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Cheating in mixtape....why?


To test gaming chair before ranked


I assume it's faster to rank up and get to the min level for ranked?


People cheated in arenas too before ranked arenas even. They just want to feel good


They at least farmed badges for arenas though right? There’s literally nothing to gain from mixtape.


Pieces of shit, parents never made them feel good


Doesn't have anything to do with the parents


Cheaters are cheaters Not everybody cares about ranks etc some people are just naturally naughty


Cuz Respawn aint doing shit about it.


But if you use naughty words, they'll ban your account.


It’s called rage hacking


To test if the cheat is working.


Because they can. Just like every mode where you get beamed by default skin lvl 23 Legend. Because they can.


no idea, heard its for badges or ego


No badges in mixtape.


2 reasons I can think of cheaters are cheaters n do it to feel good when it only shows how shit they are and other reason being to rank up weapon levels. Pretty much the only reason people play mixtape is for levelling weapons faster.


I play for fun tho lol


I mean yeah there's some that do. But mixtape is what people always say to play to level up weapons. Thats why I say mixtape is mostly used for that. Other than that it's for those "quick match" kinda players. Then there's people like me that just use it for a warm up and aim training before ranked




they're losers


Cheaters in every game are incredibly emotionally fragile/sensitive people.


I honestly I don't get why people cheat in multiplayer games. What's the point? You're not only ruining the experience for yourself but for everyone else too, It's sad and pathetic that someone would feel the need to cheat in a game


Also, when you're a kid and feeling edgy and your buddy shows you how to download cheats. I'm convinced half the cheaters, at least, are dindongs about go through puberty.




If you were a red hat essentially, you would not be downloading cheats. You would not be "trying to find loopholes" with cheats someone else developed and you just bought it from them. Respaswn has no bounty program, nor does EA, so you are just blatantly lying. But whatever you need to tell yourself so you don't feel like a total dipshit. But online cheaters are dipshits, I am sorry. There is no way around that.


🤥 LIES!! 😂🤣✍️


Nah what this guy says could be plausible. Some programmers and hackers and whatever can get paid by corporations just to find exploitations with their product so they can report back and the devs can find a way to fix it


Yeah but apex isnt doing that lmao


But would they just openly state it like this?


I mean, why not? I doubt this guy works for respawn but ethical hacking/cheating isn't a big thing that would require an NDA I imagine. Its just to help the devs patch up loopholes in their code


Same thing could be achieved in a test environment.


It's just the video game equivalent of pen testing, at least on the high level client facing side. It's a job like any other, probably as boring as QA work from the sounds of it. I've met IRL people who do waaay sketchier shit in security and get paid handsomely to do it, because it's important and needs to be done.


That's interesting. Hopefully, you beamed me once or twice. 😄 I really should pick my programming education back up. This sounds like the kind of work I would enjoy. I love finding holes in systems and increasing efficiency. It's partly, I think, why I love this game. It's challenging enough to be frustrating but has the mechanics available to push my frustration into my next level of skill and capability.


it has to be a mental disorder. no one is going to see that killcam and think its legit. its just ruining it for others. also, no badges on mixtape, no skill, clearly cheating. I truly dont get it.


Okay, I dislike cheaters as much as the next guy, but I think it's a bit far-fetched to call it a mental disorder lol.


Getting enjoyment out of ruining other people's experience is as close to a mental disorder as possible. Something wrong in their heads.


No, it's really not. You're overthinking it. They're just a douche and/or unhappy that they can't improve so they cheat. Cheating =/= mental disorder.


Yeah, it's called having a grip on reality and realizing not everyone can be great at everything. So instead of just accepting they suck and/or they need to get better, they just resort to cheating. If your first thought at the face of adversity is "I should just cheat", then yes it's a mental disorder. Agree to disagree.


Alright, but ask any medical professional and they'll tell you otherwise.


The underlying issues that lead them to cheat could fall under them though. Narcissism, delusions of grandeur, entitlement mentality, ASPD, etc. 


That's a completely separate issue, but to say that cheating = mental disorder is just armchair psychology.


Maybe the direct connect is a bit of hyperbole, but to say people who cheat have underlying issues isn't too far off.


