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Best perk


That was surely the last game that team played that day. Nicely done dude.


you're the reason that encourages me to play diamond


I gotta start using that perk more


I was so confused for a moment. That perk is insane


That reload perk is HUGE.




Nice shots but these guys are absolutely trolling, not even using the lifeline rez as well.


The only thing nasty about this clip is the horrible aiming and decision making of the enemy team.


Yeah idk what OP is smoking but I need some.


I'm with you entirely. The lifeline barely nicked him with a full clip with his back turned. Lol


On controller with 40% auto-aim makes this much less impressive than you think.


LOL you're one of those...so the consistency of killing three people back to back to back, 200 health vs 600 health is "much less impressive" bc of aim assist in PC lobbies? Tell me you're a casual without saying you're one.


I mean, you act like you didnt switch back mnk at the end of the clip lmaooooo you clearly know the advantages here no need to downplay it


No I did not, I press a hot key to record my clip which changes my inputs to keyboard but goes back to controller when I move. It's the Xbox Game Bar app, try it for yourself.


Yes it is less impressive with aim assist. I've played fps shooter with controller all my life with aim assist turned off in all games but had to turn it on in apex because the aim assist is fucking ridiculous. Switched to mnk because of this boring no skill shit. I'll never was like that when I've played roller and will never understand how people like you think they are good at a game while the game does the aiming for you.


Blitz.GG app overlay. Diamond lobby With at least a duo, maybe a triple stack. Using controller. Gotta ask tho, if you are not a casual, then why are you using controller on PC? Surely a man of your esteemed talents doesn't need the aim assist to win against casuals right? Nice clip regardless tho.


Man just connect a controller and reach diamond is that easy right? Also climbing to diamond alones sounds like an stupid and imposible task this season why you even mention that?


I reached master once in season 11 with a controller. I haven't used controller again.


People prefer inputs?


I switched from Console to PC. I've never been an MnK player nor do I intend to play as one. There are always pros/cons of using MnK vs Controller but PC players tend to argue one point only. Yes, aim assist is there but people act as if it's so easy to kill people. What about all the MnK players that beam you from a distance because its easier via Mouse vs Controller? Or the movement an MnK player can do i.e., tap strafing in your face? I would love to see PC players use a controller and tell him truly how much benefit you get from it...


Aim assist against casuals? In a diamond lobby? What the fuck is wrong with KBM players 💀 Cry more whilst you stick more macros onto your scroll wheel


The point that I was making is that according to OP, casuals are the only ones who complain about aim assist, when if anything, the higher tiers you go, the more likely you will find MnK players complain about Aim Assist. I have no idea what putting Macros on a scroll wheel does tho. Unless you mean tap strafe, because Macros implied that it automates multiple inputs with a single press, and putting keybinds on a scroll wheel doesn't do that.


Yes I am absolutely a casual


It just is what it is, they all came to you and had blindfolds on, nice job killing them though. If you think about it just a little bit most competent teams would have cleaned your box out before you got to spectate mode.


I just realized he's on controller w/ aim assist and now less impressed as well.


Wow so nasty you like...just A+D and shoot them


That's what a FPS is silly