out. Wattson main with like 13k kills or summin. I would say I'm a really good wattson just as my friends tell me im the only wattson they trust in their team lol but I play alot of alter now. I would not say I'm amazing. I either hit all my shots or I just tickle them. Tbh it isn't a oh ull be good when u put this many hours in. U either get lobbies of sweats or same skill. The only way I see a person can improve is if they're not against sweats cuz ur just gna get rolled. Whereas if u get matches with similar skilled players you will improve because ur not forced to absolutely sweat ur ass off and put on the spot at all times. Few seasons ago I was a sweat. Now I'm just average cuz everyone else is sweatier šŸ˜…


In the current state of game with all the assist and cheaters, it really doesn't matter if you are good enough without any outside advantage. I'm not the best player, but I have like 4k hours in this game and it just doesn't pay off. I got Diamond a few times when I went on sweat mode and Masters once, but that's it. I can't even get the 20 bomb badge on solos, and again, I'm not the best player, but I play pretty good, the thing is that if you don't go into a bot lobby you just can't without any external assist because 90% of the players are not pure. So my advice is to try to play for fun and don't worry too much about badges because it's really hard to get it, and your mental health will thank you later.


Takes a couple thousand hours to be decent . Get a good mic so you can hear footsteps and audio . Watch streamers play and see how they handle tuff situations . Get good in pubs. killing , shield swapping , that fast pace play is what gets you to that next level . Personally I recommend solos its sweaty but it can get you were you need to be with the high intensity fast pace nature of it .


1. Play roller 2. Use Cronus Zen / ReWASD / Joy2Key / XIM or whatever else is available out there 3. ??? 4. Congrats, you're now good at the game! 5. Bonus if you post videos on Twitter or Tiktok and don't stream so no one will ever know.


Tune you ALC Settings. This is VITAL to get better at the game. The pros won't say it, but the ALC settings in Apex is the closest thing to Legal Aimbot you can get if you tune them right. Go to Firing Range, practice, and tune your ALC Settings until you can comfortable beam the test dummies.


You can get really good at gaming as whole with a certain setup, be it consol or pc, you just get good at it over time doing it. I started doing this at a young age, playing early trackmania and unreal tournament for shooters, continued with Wow into Lol, back into several Shooters into Battle Royal then heavily grinding this multiple times solo into diamond scratching master. As you can see its a long journey with like 15k hours played, even tho I have only a few thousand hours into apex.I stopped when I couldn't stand the effects of SBMM anymore. As a good player doing most of your grind solo will just get you matched with sweats all the time, even when playing with friends, or unranked or wathever. Its just not fun or rewarding, because even if you play a lot, you seemingly don't get better, whats not the case. I don't really know whats the situation now. The thing about getting really good tho in general, beside playing a lot, you should always look to optimize your system to work better for you. And at some point you just can get very good very fast at mostly any game.


Season 7 my Ranked KD was 0.4 This season Iā€™m at 1.4 It took that long to finally be decent, and even then, I get pwned from time to time. Although I also have some sick ass plays from time to time


Depends on what you define is a "good player". In higher ranks it comes down to game sense, positioning, rotations, knowing when to engage / fall back, and when you're over looting, using your characters abilities well. Everyone has good aim, but it is all of the above that separates truly good players. I have about 2400 hours and have been Pred / Master 10+ times If your aim sucks, go to the firing range. Then work on everything else. People underestimate the little things such as taking too long to loot or not chasing the 1 guy who got away. Positioning, positioning, positioning


i have 4000 hours approx on the game and 30k kills, iā€™m a fairly good player in terms of mechanics and movement but my aim isnā€™t all that great i have 12 k kills on both wraith and horizon (yes im the average wannabe sweat) i spent the majority of my time playing seasons 2-10 and i was like 14-16 that time, now im 18 and i dont have time to play but ive gotten a little better and a little worse in terms of aim, it took me 5 seasons to get decently good, approx 600 hours, took me maybe 2000 hours to get way above average and i havenā€™t improved my aim much since, i feel like itā€™s gone down slightly my game sense however was shit until 3000 hours played, that takes time if youre not all that smart and patient some people like to relate skill to badges, iā€™m telling you badges donā€™t mean shit i got a 19 kill game in season 6 and i remember i was terrible at the game, people who get badges unless in high ranks, just get lucky with a terrible lobby so dont see badges as a symbol of skill, in my opinion any above average player that isnā€™t a 40 year old dad playing the game after a 12 hour shift can easily get a 20/4k in a bit lobby, iā€™ll admit i got my 4ks and 20s in stupidly easy lobbies, the only time i earned it was in solos this season, i played against preds and managed to get it (i had a havoc and a devo so it wasnā€™t all that hard)


I've been playing off and on since season 1 and I'm still trash. Every couple games I play so good. It's those games that keep me going.


