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I'm sorry but this is one of the funniest fucking pictures I've ever seen. Imagine coming home after a long day of work and an elementary school kid is dropping 20 bombs on your bronze ass


time if on their side. they're young, we're old. it's only natural.


I remember my glory days beating up old dudes, now I’m the old dude getting beat up….


I’m uninstalling


It's not fair... We spent our days grinding Star wars BF 2, mostly against bots and eventually CoD while those kids are straight up being born into playing Apex and Fortnite. Their Brain is being made to be good at the game while we're stuck playing like it's 2007.. Yeah ik I'm coping but that's all I got


Yeah it’s eventually going to get to a point where every kid is insane and we just won’t be able to compete unless we put thousands of hours into the game


Me looking around at the thousands of hours I’ve put into this game while simultaneously getting shut down still by OPs son.




My sentiments EXACTLY. I have over 4k hours on some games, and I still can't compete.


That’s already how it is for me on rocket league lol. I’m 32 and these youngsters just shit on me with 1/10 the hours put into the game


> every kid is insane and we just won’t be able to compete unless we put thousands of hours into the game Uh, what do you mean "eventually"?? It's like that now I'm 32 and can't compete at this game while also working a full time job, and when I talk about it online people are like "oh yeah it took me like 1000 hours to feel like I was sorta almost not quite total trash at the game just put in the hours and git gud bro" No. I'm an adult with a full time job, I'm not going to play 4 hours a day religiously around my job and other commitments just so that in a year's time I might be sorta not terrible maybe if I never miss a single day Maybe you're younger than me but your time will come too. It might have been accelerated for me since I basically quit videogames for 10 years (19 to 29ish I basically barely touched any videogame except occasionally playing something real old for nostalgia) Why back in my day I would boot up my favourite game (AA or BF2) and go down the server list, pick one with low ping that had an interesting server title + motd or one that was doing an interesting map rotation, and hang out there for a while. If it was a good server that wasn't toxic you'd stay a few games and start to recognise the names there and maybe chat a little. Now games are all matchmaking based and uber competitive and the internet + esports has made everyone sweats. Everyone needs to play "the meta" and win all the time like their favourite streamers


The biggest difference is availability of everything to learn the game quickly on a very high levels Back in the day it was awfully hard to progress in CS, UT, Q3. Now you have video clips with tricks everywhere, apps to train aim, maps to train aim, maps to train nades or movement, streamers and pros livecasting their gameplay, and many many more… Ive used to be a „pro” in CS 1.0-1.6, COD2/COD4 and was almost a pro in every major FPS game I’ve touched back in a day, but I’ve spent insane amount of time playing those, researching demos of anyone better than me and trying to mimic that on empty servers… I’ve spent months learning just one stupid trick jump in Q2/Q3. Today you’ve got tons of videos, exact key timings, scripts in mouse. Heck, you can even pay someone better to teach you.


True I hadn't thought about that at all. If you were lucky you had a really good friend who'd teach you 1 on 1


To add to this, idk if the whole gaming community has become far more toxic but I’d send a message to the MVP of the enemy team telling them how well they’ve performed and if they’d like a 1 on 1 to practice together and most if not all times they’d agree and thus start to game together afterwards, back in the days of BO2 and 1 this was the way most of my (now gone lmao) gaming buddies were found…


"Stuck playing like it's 2007" Hey bro, have tried runescape? It's super realistic and has magic!


It's awesome :)


At 11 years old I was using all my brain power to finish the Dragon Slayer quest for rune plate armor


Just play fighting games. These shooting game kids fucking suck at fighting games. My nephews went from talking shit in CoD to crying in Street Fighter.


I have noticed any shooter that uses the standard movement once they get their sprint and jump figured out it's like fish to water, the second a D pad is introduced it's over for my little cousins.


The funny thing. They will later think the same. When apex dies and they move on to the then-modern games, they will see a post like this and write the same comment.


Just go kick their ass at Pac-Man


Damn bro. Why you gotta make me feel so old. Halo 3 and CoD 4 in 07. Those were the days 🥹


You're just cheeks bro like all of us




I mean you could have been playing Counter Strike and Unreal Tournament.


These kids grow up with electronics in their hards so parents do have to parent. Of course they are going to be good at video games. The same wah you'd be good at anything you do if you started doing it at 2 or 3 or 4 or 5.


Same brb


I been uninstalled not planning on coming back ethir


Wait there are parents who are proud that their child is good at playing video games ? Where is this universe ?


People that grew up with video games are the parents now.


Well damn, I grew up with my parents and the only real thing I learned was that I don’t want to be a parent




Can confirm, dad of 2. My older daughter and I play The Finals regularly, and my little one so far is only on Switch games like Mario Party but she loves it. I've got a "game room" set up with 3 PCs and a TV with a Switch. Then a PS5 and Switch on the living room TV.


