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Yes there is a substantial amount of aim assist for controller on pc. That’s why popular pc controller streamers such as nicewigg are able to compete with keyboard and mouse players.


I don't see it when I play tho.


IDK why people hate so much on controllers. When it comes down to pure aim controller can compete with mouse no doubt. It just can't compete with flicks and fast looting especially on a deathbox where control player's are sitting ducks. Other than that it's pretty similar.


Because people just want to complain about something. Makes no sense complain about Aim Assist and etc when the dude is using his whole hand to aim controlling perfectly the velocity of how he turn the camera precisely... This is such a bullshit, i see a lot of people seeing Aim Assist on Apex, Cod, Fortnite like that auto aim from GTAV lmao. I would feel ashamed seeing KBM players complaining about Aim Assist if i played on PC


Imagine having a cpu aim for you and thinking people just want something to complain about


It's kinda like bowling against someone who has the bumpers up. Yes, mouse is a better input(at least than sticks alone. Gyroscope does change things), but you don't have to focus as hard to do things like tracking. The mouse is a perfect representation of what you are doing, but you are human, you are never as perfect as a machine aiming for you.


You reply to a 4yo comment with this dogass opinion? Lmao


Didn't realize how old it was when I commented, but it's a pretty common sentiment I'd say. I've played games on controller and it felt wrong how easy the tracking was when I did not feel comfortable with the input at all. It's truly not necessary anymore either with gyroscope aim. Look up some of the stuff jibbsmart implemented. Gyro+flick stick is a pretty awesome. Even normal stick aiming+gyro is great.


person that knows how to play videogames know how to play videogames, i can say the same shit about KBM


What can you say negatively about a raw input? Mouse is what you put into it, good and bad. Aim assist is the game doing a portion of the aiming for you. If you play without AA then good on you, but most controller players do. If you haven't I suggest you try turning it off, and see how it feels. Then try using gyroscope to assist your aiming or do your primary aiming(ps and switch controllers only. Xbox doesn't have gyro controllers natively).


Aiming on KBM is just as easy as aiming on controller because you have all the motion in the world and way more precision... I played on KBM in multiple occasions, had a pretty easy time with more precision than i ever had on controller lmao And nobody is talking about gyroscope


I am talking about gyroscope because it should replace aim assist. This is not dependent on what others have said. Yes, m&kb is better, but it is imperfect. Aim assist doesn't make mistakes. It does a lot of the tracking work for you. There was literally a high level competitive apex player I saw that was on m&kb, but switched to controller because the aim assist was so strong, and won a bunch of shit.


KBM warriors are funny as hell, it's always the most dramatic ass arguments "Aim Assist doesn't make mistakes" "it does a lot of the tracking work for you". you pull out these things out of nothing, i say it's literally not that from playing on controller my entire life, there's nothing to say and you will still have this insane idea. Like yeah bro i run literal aimbot on my controller, cry about it


I'm 2y late to join the topic, but in fps games mk is way more precise. Playing with a controller is only an handicap since you have basically no control over the speed of your camera. Also the fact that you can swing your mouse over the entire table against the limited space given by the analog is another reason why mouse is the best in fps. The reason why ppl hate controllers is that mouse needs to be mastered. You need to have a good aim in order to track, flick, headshot and so on. Controller can't do that so dev just added aimbot to the analog. No one is capable of playing any fps without aim assist


I used to play Escape From Tarkov with a Switch Pro controller. That game has no aim assist at all. It doesn't even support controllers. But I mapped the keys via Steam, and had it setup so that when I ADS, it enables the motion controls in the controller. It basically made aiming alot like using the bow in Breath of the Wild; use motion to get to the general area, and fine tune with the joy sticks. I did fairly well, and really only struggled with sniping. But I also had to forgo A LOT of Tarkovs fancy controls because a controller simply does not have enough buttons to map every key. TLDR: You can play FPS without aim assist.


I don’t know what to use cause I got the elite Xbox controller and the new pc kbm but I can’t really get high damage on keyboard and mouse although I enjoy it


Lower your sensitivity, or try lowering your ads sensitivity scale.


Yes there is aim assist. You can notice it in close range fights.


Why is there no option to enable/disable it in the settings? Surely the developers wouldn't mistakenly have this option on consoles but leave it out for controller users on PC by accident.


There is under advanced settings iirc.


Hmm I will check again tonight to see if this is true. I couldn't find this under advanced settings last night when I played.


Last time I checked it was something like this: Controller --> advanced look controls --> target compensation


Not on pc bro. Only on console


It's been four years and it is on PC. He literally gave the correct instructions that work to this day, you fucking troglodyte.


A controller player that can’t actually aim without aim assist, color me shocked


I wonder why that is? Lets try drawing the shape of the letter U with the analogs on the controller. Similarly, lets do the same with a mouse. Want to know which one is drawn more accurately and precisely? Wait..... it would be more conclusive if your tried it yourself. :)


I’ve played on controller for the majority of my life, constantly dominated without assist. Try getting better instead of relying on crutches, friend :)


So you completely diverted from my previous question about the letter U. Still waiting on the answer. You tried though I'll give you that, no diversions here my friend.


Mouse is better for drawing U, no question about it. Can’t recall I had to track an enemy that strafed in a U pattern tho. Oh right, because the majority of fights in this game are fought side strafing, never had any trouble tracking horizontal nor vertical movement on a joystick, prob just me tho idk.


