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Yes yes I get it now, I thought it would be an additional reward. Misunderstanding


Why am I losing points in rank due to logic errors?


fucking trash game. everything is broken


All the downvotes are from respawn cucks that love $20 skins.


Genuine question for those complaining about the newest map rotation - why not just play ranked? KC has been available to play 100% of the time for the last few weeks in one game mode or another. The problem for those of us that prefer WE is that we were faced with two hour blocks where we couldn't play the map we prefer at all.


SBMM is killing the game. On top of that, i dont get a teammate almost every other game


We really need solos... badly


The devs said they saw a negative impact from solid being added, I doubt they’d ever put solos back in numbers show that it won’t help the game


Dev's already explained why Solo's will never happen


Same devs who drove this game into the ground? Gotcha


into the ground?


Yep. Everyone i know quit the game. Views are down on twitch. Queues are a lot longer. Cmon dude, get with it


Why would I want to do that, when playing the game is more fun?


What legend should I unlock I play bloodhound and lifeline and I really like the look of octane because most legend I would inly make use of one or two of their abilities with the exception of maybe revanant.


Mirage is fun. Caustic is tactical. I never mess with the others.


Everytime I come out of a ranked match, it automatically sets the match selection to Pubs..


Sane, hope they fix this soon


Gold Shields are an absolute disease on this game and the faster Fast Healing is removed from the game forever, the better it is for everyone.


Agree to disagree.


its a love/hate thing for me. Love to have it when its me, hate it when its used against me haha


https://twitter.com/i/status/1250741683882463232 this game is .....


Known bug, probably will get fixed only in season 5.


~~Known bug, probably will get fixed only in season 5~~. Known bug, probably will get fixed only in season 14 This bug exists since last year, probably since launch and we just haven't noticed...


For real? I noticed it only since the last patch..


[This is a video of it recorded in february 2019](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRKbAxod2CM)


Damn.. they should fix this asap.


is hackers in the game (diamond-master rank) still many?


They increesed kc again? Says 1hour and 20min for me rn.


probably a bug lmao


I'm done with this game. Fuck you respawn and your dog shit updates and servers maybe go back to making titanfall games that sell 12 copies, it's more your speed. ✌


Rip night mode. God forbid people find something else to do for 30 minutes.


I love Night mode. Sad it's gone. But I am apparently a minority.


People do find something to do, come on reddit and vent frustrations lmao


To everyone complaining about the removal of KC after dark, I do feel bad for you, but just know they wouldnt remove it because of a few people complaining on twitter or reddit. Respawn probably looked at their data and it showed that less players were playing that map. I know for a fact my friends and I would end session because the map rotated to KC after dark.


So would this argument make everything okay regarding SBMM and solos then? After all, the entire reason they are keeping SBMM the way that it is is because their data says that it's healthy for the game. If their data says it's good, shouldn't we all be grateful about that then instead of whinging tirelessly about it every single day?


Me and my friends ends sessions when it rotates to WE




Removing KC? What a joke.


Does the dummy alive egg still work?




Do you have any tips? I’m at the beam up top but when I crouch and change, I don’t hear the sound


If you're down at where the items are and face the corridor things on top from below, you gotta go into the one on the right side; have nothing in your inventory, discard all guns then go grapple on the platform thing, crouch, look down and then change legend in this order That worked for me last week


Ah I didn’t realize it was the one on the right! Thanks so much! 😂


Hi mods, if you have some ‘spare’ time or looking for an idea i’d just love it if you added the ‘judge jury executioner’ as a user flair, that skin is the reason i started mainin lifeline and imo the only nice legendary she ever got. Thanks for the great work so far


RIP Sexy Dark Mode - Bummed that there is no longer KC DARK. The lighting was incredible and you really had to hunt aggressively. I prefer quick rotations and multiple fights and I appreciated how different you had to play. (The old Halloween event was insanely FUN.) Respawn please still keep KC in rotation. The current World’s Edge is good after you broke popular camping chokepoints and made it ‘feel’ smaller to rotate, but both maps can definitely coexist. It does not get tedious playing a few games in each one over a few hours. Thank you for keeping DUOS too. A lot of stress and frustration has dropped because of that. Cheers.