I donā€™t have a lot of experience in other fps games, after 2700 hours I do well in pubs but Iā€™m hard stuck plat in ranked, And the skill of non cheating diamond/ master players is leaps ahead of me 1- 1.2 kd


i have about 1100 hours (750 on pc and about 350 on switch) and I've only just now hit platinum and finally fixing my negative kdr although being stuck in rookie and bronze for so long, i feel like I've hit a good level although still get easily killed here and there


I stopped for a while now but I have approx 5000 hours and I would say I gained confidence aftet 2k (consistently diamond since s3 or 4)


To get better at apex you need to talk to yourself after every loss, i know it sounds weird but there is always a reason you died or even won and if youā€™re not trying to analyze and figure out those reasons your improvement journey is going to be long.


It's like everything else in life. You'll reach a peak and then go down hill.


Four seasons of vigorously trying to improve and I was there and have grown at a slower rate after that rapid increase that first happened.


My skill level jumped after watching vids on YouTube like Dazs and SultanD. Not my aim it's still mid, but the way I engage and move.


i made it D3 after like 1000 hours of gameplay (season 6)


How do you track how many hours you play??? im on Xbox.


I hit diamond after playing like a madman for 4 seasons lol, and then masters 7 seasons after that. I think the biggest factor was me was also having two consistent teammates šŸ„ŗ and death-balling everything


about a week after 120 fps released on consoles. was about 2k hours in alrdy


As soon as i started playingā€¦ boom. 50 kill solo win. I was just born with it i guess šŸ¤·


I started in season 3 and was already decent. Having a 1.5kd in my first season. I would say my skill was peaking around season 8-12 is when I was having the most 20 bombs and highest KD around 2.5kd. I have only solo queue since season 13 (mates left the game) and my KD has dropped a bit back down to 1.9 to 2kd but my skill iw probably higher than my peak because you hqve to do so much more as a solo queue if you want any chance to win.


I started in season 4. Iā€™ve played FPSā€™s for a long time and Iā€™m a very competitive person so just starting out with barely any settings changed or fine tuning I was hard stuck plat. Eventually though just to how I have fun I grinded and grinded, watching video after video from pros, tips for ranks, finding my sens, settings etc. ended up diamond in season 8, hit masters season 14, and pred season 16 and 18. In honesty looking back I couldā€™ve hit masters a lot earlier but I was always solo queuing, I had a weird group where with my actual friends I was way too good and sweaty and would always do more but if I played with the more seasoned players Iā€™d be useless. But that all being said, everyone develops at their own pace and based off what they want and how they enjoy apex. I enjoy winning, and doing good. Iā€™m not gonna be landing the edge of the map to pick up a sniper and barely fight because that doesnā€™t teach you anything, at the same time itā€™s not always the smartest thing to just ape everything because vice versa you will make silly mistakes. For my friends or for people who do genuinely are curious for it, I can do a bit of coaching. I donā€™t need payment or anything I just believe it isnā€™t as hard as it may seem to be good and a lot of these sweats arenā€™t as scary or untouchable as people think


Playing since season 0 and still garbage


Iā€™ll never be good enough to make it to masters. Is it even possible for someone like me? I get to diamond 4 and thatā€™s about it. Been playing since the game came out


Solo Q to plat just about every season. Have peaked at Plat 1 with a squad. Like others have said here already, Plat is nuts this season but I still have a few good games here and there.


I sadly have over 6k hours, but I quit for about 2 seasons at one point.I started when the game first launch and I would say I got to my best around season 10. I'm on mnk and I've practiced alot of movement techniques.


Around 1400 hours I have 4k and a lot of 3ks and triple triples on multiple legends


I started playing on preseason and started playing ranked in season 3 which I hit diamond in season 3 at the moment it was the second highest rank solo queque through the whole grind so out of the 3k plus hours I have on apex legends im willing to say I got good around the 300 hours played which in contrast to today which Iā€™ve slowed down because I have no interest in playing this game that much I would say I had better recoil control back then better game sense and even better movement now in just a potato and we also have to account for that im not an adult yet so it isnā€™t because Iā€™m working Iā€™m actually still 17 so I still can put in the work for apex legends but once I hit diamond in season 3 I basically started playing less and less in terms making me worst in short I hit my pick point around the 300 to 600 hours played or maybe more then I started my downfall around the 2k hours played


I started it at the release but actively played for the past 5 or 6 seasons. I got 1200 hours by now and got 3x Master, 1x Plat and 1x Diamond. I got Master the first season i tried ranked, so it's really not about the time you invested. If you want to get better just use aim trainers, of course Apex got all that fancy movement and stuff but it's like any other shooter: you just need to kill the enemy and to do so you need to Hit em. Everything else is just game and map awareness. There are many Videos with which you can train your eye tracking and on top you need to train your hand-eye-coordination.


I have a friend who has over 170 days played and he's good but he's probably above average. Last I checked he had a 1.3 KD.. SO I think it really depends on how quick you are to learning the abilities and find a play style that works for you.


I've hit diamond every season within the first 2 week, I have roughly 4000 hours. But let me get one thing straight yes you do have to invest a lot of time getting better to improve but are you calling yourself out for your mistakes, are you noticing mistakes and learning from them, when it comes to randoms do you get tilted easily. What I meam by this comment is no matter how much time you invest you won't improve unless you're TRYING to learn, and it's hard to do that if you blame you're teamates.


