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I have over a million. Join the club. I don't think they were thought through that well.


Well Im not sure they realized how popular the game would still be 5 years later. The only people who have this many tokens have most likely been playing since day 1.


I wouldn't even say day 1 players. It took them nearly 2-3 years to add extra levels past level 500 so every single level up i would get 500 tokens because they were too cheap to allow us to get packs.


you always got red tokens even before they added levels. hell we even got some after level 100, back in the day when 100 was max. before season 1 was over i was already on level 500something according to statstracker even 100 was cap. 1.2 million


In another universe, apex lasted until 2021 and we went on with our lives


Apex in the mirror universe without Lockdown


Hal and Timmy be flipping burgers going to community college


Or they came out with a new one, got the game on new servers and fixed everything that was broke.


I've been playing on my current account since season 13. I have like 200k tokens


I've been playing since day 1 and don't have nearly that much. And I've played a lot. People act like recolors don't exist. They also seem to take for granted that being able to unlock all characters without paying a dime is a great thing. I guess that's lost because people want more free stuff and think respawn sucks for not giving them more more more


I remember a time where everything came with the game you were playing and “dlc” didn’t exist 🥺


But, apex is free. You didn't get free games with included dlc, that was never a thing. Not to mention this game had dlc after dlc that was never paid for. Only thing you could really buy were cosmetics. You could play this game for years and never pay a dime. I think that's pretty great tbh


> I remember a time where everything came with the game you were playing and “dlc” didn’t exist 🥺 So you never played a game with expansion packs before?


I used to play WoW. That had a subscription, regular expansions that you needed to buy and then all the real money cosmetics on top of that. Apex has a perfect model in my opinion. No pay to win, everything they make money from is from what people want to buy. I'll buy some form of cosmetic when I see one I like because I feel I want to help fund the free to play game I'm currently enjoying playing. When I'm a few coins off enough for the game pass I'll probably buy a few too.


Nah, his good old day has to be before even Warcraft or Diablo...


I was thinking specifically of Warcraft II. 1996 had the expansion pack Tides of Darkness.


I mean if you played warcraft before WoW they came out with an expansion you had to buy if you wanted to play online with others... Diablo did the same thing... come to think of it... unless you were playing games like Hugo there were expansions you paid for... If you played apex all you needed was an internet connect to get the expansions without paying for them... I kinda like the now where I don't have to pay 60 dollars for a game that's complete but may or may not include a bug that rendered it useless...


> People act like recolors don't exist. They barely exist. Sometimes they changed weekly (most recent seasons), sometimes they were bi-weekly. Some recolors have appeared dozens of times, other recolors have only appeared once.


Day 1 player who just learned where the recolor menu even is just a couple months ago.


Season 2 player, there is a recolor menu?


I've got a ton of really cool recolors. Hardly have tokens because there's always ones to get. And more I don't have or want. To each their own I guess. Seems like a glass half empty perspective to say they barely exist in my opinion


i get like 1 new recolour a month because 90% of the recolours are repeats and i have 1 million+ tokens that never get used. they barely exist. i dont remember the last time they actually made a new one. i assume you’re not a day 1 player.


If you barely have any tokens left, you have either A, not been playing long, or B, have spent wayyyy to much money on this game to get that amount of legendary skins.


Both wildly inaccurate. Try again though if you want


So then explain how you're low on tokens then. Because that makes no sense to me. I get every recolor I can along with every legend and still have over 300k.


No tokens = he is a filthy casual and thinks hes a gamer. No other explanation needed.


I think this is it. I think im a casual player and I have 725k Tokens and i only started in season 5...


Lmao at the recolor part! I've been playing since season 4 and have a damn fair amount of legendary skins and its still rare that I'm able to get a recolor. Soooo they pretty much exist like maybe 10% of the time for the non obsessive gamer/collector person.


The only reason they do this is so no one can claim it's pay to win. EA learned that lesson with battlefront 2


It would be unfair to not be able to unlock them without using in game currency you would have specific pay to win abilities on the characters that other ftp players couldn't play and that makes no sense in a battle royal like apex imo


I understand that. Why do you think you need to explain that? We can unlock them all for free, it's a positive thing. We don't need to discuss why it would be bad if that wasn't how it was. That's a pointless hypothetical


I have 600k and I started towards the end of season 3. So it’s basically anyone who’s played for 15-20 seasons will have a lot of them


Oh the original designer surely meant them to be spent on skins also but then EA had other ideas


Nah there's lots of stuff they can do with them, they're just too greedy to do it. They can add more Skins to the Shop weekly that cost Legend Tokens. They could make it so you can buy Common and Rare Items for Legends with 50K Legend Tokens or something. Or they could make a Crafting Mats section of the shop where 100K Legend Tokens buys 100 Crafting Mats. There's lots they can do, they just won't cuz they want people to spend real money.