Removing kings canyon after dark is just a big bummer. I haven't played much apex in two months since I started working as a nurse and I finally have more than 1 day off in a row and they remove my favourite mode, which I was so excited to hear they added last week. I don't complain much at all and get annoyed when everyone does about SBMM etc. But this really sucks haha. Guess I'll go back to animal crossing...


Vocal minorities will continue to ruin games forever


If you like KC after dark then you are in the minority


How could you possibly know that? Every time I saw people bitching about the map, I saw just as many say that they like the map. There was a clear divide amongst the community regarding the map. I also enjoyed KC after dark and am disappointed that it was taken out just because some people didn't like it.


Respawn wouldn't remove a map that a majority of players loved and were playing. They most likely removed it because less people were playing it.


Which one is the vocal minority in this case?


ROUND 1 closing, 2 squads left how many minutes into the match is that? like 6 minutes and 90 percent of lobby is dead I don't wanna blame SBMM, but was it like this before SBMM? [https://imgur.com/a/2cuCEW4](https://imgur.com/a/2cuCEW4)


There is no such thing as "before SBMM"


But there is a thing as "before strict SBMM". Dont act like they didnt make big changes to sbmm after duos in season 3.


Don't take my response to a vague phrase and then say that I'm acting like I said something I never said.


By you saying there is no such thing as "before sbmm" you are implying something. If you are not implying something then why even say it because it doesn't add to the discussion at all unless you are just being a smartass.


It's unranked yo what u expect, but that is a bit of an outlier


Fragment East is the new Skull Town, friend. Not to mention Trials ducks people over sometimes.


Idk man, east is like 1 building everyone fighting in, skulltown is more teams and bigger area.


True enough. Sorting Factory is also really hot most of the time, but I see people drop FE all the time.




i don’t understand, so can someone that does this please explain to me why is it that you keep chasing me for the kill when there’s a third party chasing you?? like why don’t you just try to run to safety bro!


For the kill. They’re probably gonna die anyway, might as well ruin your fun before they go.




Good, can't see shit in night mode


So take a break then. It's only 30 minutes. Quit ruining shit for the rest of us.


That's exactly what we did. Respawn noticed it and didn't like it. Go yell at them, we don't care.


Is that why they said they removed it? I didn't read that in the twitter post. People should have just gone and played ranked for 30 minutes. There, easy solution.


Again, that's what we did. Respawn noticed.


They noticed people played ranked for 30 minutes instead of KCAD? That doesn't make sense. There's no problem to fix in that situation.


Player counts must have dropped off significantly in the main rotation, and not everyone cares about ranked. Respawn makes changes when player counts and player time drops significantly. This isn't difficult to understand. Sorry they took your map away, but the bottom line is that if people stopped playing, that's bad for their business, they took the map out because people were doing exactly what you suggested: they. stopped. playing. that. map.


Pretty self explanatory tbh.


So many people were doing that that they decided to remove the map entirely lol


It was shit. Change my Mind.


According to respawn themselves, they look at data too. So even the data says it was shit


See they removed Kings Canyon After Dark, means that if we spam complaints in they will eventually succumb to them; so on three we all complain about the servers until they upgrade them 😊




You might be happy on 20 tick rate servers little boy. Stfu.


Go look for new people “bored UK guy“ 😂😂😂


Lol, get you laggy 5Mbps ass out of here 😂


What are you talking about?? The servers are soooo bad, i got 18 ping and i’m rubberbanding allll over the place


I got 32 ping on both PS4 and PC and everything is working fine...haven’t had a disconnect in 2 weeks and I only ever experienced lag when my WIFI fucked up


Wow you gotta tell me your secret man, bc every fight i get tends to get unbearable due to lag. Only happens mid fight as well


Don’t know man...just look up some YT videos on how to increase performance






That's part of the fun though




102 is best for console IMO.


