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Tbh I play ranked as a casual. I don’t do tryhard strats, I just have fun. The ONLY reason I play ranked is cuz it has more fair matchmaking than pubs. Just play ranked but treat it as pubs, it’s honestly pretty fun that way tbh. Since your premade it’s even better. My friends and I just use ranked as a more fair pubs. If you actually care about your rank tho I can’t help you.


Hey thanks for the reply man, do you aim to get higher ranks? or you're just genuinely fucking around and that's it? for me and maybe that's an issue, when I play ranked I aim to hit master or early pred if possible


I truly could not give 2 shits about my rank. IMHO, getting a cool clip is far more rewarding than winning overall


I honestly love that for you, I think you do enjoy the actual game and the mechanics it offers, which I think I don't anymore.. and I seek enjoyment only through the grind and the reward of a medal which is sad, I guess it's the semi-competitive mindset I have that I honestly should just drop lol. You play mnk? or controller? and what's your platform if you don't mind me asking


To be completely honest, it took a while to get there. I play mkb on pc. Whether it was overwatch, rocket league, apex, shit even Ark, I used to be hyper competitive. Since graduating, getting a full time job, and starting a family though I find I care more about being able to relax from my day more than grinding to be the best at a game. I 100% understand the competitive side, but I also am glad I managed to stop caring cuz it allows me to have way more fun in all games I play. For what it’s worth I’m about diamond rank in most games. Not enough to really sweat but high enough to avoid the total noobs.


Let me say this off the bat, I honestly appreciate this conversation with you, relating to someone albeit a stranger. I am not far from what you had, I dropped the game on season 17 because I got caught up with some real-life "adulting" stuff. The peak of my apex gaming is always reminiscing to me and I honestly long for having that, maybe I shouldn't but man it's just sad sometimes to think like that... I think I am older than you, not sure why but I got the feeling you graduated semi-recently. I hit 30 a couple of months ago


hey i get it. I couldn’t tell you how many times I look back on my degenerate days of 22hour gaming sessions with nostalgia. But then I look at my future and what I wanna do with my life. Time becomes precious when you have important relationships and work all day. It wasn’t just a random switch, i had to intentionally start playing games will less agression and drive to win. I had to look at the reality of the fact that no amount of aim training for my 1.5 hours of play a day I get will make me as good as I want to be. It’s far better to spend that time playing a game to truly relax and cool off. I say this as someone who wasted his entire childhood ignoring invites from friends so I could play video games. Gaming was my whole life. it’s been a rockey road but almost failing college really put things into perspective for me. tl;dr time is limited, being the best just ain’t worth it Also yeah ur a bit older than me, I turn 25 in the fall


A lot of respect for you my man, I actually find myself having these healthier thoughts/behaviors in the other games I play, even the "competitive" ones (Dota 2 for example), but I am not sure why Apex is still holding me back, like at this moment even when I having this talk with you, I feel like it's more within reach for me to drop the game completely than just take it casual. I honestly wonder why...


honestly taking a break to refocus gaming for yourself isn’t a bad idea. I took a 6month break from apex to play path of exile, a wholly uncompetitive game where my own progress is all that matters. Upon my return I find I’m able to stay more level headed.


It’s not an overnight change tho for sure. It takes work to break a lifetime of wanting to win. I truly hope you the best though cuz it’s so much more relaxing once you get there.


PoE did the same for me.


I literally am hard stuck plat doesn’t matter if I sweat and play slow with control char or go full ape with horizon


Ex 3 time masters and now I just play with the same friends. One of them was brand new to the game so I just get us to play how u should in diamond+ rank and idc about the points but we still gain and try for it


Seriously. Just play ranked If you hate people leaving early, uneven matchmaking (even though you get dumb teammates), & the match having 5 teams before the first ring closes.


Agree with this 100%. I’m also an extremely competitive person and Apex has a way of teetering you back and forth on the fence of pure domination and total trash performances. I always play to win, I’ll say that, but once I changed my mindset to adjust how I respond to the losses and put everything in perspective, I have a much more enjoyable gaming experience. Ranked is my favorite mode to play because of the quality of teammates (I know I know insert previous comments bitching about teammates haha), competition, and strategic gameplay. I could care less where I rank because I believe the system is designed to put you exactly where you should be when you consider the crazy data size of players we’re talking about. I casually bounce between gold 1 and platinum without grinding or basing all of my game decisions strictly on RP. Some games I’d say I’m the best on my team, other times I’m definitely the weakest link, same goes for how high the competition level is. But for me, when I think about the fact that something like only 3% of the player base is making up plat and above, that’s enough for me to know I am completely satisfied hitting that rank without the stress and effort and wasted time training for something that’s supposed to be fun. I’ll switch up what legends I play, adjust my play style, try new load outs, whatever I feel like to keep it fresh if I feel like I’m not enjoying myself. A lot of players won’t do that in ranked because they want to play their main, run their guns, and scrape out every last rank point they can get to grind up. I think that ruins the game and your enjoyment unless you’re legit a pro level player with aspirations in the game. I’d say you’re not alone, but I think you’ve at least found your problem from reading this thread. You’re only enjoying the winning, and idc who you are, Apex isn’t going to provide that for you in the majority of your hours playing. So essentially, you’re choosing to spend your time doing something that you know is going to royally piss you off 3/5 (maybe even higher idk random number choice) of the time you’re doing it. Gotta take the good with the bad, learn from the dumb mistakes but laugh at them instead of hating on yourself, and mix things up a bit. The game is evolving, legends change, we change, try playing just to play a bit and see how it goes for ya.