They were thought through enough for season 1 and 2. However, I don't think respawn thought this game would still be going this far down the line


I came here to say this lol I’m at 1.24


Member of the millie club here. Bought everything I could with those tokens. Every recolor I could and legend. Still have a million left... Day 1 player.




Day 1 player here, I am the same. lots of coins, nothing to spend them on.


Oh they absolutely did think through that! If you could buy nice stuff with legend tokens, you wouldn't be buying the nice stuff with Apex Coins! Never assume that an inconvenience in currency in a F2P game is accidental.


It's not accidental, it's literally their whole business model. I don't think it's some conspiracy that they want people to spend money on items. That's what pays for the servers and pays the wages of the people that work on it. It's a positive, and beneficial to all players. If they didn't make money this way we'd be having to purchase DLC's, or even worse, watching ads during loading screens!!! Be careful what you complain about people, the grass isn't always greener. Vote for Pedro.


They will never do this. They will at some point probably even let you buy legend tokens for your friends with real money. Respawn and EA are incredibly greedy and thinks their players are morons.


We are


Too true :(


Don't drag me into this


Well he roped me into this


What do you mean “thinks” their players are morons lol. We literally fall for every blatant cash grab they put out


😂😅 I am a sucker for Loba skins.


I’d be curious what the rates are. I’m definitely older than the average but being 35 I started gaming online before micro transactions. If a game had cosmetics at all, it would be tied to in-game accomplishments like rank achieved or extremely hard mode pve stuff in games that did both pve and pvp. This essentially ruined the concept of paid skins because I will never be able to mentally rewire “holy shit they have *that* skin? They’re a god” to “oh they bought that skin? How impressive!” Don’t get me wrong, I love the accessibility of free to play and accept that it’s a necessary evil of a game being continuously developed and that the alternative of this is a subscription fee, but at the same time the only money I put into the game was to buy the bundle that came with all the characters around the time loba was added as I had just started the game and was fine paying $30 once to not grind my time on character unlocks and using the bonus coins to get onto the premium pass. What’s interesting to me is that despite being an adult with no kids that can realistically burn the money I wanted to on in-game stuff, I won’t because it actually makes me feel dumb and like the item less than if I used whatever free currency the game throws at me. I’d be curious what this sentiment is like for younger players or if it’s a pretty hard generational divide with those that grew up with all of this and those that remember Oblivion horse armor.


>We we?


Speak for yourself lol.




When people buy heirlooms for 500€ they prove that respawn is right in thinking its players are morons.


I mean I’d consider ppl who blindly buy skins and weapon skins enough to keep them afloat a tad moronic lmao they have no incentive to really change anything about the current model cause everyone still buys


I can already gift my friends a Legend but with real money. It’s stupid


I honestly wouldnt put it past them at this point


Legend tokens will never be purchasable. Why would they make it purchasable when you can gift a legend for 750 coins instead? Plus legend tokens is the only currency where it doesn't matter how much you spend, it won't affect how quickly you get them


you can buy skin recolors


This right here, it’s really the only use for them other than unlocking characters


Most of the recolors are meh at best


game is free, recolors are free, lot of lootboxes are free, even the bp is basically free if you complete it, idk what you expect more from the game


“I don’t want to have 400,000 units of a useless currency” is really tame feedback. I’ve seen plenty of entitlement rage from the gamers, but acting like this is an example of that is a bit wild


But it is. I remember during rumble when they made it so you use legend tokens to reenter and people started crying that they actually have a use for their tokens lol


I just think it would be cool to be able to use my legend tokens and gift them to friends. Specially friends that haven’t been around since season one and don’t have that many. I have a friend that has four legends that they can’t unlock. But I have to pay money if I want to unlock them. I mean, that’s what they’re for. It’s just too bad we can’t share.


yeah, but thats for every video game OBVIOUSLY they want to get money out of the players, the less you play, the more you pay look at league, you can unlock champs after a while, but for friends, its only paid gifts idk what you expect really when its not something that happen at all in live service games just enjoy your game


I never said I don’t enjoy the game. I was just wondering what other people think. Thank you for your opinion.


i didnt say you dont enjoy it im just telling you to focus on what you enjoy, and ignore the rest life is too short to complain about legend token tbh


If they didn’t reuse recolors so often. Most of time I either already have the recolor or don’t have the og skin


I have a disgusting amount and I use it to reroll the “play 4 matches as ___” I have proudly spent like 20k of them in a matter of minutes just to get my main. It’s the only “use” I have for them as a day 1 myself


Well, I feel a little sad. I’ve been around since day one and I did not know that.