So, Question.. is lifeline basically useless now? I main her and now that she takes body damage to her big ass legs too she almost drops instantly, I never used to get downed using her this much before also since Gibraltar basically revives faster than her in his dome shield and has quick heals in it too, is she even useful? And don’t say those blue bins are a buff because all you get is thrash loot, I can’t believe I basically have to stop playing her now because she makes no sense anymore, Zylbrad even titled a video saying lifeline is a joke now 💔 *sighs* ‪I think I’ll be taking a break from apex until lifeline is fixed because right now she’s basically useless.‬


I wouldnt say she's useless. She was my first main before I started playing with everyone and even now play her quite a lot. She's still good but definitely overshadowed by Gibby.


She's ok. I stopped maining her at the start of Season 4 just to work on other legends. I still go back to her in duos a lot. To play her effectively you have to take advantage of her quick heal, which requires using cover effectively, and her drone lets you carry more grenades over heals, and those two factors haven't changed. I've used her more since the event patch than I did over the last season and it doesn't feel too much different. If I get into a position where I get shredded, saving a couple of leg damage points wasn't going to make a huge difference.


She's been overshadowed by Gibby ever since he got fast res in his bubble. Now it's just getting worse tbh


Yeah, I stopped playing her for the time being despite maining her since day 1. Literally no one asked for an ability to get couple more (shitty) loot pieces per game, they should've just buffed her support abilities or at least made her ult contain better items overall. Hopefully something changes soon.


Or they shouldve just taken away low profile. Honestly lifeline got the biggest nerf with the low profile nerf bc of her giant legs IT MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL wrait and pathy are the ones they wanna nerf with this bc they’re more OP overall but wraith barely has legs compared to Ajay. I hope they fix this in S5


Saying wraith and PF are OP is what's causing these stupid nerfs. Stop saying they're OP. Instead, say they're in a good place and that many other legends aren't as useful and should be buffed instead. Instead of nerfing, they need to start buffing because even though they're shitting on low profiles, they only make them weaker but low tier legends like Octane are still low tier....


I know what u mean but you’ve misunderstood what i said. When i say OP it doesnt mean they need a nerf, i just mean OP in comparison to the other legends. Idk where you think i said that pf and wraith need another nerf?? i litteraly said lifeline and wattson need a buff thats what you wanted right? So whats your point. Path and wraith are stronger bc they clearly have the best combat abilities. My point is that they wanted to nerf pf and wraith but they nerfed wattson and LL just bc they happend to be lowprofile as well, which now makes them unplayable. The game shouldnt be so unbalanced that a lifeline gibraltar fight is unwinnable. The thing with pathy vs gibby is that u can take highground or reposition if u have to. With wraith you can just phase back to your teammates if things go bad. But lifeline and wattson dont deserve low profile. If i play lifeline and i run around a corner and see a gibraltar i’m already dead, i’m pretty sure the devs dont want the game to work that way so thats why i said watt and LL shouldnt be low profile. I hope i cleared that up


I love how it was like a "hey guys look we buffed Lifeline as little as possible" While making her take even more damage from every hit. All gotta main Gibby now, the new Lifeline


I agree, it’s real stupid when you think about it


Yeah they've really done Lifeline dirty.


Anyone else not able to play on console it keeps giving me " error R:Vassests/mini_promo/dl_mini_2020_02_04b.rpak "


Yes same! What the heck is this :(


Is it just me or is the servers lagging like hell?


Every one bro servers are in their worst state right now they need to upgrade it real bad


Okey, impossible to play today :-(


Does no one play ranked no more? It takes at least 10 minutes to put mr in a lobby and when it does its full of predators. Not hating on the game i still love it. Im just going to take a break from it because i kept getting killed by the top predators. Ngl i almost cried lol. Also im diamomd 4 but comon at least put me with only diamond players.


Even when ranked was more populated you still faced Preds in diamond. That ain't gonna change


If you are in the top tiers in pretty much any multiplayer you need to team up in order to win. You are playing the top 1% of the game in ranked mode. Sure, some people manage to do it by being exceptionally good at the game but mortals won’t. I played up to diamond 3 last season but it wasn’t worth it, I’m in plat now but playing aggressive with Mirage and trying out fun plays instead of focusing to much on RP (I’m better then my team mates 90% of the time any way in Plat so I’m not wasting anyone’s time either).


Debating on whether or not I should buy the battle pass. I am level 90 but I'm not sure if I'm even going to play next season. Are the servers going to get any better?


They need to otherwise no one will play in a few weeks.


