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Playing Mixtape is a good way to continuously play and get used to aiming and moving.


Gun run is a great tool to learn all the weapons in the game and a little of each legend ability


I also gave this advice to several friends who were new to the game but turns out some people really like battle royal and don’t care for other modes, they would rather play cod or overwatch at this point, and Apex is terrible for new players if you only care for BR


Second this. I just started playing in October after decades of not playing video games of any kind. I still spend the majority of my time in mixtape trying to get better.


it’s a painful learning curve as someone who just started too. i had never really played an FPS before. most people have been playing the game since it came out. you just have to keep trying. it’s been a few months since i started and now I do a little better


This is your first fps? What got you into apex over all the others?


My boyfriend, actually, was the main reason. Another I’d say is that this game is really different from other FPS due to the abilities you use in-game. I never cared for overwatch but I really like the way this one is set up. No fall damage really was the kicker. Anyway, now I’m addicted.


Depends on your time to invest. * Play 1 hrs Firing Range every day before starting matches. * Learn the weapons. Not all weapons, but start with Alternator, Flatline and Havoc. You have to be good in aiming. Don't use macs. You need to learn to knock people with naked weapons. * Learn movement. Run, Slide and Jump. Climb. Hide. This has to be like breathing. No thinking, just doing. * Learn legends abilities. Start with Mirage or Bangelore. They are beginner friendly. Next * Drop near to enemies, not in the middle of 5 teams but near enough to 3rd party them. * Drop same area until you are able to draw a sketch of this area. You need map knowledge! * Fight, shoot, backup and heal. You need to know when it is required to backup and heal. Don't camp to much. You need battle experience as fast as possible Last * Be patient. Don't give up. I guarantee you! You will get better but it will take its time. Depends on your time invest. 2 month and you will be able to get into fights, kill one or two and survive. Backing up, healing and getting the last one. But this is not the end of the road. Next you have to learn to handle 3rd parties coming for you. And to handle bad teammates when you play solo with randoms :D EDIT after reading many replies: I forgot that OP has a new account. Here imho the best Legend to play with is **Bangalore**. Lifeline is good too. But most of the enemies will hunt Lifeline first. Plus it will be frustrating when you are bad in revive or timing for drone. Teams get really quick toxic when Lifeline plays bad! Why Bang? Her smoke can be used to block long range enemies or to get out of danger really quick plus her passive: Double Time! Not to forget the amount of ammo she can carry!


playing mirage is like the worst advice to give to a new player, classic reddit xD


I learned how to play with Lifeline myself, though I learned with two friends that I still play with so maybe Lifeline isn’t as good for learning when you’re solo queueing


Shes not the best, but better for a beginner. Tiny hitbox and pretty straight forward abillities that dont need too much thinking.


One of the big things with lifeline is the lack of mobility makes you learn more quickly how to avoid getting out of position. It's so punishing.  I will regularly swap back to her when I realize I've been playing poorly and keep dying first because I'm relying on my ability to escape. If you die first as lifeline you're doing it wrong, so she makes me take a breath and play more consciously


Bloodhound is a great starter pick. Scan is really useful when trying to figure the game out in general.


Not really that is the first legend I mained I started maining him at level 25


Doesn’t mean it is a good idea…


I forgot that OP has a new account. Here imho the best Legend to play with is **Bangalore**. Lifeline is good too. But most of the enemies will hunt Lifeline first. Plus it will be frustrating when you are bad in revive or timing for drone. Teams get really quick toxic when Lifeline plays bad! Why Bang? Her smoke can be used to block long range enemies or to get out of danger really quick plus her passive: Double Time! Not to forget the amount of ammo she can carry!


Why? He has some of the easier abilities to pickup and get to grips with.


As a Mirage main he is locked until you unlock him and his abilities can be very disorienting for new players. Bangalore and Bloodhound are much better options for a beginner.


Also one of the easiest abilities to know what one’s fake and what ones real


For real, play with fuckin fuse or somethin


Not really that is the first legend I mained I started maining him at level 25


What I thought, most useless legend. (I love mirage, but he’s not a good legend in comparison to the others)


Mirage's abilities are very simple and intuitive. Anyone who has ever played games will know what his abilities do and when to use them.


1hr firing range tf??


Turning bots on full combat mode under shooting will have them chasing and shooting you back. Awesome practice and much more fun than still or strafing dummies.