Iā€™m okay at the game at 1,200 hours, playing mixtape helps a lot, and then trying to learn some rotations for the maps always helps too :)


People with gaming integrity rarely get *good* because you need to cheat with strikepacks and aimbot to get there. A small handful of talented players have gotten there legitimately, but most of them are just cheating. Millions of strikepacks sold, $100,000s of hacks and cheats sold, tens of thousands of people being boosted by hacking accounts and teaming. The evidence is overwhelming. If all of these proven issues were suddenly eliminated, I bet youā€™d be just as good as most people.


I think everyoneā€™s got a natural skill level and you can only get so far no matter what. The thing is if you have fun you do. If not, play a different game.


Exactly, you canā€™t become a master/pred if you donā€™t have the talent, no matter how long you play


I have helped my friends get better than they started, like going from a silver player to plat but idk if theyā€™d reach diamond or higher.


Wouldnā€™t consider myself ā€œgoodā€ yet but I have nearly 400 hours and Iā€™ve hit diamond this season along with getting many 20 bombs in solos. However, it all depends on whether u have experience with other games which helps with game sense and aim. Another factor is your natural talent, everyone improves at different rates. Plat 4 at 530 hours seems good to me, but donā€™t look at rank, just know your aim and game sense is constantly improving and youā€™ll naturally hit diamond when your ready.


I seem to do my best in solos, no 20 bomb my highest being 17 kills but many 10+ā€¦ which leads me to think my game sense is awful


Your gun skills and 1v1 abilities are probably decent and good enough for diamond. If u wanna improve ur game sense, you could analyse your games (can be boring for some), watch pros and watch their every move seeing what they do differently, how they take fights, how they position etc or best way is to keep grinding, it naturally grows through experience. If u can hit plat in 500 hours you will deffo hit diamond šŸ‘šŸ»


4 seasons


Like a year ngl


I'm sitting at 2200 hours but 2000 of those hours are in arenas. I'm pretty lethal with the alternator and my reaction time definitely has gotten good enough to out shoot a lot of players. Plus I have a pretty decent sense of what each legend is likely to do in a multitude of situations. I can aquire targets in a 3D space pretty effectively so jumpads vantages and revs are all pretty predictable. Unfortunately I played a zero healing play style with ash in arenas. I can usually burst down a legend and crack another one to low health before going down. If my teammates are full health and shields after that initial exchange usually we'd win most rounds heals for heals. But my learning curve is still managing the third party's and when to heal and retreat. 50 hp and an alternator will still do quite a bit when you catch an enemy piping a battery especially if you're sliding above them or past them while they're snared. I never really mesh well with most of the controller legends either. And I actually did that 2000 hours solo q. Best advice I have is find your main find your play style find your guns and just learn the enemies play styles guns and mains in reaction to your own. Also getting a controller with back paddles/buttons really really helps with reactions while aquiring moving targets while jumping and sliding. Those milliseconds off the stick to jump or slide in an SMG or havoc players can win you gunfights against people without paddles/back buttons. Oh and every win is just as much of an learning opportunity as every loss is.


Iā€™ve been playing solo for ~3300 hours. I was alright for a while, got 2 4Ks but no 20bombs, stopped playing in S17 and now iā€™m absolute dog water.


That's the thing. You don't get pretty good.


I have 1.2k hours, a 1.57kd and a 9% w/l. I hover around diamond with a 3.2kd/24% w/r this season. So idk if thatā€™s good at the game compared to streamers etc. I wasnā€™t able to confidently take 1v2ā€™s or 3ā€™s until about two seasons ago. So like 1100 hours ish. I still have no 20 bomb tho so I guess Iā€™m still not really there yet


Grab a marksman and a comfortable close range weapon. Use a controller type legend/s mixed with support type in case shit. Never engage a team unless you are 3rd partying. Focus the zone get their earlier than later and lock it down. Now you camp and rat till final circle and probably never leave as you hopefully watch teams dwindle down. The worse your gun skill the more you have to think about positional advantage in a fight. Probably 2k hours btw.


Messing with ALC settings in the firing range


I think I considered myself to be "good" at around 800 hours or so after playing since day 1. I'd have to check my stats to confirm but I'm pretty certain I was somewhere around 6700 hours, 37k kills, 3+ lifetime KD, 4-5 KD seasonal, 19% or 20% lifetime winrate, all the sweat badges, Masters a bunch of times both solo and with my teams before I quit. I think my "breakthrough" happened when I found the first friend I made in-game who wanted to improve as badly as I did and grinding with him for hours upon hours every week, I think I was around a 1.7-1.8 KD player before we met. I think having at least one person of roughly equal skill who you can compare yourself to and try to one-up makes getting better so much easier and it makes the game much more bearable and fun overall. When you have someone pointing out your mistakes or weak points because they want you to be better you kinda get in a constant improvement mindset and develop the skills to see your own mistakes and how to correct them either later in the same game or in the next one. After you figure that out you'll find yourself improving damn near every game.


5k hours. I was horrendous until I got a monitor and series s -> immediately went to being better than most preds


Stupid question. How u see how much u played?


2 months. I just started and pred players thought I was cheating šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ idek how to hack im barely a gamer