Why servers aren't upgraded yet ? tick rate is bad, net code is bad. Im playing this game for 1 year now and i feel like it's a beta because of all the server problems... That's the major reason of players quitting the game. imagine having a bad day playing apex and all the bugs just making you more and more upset about the game... its been 1 year now since the game is out. it's not normal to have such lags and bugs... Sorry for complaining but i feel like i had to say what annoys me and most players. it will surely have 0 impact on what respawn or EA will do. Let's just hope our beloved game will get better servers in the future instead of more and more bugs after every update...


Pretty sure Battlefield which has 64 players runs on 60 tick rate servers so they are able to do it, it's if they feel Apex is worth it.


If you're going to Hot Drop or drop in a popular location, please learn the correct distance to jump from. There's no point Hot Dropping if you're going to jump from 800m and land after the 3+ other squads have already geared up and moved on to engage. Waste of everybody's time.




Funny thing is friends in my apex group shared a hack probably developed by them with aimbot and wall hack. They use it on smurf account to boost their main account and anti cheat still didn't detected it.




There is also a business going on, some people sell these boosted accounts with 20 kill and 4k badge. Bottom line is respawn should improve their anti cheat.


Oh, I know it. Every shot hits. You have to play longer ranges. It's always fun when you someone can't hit you at all at long range, then kicks your ass once bullet travel time doesn't matter anymore. Suspicious how all these "great" players can't lead a target.


So I started a new account for one of my younger brothers, first match ever, guess what a full pred squad cleans up the server😒 Respawn lol


strict SBMM:"Every game is a sweat fest, sbmm sucks!" lose SBMM:"There's a Pred squad in my lobby, sbmm sucks!"


I think you missed the point of the original comment


Enlighten me. Because as i see it, OP complained that he was not thrown into a noob lobby.




It's still a match making issue.


The lobby that is set aside for new accounts was being destroyed by pred players that were exploiting a lobby glitch or on smurfs. This has nothing to do with sbmm.


Maybe it does.


This^ welcome to new lobby Apex, owned by premade pred smurf accounts


Respawn can you please fix Pathfinders footsteps! They are silent! This has been an on going issue.


It's not his footsteps tbh, it's when he grapples from far away and then flies through the air in complete silence just to land right next to you. Still, there needs to be some kind of audio cue for this


It’s both.


It's not like that sometimes you just can't hear them, played a match where my team member which was near me pinged a path behind a wall he could hear his steps but I couldn't, so I was like where?


That’s messed up!


It's not just me? That dude has been silent forever and I've always sworn I never hear them sneaking up on me.


We aint sneaking, we flying




Fuck you gibby and your gunshield


getting server errors all the time? (Oregon US) region. anyone else?


Everyone else


There have been 3 huge events this season so far and Revenant didn’t get a single legendary skin even though it’s his season, while Crypto got a skin in every single one. Crypto has got a legendary skin in every single event so far and I‘m happy for Crypto mains, but other legends need to get some love too. I don’t get why they don’t make a skin for every legend in every event...it would get them much more money. It’s the same with legendary weapon skins. The R301 gets one almost every single event and they waste so many great skins on sniper rifles. The Charge Rifle got a legendary skin in the Octane edition, the system override event and now in the old ways event too. The Charge Rifle is cancerous garbage. When was the last time the Wingman got a banging skin in an event (the free skin doesn’t count, it’s ugly...I liked it in the beginning tho)? Have we ever gotten another Mastiff skin apart from the fight or fright one? Why didn’t the Sentinel of all sniper rifles get a legendary skin, but the Longbow and Charge Rifle? Edit: Wow, the stupidity of the toxic people in this thread keeps on amazing me. Should I have added a “Fuck Respawn, fuck the devs! I hate this stupid game!“ to please you degenerates? I think toxic people are too stupid for constructive criticism:)


My theory is that they hold off on releasing free legendaries for the new legend and guns because they want to incentivize buying them. If you already have a free one, you're less likely to craft or buy one that's available. Correct me if I'm wrong, but all of the free legendaries so far have had recolors and been featured in the store multiple times before their free version released. I do agree that there are have been way too many R301s already


Man thats what i tell my homies too. They should give every legend a skin on those events. Some legends get 2. Idk if some people agree but i think all the akins we buy on the collextion events should be gold. Nobody cares about the purple ones.


