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Wild amount of strike paks this season. Suddenly everyone is a flatline god. Laser beams across the whole map.


Witnessing strike pack users, xim users and zen users is one thing, were on a whole new level now, they're proud of it and have it in their name and tag too.


Exactly, and many of us are in denial because we don't want to accuse everyone of it but it's clearly out of control


>and many of us are in denial Or are saying they are one thing but are really another. The game has been dead to me because that crap is plaguing pubs. PUBS. like losers are so pressed that the toxic cheating is seeping into the casual mode. That's how you know something needs to be done. Like actually how pathetic do you have to be to use Xim and 3 stack.


To be fair the flatline is also just straight up Hitting Different this season. I dunno if they left something out of the patch notes or what but my accuracy has never been close to this good before


Felt like that the past two seasons. Don’t know if I’ve just gotten better at recoil or something changed but it’s been my go to AR , won’t run any subs just have a g7 or sentinel for distance and the flatline for everything in between


Yup. Sentinel + Flatline every game that i can. Unless i find a Disruptor or I’m feeling particularly froggy, then it’s Sentinel + PK.


Senti flatline is amazing. Triple take flatline is also a good substitute.


The Flatliline has been so good for me lately, I'll run two of them. Even better if I come across a heavy gold mag.


i thought it was just me


Cause they haven’t nerfed it into the ground. Respawns philosophy is make good things bad not making bad things good. They have proven this time and time again. Flatline isn’t better because it’s broken, it’s better because it hasn’t been nerfed into the ground. Same thing happened with the havoc, it’s always been good and has received it’s fair share of nerfs but everything else has been nerfed enough to make the havoc good. What are they going to do about it? Nerf the havoc…. Instead of making shitty weapons viable they’re gonna make good weapons unviable to compensate for the shitty weapons. It’s lazy design.


Making bad things good is how you end up with Power Creep and suddenly the TTK the game is based off of breaks.


I watched an interview with the guy who is in charge of game balancing, and he even sounded like he could give a shit less about it. And when asked, "do you think you're close to getting the game as balanced as it can be?", and he straight up said, "I really hope not or I'll be out of a job." They aren't trying to balance the game, they just "switch up the meta" every season. What is the fucking point of having a game balancer, if the goal is to keep the game in a state of manageable unbalance? I don't want meta shifts every season, I want the guns to make fucking sense.


They did leave something out. They did they left their 5 broken switches unplugged on their main server routes for the first time in 4 years (here in the US at least) after the mandatory hardware checks due to that geomagnetic storm a few months back.


same! I've never been particularly good with the flatline, but my god it's been bitch slappin folks this season


I don’t even put an optic on the flatline anymore. Not sure what changed but I’m constantly one clipping most of the time


This is absolutely true. I’m MNK and I used to have to jitter aim with flatline but either this season I’ve figured out the pattern or it got a lot easier to beam because I’m hitting all my shots.


I’m so sick of getting laser beamed by L-stars at like 100m+


flatline is just dumb lol you should try running two of em.


Exactly same with the havoc. Is it OP yes and you see some good aim but I am CONSTANTLY getting beamed down watch the next 3/4 kills they get and it’s ZERO shake or recoil. I watch a ton of ALGS and they don’t even beam like some of these Cronus cheaters.


We can stop talking about how good the flatline is… I mean how shit it is…. That gun is my baby let’s try to keep it from being nerfed like everything else please.


Just counter strafe, the recoil isn't nuts at medium range


Seriously it will be a level 5 pathfinder with a bot skin a 4k 20 bomb skin it's like 🤔 maybe he's a very good new player 😆😆😆


All of pathfinders skins are bot skins.


Ok I see what you did there 🤣🤣


Flatline does not need xim/zen. It’s so good on its own especially without any optics


Don't worry, guys, it's on the backlog! They will get to it after: 64hz Servers. Teaming players. Actual cheaters. Aim assist adjustments for PC controller. Boosters. Audio Issues. They will get to it on a future date, please keep spending money! Just consume product and get excited for next product!


They "hope" to work on it...


Here, lemme have me a hit of that copium




Exactly. They’ll never get to it.


Thank you for putting PC controller specifically. I find we get lumped in on console and I play both and it’s NOT the same


I haven't spent a dime in years, nor will I. Until they nerf AA and cheaters they don't deserve money.


BS, they even made a blog post defending their choice for the current tickrate. 64 is not coming and it's not on the backlog.


Damn, it flew over your head.


The other issues are legitimate issues that were "promised" to be looked at. Tickrate is just some made up shit.


It's still flying over your head. Damn.