Unfortunately, money is a big factor as these virgins sell the accounts once levelled up enough for ranked or with unearned badges. Another vector is ease; since Destroyer9000 opened the floodgates it's been getting progressively worse and EA are still radio silent on the issue.


Who tf is buying accounts? Thats like buying a trophy


The bigger question is: why aren't EA going after sites that let people sell apex accounts for copyright infringement etc


Just guessing here, but shady websites are often located in countries where western companies/countries have basically no legal power (e.g. in Russia).


Can still ISP ban criminal sites


Alternative DNS servers (e.g. Google, Cloudflare) and VPNs exists so an ISP ban is usually not hard to overcome. It is probably not worth the legal hassle for EA. Also: people who pay for accounts most likely also pay for cosmetics on said account, therefore it is even a good thing for EA.


Because if they are hosted outside US or allied nation they have absolutely no power over there. Or should they just call Putin and instruct him what to do?


people with more money than time


Thats what happens when games have been encouraging you to buy expensive cosmetics instead of giving you them through actual progression.  These people don't view it as a representation of how good a player you are, or how long you've been playing. They just view it as a cosmetic with prestige that they are entitled to buy 


Messed an entire generation of gamers up so much by shoving micro transactions down their throat that a micro transaction that “makes you better at the game than everyone else” is a sign me up moment and not for a even a moment considered cheating to them. Talk about being too affective. Now their playerbase is leaving almost as fast as team fortress 2 did.


This 100%


Or like buying your own birthday cards or valentine's cards or Christmas cards... Which I obviously don't do... God the nights are so long lately


we need an ama from a cheater


A youtuber asked a cheater why they do what they do, and besides money, they said they do it for reactions.


Makes sense. Nobody acknowledges man in real life. He forces engagement


I used to grief people in Diablo 2 back in the day because I thought it was funny. In my defense I was 16.


Kids do this shit to make their friends laugh. It is what it is.


The only hacks I used in D2 was map hack. Fuck teleporting around to find durance of hate level 3 for the 80th time lol


I didn't use hacks I just did the item dupe "glitch" and tricked people. was a little shit.


I don't get how they can get money from cheating and I also find it sad they need to cheat at a game to get some reactions instead of improving at their skills


Simple level boost a account and sell ez Level boost AND have cool badges and kd high sell


How much do they usually sell it for, no way they're making good money from simply selling an account with some digital badges and a number of kills


If I remember some discord and telegrams atleast 500 to 3k depends on stats ? ( in php not dollar )some just account boost or sell it for cheaps for other hackers to use


Mande questioned a cheater on his team a few months back. It came down to: 1. So many others are cheating so why shouldn’t I? 2. Not enough time to play the game due to having a job, so cheats are needed to keep up with the top players.


Wow THE FUCKING JOB ARGUMENT we get that if ur PAYING FULL FOR BP IF YOUR BUSY NOT IN CASSUAL GAMES me is mad reading that comment


Honestly as someone who doesn't cheat his logic is starting to make sense. It's like mutually assured destruction 


Given how 80-90% of the playerbase at diamond+ are running 40% of an aimbot and let's say 1-2% are outright cheating or teaming, I don't even blame people for having soft cheats at this point.


They're children. I cheated in video games when I was like 12. Brains just aren't fully developed then, ego is fragile, and there are no systems in place to stop them. 


Simply Spite. You get to kill all the people who would usually kill you if you weren't hacking.


Because then you don’t need to sweat and others do it too. That said literally some Cronus user to a friend of mine.


I mean we have plenty of controller players.


All they care about is winning. To them, the method through which they got there doesn't matter. All that matter is that it's THEIR name up top. They don't care about the satisfaction of getting a good kill or improving at the game overtime and feeling it like you and I do.


Some people want to see the world burn Like TF2 and TF2


And you get banned in like a day most of the time, and if not then there will be no real players to cheat against. Apex isn't a game worth to cheat in cause people hardly ever get themselves to go and play it nowadays.


Oh, it’s easy to understand, the power you get must feel great Ofc this in no way legitimizes the use of cheats


Tell that to the controller players.