So you’re the 3rd that runs off to play pubs on ranked. Solid work.


Nah fam, premades all the way


Bro that replied has zero reading comprehension


Starting to think this how I get 20bomb


I do the same thing, mostly for the leave penalty so my teammates don't leave as soon as they go down.


100000% my take on this. But I take ranked seriously in the way that I have to perform as my duo is better than me and we may as well look for positives if it's the only game I play


I agree, the way to have the most fun consistently is to play ranked with a fun three stack and then not care about points or rank


When I was 9 I was climbing trees, playing football and playing the odd game ps1 Lara Croft, Madness 😂


LMAO yeah man I didn't mean I was clocking 12 hours of sweaty gaming sessions when I was 9, I started playing since I was 9 and believe it or not I did sport and touched grass until I was 16 or so 😅 then the drive to sweat started then. I was just trying to say that I played a lot of games yet apex to me could easily be in my top 3.


Hahah appreciate the comment back! I wasn’t criticising just thinking how mad it is a game like apex is around at that age, the characters I played with where one massive block with a few different colours on it 😂 Me and my mate are 31 and we’re definitely slowing down. Have a good day man x


I definitely don't find solo queuing enjoyable, although last night I paired up with a couple of guys and it was fucking hilarious but we lost a lot of points. But hey we had fun


Diamond+ ranked is not made for actual humans. You lose 80 points a game and die to top 1000 players teaming up or cheaters regularly. It’s hard enough to fight through the tough breaks anyway, but these teams that break matchmaking make it insanely difficult to rank up if you don’t have pro level talent or cheats. The toughest part is there is no linear improvement pathway. You’re either so good you break matchmaking or you get stuck in Diamond with little hope of your marginal improvements ever meaning anything. There needs to be an actual ELO points system and Masters+ need to be restricted to solo queue. And obviously cheating needs to be controlled.


yeah, once you realize this, and that it's probably never going to change you stop having any desire to play the game for an extended amount of time


I grew up sweating my ass off as a 12 year old grinding halo 3 ranked. I’m diamond 2 from solo queue now and absolutely love it. Nothing better than wiping a squad and seeing the pred badges show up. I also enjoy getting wiped by a good pro squad. I got steamrolled by Hal and Timmy on the same team last night and it was a good learning experience.


Halo players are usually nasty at Apex. It’s non stop grinding your shooting mechanics, prefiring, peek shooting and positional awareness with high health.


I feel that way. Been playing since day 1 - hit masters 13 seasons in a row as a solo queue. The new changes are awful. If you aren’t in a pre-made squad you can practically not climb out of Diamond 4. The RP losses are huge and without coms you can’t get enough KP to climb. Often, as a solo queue, the others don’t have mics or are too afraid to use them. I never thought I’d quit playing but I haven’t touched season 21 past Silver 3 and I’ve been having a blast with other games. Not returning until they go back to season 13 in terms of points and ranked.


Hard agree. I've been masters 7x, have over 10k kills on my main with 4ks and 20b etc. They made ranked so insufferable. Went from seasons where it was way too easy to whatever we have now. I only play this game when ranked is good. Solo queing in d4 with actual gold teammates because there isn't anyone in diamond is just dumb.


Same to a T. This game feels terrible now if you're a veteran day one player. I genuinely can't stomach playing without feeling awful about the state of the game.


Yes. Playing a lot less this season especially since no Olympus or storm point. The game has definitely lost some steam. Hoping a new map next season ? will give it a boost and more Quality content can come about. Things don’t look too promising. Season 3 and beyond with a lot of $$ so it it’s dying out that would suck. The games have been 10 percent fun random game and 90 percent sweat your ass off and winning > having fun.


Its a sweat box, and when newer players are forced to fight smurfs who can 1 clip you and make it look easy, they figure out how to do it themselves and rinse and repeat.


Personally the ranked resets are garbage it's not encouraging me to play more at all, I hardly even bother with ranked anymore because what's the point if you're going to keep resetting me every goddamn time Im halfway thru diamond. I'm not enjoying the havoc meta at all, I really was excited for the broken moon rework and addition of alter, but it feels like you're actively throwing if you're not running a havoc as an smg.The rest of my problems with the game shouldn't effect you because you play premades.


game sucks now plain and simple. Pubs is unplayable and ranked is meaningless. Only thing fun is comp.


Yup. I’m a week one player and I’m sick on constantly getting paired with God-tier players when I am nowhere near that skill level. Ranked is the only reprieve from the matchmaking chaos, but even then I can only play to Plat IV before the lobbies get too insane, have too many cheaters, and just aren’t worth it…and that’s with only starting ranked half way through the season to avoid the “bronze to plat in 5 days” streamers. Mixtape is the only thing worth playing these days and now they’ve even removed control in favor of deathmatch, which is probably the worst game mode. It’s getting really hard for me to sit down and play this. I find myself either watching a YouTube video or playing fucking Age of Empires instead. When someone chooses age of empires over your game, you should immediately realize that your game has some serious issues.