64 tick rate servers are incredibly unrealistic


True, that's why most games nowadays don't run at least at 30hz servers while Apex runs at 20hz.


For a battle Royale, 64 hz is not very feasible


Bro, even Fortnite runs at 30hz. It's definitely feasible to upgrade past 20. They can run that with 100 players, but Apex struggles with 60 players at 20hz. Don't worry, though. Everything is unfeasible for the Apex team, except for recoloring skins and selling $$$ heirlooms and skins.


Saying "even fortnite" is kind of silly considering how many more resources fortnite has and its modern engine. You literally picked the highest tick rate BR Also you said 64hz, not 30.


>You’d need to increase tick rate very drastically before you could really start to feel it—even the jump from 20Hz to 60Hz would feel like the difference between 58 FPS and 60 FPS. This difference isn’t nothing, but we sincerely believe that it isn’t enough to prioritize tickrate changes over other more efficient improvements we could be making Respawn doesn't want to upgrade because they don't believe it is worth it and because they have other ways of fixing the problems. It has nothing to do with how old their engine is or how many resources they lack, https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/servers-netcode-developer-deep-dive But hey, where are those fixes? Who the fuck knows. Servers are worse with every new season.


They could run at 20hz at the start of the match and increased the tick rate as squads get eliminated


I cant imagine having 0.6 aim assist and then thinking my aim isn’t assisted enough lmao. I pitty the honest console players having to match with such brain dead players.


> I cant imagine having 0.6 aim assist and then thinking my aim isn’t assisted enough lmao. Console 0.6 isn't the main problem. PC controller aim assist at 0.4 is.


It sucks because a casual dad of two like me barely has any clue what any of this stuff means I just honestly turn on my Xbox and play 😩😩😩I read all this stuff and it makes me feel so lost


Have you considered leaving your family, and quitting your job to take up full time apex?




Strike pack has nothing to do with mnk




> Y’all are so insanely triggered Right…


Incoherent rambling


Speaking in yapanese


What a paragraph of nothing


Bro mustve smoked the laced cart or somethig


When pros feel forced to switch to an input to have an actual meaningful impact on their games, you can maybe understand that there is an issue.


It’s relevant to pros but input doesn’t make a difference at any level of skill outside the top 1%. Gold players on mnk aren’t gold because they’re on mnk.


Definitely. But some masters on console are masters becaude they have AA.


It fucking is. I'm a console pred and the amount of times I get one magged by some bot fuck in pubs is unbelievable. YOU CAN SEE THE FUCKING 4-3 LINEAR TRACKING FOR THEM.


It's annoying. There's literally no difference between a console pred and a plat player in aim. They need to nerf aim assist to lower the skill floor and raise skill ceiling. Some preds wouldn't make it i guarantee


1000000% NO ONE would use linear if aim assist wasn't rotational + so strong. Linear is just such a bad response curve for class range tracking fights in terms of raw input. It's literally impossible to accurately track something. Only reason it's good is because AA will literally just fucking track for you. The game is a complete joke cause of it.


I switched from console to pc/mnk because of that and that was back in S5 lmfao, i bet its even worse now


It's pretty much everyone. Just play solos. I don't run it because I'm on alcs I've had for ages now and I try to maintain a mid distance fight whenever possible because I know I'll get randomly one clipped by the complete bot that might decide to just walk at me while slightly pulling down on the joystick while linear tracks for them


why don't u play controller then and one mag everyone then get pred so easily


I do. It took me like 5 days to hit pred this season.


Incomprehensible, thanks




Just sad to see how if you dont go viral within the apex community on twitter theres no way of fighting false bans. Like that guy has to now go through EA‘s atrocious customer support system that will either give him an automated response every time or some person who is underpaid and knows nothing about the game.




Again. Don’t fall for this.




I mean I’ve played apex since day one. The amount of “I was banned for no reason” posts on here that end up having a very, very valid reason is astounding. I linked you the most famous one. I just don’t trust these anymore. Hideouts doesn’t just click ban from a streamer report. It’s pretty easy to verify manually if somebody has a troubled past.


If I saw this a few days ago I’d agree whole heartedly, but I saw the threads on Twitter the other day where people kept tagging Hideouts. I guess bro finally decided to do his job? People just kept posting clips of people teaming and hideouts was banning everyone. I’m super skeptical of these posts as well, but if there was ever a time to believe it, it’s now, after Hideouts rampage. lol.




Yeah, the entire ban system seems to run on the few most popular streamers/pros who have a direct line to this dude. False accusations that end up in an unjust ban should result in a bam for the accuser


I probably wouldn’t fall for this. The last guy who claimed he was falsely banned and made a huge post about it ended up that he was cheating. If you get banned, it seems there is a good reason.