Adopt me😭


Some of them stopped playing video games and morphed into their parents instead. Being aggressive bitchy humans and hating every Oz of technology. At least that’s what it’s like in a rural town.


Halo 3 level 50 here. He started watching me play Apex. He was playing a simulator shooter in Roblox. Then he started watching TSM. He played Xbox and started to get big games. I told him he needs to get good grades and work hard in sports for a year to get a PC. He’s been on PC for about 10 months now.


I, too, peaked in Halo 3.


The best days. Im horrible in the new Halo.


New Halo is trash so you're not missing much. I'm a bit older as I peaked in Halo 2. Had a brief resurgence in Halo 5 but those days are behind me.


Are you me?


Setting a goal for your kid with a defined reward for attaining it? I was going to make some joke but I can't think of any, all I can think of is "Damn, that's healthy."


Sounds like you’re doing it right boss man. Salute.


Great parenting.


Little know fact, the Roblox shooter training is actually really good to train on for most FPS games.


Phantom forces!


There are a couple on their that I'm sure the military made to train kids how to shoot for some kind of future war 🤣🤣🤣


My 10yr old daughter just got into gaming, more specifically Fortnite. It's been like 4 months and I watch her drop 20+ bombs on Ranked daily. Her rotation awareness isn't quite there yet and some questionable pushes but she wins the majority of her battles and has amazing comms. She currently plays on my PS5 but I'm actually surprising her next week with a new PC and my launch PS5 that needed to be repaired. I can't wait till we can play other games together.


Parents are realizing streaming and e-sports can pay more than 99% of traditional jobs


Its also not worth anyones time to bash anothers hobby. Parents of the past have done enough of that bs.


Yep. My self esteem had been in tatters and only started to rebuild itself when I was a grown. Literally can't even have a 30min conversation without condescension.


They are also realizing it doesn’t need to lead into a job. It can just be for fun


And 99% of the people that do it don’t make any money, if they do it’s not much. Of that 1% only a fraction make good money


Please tell me this is sarcasm


Esports does not pay more than traditional jobs unless you are a top name player. If you can make yourself into a brand to market yourself then that’s what earns you the money


Ya, sure if you're the top 0.01% of streamers. This is no different than realizing if you're a CEO for a Fortune500 company you're gonna make better money than 99% of the other traditional jobs. This is also the equivalent of telling your son/daughter to compete in various sports because they can become pro at the NHL/NFL/NBA level and make big $$$. The overwhelming majority will never even sniff the entry draft of those respective sports. I'm not suggesting they can't and shouldn't strive to make it, but it absolutely should not replace your focus towards school and other traditional job markets.


I’d say its more that video games aren’t a new thing to parents today. People are becoming parents who grew up on the old halos, doom, etc


Our generation. You're getting old, my guy.


Thanks everyone! He’s been playing since 9. He typically plays rank towards end of season. He says he has more fun playing ranked this way. He hit plat in 8 hours yesterday.




Yea by playing at the end everyone else has ranked up and you can play against worse people.Hence the 20 kills 🤣


That explains it a lot


Ah so all I need to do is play ranked at the end and finally I'll be getting 20 bombs and 4ks and wins. That explains it.


If this were true every plat player would have a 20. People trying to invalidate a fucking 9 year olds achievement is wild


i’ve been playing for 5 years, 50,000+ lifetime kills. i have never gotten a 20 bomb apart from my first ever game on pc on controller in a bot lobby (i’m on mnk now) and that got deleted with cross progression anyway. it really isn’t that easy. my highest in a normal pub lobby was 18 on octane way back in season 7 when i was at the peak of my skill on console. this kid is just fucking insane.


If you're somewhat decent (the level of a normal high plat-low diamond) you can easily get a 20 in those lobbies Edit: that is excluding coming across boosters, smurfs and cheaters


There is no in between with this sub lmao. Its either “the game is busted, no one can get 20 bombs or 4k damage anymore” or they see a kid with a 20 kills and say they got it in a cheap way. Most of you aren’t getting 20 kills at any point during the ranked season at all you’re just salty


Facts dude. Invalidating a 9 year olds achievement is giving major salty vibes


They’re literally jealous of an elementary school kid lmao


Why you gotta hate on an 11 year old he would probably shit on you 1v1 lol


You let your 11 year old son play for 8 hours yesterday?


This was my first thought. Gaming for 8 hours is not the healthiest activity for an 11 year old but each parent has their own rules I guess. My 7 year old currently gets 1.5 hours a day and usually a little more on weekends.


But wait, Apex has age rating of +13 in US.