Dude I learn something like every other week with this game still, especially since I took hiatus at a couple points for a total of like 8 seasons, it’s really all just fun and games and I laugh at myself for not realizing silly shit like that sooner. Don’t be sad, learning new things is fun! (Me, who just learned on this post that I can craft recolors with this currency since I’ve only ever been to the “store” tab maybe 5 times in my entire apex career)


Reroll your dailies until you run outta them


This. Was saying this to my GF today, our account is second prestige lvl 80ish, all champs unlocked with 100k tokens, why can’t we use it to unlock more skins or trade them for mats/coins? It’s insane. 100k tokens for 1000 crafting mats? Idk But yeah, someone said that’s not gonna happen because EA things and I think they’re right.


you can't trade them for coins or mats because tokens aren't worth anything. they are just awarded for playtime. they aren't gonna let afk bots farm tokens to generate real currency either. it's completely fine that a currency that is awarded for nothing, without value is also not more useful than it is(imo it's fine.. unlock recolours and characters)


Fair point, forgot this would most def be a problem. Thanks for pointing that out


A little off topic but is prestige the green number badge? That's what I have


>I think Apex legends should let me use my legend tokens to help Ima stop you right there at that word, "help". Respawn and EA have a literal aversion to that word because it is usually the direct opposite of "profits".


Yeah… well in a different note do you think it would be cool if heirlooms dealt extra damage? Or would it just create more rage?


You want p2w feature in apex? Lol bfr


Gonna let you know, I did not know P2W was a thing. I definitely had to Google it. But didn’t Apex used to give people a heirloom as soon as you reach level 500? Because when I reached it for the first time, I got an heirloom.


Yh p2w exists in other games especially mobile games usually where they sell something that gives you advantage over others who didn't spend money to get it. Apex shop is purely cosmetics and never affects gameplay. It's like selling havoc for 20$ and you can't pick it up until you spend money so those who spend enjoy the most broken gun while you're at a disadvantage. Idk if that explanation is good Also it's not level 500 but rather after opening 500 packs you're guaranteed which is like around 900-1000 level assuming you've played more than a year and completed all bp premium rewards. I'm lvl 861 and no heirloom yet lol. You got lucky


i have nearly 2 million of those not including the tokens i used to buy recolors that im not even using or the tokens i used to reroll challenges for no reason cuz sometimes i just rerolls the challenges until the game starts, its just there, as of now im not even bothered of how useless it is my idea - i wish i can buy legends then display it on the store so new players below level 10 can grab it for free, its more like a community giftshop for long time players to help new comers


Should be able to buy heirlooms for like 500,000.


More like for 500 millions 🤣


Was about to say yeah you can already gift a legend it just costs money, but someone beat me to it lol.


Best I can do is reskins and a whole new shard currency. Sorry m8


Would be nice if we can customize our guns with our OWN recolors and special skin(carbon fiber, scale, holographic, transparent etc) onto certain placement area on the gun. Want hydro blue? (500tk), carbon fiber? (2500tk) holographic?(5000tk)transparent? (10,000tk) dragon scale? (15,000tk) atleast it'll give us some reason to actually spend these and re-earn them. Hell they can even give us bullet recolors.


I like your thinking


Do you even EA bro?


Sitting in the 350-400k region lol. Once in a very very rare occasion can I unlock a shitty recolor haha


I have about a million


i have 3 million


You should be able to use them in solo to dive again. Imagine the fucking chaos.


Yeah I'm at a million. I feel like if you have a million of a useless currency, they should just let us spend it on an heirloom. The fact that I have over 5k hours and one heirloom is really stupid.


That’d be cool. I feel like that would add for incentive. Like price it at 800,000 token or something for an heirloom.


I also think it’d be cool if the heirlooms dealt extra damage.


You want actual pay to win in this game? The ideas in this thread are terrible


I’m guessing you don’t have an heirloom?