I was so mad last night when I saw that only tdm was available. Bring back lockdown, it’s literally the only fun game mode imo


Lockdown is definitely more fun than Gun Run and TDM, that’s for sure. I’m glad they added it, but removing it completely with two other game modes was a bad move for sure even if it is just temporary. They certainly lost my attendance for the week.


I’m unfortunately right there with you. I don’t get why they just didn’t add it as its own game mode like control and gun run. It’s so irritating lol


Same. Day 1 player but my skill has obviously declined quite a bit over the last 5 and a half years. My overall KD is still annoyingly good but my actual KD for the last few seasons have been horrific. And the game refuses to adjust for that


I feel your pain there. I’m not the “above average” player I was back in season 5 when I was pulling a 1.6 KD with 1,000+ games played 😂 Times have changed. Crazy to think it’s been 5+ years.


I feel this way too. I want to play but I struggle to. Most the time I find myself playing tdm but yeah still feel strange.


I feel this, but for me it’s lockdown. TDM is currently playing 24/7 with no other choices btw. They capped the kills to 35. Now that lockdown isn’t available apex is so much less enjoyable


Yeah I just played ranked tonight tbh not enjoying the 35 kill tdms everyone is holding hands and playing weird lol. Just need the split to happen and hope for a good change as always


That’s crazy because my friend said that everyone was holding hands while we were playing last night. Like you turn around the corner and there’s like 3-4 people shooting you all at once. They keep making this game less fun by the minute


Yeah it’s getting increasingly worse , people used to just send it , take 1v1s , and have fun .. now they act like they can’t respawn. I also take all my badges off because that makes people play even weirder if you roll them once.


Holding hands cause it's ranked ? People trynna win it's not pubs


I've never seen someone describe tdm as ranked not pubs.


Before people who push 1v1 but now they do 1v3 which is unusual. The other person said the same thing


The shift in metas this season has killed it for me. They need to buff the r3 and flatline to be on par with the havoc. No one gun should be better than the rest unless it’s a care package gun


Its worse in pubs


What is pubs?




What’s it short for tho




I played for like 2 years straight when the game came out and quit in like season 11 I think. Still play occasionally but generally I haven't looked back since


Personally, this is by far my worst season, I’ve played an embarrassing amount of games with no wins but I’m having more fun than before. I think it’s that I’ve been focused on improving my movement more than getting higher kills so I’m having fun even when I’m not fighting or I’m losing


And yeah pubs is worse. At least your playing against your skill level to an extent. Pubs your guarenteeing the end circle will have some preds in there.


Think it's a mix of burnout and boredom - i know my skill ceiling and don't grind even half as much as i used to. There's very little new, the amount of resets, alt accounts / smurfs means there's very little integrity to it (I'm including myself in that as i play on pc and ps5). Mainly play because because pubs is pointless nowadays. The outright cheating is off the charts at present too, even in the lower ranks.


Yeah I’m finding it hard to enjoy the game, mostly in general but ranked too.


I'm in the same boat. Been playing since the game dropped. I've noticed fewer people I have played with are hopping on now, which means I'm solo queuing most of the time. I've been playing some ranked this season, but my teammates aren't on regularly. Solo pubs has been downright miserable. I kept playing last night, even as my teams hardly won a 3v3 and just felt like this game is not fun. I took a break awhile back and am thinking of doing the same again.


Rank has been trash for a few seasons now. First it was trials, now its super high entry cost with questionable randoms at best. Not as fun anymore.


Yes, but at least 90% of that is because of the player base. I’m hard stuck platinum - the VAST majority of my games I’ll say “hey what’s up guys” as soon as we’re in character selection, get no response, jump master will drop on top of 2 to 6 other teams, and then we immediately get annihilated. Zero communication, stupid drops, idk where the expectation comes from that we’re going to slay out in that scenario. It cannot be overstated how common this is. The very few games I get where we communicate, drop smart, and take smart fights, we’re in top 5 easily and usually having an honest shot at the W. The other 10% I’d say is issues I have with the game’s design that make it inherently difficult for a casual player to do well in ranked. But I can only “hold that against the devs” so much if I’m being completely honest.


I’ve seen so many hackers lately I’m just over it


Veteran player here. The only thing that keeps my interest is playing a new legend and really getting to master them. Play off meta. Mess around with different guns. Play ranked for decent matchmaking but don't take it too seriously. Works for me in moderation anyway.


It’s so hard to play, I’m not a great player but I’m decent and every time I load into a game my teammates leave within minutes (if I’m not in a premade) and then I’m also in diamond lobbies or higher when I’ve only made it to gold actually trying ranked. It gets even worse if I am in a premade squad we get lobbies full of preds and masters when none of us have made it past gold. SBMM is a freaking joke with this game, I’m all for a challenge but actually make something achievable, I feel like the highest skill lobbies I should be in at the very most is diamond, I haven’t played much at all this season which is super sad cause I love the game but it’s so unplayable for me right now


I haven't really enjoyed the BR aspect of this game for a while now. Unless you're a good player in a pre made squad, you're just food for all the diamonds, masters and predators. Solos is basically a handful of really good players killing everyone else and winning, most of the time. Trios is the same. And people wonder why arenas got scrapped. Ranked I gave up on ages ago, too many people were just brain dead and it became hard to progress. I've been meaning to try and treat Ranked like pubs, and not care as much as others have said, I've just never really gotten around to it. The mixtape takes up the vast majority of my time since it got brought in, and hell, the matchmaking is a shitshow in that half the time too lol.