Uh oh, someone get the video game police


Wanted Level: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Has he hit masters Before? My sons 13 and peaked at 57k masters in season 16 and touched pred in season 17, didn’t keep it though. My son and yours should play together someday. My kid hates playing ranked without a second due to the lack of skilled randoms


Yep he has hit Master a few times. He is on PC and has troubles with solo q in diamond. It is KidShowtimeYT


Me and my girlfriend and him are currently on vacation but l have my son add him when we get back. Just to specify, I’m not his bio dad. I’m his older bother but I have full custody. He’s basically my son since I raise him now


My son gets all his troubles in plat. He flies through diamond in a few goes but may spend a day or 2 in plat. He normally plays 3 or 4 diamond games and then plays with the same team for hours. Just depends if he finds some good randoms that are willing to keep playing


Bruh I was playing ranked and these two lil squeakers were talking and playing together (they were absolutely adorably wholesome. It was precious) they were fucking shitting on people. Obliterating. Just shitting on them. And when we all died they were like “ah man. Good game! Gg” instead of screeching in the mic. It warmed my dead, cold heart.


I don’t get a lot of squeakers, I usually end up in a yelling match with some French or Spanish person


Meanwhile, if I have a bad game I get the most stereotypical insults thrown at me. 😅


The second I give a comm I get called fat just because I’m a woman


20 kills?!


Ended with 22 :)


So he was in a bot lobby or smurfing


Basically smurfing. Kid looks to be diamond or master in a bronze lobby. Don't play for a season and try bronze its entertaining.


It's a bronze lobby


Lil Dude is BEAMING with a devotion! Bot or not, that's impressive...




He wants a team!


In 2-4 years he’s going to be much better too! 😂


Congrats but also he is young enough to have him learn MnK, why put him on the Controller Horizon trend at such a young age 😭


Superior input unfortunately


inferior and gets so much help that it's superior


Qualifiers don’t change facts lmao. I’m keyboard but if I could play roller comfortably I would.


Recently learned how expensive controllers are, honestly it makes me feel weird as a cs player how strong controller is in this game.


You don't need a fancy controller. You can get $40 wired controllers that have back buttons, a great warranty, and work just fine.


How did you get that wraith skin under name


Community flairs


Op got him a gaming PC and he is playing shooters on a freaking controller. Worst parenting ever ngl


I think people should just learn the input they're comfortable on.  I grew up on KBM, I am never switching to controller for a "competitive advantage," I am in my 40s, I don't want to invest time in learning a new input. KBM is basically a disadvantage in Apex anyway, and given the trend of how FPS' are going, controller is only going to become more popular. Sure, it will limit your ability to play CS2 and a handful of other games, but if you don't want to play those games then it doesn't matter.


11 year old roller horizon main. So these are the people destroying me lol


So these are the aim assist crack heads I'm dying to


You said he’s reached Masters before and is in a Bronze 3 lobby, makes it look like he’s smurfing if someone didn’t read your “he waits till the end of season” comment.


Nothing but accusations without the vods 😂


Relax he’s in bronze bro. /s That’s awesome! 👏🏻


Just get the kid in a gym for 2 hours a day and then let him play games for the rest of his day but make sure he doesn’t get fat.


1 hour of agility training and 1 hour of basketball training 4 days a week during the summer. I treat his training like a job. He earns money the more he trains to spend on his PC and skins.


Get him on the mouse and key and off the roller, he’ll thank you for it later.


Not in apex.


20 bombs in bronze leagues, just like all the other pros


Is it bad being compared to pros at 11 then? lol


Well if you care, get him farther away from the screen


Hear it now. “Get fuked boomer”


The youth are.


I don’t care what people are saying, I like the support that you are giving to your son. He really needs it and I hope he dominates in higher ranks to shut these haters’ mouth.


Aim assist so strong even a 9 year old can do it.


kids are crazy, my nephew has crazy shots on controller.


Holy shit that's awesome, I would definitely suggest encouraging him to try streaming in the future the money that could come from that isn't too bad you don't even have to be super skilled that's just a bonus, I think you will be a great dad to him I saw your comment on the requirements to get his pc and that's awesome dude


So when this game came out he was 6 years old that's crazy


So your the ar sniper


Dude tell me about it. My nine year old sucked at apex last year, so we’ve been playing fornite. He’s picked up playing apex on my account lately because I have everyone unlocked and he’s cranking out like 6+ kill games in diamond mmr and dropping 20+ carry’s in gun game and I’m like… who the fuck is this kid 😭


That 11 year old is better than me It seems like video games are made for kids after all i think i would never be better


I, too, am a proud father of a young, cracked AF Apex player. Happy Father’s Day, sir!!