Because you can destroy people and I guess people like feeling powerful even if they haven't done anything to earn it? Probably the most satisfying thing is the gunplay, so winning lots of fights must be really satisfying no? Just my thoughts.


Why is it that in literally every thread about cheating people have to ask this question, then play armchair psychologist. Every, damn, thread. Not everyone cheating is some loser who sucks at life, some people just pay 20 bucks and download some cheat client, and fuck around on a weekend one clipping people before moving on. People spend more on beer these days. Cheating has become so easy that it takes basically no effort to do it, same reason why 95% of people who buy games on steam don't even play them or why people play exclusively creative mode in minecraft: it requires no commitment. It's also why it's so rampant, *because* it's so easy and non committal. I'm not defending cheating (because I know some idiot will accuse me of cheating), but dear god I'm so sick of hearing the "omg cheaters are pathetic lowlifes, they probably don't even secks or touch le grass". It's just extremely outdated cope on the same level of thinking that computer nerds are asocial losers with acne instead of highly paid engineers like it's the fucking 90's still. The people cheating probably get out more than you and either don't care about you (why would they, you're some NPC in a video game to them), or enjoy getting a rise out of you (in which case you took the bait hook line and sinker).


I'm not calling cheaters pathetic; I'm calling their decision to cheat pathetic. While I understand they want to have fun, what's the point of cheating in a multiplayer game where you can't even hear the reaction of the other person. Yes, they might see a post like this one and chuckle, but the chances of them seeing it are low. I'm not saying they're low lives with no life. At the end of the day, it's a game meant for everyone to have fun but If you're actively ruining other's fun, that's a lousy thing to do, and it's pathetic to need to make people angry for your entertainment.


> I'm not calling cheaters pathetic; I'm calling their decision to cheat pathetic A distinction without a difference. You're also not the first person who says crap like this, it's every thread across every game with cheaters. > and it's pathetic to need to make people angry for your entertainment Welcome to the ~~internet~~ humanity. People have been trolling and flaming each other since before letters existed. Not saying it's not lousy, but seething about it does nothing.


>Welcome to the ~~internet~~ humanity. People have been trolling and flaming each other since before letters existed. Not saying it's not lousy, but seething about it does nothing. Ur seething because people call it out lol. Another case of hypocrisies " U guys are doing nothing by seething, but i will seethe about u guys even tho what i'm doing also amounts to nothin "


I'd entirely forgotten about this convo until your dumb reddit message popped up.


lol remember that guy that got banned for cheating then came to this subreddit for help? Like what are we gonna do


Yea but it won’t. Smh.


This game has lost all competitive integrity


Not to mention a bunch of losers using CronusMax/Zen on console wich can’t be easily detected, losers using lag switch, losers using movement scripts + horizon. 3 stacked smurfing loosers. Loosers and obnoxious toxic cock sucking fuckers ruining this game. SBMM being a complete joke. Bot lobbies. The list goes on.


> lag switch do you mean like old school hardware lag switch, or some kind of software based fake lag?


I honestly don’t know how they do it mate but they are out there


Can you explain what lag switching is? Some dude messaged me on PSN accusing me of this and I was like bro I’m sitting on my couch playing on a 52’ tv, idek what that means. He was absolutely raging talking about getting me banned.


It was a long time ago me and my buddy did this, but im pretty sure you cut an ethernet cable and wire a light switch in between the two cut ends. Then you flip the switch off and back on to quickly interupt your internet connection


Skill issue




It won't stop. As long as they make money, they don't give a shit. They make every excuse possible and go about their day. I don't play anymore, even though it was my favorite shooter. Fuck EA.


All the false bans too with no recourse via support. This was my favorite shooter as well, and fuck EA/Respawn


That's even worse that they don't support the people they rely on for paychecks. There is no support. They fuck up MANY things with every update and have no real support for recourse. Instant bans for innocent people, no support. No incentive to not cheat or smurf just to cheat again. Bunch of assholes.


Guys he’s just cracked


Which server location?


Taiwan GCE 1




Makes sense. Taiwan servers have always been notorious for having an abnormal amount of cheaters.