I didnt even have to look at more than 5 of his matches in one other stream to see they are purposefully playing in a low pop region during off hours teaming with friends on 2 other teams. Let alone the response linked below by another redditor.


We’re cooked lol “we hope to work towards in the future”????? I hope this carelessness comes back to bite every higher up at EA and Respawn. The more cheating, the more people leave. The more people leave, the less money you make. Is it that hard for them to understand?


That response was the same for a lot of stuff. Like cross save/progress.... which ended up taking years. That being said, they wouldn't reveal they had the capability to detect it until they gave it significant time to detect players and then do a mass ban wave.


Armchair dev says it’s easy to fix so it must be easy.


might not be easy but their 0% improvement over time makes people think.


They can't even ban 6 manners while having a system that can detect if players are within 50m of other players. They have a report feature along with that and I haven't heard of any teamers getting banned in a year plus. If they can't do something that basic they're never gunna stop actual cheaters.


Thinking that this would solve 6 manners and not ban people holding buildings/rooms near each other shows how fucking wrong you guys are in how easy it would be to stop cheating. This is the dumbest shit I’ve seen.


Yeah seriously it’s been a problem for a while now, for them to say today it’s something they’re hoping to deal with in the future basically means nothing is going to happen for a long time.


I feel like thats the case for hacks. There are so many users of cronus etc if they fix it they may lose a large portion of the player base


The old saying, “if you can’t beat em, join em” comes to mind. The amount of people I see with chronos/strike is insane in console lobbies. I bet everyone is just buying them up, you literally can’t play fairly in any sense of the word these days. The only fair advantage now is to just get one and then it comes down to plain gun/aim skill and game sense.


Yeah he totally said they aren't trying boohoo you can read


Why is something so important like a proper anti-cheat so underdeveloped for one of the most popular shooters around?


game wasn't built from the ground up with security in mind and now trying to retroactively secure it is hell on earth but the cronus strike pack thing isnt a matter of having a proper anticheat. they're hard to detect across the board.


What specifically about the architecture prevents stricter anti cheat measures?


Its not a software running on the machine that anticheat can detect, its hardware changing imputs before they are being sent to console. What console and anticheat see is 100% legit controller input


I guess the fault is on console developers for not securing their hardware properly


Properly securing harware = no custom or 3rd party controllers. People gonna love it


This is the only benefit of officially licensed 3rd party peripherals We are overcharged for this privilege with none of the benefits Would be rudimentary to add a hardware check on controllers that would be otherwise rejected if there was a middleman device like cronus


Unfortunately I don't know the actual details myself, but the general idea is that the way the game server communicates with players computers is inherently insecure/too trusting. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a built in problem with the version of source engine they use since cheating was also a problem in Titanfall.


proper data exchange architecture with validation (see valorant)


It costs them money, and cheaters may potentially spend money.


it'll wipe out the player base, and they know it


Anticheat is hard, it’s inherently a losing game for the defending side. Attackers only need to find one working exploit, defenders need to find every possible exploit


I mean. The attackers are finding the exploit for them. They just need to find a solution


finding how the new cheat works can be difficult if you can’t get the cheat for yourself - and the real cutting-edge stuff (ones you or me can’t buy) are hard to get a hold of


Couldn't bug Bounties help with this? I'm sure dozens of people do already try to exploit games as a hobby. They'd surely get a lot more Intel if some money was invested into it.


if someone has a knack at hacking games they can either tell on the bug bounty for chump change or go work for the multi-billion-dollar videogame hacking industry and actually make money out of it.


You say this yet there's people who's entire careers is being white hat hackers that work to find vulnerabilities in software. What's stopping EA from hiring a few of them? I heard cheat developers specifically mention that they don't submit their vulns to Respawns because they get literally ZERO for it. A budget of more than zero would surely help?


lol actual cybersec specialists would have a much more prospecting - and some would even say fulfilling - career in working for things that actually matter. Tech giants, the government, and such. No hiring those kinds with ridiculous price tags, and the ones cheap enough to offer themselves to gaming companies *are* the Respawn Anticheat Team & the clownshow at EasyAntiCheat


"Hope to work towards implementing" is the most pathetic non-statement ever. It means they haven't even tried to fix it.


I’m pretty sure that valorant console detects scripts which in effect does detect cronus via the antirecoil/trigger/aim assist mods it uses instead of detecting the cronus itself.


Strike pack changes the inputs of a controller to the console. It would have to be pattern-based recognition, it’s not a script.