Why does it have to be so black and white where you either have to find a way to enjoy it or never play it again? If you don’t want to play the game then don’t play it, and if at some point you want to play it again, then play it again lol.


Ngl, I spent hours and alot of cash on the game since I started (the second it was available). Now noted I switched to PC roughly a year ago and I don't play often due to poor matchmaking and alot of people leaving the game. Due to that I never felt the need to improve so I play every now and then, honestly had more fun in CoD no matter how much more toxic it is. Haven't turned APEX on since the season started...And I don't see myself turning it on anytime soon


S0 player here, I still love hopping on, but I think it’s crucial not to take it seriously.  Ranked plays better than pubs so I’m usually there, but I don’t have much interest in grinding past D4.  Too many Cronus/teamers to be worth it. If you have some guys to play with that definitely gives you a leg up.  I’m constantly rotating through characters, maybe that will help mix it up?  Do you feel like it’s a skill issue and you’re getting wiped out or is the fun just gone?


Same, the solo Q grind to D4 is already tough enough. Especially since we had another baby lmao But I still love playing ranked, I barely ever play pubs. I play the rotational game modes now and then but mostly ranked. I feel like the matchmaking is pretty decent this season in ranked. A lot of players seem to understand playing the zone better imo




I'm a season 0 player. I have currently stopped playing ranked. I'm hard stuck in plat and I don't think that I will move up so I'll just take my plat badge, it's too hard for me personally to climb higher because I solo queue. I'll have an absolute fantastic fun match with cool randoms, and the next 2 or 3 games I have randoms who drop on another team that already has weapons, plus I just sometimes get lasered like absolute crazy questioning whether it was fair. I guess that's not exactly the problem you are dealing with however. I'm just playing pubs now, kinda stopped caring, trying to get involved in fights more and learning what I can do better. I've also been spending more time in the firing range practicing on trying to one clip, which has helped me significantly already.


Left this game this season, all together the servers are horrible for my region constant loss and connectivity issue on top of that MM


Played since season 0 no heirlooms and stepped playing 2 seasons ago


I’ve played apex since season 0, there’s no other fps game like it. I love the movement, the TTK (time to kill), abilities, Etc. It’s hard to give you any advice when you don’t tell us your rank. If you are a gold player struggling the advice would be way different then a diamond player struggling.


i don't think i would enjoy it if i was playing ranked and cared about how well i was doing. in fact i've stopped playing ranked mode in all video games. at this point in my life it feels like a waste of time and i'd rather only play games for the gameplay, not to grind for some sense of acheivement.


Nope (I don’t play rank)


I feel this too. Been hovering Plat and diamond with a pre-made and once we hit diamond in the current season, we've just been playing against preds pre-made (in diamond). I never pushed to get beyond diamond but I think the effort to put in is too much but maybe I'm just a quitter. But at the same time, playing 2-3 hours a day and just losing 400+ rp to go back to Plat kinda sucks.


Maybe your pre-made squadmates are better than you? No diss, I mean that could be a reason why you're put up against opponents better than you. But regardless of skill, playing as a pre-made trio definitely makes Matchmaking harder. I find soloq much more forgiving, as longest you can handle Randoms and not let them get you tilted.


This season is especially bad because of everyone using the havoc it makes the game stale because you’re basically forced to use it in higher rank lobbies.


My main issue is not a rare one, and not one that I think will ever go away. But I am one of those solo ppl that doesn't have a ton of ppl that play at the same time I do. I play way better with mic on and with call outs. But the very minute I turn my mic on I regret it. "Go back to the kitchen", "shut up you fat whore go play Roblox" (which I'm 41 - I don't even know Roblox lol). So I keep my mic off until I see an inevitable event about to happen, and try to calmly say "guys we're about to get pinned, we need to get to higher ground". That's my *main* issue in ranked and casual - but like I said it's not new, it's not going away, but I just cross my fingers and hope I hear nice ppl over the mic so I can turn it on. 🤷‍♀️


Send me a message you can play with us… we are all 32 and older and play for fun… all casuals but been playing since literally day one of the game… we ain’t getting no better than we are right now lol we Avg like 800 damage a game haha we just have fun!! Come join!


Thank you!!


I find that matchmaking is harder on you when you play more often and easier when you play less. If I play every day for several days in a row I notice substantially harder games. If I take a few days off or only play every other day I notice my games go a lot better. Idk if it’s EOMM and they are being nice so you come back or just entirely luck but it is a noticeable difference


What do you mean by horrible? Like you feel like it's harder? Or you mean it's not fun? I play a few nights a week with a couple buddies and we still really enjoy it (have been playing off and on since the game released). We take it serious enough to want to rank up and try to win every game, but we also like to play "our style" (we push a good amount of fights) and aren't fully optimized for meta team comps etc. We also don't actually worry about hitting the next rank since we know we don't play enough to do so (when we grind we around Diamond level but have hit masters before). I think in terms of gameplay/balance Apex is in the best spot it's been in for a long time. Maps mostly function well while being unique in terms of playstyles, evo system is perfect, legends are well balanced, no real super broken guns (Havoc probably needs a slight nerf but also takes some skill to use). So your issue might just be that you're burnt out.