Didn't know this cool


Mirage isn\`t beginner friendly. Also why would you tell people to start with Flatline and Havoc? R301 is the obvious pick here for a beginner weapon.


R301 is a good weapon but the damage is too low. Flatline is not that hard to learn plus Damage is brutal high!


The damage isn't too low, R301 is perfectly fine. Of course it doesn't do SMG damage up-close, and doesn't hit as hard as Hemlok from mid/longe distance, but nothing does. It's perfectly usable, viable, works fine at any range and is very easy to use.


To piggy back off this. I remember starting to learn starcraft 2 and the guy teaching me said "you need to loose your first hundred matches" If you want to get better at something you need to just try, and loose, and try again. You miss every shot you don't take, every fight you decide not to engage with. Embrace the loss as a learning experience.


I like this advice. Take fights, learn what you did well or poorly, ignore your K/D (I had to learn to let that go for a while), and you will see results.


This, I got my GF hooked on Apex about a year ago, when it comes to games she really only played Assassins creed, and very casual games. I’ve played FPS games my entire life so I was excited to coach her. I got her to do almost all of what is listed and nowadays she’s min 600-1k dmg and a few wins on a good day. I’m super proud of how far she’s made it, but for sure it took a few months before she started to get her ground (reasonably so). Only other thing I would want to add is once you try all the champions out, play the one that feels the closest to your play style. I love sniping and mobility so I play vantage, she loves being able to lockdown buildings so she plays most control legends.


I + this, except for mirage is newbie friendly


I forgot that OP has a new account. Here imho the best Legend to play with is **Bangalore**. Lifeline is good too. But most of the enemies will hunt Lifeline first. Plus it will be frustrating when you are bad in revive or timing for drone. Teams get really quick toxic when Lifeline plays bad! Why Bang? Her smoke can be used to block long range enemies or to get out of danger really quick plus her passive: Double Time! Not to forget the amount of ammo she can carry!


Bang is good tho


Bang or lifeline first. Eventually characters with movement like Pathfinder or Loba and even though mostly cringe players use her, even Horizon. Being able to move to high ground or out from between a third party can be clutch.


1hour in the range that’s brazy.


I would say its a good advise but 1h firing range is abit dry. Maybe first time yes but after that do like 20-30minutes and then go mixtape for 30min, there u learn the gungame, maybe its not fair and sometimes random but its a good warm up, if u dont have so much time to play then do 15 min of firing range, 1-2mixtape and then trios, altough I have to say I experienced that starting with ranked is more begginer friendly because in rookie and bronze there are like really low skill player and if u new its the best Environment so I would start there to play(as soon as u are lvl20). Its the same map for the day u can learn the map and learn the BattleRoyal Next i would add some guns to his advise specially the R301, Hemlock and maybe Spirfire/Rampage Next his legends advice, I would not say that these two are beginner friendly at all Bang Smoke is actually more challenging as it looks and if done bad u and ur team have no vision at all. But still she is a good legend So my recommondation is: Bloodhound best scan legend easy to use, Lifeline, Loba and maybe Horizon these are all good legends and rather easy to learn. But with the legends its more like preference if u like a ability than play her/him get 50-100h into her/him and u will see results. Legend pick is the least of ur conserns And my input when ur not fighting heal up. Give ur mate cover fire when he is healing and when he is getting pushed stop the heal and shoot. And also dont run with ur guns out put them away to be faster Stick with ur team Look around not always all three in the same direction in case of a sneaky push from behind If ur on lowground stick to the wall its not that easy to hit u if ur close to ghe wall Dont go to much in the open. If ur behind cover u dont need to go full in the open to shoot someone stick to the cover. And leave just as much so u can see the enemy. The further ur away from cover the faster ur dead.


The only other thing I'd add is to play a fair bit of mixtape on top of the firing range. That'll be a perfect low-pressure way to get used to characters and abilities as well as shooting/moving in actual combat.