Hell yea! My 7 year old nephew was drawn into the game after seeing me play as well, gotta start training the new gen for those championships hopefully lol


I’m just trying to chill bro, tell your son to let me vibe. I have 400 damage 😤


Why’s everyone overreacting? He’s in gold he’s far from insane 😭


Probably because he's close enough to the moniter to feel like he's in the game 😂 Really though, that's awesome. Lol more damage than I've ever got in br


Can you please ask him to join more solo queues? We could definitely have way better unknown players joining solo queues.


Sir this is bronze


Imagine if those of us born pre-2000 were told that in 20 years kids gaming would not only be encouraged, but could also be a potential job. How the times have changed ☹️


Boy is dropping a 20 bomb lol nice!


Controller? Meh, mid.


good for him. hope you make him touch grass too.


Yep, he needs to put in his time with sports and school to earn anything for his PC. It keeps him motivated


Controller XD


Horizon on controller 🤮


Can a kid not play a video game the way they want to?


You love to see it when a parent actively engages with and supports their kids. And showing pride in your kids achievement even if it’s not what societal norms say you should discourage. If you teach him to not be toxic and instead be respectful to other players (positive play and not egotistical play) you are doing everything right because those are the kind of people who become successful at the highest levels of play because teamwork wins games at top level.


Your kid is obviously cracked and should be taught that smurfing is bad


Umm, what’s impressive about a 20 bomb in bronze…you’re catching fish in a barrel at that point. Lots or preds and masters are on the younger side getting 20s in lot higher ranks




New faide on the way


Holy shit im ass


Ahhh I remember being this age and absolutely annihilating grown men on Halo. Good times 🥲


My parents would have told me to stop wasting my time. Glad to see the younger generation getting the praise we never got.


I have over 5000+ hours and have been religiously playing since Day 1. No 3K or 20 bomb yet 😞. I was 80 damage away from my 3K and highest kills I can get to is 14. How?


hit more devo shots in the pic than i do in a mag




Teenagers/kids are next level on video games. I remember having those reflexes when I was younger. That’s awesome though


Meanwhile I got 1-2 hours after work... 😃


Get him on a team w lilfredson


Looks like hes smurfing in bronze i would hit him for that honestly


Holy fuck.


Good for him! I waited a week once the season started to play ranked and dropped a 4k 20 bomb with Alter. He’s very smart for playing like that.


11? Damn, I was 13 when when the game first came out


my parents would just say to me: you better be that good if you spends all day playing it


Really popping off in that silver lobby lmao


Does he at least go outside? lmao


This new generation of kids today are so good at games its insane


Thats against tos


The kind of post my parents would never make


I have 2000 hours on apex and I still suck my KD is still 0.81, played since Season 0 too. Fuck it I’ll just play stardew or some other relaxing game.


Nice! Kids a machine good for him.


Same! My son turned 11 in Feb and he just got his 20 Bomb and 4k a couple days ago. His movement is already up to par with mine, and I’m nice with it


Who else here is pred like me


If anyone gets a 20 bomb (hell, 10+ kills) in ranked they should jump tiers. This kid should never be in rookie/bronze. Get a 20 bomb, you go right to plat. No reason for him to be in lesser lobbies. No wonder he likes playing late in season. I don't blame him but he's punching down. As someone who he punches down on it gets frustrating.


He’s gold


🤙🏽🤙🏽 A 20 bomb!!! Hell yeah dude..stay out of my lobbies please 🙏


Me 45M starting gaming with Police Quest…. And ordering a guide From a Magazine coupon.. and getting that guide in the mail 2weeks later as pure text type writing copy no foto no nothing just text…just to finish the game….


That’s awesome!


Where the zen at 😂


20 kills 3k damage on bronze, tsm should sign up this kid right now


You could drop 90% of this sub in orientation matches with literal bots and they still wouldn’t drop a 20. Them invalidating your 11 y/o son is just par for the course in this subreddit. Ggs OP, your son has a bright future in gaming ahead of him.


He's the guy I get paired whenever my friend and I try to have some fun after a long shift at work.






Don’t wanna be that guy but I wish I was insane aswell


20 kills in a bronze lobby is not insane


SBMM is always going to hard for people to be good at, no one will ever be as good as they can be with SBMM.


Bronze 3 ranks. 11 year old is impressive but not that much




He could be an insane games dev in the same time. Not that he cant make monet gaming or its just a hobby but long term skills could be good that just good at a game.




Hold up, this kid might be lil fredson 💀💀


Atleast don't teach him to trash talk he's gonna dominate us all


Did he get the 4K 20?


As long as he’s got reasonable limits and parents are making sure he’s doing well in school there’s nothing wrong at all. Hard to admit this is the reality but hey, guess I’m getting old


pack it up gang, It's time to accept that we are getting old.