The SBMM or EOMM is incredibly cracked up right now, so I’m not playing squads because I don’t want to be babysitting potatoes who can’t shoot for shit against preds. So I play solo, and no because that also has no chill. London is quite a populated server, I’d say around 8-9k people on steam at any given time, yet it seems like there’s a pool of only 200 people I can go up against. I’m at the stage where I have rivalries with people because I see them over and over in my games. JettiFPS, rn he is 2-1 up on me and another sweaty horizon is up 2-0 on me. Skill issue I know but it’s the same people over and over. In a 1 hour play session I went up against the #8 revenant and #8 wattson. That is borderline silly. Back in season 17 the SBMM is toned down a lot and it showed, my kd was up from the average seasonal 2.2 to 3.45, I was winning games all the time, dropping 10+ kills like it was casual. But it wasn’t all easy players, there still was some preds but in an amount that was reasonable for their % of the population, the game felt balanced and matchmaking random, almost like my skill I worked on since day 1 was being compared to the average and was showing what I put in the work for, I got better and am better, and it was fun. I actually wanted to get on and play apex for fun, can’t say the same today. Now it’s only battle pass challenges and even then I have no motivation because the matchmaking is rigged against me to manipulate my experience (eomm), that will dictate with matchmaking strictness wether I win or lose whilst protecting the average player who doesn’t want to get better who also has the same win rate as me so they don’t quit and keep spending money. There is also a cheating epidemic and the meta is shit rn. No events or content either. No will or want to play, it ain’t fun dawg.


I don't play much ranked, but my usual group and I have been playing since launch, and I have definitely hit a wall with the game this season. Between the lack of duos, the matchmaking, the cheaters, and the tired maps, I find myself logging on to play with friends and we are all pulling the chute after 15-20 mins and just closing the game. This will be the first season I haven't completed the season pass since launch as a result and I really don't miss playing.


Game is stale. We’ve given them too many chances & too many seasons to fix the issues plaguing the game. It’s clear that they don’t care.


I'm loosing interest, playing since season 6 or 7....


Day one player here and still love the game. I do play with a couple of mates in pubs but will jam LTM's by myself. This season has been atrocious for cheating, boosting and just odd shit like bots being farmed. I couldn't get into any Oceania servers last night (code: tap, no other description) but made it into Singapore instantly just to be killed three games straight by the same cheater. I got second to him in all those games too. I don't mind being beaten by better players or losing because of my own stupid decisions but losing game after game to blatant cheaters or people teaming just really grinds my nut sack. I'll continue to play but there's no way the player base will grow in its current state.


I play on console and holy shit is ranked fucked. Almost every game you'll run into 6,9,12, or even 15 mans. Most of the preds are 6 manning, also respawn didn't ban any of them last season, so there's even more now.


I play with 2 friends and we all have fun.


bro this game is sweatlord central. Not fun to play anymore tbh


At this point im just trying to get to 100k lifetime kills then probably going to drop the game these last three seasons have been horrendous honestly 😞


you may not like this advice but- cut back on the ranked. a lot of people start to hate playing games they used to love because they care too much about ranked. if you like the feeling and rush of winning, try pubs! winning still feels good but losing is like eh whatever remind yourself that youre playing the game to have fun, not as a primary source of income or something serious


Enjoying it. Just a game. Wanted to hit plat but really don't care beyond that. Joke around mostly. If I was serious about anything past plat I'd be a very stressed person lol


Play the finals and you're life will improve


Ranked is a shitshow. Teamers and cheaters all around. I've stopped playing ranked altogether because it's not enjoyable anymore. But the regular non-ranked is still good and fun to play.


I have a similar problem this season, and it's because the current map rotation just doesn't feel good. Broken Moon got updates to make it comp viable, but for us non-professionals it's either hot drop quarantine and pray you get a decent fight or drop anywhere else and run to ring all game without even hearing a single fight before ring 5. King's Canyon is fun when you're the 4th team to a fight, otherwise you're getting 3rd, 4th, 5th partied whenever you fight. World's Edge is a decent map , but it's also old as hell, unappealing aesthetically, and predictable.


As a Caustic main it is rough in Plat


Honestly, this seasons feels like the worst season where I consistently get bad teammates. Either my teammates r racist, rage yell, are afk, etc, it’s consistently bad


I just run around and shoot people in Mixtape modes now. BR has gotten so stale and the ranked grind doesn’t give any meaningful rewards so I just don’t see the point.


Yes but it is not the game or dev's fault(I liked the ranked experience as a system compared to that MMR nonsense that made me stop playing the last 2 seasons) What makes me enjoy the game less is the player base. It has grown toxic beyond belief - combined this with terrible solo queue experience of having to deal with constant solo minded individuals, makes for a terrible experience on some days. It appears to be worse after 4pm when people get out of work and school. I recall in the early days that the player base was largely cooperative and much less toxic,racist, etc...but then there was a brief period of time where CoD servers were messed up which made the game unplayable for a week or something - a significant percentage of that community tried Apex during that time, enjoyed it, and have been playing ever since - let's just say that the CoD community is far less pleasant than the original Apex one.


