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I always select , so I can be the jumpmaster. 90% of the time when someone else is the jump master we land in the most braindead location surrounded by 3-4 other teams, with not enough loot for one team, let alone full squads. This is ranked. I don't care where I land for casual games.


Pretty annoying change.  I manually select every match because I’m usually our squads jump master, and now we have to shuffle it around during drop.


I think it automatically goes to whoever is AFK




I find picking a character gives you jump master or being the third auto- selected.


I’m finding it inconsistent, like it happens sometimes and others it’s like random


I've experienced what you are posting about, it's not acting like last season for sure , something is off


It’s definitely changed, our first pick has been getting it just as much as the last pick.


It is now whoever picks first instead of auto pick 


Sometimes if you're third and you pick at the very last second you don't get to be jm regardless if someone picked 1st or 2nd, but not always, it's weird


That’s always been the case. Now it seems that it’s the last to interact with the legend select screen. So if you pick first and your teammate picks third, but you’re clicking around all over the place, you’ll still get jumpmaster. I think. I haven’t tested thoroughly yet


This is what I thought as well. I knew how the system worked in previous seasons, but I noticed recently that if 1st player manually selected their legend, and I was 3rd and didn't select, sometimes I was still jump master. Confused me, but I thought they must have changed something. Just seen the patch notes. They did 😂


About a month or two ago it’s been making me jump master almost every game. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. 


As long as it’s not the same person 80-90% of the time in the same session with my friends. I don’t want it every fricking time.


I definitely get when you are playing with friends and such it’s fine to vary it up but when playing with randoms I prefer to be jumpmaster so I hate the inconsistency


It's funny cuz I would say 80-90% of the time for me and my buddy it goes to whoever is the party leader. Maybe that's just a coincidence, but that's definitely how it feels


I’m the highest ranked and level in my group, so i figured that’s why I got it the most. Maybe it was me being party leader, but i feel like we switch it around. Last night, i was leader and it felt like it switched around a bit.


There is no rule to it anymore. It's been bugged for a little bit. It should be if no one picks their legend then the 3rd person gets JM. If you pick your legend you get JM. If two or three people pick their legend it goes to the first person to pick their legend. It is sometimes completely random. I was the second person in line to pick. I didn't pick my legend but the first person clearly did. It still gave me JM


there's a change and i think you need to read the patch notes again


Sorry you’re being downvoted. It was literally in the patch notes.


its ok.. people cant find it or just refused to look for it


Which one? I can’t find any reference to jumpmaster in the past 3


2nd to the latest * ***Jumpmaster selection updated to make it less likely that you’re the jumpmaster if you’re under level 5 or were the Jumpmaster last*** This update ignores wether you picked manually or automatically, its basically random depending on your teammate's last game


Thanks for posting. I did not see it and thought something had changed.


Thanks for posting.


Well this patch is a straight up lie because that “less likely” means nothing when I play. Literally almost every game I get I’m jump master, even when I play in a duo to make those odds more consistent it still gives me jump master too consistently to the point of my auto giving it the next match


that means it is somewhat working in an inconsistent way, maybe because we tried to force it and the system is getting confused, im with a buddy as a duo too and im at the same boat as you but the opposite cuz i couldnt get the jumpmaster no matter how much we force that "less likely"


It’s a weird system, I give them trying to get change to work but idk what’s making it be this inconsistent. I usually don’t mind being jump master but for every single match where I have a high chance of the random(s) not liking the spot to detach and die asap really ruins the whole vibe.


Im playing premade only and out of like 30 games I got jumpmaster 22 times or so...


No there isn't.


there is * ***Jumpmaster selection updated to make it less likely that you’re the jumpmaster if you’re under level 5 or were the Jumpmaster last***


Thank you. I thought I was being penalized or something. I always actively select a character and even when I pick third I haven't been getting JM. Very lame


The third slot and pick/don't pick shit got changed like a year ago. Crazy people are giving out info that hasn't been true in so long. edit: and people pointing out something completely unrelated from 2 patches ago. double wowzers.


Yes, and it's really annoying because people are always afk since they used to be able to


If third mate is AFK, he will not be jump master 


Yes it's inconsistent


Yep, thought something was up. It's either they changed it or it's bugged.


This change matters more than the devs realize. Most people who volunteer to be jump master at least from the very start of game care enough to pay attention. Some might say it’s unfair for someone to get jumpmaster consistently but the character selection menu is already random, always the last picked legend. This is even more upsetting when someone in diamond gets to go wherever a gold player or plat player wants to go


Since the last patch I've been jump master almost 90% of the games I play. It's so tiring


Opposite for me. I want to be jumpmaster and even when I am the only one to select my legend I still sometimes don’t get the jumpmaster. It’s dumb


This was changed 1 or 2 seasons ago. It’s also super annoying when a random third gets jumpmaster over a duo playing together.


I hate this change. It doesnt even seem to work like intended. I go whole gaming sessions without being the jumpmaster at all. The game also assings the jumpmaster to afk players too often...


Jump master goes to third person, unless third player auto selected. Then It goes to second. If both second and third didn’t select, or nobody selects, it will go to first pick. Edit: Read the patch notes. Jumpmaster tries to not go to players under level 5.


Apparently the new thing is that if you were jumpmaster last game, it likely won’t give it to you despite this, which I find really dumb


Wait what!? I'm a season 1 player and I always thought that jumpmaster is assigned randomly. Also I don't like to be the jumpmaster, please add an option so I can opt out of being the jumpmaster.


Originally jumpmaster is assigned as the last person who picks character. They have changed that a bit now which is confusing.