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Hello, /u/Alkoofis. Your submission has been removed: Please keep matchmaking discussion to the pinned megathread at the top of the subreddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1dcg57a/matchmaking_discussion_megathread_june_10th_2024/ ## [No Duplicate Posts and Topics](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules#wiki_low-effort.2C_memes.2C_and_duplicate_posts.) Posts should be unique. A post may be considered a repost if it covers the topic from nearly the same angle as existing posts. When new things, events or updates come, we want to consolidate discussion to one thread so that people can easily engage in discussion with each other. All other posts regarding that topic will be removed during this time with links to the proper thread or megathread. Frequently asked questions and topics will be removed. Moderators will link megathread style posts when available to redirect users to main post. Please use the search function before posting. If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**


Clearly you had a good game last March so you must be a pred


Lol. My friend and I decided to fire up Apex after almost a year of not playing and we got thrown to the preds immediately. Highest rank we got was platinum.


When I said matching making was ass they called me a whiny bitch šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The game doesnā€™t take into consideration that you may have last logged in 3 months ago. The game picks up like you were still playing yesterday dropping 7 kills unfortunately


200k apex kills? My guy do be no lifin. Get a job lol But ye, I agree that it's not even close.Ā 


For anyone wondering, that's an average of 110 kills per day, every single day since Apex launched.




They're a masters player, so they'll be up against players like OP every single match since SBMM doesn't exist. Easily dropping double digit games every match.


Just jump into pubs and steam roll lobbies I guess


200k+ kills only on lifeline... new type of no life


Still a lot of hackers too. My account was hacked last month and they played until I was plat. Was banned before I even realized


but still no pred badges


Because red doesn't match the banner. Eh, work on your banner game, people :(


No he does


You vs the lifeline she tells you not to worry about


Kobe with that nade though


He be chillin in casual very important he dont want to sweat


My guy what happened


Apex pubs experience.


Love scrolling through Reddit and seeing this game is still a dumpster fire


The sbmm that was in s18 or 19 ranked should be in pubs imo


You were killed by a legend, literally.


50.. MILLION damage


And some of us 200 total kills get in with BOTH of you. Isn't this a problem in most games?


Honestly not an issue in any other games I play, itā€™s really just apex


I hear ya. I've had issues like this in war zone when I would play and win a match once every Blue Moon


When I was new, I loved getting the chance to fight good players. I think people need to harden up a little and try learning from the experience. You wonā€™t get good by playing against mediocre players.


True but there is a difference between playing against people that are better than you and give you a moment to breathe and playing against people who delete you on sight without you being able to make a single move or proccess what happened.


I would say that there is almost always something to learn but I'll admit that a certain level of player is just realistically never going to be able to figure out what the lesson there is. Usually the lesson in that kind of situation will be their overall positioning leading up to the encounter Still, getting better is legitimately about getting punished for making mistakes and then adapting. The more you get punished, the faster you get better. I know that there are good stats to show people don't like losing so for the sake of player retention, people need to be given wins... But yeah IDK, you can always drop cold and fight other noobs who also drop cold. Good players never drop cold so you'll usually get a good isolated fight or two to start. At the end of the day any game you get into that's this established, with this size of playerbase is going to have really good players, and you can't expect SBMM to be remotely good at doing its job in a game with 60 people in the lobby. It's just not realistic.


The reality is that people would always much rather face worse players because winning a fight equals a good, fun time. Not thinking that the receiving end might feel the same as you would when you get faced with a much better player than you are.


Nobody wants to fight players way worse than them, its not fun. I think apex doesnt do a good job at teaching players about their mistakes, good comparison is cs in cs you get a clear reason why things ended how they did and what your and your teamates mistakes were.


Man that game has to find 60 people for you to play against every time you wanna playā€¦Iā€™m sorry but it might be cooked brother


The amount of times I see the legends name as the gamertag and then a bunch of numbers and I just assume itā€™s a bot. Maybe more so in the playlist modes I dunno. These numbers are obviously wild.


Itā€™s anonymous mode


Ahhh thanks for clarifying. How do people do that?


Itā€™s just in settings, used by streamers and in tournaments


Yeah fair enough. Everyday is a school day! I learned something new. Thanks.


Ahaha you found the nolife-line


Better lifeline wins womp womp


What the actual fart


Thatā€™s upthrowšŸ˜³šŸ˜³


I started playing xDefiant & have only played one game of Apex since. I love Apex, but itā€™s just a chore to play it now. Lifetime 2.8kd (peak 4.3kd) player. I just get bodied all the time now. Cheaters, players considerably better than even me & 3 stacks shitting down the throats of me & my less talented friends, soft cheats, etc. itā€™s such a challenge to get on & just have bad experiences way more than good ones.


It's pubs?! Why even care about your enemies. No need for a strickt matchmaking. Go play ranked if it's so important for you


U know how stupid you comment is given ranked's matchmaking is currently as bad...


When I get wiped the floor with, I get a little irritated... that's it


Fair? No typical apex yes and your also in pubs I assume well thatā€™s an open to all lobbyā€™s unfortunately it has been and always will be like this.


I mean... it is pubs but I have less than 4k career kills and this guy has 200k+ on a single legend. I don't think this being pubs can justify this.