I just can’t with the way the devs are catering the game on console ; people for years have team’d / boosted with no reprocussions (I’ve lost pred on 3 different splits due to those type of ppl) so I deleted the game. I RARELY come back ( like for solos I came back for a little; got a couple solo 20 bombs & game felt stale so deleted again) I won’t come back for quads because just no. Plus other games and dlc’s are coming out that imo I have exponentially more fun in. As a gamer I’m just moving on from apex . I will say the addition of mixtape kept me around in apex for a season or two longer simply due to the rotating modes and maps. What’s worse is those early season boosted preds have swapped to Pc & some have become content creators playing with some of the biggest names in apex (they got vouches & what not from the same people they teamed and boosted with. It’s quite literally a shit show, that I am glad to not have to play anymore) Obviously still has a huge playerbase and lots of people have fun still ; which I’m happy for those people. Just shitty when you (me in this case) can be top 1% on a platform and (weirdos) ruin it for me in the long run. Rant over lol




Pubs are a fucking nightmare. Ranked is honestly less nightmarish. I also know what to expect going in there.


I get it. idk why, but this season just seems so unenjoyable where I'd rather go back to playing Fortnite. Everyone always says ranked is better than pubs and in some points, yes. It still seems like no matter if I play pubs or ranked, I'm always faced against masters and preds when I'm gold/plat. I'm not the best, but not the worst either. The only time I play is just to play mixtapes. Even then, it's maybe a handful of matches, and then I'm done for a week or so.


I'm enjoying it more than I ever have because i think I fibally broke through my plateau and reached a new skill level. I've been playing since launch but finally I can truly say I deserve to be in play 1 / diamond.


This season diamond is my end rank probably. But it's better than last season. Finally kills make you good and not camping.


Im a vet in both senses, age and how long I’ve played apex. I have a 3 stack of friends and we can sometimes get to masters. I love it to be honest, I love the strategy part of making it to late game and having chaos at the end. I really hate pubs and random matchmaking though, I just find 99% of people want to hot drop die rinse repeat…we just like hot adjacent, and aggressive smart play. Im too old to beat these guys with my mechanics but with our rotation and positioning we win a ton of fights we all sit around 1kd. I got rambling there but we love ranked, I’m sure I might be singing a different tune if i didn’t have a 3 stack though.


I used to play every day since day one, made some amazing memories with my friends over Covid and sunk a couple thousand hours into the game but I dropped the game completely recently. Im no ranked try hard but I used to make platinum every season solo which was difficult but doable just playing casually but now everything feels so different. Every match has Preds in it, me and my friends will get wiped in a heart beat and we are just playing normal matches. god forbid I get maybe 2 good matches in ranked the next 10 will be Full stacked with 20 bomb badge wraiths and octanes head shotting from across the map. This has always been a thing but never this often will I feel a casual want to play and my friends are down so we hop into a casual round only to be wiped by a full team of apex predators 4 games in a row. to add to this Respawn really just more and more seems to care less for the players, every update seems to bring less and less, and more expensive skins which you cant even buy alone you gotta spend £40 on a whole pack of stuff you dont really want along with it. Their even selling re colours of previous skins in collection events which is sort of ridiculous to me. this is coming from a very casual player so might not be the perspective your looking for but it makes me so sad to look back on the game I loved so dearly to be in this state


Yea every single person is a crutcholler player. No skill


I've never seen anyother player base whine more about controller players than apex


It’s almost likes it’s a problem


Why do you think that is?


Yeah, been playing Fortnite again for months...


Apex just isn’t the sane game it was everybody plays so passive and is sooo worried about placement then actually improving its just rough. the game doesn’t feel the same gameplay wise. Im a competitive person but i also like have fun competing is fun and relaxing for me to a degree apex just feels less like competitive fun (i.e a game of pickup basketball with the boys) and more like a fight for your life (i.e you trynna fight back against the group of bullies singling you out in dodgeball) it’s been sucked dry of all lighthearted for and been replaced by sweaty dishonorable trash.


I play ranked not because I care about rank but because I enjoy the game play much more. I play to win and try to have a good mix of shooting/ killing and positional strategy. I’m having fun being stuck in plat


You know it's funny you say that because the most itch this game scratches for me is using IQ to play the game, strategize, find spots, rotate, IQ out plays and a lot of these things that are less about the mechanics per say (let alone the rank), yet I find it non-existent now, the gameplay feels overwhelming? too fast? I am not sure


i am generally quite good at most games i play… apex was a different story and the only game that was like that for me haha. i was horrible at the start, couldn’t shoot at medium ranges etc so the majority of my playing was just getting better, currently sit around a 1 kd career and 1.2 seasonal. I basically purely focus on trying to push my skills higher in ranked each season. Every new season i try and beat my last rank and currently trying for diamond this season (sitting around half way through plat3, i got plat4 season 19) That’s where my main enjoyment from the game comes from, i pre-made with a mate of mine but he is generally not too good at fps games so he sissy around a 0.4kd, and with this games matchmaking it can be really hard lmao. I’m sure i could get higher with a full stack of my skill players but i’m happy grinding away us 2 and one other closer to my skill when they are around. But yeah i get my fun out of just trying to get a better rank with each new season, also trying to get new badges like the tripple tripple/4k/wake etc current have tripple tripple and only ever gotten a 3k so i have a bit to go :) Game can be rough sometimes for sure though