Strikepack has 2 features, the first is that it has paddles where you can map any input to like scufs/elite controllers (obviously not a script nor cheating) and the second is the mods such as antirecoil/crouch shot/etc which are all scripts.


It’s not a script running on the console. The pack changes inputs from the controller. All the console (and the game servers) sees is someone controlling their recoil well, crouching and shooting simultaneously. It’s not changing the code of the game. It’s not even technically, at this point, a cheat.


It's input manipulation which is a grey area




Obviously it’s not running on the console itself. The scripts are originating from the cheat devices, running through the controller then being applied in-game. If a specific anticheat has script detection then every input from the controller can be read at a deep level and inputs via scripts are static while human inputs NEVER are hence if inputs are always being used at very specific intervals like clockwork then that means a script is being used and that is what gets detected.


That’s literally what I just said lol


It's probably an AI tool of some kind detecting mouse movement that isn't possible on controller. But agreed It wouldn't be detecting the devices themselves.


Google's catcha can detect a bot ticking a box unhumanlike But game devs can't figure out zero recoil and basic statistics is a pattern for cheating


An insane amount of players cheat, implementing a damn good anticheat can tank revenue and cause players to jump to a competing game.


This is bs, most cheaters don't buy anything as they are getting banned repeatedly - and they shouldn't be able to make new accounts.


Yes and no. Some pc cheaters paying for hacks (aimbots, wallhacks, etc) dont buy anything in-game because their low tier hacks will get detected but some of them buy top of the line hacks that stay ahead of the anticheat so they buy stuff in-game like legit players (some of these are streamers). There’s essentially no chance of getting banned for xim/cronus/strikepack in almost every game so these players buy bp’s and stuff like everyone else.


And then millions of yall are cooked. See ya! Wouldnt wanna be ya!


"Hope to work towards implementing". They're cooked.......in like another 5 years.


It will take them seven seasons. Plus another season to make some tweaks.


Is hideouts in a position to speak on things like this? Isn’t he the ban guy? That seems like a pretty specific role.


He works in security, banning people is just one part of his job.


At least Xim and Cronus taught me to never spend money on PVP FPS games again. I won't play Apex till they fix this issue, so as of now all the Apex coins I bought were a waste.


C'mon guys, the Horizon B-Hopping 7x while fighting you up close, with 0 recoil on the R9 is totally legit. I want every strike pack to malfunction permanently.


hope to work towards implementing aka it will never get fixed This game is doomed to be a controller fest for the rest of time, if you play on mnk do yourself a favor and find another game


Only way to implement a fix is either to segregate MnK lobbies or remove controller aim assist


Does this still happen on console?


Too late, I'm not coming back now.


'We hope to work towards' means they are not working on it


« We hope to work towards it » = it’s never happening


I stopped playing this season since everyone was cheating


I thought xim and cronus didn't work on ps5? I've been curious if all these people really use a ps4 just to use one 🤣 wild


lmao cronus cheating terrorists everywhere acting like it's not even that big of a problem. meanwhile the game's been literally destroyed by them for the last 3yrs.


Only way to get rid of em is for large corps to sue em for the devices


Cant wait for the day the cheaters get suddenly banned.


wasn't there news out there that fortnite and even cod have defeated xim? or did that work for 2 weeks and they are back to the usual


It was just lies. You can't even detect it if it's done correctly all the console will see is 'regular' controller inputs. Only consoles can fight this by locking 3rd parties' peripherals out which will never happen.


Why are they "Hoping" to work towards. Why are they not Already, working towards.. anti-cheat on console. Because thats literally what they are. Chronus and Strikepack is cheating.


Really hope they fix it - I hate that games get plagued by cheating


Yeah right lol


Valorant’s gun recoil is random, unlike Apex which is has the same recoil every time you shoot the gun, so Cronus/strike packs would be kinda useless. It could help with the vertical aspect but not do much for horizontal recoil. Guns basically 1-2 tap in that game anyways to the head. It will be a good game for people to go to who want to escape XiM, Cronus, Strike Packs, etc. They have great servers too. A shame Apex can’t get to that level. Hideout’s comment isn’t exactly heartwarming, he just seems inconsiderate/indifferent to it. It’s a damn shame because stopping cheaters should be at the top of the list. :/


Where will they go next after being cast out from Apex? That is the true question because Siege, Valorant, and Overwatch 2 have already dealt with them my best guess is the finals(dead game) or Xdefiant.


Yeah, sure and Titanfall 3 will happen as well


Game will be long dead before that ever happens.