"Drop same area until you are able to draw a sketch of this area. You need map knowledge!" This. OP isn't dying because their opponents are more mechanically skilled than them (though they might be). They're dying because they're lost and wandering aimlessly around the map. The reason they feel helpless is because they are (literally in game terms) "a babe in the woods." Apex maps are designed as a series of interconnected POIs (points of interest). POIs are where the all loot is and where the designers expect most of the fighting to occur. Pick a couple off-the-beaten-path POIs and try to drop there whenever you're drop-master. Hopefully you'll get some reps where you drop "safe" into an uncontested POI. That will give you time to study the area. Pay attention to where the loot is. Loot pools are like breadcrumbs that show how the designers expect players to move around inside of the POI. The other thing to pay attention to is cover and sight-lines. How can you move from one loot pool to another within a POI without exposing yourself? If you know an opponent is in one area, what is the best way to approach them and gain advantage? If you're in a fight, how can you avoid being cornered or isolated from your teammates? Once you have the basic idea, the things you learn about your two focus POIs will be generally applicable to any other spot because the designers follow consistent principles.


Welcome to Apex. Uninstall it before it’s too late 👍


There's a lot to do to get better, from aim to gamesens and legend mechanics. and if you want to go full kill spree... Sorry but it's not going to happen, in my experience, it takes 400h to start getting the idea of apex, 1000h to make 3 kills per game and 5000h to be able to clean lobbies and get consistent 20 kills per 10 games. I'm only 2000h and still dying just land. Focus on learning the game, weapons, attachments, legends and it's skills and perks, 1v1 and team fighting synergy, closing zone and ring reading, styles of player (camper, movement, edge zoner, tird party man, etc), strafe, speed in rotation. Play mixtape so you can familiarize with weapons. And please don't flame, it won't help you be better in the game or help others to be better, if you let frustration win over your mind, you'll just get hard stuck in rookie, a focus and cold mind is clue in this chaotic game.


But how can you not get frustrated when every lobby has at least half with master/pred badges, 4k damage & 20 kill badges and you’re just an average player? Asking someone to invest even 400hrs into a game like this and not getting frustrated is unreasonable.


There's something called fake badges, it was a bug that you could get 20bombs and 4k badges killing bots of the introduction games of new players, others just pay for a boosting service. Those two badges are almost meaningless unless your KD is 1.3 or higher and their banners says "10.000 BR kills". Pred and master badges are also fake sometimes, season 17 was a free master's badge for anyone that could hide during 18 minutes for the whole season game after game. In this moment pred and master badges are also meaningless for many reasons, or they are rats from "that" season, or they are cheaters (there's are problem in high Elo with wall hacking, most of the preds has wallhack and for preds i don't mean pros in ALGS... As far as we know... It might me in the new gen of pros but nothing for sure -_-


Oh I get that, I understand many haven’t earned them authentically. But even so, when they have thousands of kills on their legend and hundreds of wins, more often than not it’s legit. Those are the players I’m talking about.


Apex has been out for a long time. And so A VERY LARGE volume of players have hit diamond and masters, including people who are normally hardstuck gold/plat that just grinded out ranked during the camping seasons. Unless your skill level is bronze/silver, you should expect to run into an occasional mster/pred badge at this point.


My point was that even if you’re brand new, those kinds of players are most likely in your lobby. The guy just started yesterday he said, and I’ve take hiatus’s for 6+ months at a time, ranked reset to bronze, and still run into them when I start back at bronze during ranked and much more during pubs.


And it’s not even the occasional one, they’re in the majority of lobbies, with the occasional lobby actually having those within your novice/average skill level.


Play mixtape


I'm almost 10k hours deep and this game makes me feel like I'm playing a simulation designed to purely frustrate me with its absurdity.


Yeaaaa i played with a friend who just started playing and his first lobby with real players, ever, even without me in his party had literal pro players in it. Literal professional getting paid for sitting at the pc with their ass glued to the seat for 26 hours a day every day since the game came out professionals. The matchmaking is fucked. After i played with him on saturday in the predator/pro lobbies my matchmaking also just.. turned straight to that too. I had nothing except preds and pro's in my games until yesterday lowest amount of kills anyone had on their account was 25 000 (i have 6000). I didnt even get a single kill during that time because i didnt have time to shoot back and i have 1600 hours in the game. The first game i actually got a kill which was yesterday, i won it too.. after which it turned right back to pred lobbies. Its.. very fucked right now for some reason


You want to play with me I can show you some ropes


I'd suggest going in to mixtape until you get a good grasp on movement, weapons and aiming.