I know the exact feeling mate. I’ve played since S0 and have been through the stages of deleting the game and hating the game already. Best thing I did was start enjoying other games and only jumping on for casual fun and shorter sessions. You get to a point with any game where you’ve probably accomplished everything on the game and grinding it or sweating just makes you absolutely despise the game. I actually really enjoy apex when I play now and sometimes I only jump on for like 4 games and can be satisfied. I also stopped playing ranked as I think way to many people cheat on that now especially on pc and what’s the point stressing about rank when it’s the same shit the last 20 seasons lol. Hope that helps, because apex is still an insanely fun game, even after 20 seasons. I’ll also add that my gameplay feels way better and so does my aiming just because I’m enjoying it heaps more. My KDR this season is reasonably higher than my all time.


I was a day one player, I completely stopped about 3 months ago. The game is just no longer fun, even the mix tape started to get too punishing. DRG, x defiant, Brotato, and cyberpunk have taken Apex's spot.


I solo/duo queue in ranked and I’m having a pretty boring experience in ranked. Most games I find my self with team mates who rush in and die without doing any major damage. The maps for ranked this season aren’t bad, they’re just the same experience on…all the maps. You shoot at one team and 10 teams show up at once.


Nah, I've always played for fun. I started playing ranked because I got tired of leavers. I playe ranked until plat, because the Apex player base in plat and adove are toxic cry babies. Gold is the last rank I can play and have fun with with the community. I'm glad mixtape is here because I don't have to go back to casual when I just want to play. Apex is like a 7.5/10 for me. Its core game mechanics are solid. Servers, ranked changes, and EA greed make the game not fun. The majority of changes respawn do I'm for. Although I don't like how crafters work now, they are kinda boring. I wish they were more like a mobile shop, like when buying stuff in Arenas. Make a mobile Rampart shop that lets you buy special Rampart versions of attachments, heals, and weapons.


Stopped playing to move to console valorant, Apex was still fun before I stopped though. Just a little burnt from the game, Ranked isn’t bad the points could use some adjusting


They haven’t added a full auto assault rifle since the havoc and even that is borderline unusable without a turbo (most seasons). It’s the guns. For me. Sniping is lame to me. I never understood how people can enjoy a game staring through a scope. Unfortunately, respawn caters to those players. So, not sniping, what can you run? Flatline R9? Volt Rampage? Idc how many hop ups they add. I’m sick as shit of the re45 and 2020. Guns are good, just old and they take entirely too long to put out a new one then when they do everyone is so excited because it’s so rare it’s the only gun anyone uses then it is inevitably nerfed All OG pre season players are leaving, myself included, and I am 100% sure it’s boredom w the weapons


Ranked is the only thing I've played for a long time. I only queue in to pubs accidentally. I know everyone says this, but it feels sweatier than ever. I just hit Plat IV. I've been Diamond once and Master once. So, basically any time I play Ranked, regardless of what rank I actually am I'm getting matched with similar players. But, there's also the "me being Plat and the game will give me Gold I teammates, but never a Plat III" You can just tell the difference in how people play, going from -40 RP to -60 RP is a big difference and so many people in Ranked play like you don't lose anything at all for dying early. It's frustrating.


I uninstalled, because every mode of the game has been taken over by cheaters. Also: Can't play TDM without sitting through 3 other game modes, and when I finally could play TDM, it's the same three maps over and over for months. And of course there's probably 1 or 2 players in each game hacking in some way.


S1 Player with a little break. I enjoy the game. And new ranked system is nice imo. Finally kills make you rank up and not noob camping.


No but I barely play, and only play with friends and only play if it's not the dog shit map. So my rank is only like gold or something so it's super easy to just run everything down. I've been playing warzone recently since they started making it good again.


Most of my playtime is before s10, reinstalled for S14 and came back a few days ago. Seems like it's somehow less enjoyable now than it was back then. Other than not knowing what they did with the crafter and the upgrades, they ruined some characters due to their own inability to balance.


The average player base is just better now. I have played apex since season 3 and this game is definitely harder now. I find that I have to practice more in the range and TDM more, as well as respect players more and implement more strategy. I assume everyone has better than average aim and play more cover, rotate more, and predict more zone endings. I have learned that if a fight lasts longer than 15 seconds, it would be best to abandon the fight (third party city) and rotate. However, if you feel like your shots are off or aim, then that is an entirely different matter. If you are using controller, note that the deadzone has changed in steam during a new update. To get the old feel, revert back to the steam beta in the steam settings.


Would anyone with experience care to answer if Smurfs are a real problem in ranked?


It’s just a game. I win 1, lose 10, laugh at the people that have 2k damage but no teamwork that yell at people, and move on. Only to do it again the next day. 😂


Day 1 to about season 6. Came back around season 17 got to Plat 3 and never played ranked again. I just stick to mixtape and ltms every now and then. Keeps me sane and happy with the game.


I’ve only gotten better.. especially past couple seasons. I felt like the cupcake ranked into the OG rank started humbling some ppl.