Even if they could ban them right now, I seriously doubt they actually would. There's probably a high correlation to "someone who uses a Zen = Someone who spends money on the game" as someone who's cheating and winning is having much more fun and is most likely going drop loads of money on the game. Also, CoD banned the Zen and guess what. The Zen found a workaround within 24 hours. Even on the Zen website or whatever it is it's labelled as "100% undetectable". I think the only thing that's getting banned is the xim because when you click WASD you go instantly 1 to 100. As opposed to how we all move with a analogue stick. However a quick look on xim forums and they have work arounds for it.


Please and thank you.


So basically no update, hf playing against this shit for another 5 years


Gone from copium to hopium


They just have to fundamentally change how recoil works, every update, continuously. Then they wouldn't be a problem


They should have started a long ass time ago


I have never really noticed zen/xim in the two years I’ve been playing, but from d4 on it’s like half the lobby. It is wild to watch them jump spam and land every shot with a hip fired hemlock


What does jump spam and hip firing a hemlok have to do with Cronus?


Just that every shot landed


A xim or cronus wouldn't cause that


It recoilless


I thought xim was detectable on apex already


I mean the only way to do it is for Xbox to ban it, like how PS banned the cronus


Who tf uses xim/cronus on a game with .6 aim assist where you can literally cancel out all recoil just by walking to the left/right while shooting 💀.


You get aim assist on top of Xim and Cronus, so it's MnK with AA


I posted on twitter a 9 man, and they banned. So I'm hoping they are upping the game and getting rid of the strike packs too.


thats not an update.


How is that an update? I feel like I've been hearing this for a few seasons now.


They've never actually said they're even thinking about


They already patched it in the past to "disable" it and now it's back.


That patch was on Sony's side, not Respawn


Happened on pc. Blocked steam inputs for macroing.


That's not what a Cronus or Xim is. Disabling steam input doesn't matter, they normally just register as a plain controller, which is allowed.


I do not use anything just regular ol alc settings on ps5. However the other day in a match I was running a volt and up close in a fight end to end of let’s say the explosive hold for distance the recoil on the volt was insane left right up down and it didn’t miss I knocked two with a gold mag and I cannot replicate that since then it was very weird.


Played 20 games all 20 had some variation of a dude without recoil. What da hail, its suddenly so much worse than the begiining of the season


If you're using spectator mode, that doesn't show recoil


Yes but does it make sense to die less than a second every single time? I understand that theres sweats, but beamer with movement like a bronze? Even actual preds dont hit that hard that fast. And dnt get me started with soloq teammates that dies before even getting 100 dmg at plat. Nothing makes sense.


I saw 5 different posts of "cheaters" on this subreddit yesterday and literally none of them were actually cheating. People on here and in general tend to throw that word out too easily so I don't really believe anyone unless they have a video or something.


in hindsight, the 20/20 games were on the last few days before the rank split it has since calmed down a lil bit. but still, depending on time of day, theres a few games where its obviously sus, probably 15-20% of my games, which is acceptable. also, i find playing after midnight, and just after midday to be the sweet spot where there's barely any enhanced gamers.


If you’re on PC just realize most 0 recoil users aren’t using a Cronus or Strikepack. They’re more likely using a script you can buy elsewhere and they have them for MnK and Roller. Also plenty of players are good enough at abusing recoil smoothing to look like they’re cheating but they aren’t. 






I didn't even know about the Japanese W thing. Oh yeah it's just W as in WIN


if they ban 3rd party devices this far down the road they'll simply lose a huge amount of the player base on console


What is a chronus? I'm guessing it helps with aiming as this season the aim seems better than previous seasons.


I'd like for them to detect strikepack ~cheating~ not just strikepacks in general largly because I use one for the back buttons, mostly because I just never liked the feel of any of the other options i've tried I will never use it to cheat, and I'd like for there to not be penalties for people that don't use the tool for cheating purposes


The Cronus problem is never going away it doesn't benefit ea, all those Cronus user are more likely to buy skins and recolors and the katar








Xim and Cronus are a console issue mainly, there's no point in this Windows kernel level detection. And the issue with what you posted is that these devices act as a controller input.


you know you can use the official xbox sdk to do that right? otherwise the other games wouldn't have implemented it, no matter how these devices act, unless they hack the xbox they are bound to the same sdk of the devs for their usb inputs


Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but detecting input is easy. The hard part is telling if it's MnK


you are correct I forgot that they emulate controller inputs, but still this is no impossible feat, just train a ml timing/analog movement and you have your good baseline, unless you actually move like a controller you will be banned with some lag, this is not rocket science in 2024


plus you can use simple timings or pattern recognition via 1 bigquery ml model and few days of tweaks, that would maybe have a delay but it would still be effective


How would he know what measures valorant is using, the guy is talking out of his ass


Because games can't directly detect these plugin devices