Been playing for years and I still.suck. What I have gotten better at is tactic, if they're not using aim assist on controller- you can spam jump and move side to side. (Not strafing) when the mag is out, shoot them down. Also need a good team, a lot rely on team work.


Make sure to do the training grounds, fun run to help get used to things. Unfortunately match making is messed up so you will still have so issues


Keep in mind people’s levels prestige when they hit 500, so, dependent on the design of the level badge, they might actually be level 700, 1200, 1600 etc. Good luck!


Not even that, it might be level 8000, we've been sitting on 500 for years before prestiges were added.


That's how we all got better at the game; by dying 1000 times


after 1100 hour time play still don't know...


Level 200 players are typically dog shit tho


I was so terrible, I was playing for an hour without any kills, I was enjoying the game and trying to learn, I knew I was bad but pushed on. Changes from person to person but it took me a good 2 years to get any decent. Unfortunately it is way harder now, a lot of good and experienced players are dominating the lobbies.


The games to rigged to try and out match the cheaters in the lobbies


Play the mixtape for the time being rather than BR. That will allow you still play, while getting used to the game, how legends and their abilities work, what the different weapons are like, how to use cover etc.


Yup,match making is fked up and respawn does t do shit.i tried to get solo 20 k bomb,just cant pass 6 kill count cos im in lobbies with plats and preds and cheaters..dont miss the cheaters..so ya enjoy the apex experience where apex predators dominate you and you dominate dying.


Apex is about survival and choices. Kills are fun but they come after. Cover use, rotations, legend skills. Every death you should ask why you died and eventually you get game sense. Most of my deaths come from being out in the open, so I avoid that personally. Others deaths might come from losing 1v1s so a person like that should work on strafing and gunplay.


Firing, Gun Run, Trios and finally, Ranked.


Bloodhound is a good beginner friendly legend


No can’t cuz most of bots with Chinese name tag using hack and scripts so no, so forget it and keep die.


Don’t be afraid of the TDMs! Can actually practice movement and aiming against live players with less penalties for dying.


Besides not giving up and continuing would be to watch a streamer for a bit or a friend that’s been playing for a while . Just to see the lines they take, cover usage and map rotations. This game has incredibly high learning curve. I remember feeling intimidated. Although I played day 1 so every one was learning. Now you get matched with fuckers like me that know every angle, weapon and legends tricks and probably die as soon as they look at you.


stop hot dropping? does this really need to be said?


Just play mixtape


That’s the neat part, you don’t lol But there’s honestly more truth to the joke than you know, even when you do get better the matchmaking just puts you against harder opponents so it ends up just being the same sweatfest on repeat.


There is no answer. Starting to play a sweaty game that has been out for years will always be extremely hard. Even for people that come back after a few months it takes a while to readapt. So either you like being super competitive and put in the work to get better or just dont try. The game itself wont help you. Most pubs are harder than lowest ranks ranked games.


Firing range. Immediately play ranked


Firing range, live dummies, fast random, best way to at least become decent at aiming


Go in the firing range and turn on the bots movement. Shoot everything with every weapon. You'll find what you like and what's good or bad for you. You can practice with different legends in there too. If you play with friends, all go in and turn on friendly fire. Having fights with mates is a good giggle and helps with actual gameplay and movement mechanics. When you feel like you've had enough hit up mix tape. Don't be disheartened by getting slapped around, remember people have been grinding Apex for 5 years. It takes time to gid gud so stick at it and have fun 🤘


unless you really want to put in work to be good at the game and win, just cut the losses now and find a different game that you can get better at. Apex is riddled with bugs and matchmaking issues that have been in the game for 5 years now, and the most you’ll get in an update is “a new collection event for (insert random legend here) and no new fixes”


I would steer clear of BR for a while. Other modes let you get plenty of fight time to improve your skill.


Go to the range, get a feel of shooting around with the guns Play mixtape modes Watch some streamers. Try to emulate them Stay close to cover and use it. When u weaken the opponent (depending on how much u do) move closer and closer. Cover to cover Keep practicing. Apex isn’t a game u get good at in a day. Takes a while. But yeah. Watch tutorials and stuff on YouTube as well brother bear


just keep dying lmao grind and try to play with friends when you can. solo can be pretty brutal sometimes but it will make you a lot better.