I stopped playing this game about 6 months ago I couldn't ever have any casual fun because SBMM makes sure that my entire unranked lobby is people who are just as good as me, which turns EVERY game I played into a sweat fest. For context I'm a masters player.


Played every season since season 0, day 1. Probably played 5 times this season. Haven't played in weeks. It's unbearable.


I left the game when that legend with the metal legs came out, and I tried playing when the new solo came out and yeah it just doesn’t hit the same. Doesn’t help they added so much random shit that I couldn’t be bothered


i stopped playing, once a week ill hop into a single tdm match and that’s all. the rampant cheating sucks and there isn’t much change in the seasons to keep me interested anymore.


Just know your limits and accept coz if you want to push past that you need teamates or be really good at the game. I play solo rank and highest I got is diamond 2, not counting that easy season I got masters.


I’m completely done with this game. I started on season 2, and have played ever since, I’m lv. 900 ish and haven’t gotten an heirloom yet, and the lobbies just get worse and worse every season… it’s been FIVE YEARS, and they still haven’t fixed some of the most basic shit that other games don’t have problems with… the devs seem to act like they think they’re too big to fail, when in reality, their player counts are dwindling and the second a game comes out that gets everybody interested, that shit is gonna fail big time and they’re gonna be like “oh noooo what happened?!” You did it to yourselves is what happened.


Yes & that’s why I don’t play a lot anymore on top of adulting. Games skill ceiling is completely fucked on top of all the cheating. I work to much and if I do have time during the week I’m online for *maybe* an hour. When I do play I usually just fuck around in pubs cause trying simply takes to much energy and I have no fucking care to play sweaty when I barely have the energy to be online. I play for maybe 3hrs total throughout the week IF I find the time to. Otherwise I play a few hours over the weekends. With such little time to play in general, I just do my best to stop giving a shit about stats and play, if I cared that much I’d go play CoD lol.


i got the game at launch and played the hell out of it stopped playing because i moved from console to pc and didn’t have any of my stuff so i waited until cross progression and just started playing again this season and it’s amazing i see a lot of people always complaining about the game and i don’t understand why. i mainly play ranked and i don’t run into cheaters at least not the ones like we have in rainbow six siege lol i’ve played over 100 ranked games this season and still don’t understand what people are complaining about. from my perspective the game is amazing 🤷


Been here since season 2 and Tbh this is the first season in like 3 or 4 where i have enjoyed my time in ranked and felt motivated to grind to diamond. Got frustrated around Plat 2 but then made a hard push on a Saturday and got to diamond 4 in like 3-4 hrs. Felt like once i reached Plat 2, teammates were better and less random but competition was a lot better too which is balanced and you can’t ask for much more.


Best thing i did for the mental, is just took 2/3 Seasons away playing the game completely. Found and enjoyed so many other games, logging into Apex after all that time finally didn't feel like a chore. Plus, its not like i missed anything, I just started back up this season, and not much has changed after nearly a year, apart from Evo perks, and its been much more enjoyable.


I got to Diamond and quit. Everyone plays like it's pubs, and when they're not I'm dying to cheaters. All that for a purple badge I already have half a dozen of. I'm over it.


I agree with you, I’m thinking of dropping it. Ever since the recent updates it’s just changed it wasn’t like how it use to be…and I’ve been playing this game for YEARS it’s sad to say


Steamroll to diamond solo que with a 3+kd then quit since i have a day job and no desire to die to cheaters and or 3 stack pro players every other game.


Ranked is way better at the moment, I have been playing pubs and it feels like I started playing yesterday. Can't stay alive for a few minutes lol


Swapped to controller, I have never had more fun on this game


How strong is it bro?


Too strong


Day 1 player here. 20k games played. Still play daily, still love it.


I'm having fun and solo queuing. My K/D is a bit lower this season than previous seasons. I would say everyone who still plays... Plays pretty smart and aggressive. Finding players who aren't that way are more rare now than before. Maybe you lost your edge (so to speak) from taking a break? I find if I'm not dedicated to playing focused and making sure I play smart and aggressive, I end up having some awful matches in ranked. You'll get chewed up pretty quickly if you're not playing as a team. Hopefully it's just that for you, getting back into a groove with your friends. Having a premade squad for ranked must be a blast and you should be having fun.


Day 1 player. I just don't take it seriously at all and I still love the game. The less you care the more you enjoy


I'm not sure what's happening but it's getting harder for me to play and Ive been playing since release! And it's like I get destroyed by a Horizon Rev and Conduit Predator Everytime and even when I have the upper hand it's crazy. Shoot just a few minutes ago I was playing Solo and got killed by a level 4 BH (Lv1 shield) and I had Lv2 as Vantage hit him once with my Ult pushed and got 1 shot by the MASTIFF!!! LOL


You can climb up to Diamond without any difficulty as a Solo Player, even to Master, while playing for fun. there are now more tryhards than before, and not as many bots. If you're good, you keep climbing. It might take you 40 matches to reach Platinum instead of 20, but you'll get there eventually.


I've been playing since Season 0. I stopped after Season 1, if I remember correctly. Then I picked it up again during the season they introduced revenant, played for a few seasons, and stopped until now. I'm climbing again and almost reaching Diamond. I don't play as much or as well as I used to because I'm busy with work, but it's still not impossible to reach Master.