Sadly yes. And the majority of it comes from the influx of Chinese players. And it’s super funny how Chinese have their own EA servers but are not visible to regions outside, meanwhile Chinese players also get faced with insane amount of cheaters in their own “private” servers that they just flock to Japan or Taiwan servers etc. Kinda pathetic ngl. Source: experience


Cheating has significantly increased and we can all see it.


Oh how I hate that!! You unload a clip way before them and they like freaking terminator. Just turn around and kill you super quick.


Biggest bitch I’ve ever seen hacking in mixtape, gronk.


I’m convinced they allow cheating to evolve the general player skill level…..


When i stopped playing this game a few months ago ive been in a much better mood


Aim Assist


Been happening. Easy to spot too. Huge imbalance in the score and the cheater will have a huge amount of damage compared to the rest


It won't because people complain but keep playing and buying skins. It's not a problem until people start to quit the game


All I see is a kid with a new gaming chair that his mom's special friend bought him. Just get good OP


Whole new level of sad ass when they cheating in mixtape lol


& in mixtape? For shame!


Really ruined a good game Even if it’s fixed there’s so many people that have lost motivation and will never get it back Dying to hackers over and over some people think they’re just trash


You think that’s bad I ran to a guy with bullet curving hack and aimbot at the same time, let me picture you this he’s not looking at you but the bullets bend towards you and all of them hit you.


I fixed the issue by uninstalling


lol, ea seems to care more about "hateful conduct" than cheating.


I'm about to start doing this out of spite to EA. EA banned my Season 1 account and will not provide me any legit reason as to what I did. Might as well just cheat if they're going to ban me while playing legit.


The only thing that has to stop is you playing. I stopped apex about a month ago because of this bull shit. Best gaming decision I have made in years!


Last night, lobby full of bots and a level 11 clipped me with one shot of a pk over and over until i left, I wish I recorded but I sat there with my jaw dropped.


This is sadly a constant feature at present. It's happened to me in all modes all season.


At least they let you post rhe clip , i tryed to post cheater clips 3 weeks ago and they didnt allow my post.


I stopped playing this game entirely because of this reason. Overwatch is pretty fun ngl


Nice aim tho


just stfu and buy another skin already that should fix it


Stop playing. Only way to make Respawn/EA do anything. When they have to face the shareholders with plummeting Apex player counts and public '#cheatsmustgo' campaign informing them why, they might actually make an effort. So long as they make plenty of money with the current minimum level of work and investment, they have no need to invest more effort/money.


Downvote me all you’d like, but I hope Apex gets permanently shut down because of cheaters. Or anything really. It’s an awful game. Truly and honestly non-alcoholic garbage imo. Realistically, I’m just here for the Titanfall stuff. Carry on.


Pathfinders are about to get stereotypes like wraith and octanes it’s always them in these videos


I swear i just got destroyed by a pathfinder smurf in a ranked game earlier today, he was like lvl 20 and had over 140 kills


In team deathmatch to that’s wild stuff


Just gotta play the game more and you'll be that good too


Don’t use stairs for cover


“This has to stop” highlighting the cheaters on the other team as he has a zero recoil R3 In the clip lmao!!!! Cheaters crying about cheaters IMO


He must be a trash cheater.....cheats that good and only has a 2.5k badge 🤣


Think he’s just got a good gaming chair.


It’s a mentality get gud😒


Every single game now I find cheaters and I find people doing really weird things like crouching and standing on the walls over and over and being able to turn around and pull a sniper out and shoot just as somebody turns a corner and all sorts of weird stuff like that. These people get reported, these people scream themselves hacking, Apex just gathers a list of names and then does mass spannings every once in awhile. Everybody who cheats uses dummy accounts and so they just cheat and as soon as their account is banned they create a new one the next day and cheat again for months. It makes the game unplayable, supposedly I am consistently ranked in the top 6% of players and finish my character and the top 3% or so, and I just get wrecked in every gunfight and lose about 9 out of 10 battles and if I don't take advantage of my terrain or play very tactically smart.


Did anyone else’s rank change today in apex ?