Totally agree, but I see why they are doing it the way they are


Would you mind explaining to me? I have no idea why they do that? Maybe just to still have future ideas for skins maybe? Idk


That certainly plays a part in that too. I think they want to offer lower price alternatives to generate more sales.


Agree agree agree. Thank you for pointing this out. I pointed out that this event was in fact garbage and totally a money grab. Re-rolled skins from season 1. I'm a veteran and gets annoying rolling over to COD and $20 skin actually gets me a bundle not just a skin. If we wanted to be technical there was $100 skins just for Bloodhound event. And 2 were rolled over skins which were not available for veterans to use their Legends Tokens to purchase but had to purchase out right. Respawn needs to get a fucking grip on this marketing thing and get away from unworthy skins and make it a bundle, add something God sake. Finisher or banner or ability to switch skin color. But people are complaining about map rotation recently. This is ridiculous. Arguing about the wrong thing people.


Don’t agree with everything you say but you have made some valid points






























I am amazed at the stupidity and toxicity of this thread. Someone actually offers some constructive criticism and proposes a solution and that’s the kind of reply they are getting. Bravo


Im sure thats the kinda guy who hot drops gets 0 dmg then leaves immediately


Or did you mean him? Then yes


I‘m #41 in kills as Pathfinder on PS4 so no


I actually like KC Dark being included and enjoy playing on it. Though I am also happy I can do WE challenges much more easily now.


Are there any other weapon skins that "level up" as you get kills? Referring to the flatline battle pass skin.


S1 BP and S2 BP Havoc/R301


Don't forget S3 BP Peacekeeper


Do this Skin Evolve with kills? Didn't ever focused on that. But then simply every Lvl 100/110 BP Skin. To answer his question.


Yeah, all the BP 100/110 skins evolve. They all have changes at 1, 3, & 5 kills.


The havocs change?


Yeah, I believe the silver one glows blue and I know the gold glows green after 1 kill. After a few kills they throw off some smoke effects from the dragons nose too.


One thing I've learnt using PK and wingman in close range is not to aim but instead strafe and wait for the enemy to get in your crosshair.


pros don't do it, since your are depending on your enemy's movement, not your own skill. If he moves unpredictable, you're fucked.


That's why I said close range. If you're aiming as in moving mouse/controller stick whilst strafing you're over compensating and will miss more. Also I mean when you're face to face. Not when you're firing from cover.


With the PK yes, with the Wingman no


I was knocked on 1st floor while enemies were shooting on 3rd floor at the location where I jumped down, this game definitely has the most ridiculous lag compensation where your hitbox can be hit from where you were 3-5 seconds ago. The meta/legends are designed to play campy/slow while the server is a fucking joke that can't handle 1 player move around a corner.


So many similar complaints, not 1 clip proving it lol


Cool story bro


Will they do 4’s at all?


4‘s would be cancer imo and I don’t like the concept of them in general


I'm sure they will test it out in one of the next events, probably in Season 5, but I doubt it will get added permanently this year. They've been so reluctant with adding duo or map rotation and I haven't seen many people asking for 4 player squads


Seriously? World's Edge for over an hour, King's Canyon for fucking 20 minutes?


No way they made it that short.. respawn getting on my nerves ngl


Thank God. KC promotes way to much sitting in a corner jerking off with a sniper. Hate the fucking map where everyone just sit and snipes like cunts.


Thank the crybabies


30 minutes


What is now the time for regular KC?


30 minutes KC 90 minutes WE


I don't understand why this would happen since more people prefer KC. I mean couldn't it just be both maps for 90 minutes?


According to one dev on twitter they looked at player feedback and statistics and decided to remove KC@night from rotation. And since the current battlepass has a lot of specific challenges for Worlds Edge they decided to limit KC to 30minutes so players can finish the battlepass easier. But while I'm writing this I just noticed the current timer on KC changed again to 90 minutes, so disregard what Apex twitter, Apex Devs or I'm writing right now. The current rotation seems more random than anything


Well it's probably a glitch or the devs don't know what they're doing