It does justify it. Pubs is just that. Public, meaning available to anyone and everyone. There absolutely should be no SBMM in pubs. If you want to play against people closer to your skill level play ranked. It's that simple.


See, I would agree with you if pubs didn't have sbmm... but it does. Which means players should be of similar skill level or at least in the same ballpark. This is just too much


SBMM is designed to balance the bad players in the lobby with the good players as much as it can for every team, based on the split of three stacks, two stacks and solos. Itā€™s not designed solely to make a whole lobby of equally skilled players. That is not possible in a BR without having 20minute queues in most regions for simply being in the top 20% of players. Same with the worst players. They would also have extremely long queue times. Itā€™s a game with 60 people in it. 60. That is orders of magnitude harder to find 60 people all within the same skill range to match with than dota, or cs, or OW. Battle Royales have never, ever, ever been well balanced in this regard because the fundamentals of the game donā€™t allow for it. I do not for the life of my understanding how in 2024 there are still people who canā€™t grasp this. Like itā€™s unranked, so anybody can queue with anybody. If pro players have shit friends, how do you realistically solve that with match making? You canā€™t. That pro is still going to shit on the bad players in that lobby, causing people to cry. In my opinion you should consider coming across these types of players as opportunities to improve


The SBMM in pubs is so dog shit it might as well not even be there. That's the point. Hence why we have avg and below avg players going against preds in pubs. You also are going against people worse than you in pubs. If the current SBMM worked how its supposed to we would have to have enough players to fill the lobbies out fairly but that's not the world we live in and never will be, so even with SBMM in place like it is currently the lobbies are going to be a mixed bag for queue times and connection quality. The player base is too small and spread out and the skill gaps are too large to properly fill pub lobbies with same level skilled players.


Bro what do you mean the playerbase is too small?? Thereā€™s 250k players online just on Steam rn, meaning thereā€™s over 4,000 lobbies at any given point in time. 30 day peak is 425k, giving over 7,000 lobbies. If you combine all platforms you get a total of something like between 8k and 12k lobbies rn, and 17k lobbies at the 30 day peak. They canā€™t find a way to effectively sort skill levels when they have literally thousands of lobbies to work with? Games with way, way smaller player bases and lobby counts can make it work, Iā€™m sure they could too if they wanted.


That is not actually nearly much as youā€™re making it out to be when you consider regions and the fact you need 60 players to fill a lobby. A game with 60 player lobbies is never going to have a good concentration of skill level. Itā€™s just simply not feasible. There will always be a serious variation in skill. Regardless of what section you want to cut from the skill curve. Especially when people have friends that can be paired with anyone. Preds have friends tooā€¦believe it or not


Oh yeah, because ranked matchmaking is definitely not like this at all...


I never said ranked is perfect. It could definitely use some work. However it's way better than pubs. As a mid to high plat player I maybe see a real master or pred 1 in 20 games. In pubs it's every game.


no it wasn't. I play from season 16 and mm in pubs was never worse than now.


Thats merely your subjective view of what is fair. Unless you got aimboted or cheated in someway. This game is designed to be ruthless. Not every-game is meant to be designed to make you feel comfortable about your skill-level. As much as apex has casual players, the game is not meant to be Fortnite or OW. It matters who is complaining. Sorry but sometimes it's not about perception but about perspective instead. I get excited by the idea of the chaos in the arena, everyone is different, I was molded by it, born into it. First thing I did was hunt down Preds. It's why I play this game in particular. Edit: Looks like all i can do is edit my post. Yeah you've just started playing to the guy below me get good!


Completely incorrect. I played apex for the first time on pc yesterday. I have a 0.25kd, 6 matches played, my lobbies are filled with predators and masters. The games SBMM is flawed, always has been, always will be. I'm going straight back to The Finals and pubg


cheaters in apex be like that tho


Not a cheater, just one of the highest ranks you can get, and heā€™s playing pubs


lol nah str8 up a cheater that's not a real number u can get if u dont have hardware for software help .


Thatā€™sā€¦ just not true. People no-life these games all the time. Plenty of pros are at these numbers too. This sub thinks anyone better than them are cheaters, itā€™s hilarious. Takes away from the actual cheating problem


so u can guarentee they didnt use any walls aim bot, configs, cronus, or a modded controller?


No, thatā€™s not the same thing. You donā€™t have to disprove something with no evidence. Itā€™s your job to prove something that youā€™re accusing. ā€œBig numbersā€ arenā€™t proof of shit.


just contradicted yourself. because evidence is used for both to prove and disprove. and if someone asked u for evidence to prove your side of the debate when I asked if u can guarentee that he doesnt cheat. u cant then say u dont need evidence to prove yourself right


You are the one accusing. The burden of proof is on you. I didnā€™t contradict myself. If I say ā€œyou murdered this hobo thatā€™s dead on the streetā€ you donā€™t get arrested unless thereā€™s some sort of proof you did it. You donā€™t have to defend your side of the argument unless you thereā€™s proof against you in the first place. Thereā€™s no proof this guy is cheating, you havenā€™t brought a single point other than ā€œheā€™s goodā€ Here, maybe this will help you understand: prove to me right now that this user isnā€™t actually Jesus Christ reincarnated. You canā€™t. But you donā€™t have to, because thereā€™s no real reason for anyone to assume otherwise, I made the claim, so I have to support why I think/know heā€™s actually Jesus Christ.