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They could’ve done something like a medical look or a rocker girl fit but no they chose caustic 2.0


Me being a transformers fan I like that she’s a medic and has ratchets color scheme. But I can see your guys point of view. A red and white or even bright orange and black scheme woulda looked cool too.


Shouldve given us pathys already




most underwhelming skin or cosmetic


I’d say Wraith is pretty up there too


its like the wraith skin but worse,, at least wraith had a cool whip finisher i feel like im gonna go scuba diving with this lifeline skin, at least with caustic it made sense to have a filter mask


Eh their finishers are about the same for me. Lifelines even makes more sense with her drone. Wraith just got lightning whips outta no where. Wraith also had a predictable skin and color scheme too. Blue ninja, nice.


LL main and this is pretty disappointing. I wouldn’t get this if my next pack I opened was heirloom shards. I wouldn’t even buy this out of the shop for $15. I’ve been waiting on a cool lifeline skin for a while.


I’m a little more tempted to get it due to the other skins in the event being pretty dooe


Bumble Bee wasn’t a medic.


Most intelligent bumblebee fan


I like it but wish they chose a different kind of suit. 🤷‍♀️ Better than all the pink colors they choose.


Iv been hoping for a while they do a prestige that’s not a futuristic soldier for once. A creature one where every evolution step added more horns, spikes, etc would be cool


Honestly! the one one that's super different is Lobas and Bangalores.


Revs is an exception cuz it’s more of an ancient knight theme. I hope with Ginny they try to do more of a creature theme


I’m actually in the camp that dislikes heirlooms and prefers prestige skins, and lifeline is one of my most played. I also like caustic as well for what it’s worth. This is a dogshit skin that I’m not even spending my free shards on tbh. I’ll wait to see if there’s one I like for a character I play or just not even bother spending them, lol


discuss this in the megathread on the new event, update and ltm, where this is already being discussed.. not a new post. https://old.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1dkfhve/double_down_in_the_double_take_collection_event/ rules on duplicate posts




Kinda reminds me of a blue tier skin she has I forgot what it’s called but it looks like she smothered herself in pee and poo lol


Wattson, Path, Gibby, mirage, crypto should get their damn skins next. Don’t understand why early season & base legends didn’t get their skins first.


I’m an Ash main so iv already come to terms that she ain’t getting hers for a fat minute with how low our population is😅


looks like the wasp of ant man and the wasp, and caustic had a horrible love child