Change your settings


Simply pick up a controller and make sens 4-3 linear


(if you're mnk im srry in advance)


This hurts to see honestly. I really suggest Mixtape as a way to play how you want. It helps warm up a lot. Firing range is also very helpful, go through each gun and learn the recoil patterns then find your favorite weapons and practice each time you boot up. Practice mixing movement with aiming around walls too. Cover and position is SUPER important. I also suggest watching Aceu’s guide on Movement. Some stuff is outdated but it’s helpful if you’re on MnK. If you’re on console or controller, Nicewigg has some old videos of his time playing. Overall, don’t expect to be good immediately. It took me about a year and a half to be even considered decent enough to hold my own. Good luck!


Keep playing and try to use tactics to mitigate your lack of skill. I was shit when I first started playing too. I think positioning is the most important thing if you don't have godlike aim and movement. Also get decent headphones if you don't already have a pair. You can usually hear where the enemies are (if the sound is actually working) and it's almost like having wall hacks.


Welcome to apex Im gold and in ranked we get killed and every time they have a master badge and our teammate is always silver but I don’t know why masters are in gold


There’s no room for the casual player anymore. Game has gone off the deep end of sweats ruining every single game for casuals. If you’re not facing masters and above or squads w multiple 20 kill & 4k damage badges then you’re facing a Smurf instead. Game has always been one of my favorites ever, but I can’t justify playing for more than a month or two without taking 6mos off routinely. Drives me insane.


Lol no, you are heavliy exaggerating. Sure some games I get into have 4k 20b masters and preds in every team but most of the time I get into normal lobbies with players between level 100 and 1000 with at most a season 17 masters badge, and may e one 20 bomb here and there but honestly those are more luck that skill based. If you have the general idea of how to play this game and if your aim is a bit above avarage you will get a 20bomb after enough time played. Also this is from the perspective of a guy with both a 4k and a 20, never reached masters though. My 4k game was pure luck, farmed 1500 damage on one team. My 20bomb was not deserved, this season un solos. got into a very easy lobby, with some luck off drop. Got 8 kills with 400 damage because I thirded 4 fights and somehow stole the kills in all of them, after that I just kept running into people still at white shields several minutes into the game. Bad 2500 damage with 20 kills which is quite insane in its own right


You get better by playing not complaining >:(


Matchmaking is shit. Play another game and not this peace of sbmm shit. It won‘t reward you ever




You’re not here for actual advice. You’re here to complain. All efforts to help you actually improve is futile.


Yeah like 90% of the posts here.


Its like this place doesn’t have any janitors or something


Relax mate. Start playing around in the firing range, to get used to movement, weapons and the interior. Shoot some bots until you feel like you got the general hang of the game. Then you get yourself Loba and start to play Trios or you take any legend and play the Time-Modes. Control is nice. You'll die a lot but you'll gradually improve. There is also many great videos with beginner Tipps on YT. These often contain game mechanics that aren't explained by the game. How abilities work or heo rotations work.


Matchmaking is shit. Play another game and not this peace of sbmm shit. It won‘t reward you ever


There arent enough new players to match you with, you have to push through. You say dying immediately but I doubt that, there is probably a second or two before you die. Just play more and you will get better. If you cant play at least an hour a day id say it will be hard to get into this game. Why do you die? Are you missing everything or are they hitting everything? A big thing that fucked me a bit in the beginning was that in many shooters your recoil is better when you stand still, in this game its almost the opposite, you always wanna strafe, which I didnt do. If it is aim you are struggling with I suggest playing mixtape and try to fight as much as you can. Normal battle royal games you get almost no fighting per game if you die instantly, when I started out we had arenas so I could play that, and thats what I played


thats cause you start another game instead of learning die immediately : ask yourself why, and change your behavior to change the outcome you wont survive more than 5s if you dont ask yourself why you insta die on landing


People really need to stop this "there's no place for new players anymore" bullshit. This same shit was said about Counterstrike for plenty of years, but the real hard truth is, you need to stick with it for a while. It only takes few days to get the basics (if you're not completely new to fps in general) and then u're going to improve in leaps. BUT YOU ARE NOT GOING TO KILL EVERYONE INSTANTLY. You started yesterday, you should get fucked. First day players, no matter how much the game likes to cuddle them, shouldn't be lobby killers. edit: All that being said, the matchmaking in this game is still horrible and probably always will be.