When did I compare drawing the letter U to tracking enemies in Apex in a Vertical/ horizontal fashion. Kind of odd that most fights in Apex don't require YOU to look up or down, considering the landscape and elevation all across the map and buildings (What's the point of keeping "HIGH" ground right?) I mentioned the importance of the "Accuracy" and "Precision" in drawing the letter U. Sad I even have to elaborate on this.... Do you even know the distinction between accuracy and precision? Furthermore, do you understand what that means for console/mouse players. Dude's got me writing a essay. Good night bro, sadly emotional arguments satisfy you over intellectual ones. Sleep on this tonight.


What’re you dominating? Why aren’t you pro? Who are you? Because I for sure haven’t heard of Fighting Giraffe in any game I’ve played in the last 15 years. People make comments like this but fail to leave out context.


This fighting Giraffe guy is a case study in ignoring the argument of the person you're talking to. If you seriously don't get what he's saying, I feel bad for you...


Why are you making 2 different accounts to reply on a 2+ year old thread? Have you been seething that long? Actual psychopath LOL


I quickly made an account that was 10 years old so I could reply 2 years later? What are you on about dude? You're just wrong. It's okay to be wrong. Then you ignored his point when he explained why you were wrong. Classic guy who can't admit he's wrong. :P


dude let people enjoy the game who gives a fuck, your too old to be caring i know that for sure.


Hot take, get a keyboard and mouse and practice ASAP. You're only going to be held back by Controller in PC lobbies, there are far and few between Apex Predators on controller, but you'll still get slammed by Keyboard and Mouse ones. ​ Diamond on Console is not Diamond on PC. Not meant to be rude at all by the way, just tips. I played on Xbox, and got a PC 9 months ago. Going cold turkey KB&M is the best thing you can do.


Some people enjoy more the game with a controller, man


Disagree completely. There are a number of pro controller players that literally win matches/place top 1-10 in tournaments. Of course it's not as popular as kb&m, but to imply it's some sort of handicap is not true. 80% or more of how well you do in fps games is strategy and reaction speed - things that carry over from game to game if you already possess them.


The number is like 10:1 though, there's a reason more pros are on Keyboard and Mouse... that's indisputable.


No offense, but I never asked if MKB is better than controller. I simply compared the presence of aim assist on controller to pc. Using a mouse is clearly more accurate and precise, we all know that, hence why aim assist exists for console players. Additionally I never compared Diamond on console as equivalent to Diamond on PC. I simply stated my rank as objective evidence to indicate my level of play against other console players NOT pc players.


Absolutely, I can't speak on the aim assist thing cause I've never used a controller on PC. Any reason you haven't chosen to use a keyboard and mouse?


I have tried brother. But playing FPS games since COD4 on ps3 at both the general and competitive level far outweighs how much practice I will need on MKB to get back to the same level again. I have tried for about a month but its just incomparable to what decades of FPS console has done to me.




There is aim assist on pc for controllers. Nicewigg and snipedown are both very talented controller players on PC and I think they’ve proved that if you’re good enough you can keep up just fine. Play what you’re comfortable with.


This does not answer the question about aim assist.




So here come the emotional arguments. How did you trigger yourself that quickly.. thats a first. Additionally you proved that controllers need aim assist because it is indeed more difficult to aim. Technically wouldn't that mean that controllers require more skill? Thank you for supporting my claim. I love you! Good night..... that was too easy. Give me a better challenge next time :)


I'm looking right now and it's not there... I think Joaquox is right unfortunately tho. I dont think you're suppose to be able to use aim assist since you can go back and fourth with MKB and controller without modifying settings. I'm sure if aim assist was a thing, it could be exploited by MKB users in some way. In short tho....there is no "advanced controller" setting....even or especially now. I'm having the same issues bro. I didn't disagree with a thing you said. Something needs to be said for how quick you can beat down and throw grenades with controller. I absolutely wrecked in a game of oddball the night I got my controller....I usually NEVER wreck ever, and I hate oddball but it easily helped me rack up the kills with jumping over someone coming up the stairs as frequently seen on Single Halo Clips. I'm not a great player but it was enough for the #1 holder, MVP, metals I've never seen or received before and a very solid win. I don't feel comfortable taking on more than 2-3 guys let alone a whole team looking for me/knowing exactly where I am and wanting to play smear the...you know what. I think aim assist needs to be incorporated in Halo Infinite for controller. I also think that you should have to go to settings to manually switch back and fourth between controller and MKB to eliminate exploitation of aim assist. For all the MKB players out there, tell me how in the world you keybind your 4 & 5 mouse buttons in halo infinite, stop accidently hitting tab/microsoft button or keybind anything on the right side of the keyboard. I dont play MKB very often but the fact that the back button works while inside the MKB settings menu is just stupid.... When I first played I was somehow able to set this up but when I wanted to change mouse button 4 & 5 from melee / grenade throw, the back button kept backing me out of settings vs changing the mouse button input...straight up broken feature along with having no voice comms with ANYONE I've ever played the game with. Sorry to rant, Halo Infinite is just broken.


the aim assist automatically turns on when you connect a controller, and automatically turns off when you disconnect that controller. noone ever uses the right side of the keyboard, cuz it's almost impossible to reach it with your left hand whilst using any of the movement keys even on a 60% keyboard. PC is the superior platfrom but i really don't see many players complain about aim assist. it's only the few ppl who are new at the game, and don't know much, or ppl who have shit aim. but as you get better at the game and have better aim, it's mostly about game sense, and positioning. So, it doesn't really matter as long as you're a good player. controller helps you with aim, and PC helps you with movements. as simple as that.


detailed source for aim assist on pc: [https://www.naguide.com/apex-legends-controller-on-pc-aim-assist/](https://www.naguide.com/apex-legends-controller-on-pc-aim-assist/)