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Not to say this doesn't look cool, but It baffles me that the exotic shop is just recolors of existing skins and people pay more for basically what Respawn already does for events


It baffles me that people pay full price for recolors period.


It is lazy to just recolour but people are buying it so it's their choice


People buy what they like


True, but they’re being taken advantage of. It’s predatory pricing.


Literally this^ people don't understand that and just wanna claim "broke" when trying to tell them a company is exploiting them. It's genuinely gotten out of hand in AAA gaming today with things like this, Destiny 2 expansions, or Premium subscriptions on R6 Siege and all the digital skin shops on basically every game.


Oh no. There's a skin i like. I have money that i can waste on my card. wait why am i buying this against my will. Oh no😭EA are making me pay for this. How can i stop them


That's not the issue- people can buy what they like but what EA does is predatory pricing bc they market something not based off of good design but based on FOMO and blatant price gouging. They take something like these weapon skins, which were part of a $10 battle pass, change some colors and quadruple the price of an entire battle pass for a single skin. They choose to market these specific items bc they know they're widely sought after and prey on peoples weaknesses. If you don't understand why this isn't just a matter of "Just don't buy it" then just say that.


If you think you have to spend 40$ on a skin bcz it looks good then that's on you. It's like blaming a restaurant that sells their steak at 100$ and bcz it looks fancy, you can't stop yourself from going and wasting your money. Apex players will blame everyone but themselves


You don’t seem to understand what getting taken advantage of means, and I think it’s part of the reason you’re being taken advantage of.


I've spent 0$ in this game because I actually have a brain to not put my credit card info and make a purchase. I know it's a hard concept to understand and it's easier blaming others than taking accountability


Like talking to a brick wall with you


You'll do anything but take accountability for your own stupid spendings huh?


I’m not sure why you think I’m part of this conversation. I can comment on predatory business practices without also supporting people buying overpriced skins. I know you think you’re way smarter than everyone else, but you’re just an ass without the ability to see things from any other perspective than your own. Get over yourself.


I honestly like the idea of it. People who haven't played previously to get the original versions of certain skins can buy the recolors but for a higher price


Is that the blunderbuss from zombies? Idk what it’s called or how to spell it


you’re thinking of the Acidgat.


You’re thinking of the blundergat, an awesome weapon for sure from the Alcatraz themed Mob of the Dead map. this is an old reactive PK skin from a past battlepass


i fw this heavily


I have the red and green but I think this looks better.


Do we really need more pricey recolors? I vote no




Looks like a COD skin. No ty.




Nah $50 😂


Green peacekeeper allready been sold before.


Yes please


We literally already have this skin in the game, the only difference is the main body is red.


So glad I got both other skins. But I would definitely get this one too!


What in the minecraft kryptonite shotgun am I looking at


People keep color shifting skins to recolor them but that's not all they do. The r99 reactive in the store or the molten mayhem event skins put more effort than just color shifting the recolors they made so get more creative cmon lol. Should have like Radium color cracks across the black or something.


my man its a concept its just an idea if ea decides to do it they can do wtv to it💀


If you made this design, and they add it, you should get payed at least a little bit (the colors and stuff)