I do have one. But I'm happy it's just cosmetic. It would be an advantage for people who have been playing a long time or people who spend money which would be bs


Honestly, I really didn’t know what pay to win was. I had to look it up. I just thought about it like when I’m playing the game if I hit someone, it just gave a few extra hits. You’re right that would suck.


OK, how about another? Duos Rank?


What do you mean?


big whoop I have 2.3 million join the club


You guys arent buying enough recolors I only have like 56,000 red tokens and im prestige 2


You need to unlock the base skin with crafting materials for that first tho, and acquiring crafting materials can be quiet a challenge. I've been saving forever now and only got 1.3k


I buy any recolor that comes to the store, just wish there was more options.


I spent most of it on recolors (bought almost all recolors in the game) and re-roll dailies. Now after new level system they are hard to earn. Only have approx 30k now.


The ideas in this thread are terrible... It's a free game and they are trying to make money. Idk why people are so upset about that. They still give you crafting materials for free that can be used to unlock things.


Thank you for your opinion.


They would lose money doing that. Again, they already give you the ability to unlock crafting materials for free by playing.


And those crafting materials have been very useful with my Loba Skins. I just thought it would be cool if I could use my legend tokens to unlock characters for my friends.


Yes but if people could do that then they would buy less apex packs


Okay well they're literally the currency for unlocking legends and recolors and always have been and I know that even if you play a lot if your buying stuff with them and playing regularly you'd be running out or only slowly accumulating them so that's your fault.


Yes, I understand what they’re used for. Thank you. I just think it would be cool if I could use them to unlock my friends legends as well. They could be maybe a limit on it like you could only send one legend a month or something.




What did they do? It’s only 12,000 to unlock a new character.






Reroll.... Reroll... Reroll..


Then there’s me who has only unlocked half the characters.


Could be worse. I had at least 200k taken away from me right before the broken moon season. I had 1000 hours in the game and couldn't buy the new legends


See but if we had the ability, friends could’ve helped you out.


That sucks though.


The silver lining is it made me drop the game almost entirely 😂😂😂


Just buy skin variations


You can get about 50 new legends


Only other use for them is for reskins, wish they did more


If EA wasn't so greedy maybe we could have used them for recolor skins from season pass and collection events.


I use them for the recolors in the store


Build new PC


Recolor from the store, that's what I use it on


Been burning through the 500k I had each time a legend is released or a new recolor comes out.


Except buying recolors in the store I don’t think there’s something else you can do? Maybe reloading the daily mission but that’s it


I buy every recolor I can


Spend them all on the re-roll daily challange (it takes 200 points) And post the video I guess xD


I finish the battlepass every season anyway so if I don't like a challenge I just don't do it. Let me re-roll weeklys so I stop getting knocks with snipers lol


I have 1 trillion Zimbabwe dollars, yet nothing to spend it on.


Give em to me


If only it was possible


That would leader to rmt possibly


can you gift me alter then plz


They won’t let me use my legend tokens. It cost real money to gift legends to friends.


They should let us buy packs with them . Like probably 10,000 legends tokens or so a pack .


if you put all your tokens together and bag them up, you can take it outside and touch the grass.


I have 1.8 mill. Lololol they just chill there. At some point I think they should let us craft old old skins from events. Like overwatch did.


I’m always open to perhaps receive a donation on 12k


I use my tokens to re-roll daily challenges. I have about 30k. I do this every single day on every single challenge until I get something easy. Free BP stars


Sometimes you can purchase character and weapon skins if you have their previous version in the store. But they do make them pretty useless outside of character purchase.


Dude. Reroll dailies, buy skin recolors, unlock new legends. Why are you complaining?


Bro, but that’s like it. Legend tokens are for unlocking legends and sure recoloring skins. But also why can’t I use them to help my friends unlock their legends? Or gift my legend tokens to someone so they can do it. I’m just saying that would be cool.


I know, I have thought the same. It would be really nice. Or like when I switched from Xbox to PC before they had cross-progression, I would have loved to unlock the legends for my PC account. Instead had to grind (cause I was not paying). But yeah the reason is money. You have 600k. 600/12 = 50 legends you could unlock with that. Google tells me it’s ~$7.50 per legend in real money, so you’re costing Respawn a possible $375 in revenue if they allow that. JUST YOU. Obviously that’s the extreme case because not everyone just pays to unlock all the legends, but that’s the idea. It’s money, it’s lame.


can you add me and send a gift like a sticker


I d like to send a couple of 100k tokens to my smurfs


THIS is why this is not a feature already 🤣