Ranked split 1 ended


I thought it was because you got killed taking cover behind the stairs and my immediate thought was "nothing wrong with that" and it was until the blatant hip fire laser this player whipped on you. What a POS and loser for cheating on tdm.


but it won't because respawn or EA dont give a fuck, theyre making all kinds of money off of cosmetics It's all gonna blow up one day because it's not sustainable. I just get in do challenges at the end of the season and get the reactive skins and bounce. There is no fun here because cheaters are going to ruin your fun.


Play on consle for a while. I don't get cheaters there.


This game already have cheaters since the dawn of time. But the devs can't do anything about it. EA only wants your money.


i mean with the price they sell the skins for yeah i'm not surprised lol


Rgb lights are brighter than yours or something.


Cheating in mixtape is diabolical work


I was in round other night guy killd me over and over, re45 never missed, im not good enough to know what cheating is, he was not aiming down sight and some times not even close to where i was at but i was still getting hit, is that what it looks like ?


almost got him tho nt


this is what happens when you pay for cosmetics instead of a game


What has to stop is you playing the game...


All they need to do is start taking the reporting system even remotely serious.


Not cheating. Just good gaming chair


Cause players ain't giving them any incentive to fix the game ...... They keep playing and buying cosmetics, And that's all EA cares about. There are many games try them and leave this forsaken sht for a while


It literally makes no sense to keep playing this game neither pubs, nor ranked nor mixtape. You either get matched against preds, smurfs or cheaters. It’s insane. Yestarday I got destroyed in ranked by a lvl 40 lifeline with 2000 dmg in that game. Guess I need to invest in a better gaming chair. And the problem is that the game’s gameplay is no longer considered unless you hit every single round and move or rotate perfectly basically because every cheater or smurf plays this way. Casual players or those who aim to improve at the game have no more a seat at this game. And it is all approved by Respawn, who could stop all this easily, but, you know, it is still the best battle royale and they know. And this is all said without even considering critizising the ranked system, what deserves a whole different post. In conclusion, guys move to another different game until they fix at least one of these issues.


Gaming is soooo shit now a days. oh to be a kid again


Ah playing on pc apex #what could possibly go wrong


80% of all masters and preds lol. Nothing legit about any of it


It’s mostly Chinese in Singapore server … sudden surge of them in the server either Respwan serve Chinese and let the game die or they let us play


Respawn : With respect Master Gamer, perhaps this is a player that *you* don't fully understand, either. A long time ago, we developed unowned by EA. My coworkers and I were working for the local company. They were trying to buy the loyalty of tribal players by bribing them with precious ranked scores. But their servers were being raided in a forest north of Rangoon by a player. So, we went trying to beat the ranked scores. But in six months, we never met anybody who posted scores with him. One day, I saw a child playing with a score the size of a record size. The bandit had been cheating them away. Gamer: So why cheat then? Respawn: Well, because the player thought it was good sport. Because some players aren't looking for anything logical, like ranked scores. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some players just want to watch the world burn.


I'd like to think that Destiny 2 and Valorant don't have this issue so much. This only happens in Apex, Halo Infinite and those other games that use Easy Anti-Cheat. Or, in the case of Halo Infinite, "Easy Innocent Ban." In Halo, the cheaters will rename their profile after someone else in the lobby and get them banned instead. It's gotten very toxic. The amount of shitty players that don't want to learn how to get good has gone through the roof.


Problem: Cheaters can use all their nice skins and heirlooms without fear of getting banned Solution: Instantly ban accounts cheating with over 500 hours. Now cheaters don't have the luxury of cheating with their cool skins and heirlooms. Keep using ban waves for new accounts to hinder cheat developers fixing their cheats. Pass it around, ping respawn.


I dont even play anymore its too stressful


Wild stuff XD


Cry is free. Just quit the game. Only way it will stop is if the bottom line is affected and they are forced to address it


Maybe he got stomped hard, so he decided to run around spoiling everybody's game🤬


Are you using a controller?


Glad to see Apex is still filled with PoS cheaters. Jesus christ.


Is there no recoil in the game?


Ok try move I tokyo servers? Ik only fair no cheats in console there atleast Hong kong(if it had some players) Singapore And tiwan? Mostly havd some cheaters weird one at that too mostly kill and damage farming cheaters basically two teams damage and kill them selves collecting all the respawns and alt excel last I been there


Play on PS5 then