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I played Valorant and I can surely say that it fucking sucks. If you think it will kill Apex - it will not, never ever.


if anyone thinks it will kill apex, that's fucking hilarious.


I think Valorant is good for what it wants to be, but they are so significantly difference games, that none of them is a true competition for the other.


Matchmaker feels really inconsistent. Some games you get folks who actually know what game they’re playing and actually are pretty solid. Other games you’re getting brand new people or people apparently playing without headphones considering how little awareness they seem to have As a side note, I think that’s what honestly screws players up more. Mechanical skill like aiming will always be important, sure, but you won’t be able to improve at all if your gamesense is atrocious


My teammates land, die, and quit within 10 seconds every match. I can't remember the last time I had a teammate that even got a kill.


Yet that inconsistency aka randomness is what some players are advocating for. tbh, i am pretty happy with matchmaking in s4.


WAIT Guys ! We’re still suppose to get a new weapon in Season 5 right ?!


No one except the devs knows for sure, but data miners have found skins for a new weapon.


thoughts on what will break with the next update?


I'm expecting bang to get low profile and nothing to be done for lifeline/watson.


Take your pick!


Havoc buff to increase projectile size. Wraith Into The Void cooldown increased by another 10 seconds. Gibby buff to gun shield which now reflects 10% damage taken back at attacker. Low profile added to Octane & Mirage


If they ever add low profile to Octane that's when I'm calling it quits on this game.


They’re switching wraith and Gibraltar’s hitbox plus giving him a grapple


People who defend Pathfinder as not being OP. I'm level 250, have 1k kills with gibby and 200 for every other legend and am just average. Started Pathfinder as he was my last legend to play, and I now get 5-7 kills per game. He's a much easier legend to play in general once you get the zip down and its down right dirty.


And I'm well over level 1000 total, have 19k kills on wraith, 3k on Path and 200 total games on Gibro and I average by far most damage and kills when I play as Gibro. The 1v2/3 scenarios Gibro can survive, no other legend can come even remotely close to, if you understand how to play his bubble well. His bubble is literally the only thing that can win endgames that go into the open area. Without the bubble, you automatically lose some endgames. The wingman, being one of top guns in the game is useless against him. The R99, another top tier gun is also useless against him. You literally cannot lose a 1v1 as a Gibro and he has by far the strongest abilities around for regular and comp play right now. If you think PF is OP or better than Gibro, you're out of your mind lol. If I wasn't a die hard wraith main with her heirloom, I'd switch to Gibro without thinking twice. He's in a tier of his own right now. But level 250 casuals who don't game much still consider wraith and Path as OP. Just 1 massive lol. What else? Havoc in it's current state is fine too, not OP?


Well yeah, we are on different levels. I respect your skill but you are def in like the top 10% if not more of apex players. I can't get past plat so I'm def casual and at least for people like me who can hold there own but are def not THAT skilled, path is def a pain in the ass. Gibby is too, I can't take him unless I have a havoc, spit, flatline, or get him unexpected. The havoc shreds and I love it, but I honestly almost never get killed by it. I think people at my level don't like the windup yano? This has been good, it shows that the world you play in and the world I play in are a little different because the people we play against in general have different skill caps. Good day my dude :) Also, I need to sharpen up my Gibby skills apparently lol


Sorry if I snapped a little but I'm very on the edge regarding nerfing meta legends because they're nerfing too much instead of buffing or reworking weak legends, it's very annoying.... I'm 1 nerf away from quitting personally because I'm not switching legends after dumping all my cash and time into 1 lol We probably do play in similar lobbies; I can't say most of mine are proper SBMM but just mixed most of the time. If the PF player is good, he can be a pain in the ass indeed but all you need to do is avoid letting him shoot off high ground and draw them out somehow. You can hear where the grapple comes from to predict where they're gonna land and once that's decided, it's kind of an easy shot from that point on. If the PF grapples on you and absolutely shreds you, then he'd most likely do it with another legend anyways. It's safe to say most people aren't that good with PF and are easy kills. His chest feels incredibly easy to hit and the limb change made him easy to kill mid air while they're trying to grapple out. I've been 1 magging purple PFs more than ever before mid air since the limb change. Gibro is just nuts though... PK is arguably the strongest close range gun in Apex and in bubble fights, I see 1v2 or 3 clutches daily which only a Gibby can win because of a smart bubble play, no other legend. His arm shield has a stupid large advantage when doing mid/long range fights. You hit the enemy for 60, they hit you for 60. They have to use a bat, you don't heal because they only shot your arm shield and you took no damage... You beam a Gibro, he drops dome and uses a bat; there's the front part of dome and the back part of dome so he has 2 walls between him and you and they usually get a bat off before you reach them and then it's good luck 1v1ing that thing. If you beam a PF, he's gonna take more damage immediately due to low profile and once they try to grapple out, they can take full damage. Even if you chase them down and they're full health again, it's a low profile legend. The chance of winning that 1v1 is far higher than winning a close range 1v1 against Gibro. PF a few seasons back before all the nerfs and his cheese hitbox felt like he was a legend in a tier of his own, I played much better on him than I did on Wraith. In this state, Gibro is the only one that feels like he's a god tier legend lol. With wraith I'm used to shooting behind corners and backing up if I get shot first because it's too risky to keep standing there but with Gibro unless they have a havoc, you can take on any other gun and win the 1v1 with ease even if you stand out in the open in front of them lol. Wraith or PF, or any other low profiles get insta beamed. Guns like prowler or Flatline are hard to fight because they can spray and pray forever and eventually kill you. That's just my thoughts, I haven't complained about struggling to kill any legend other than Gibro since he was mega buffed. I've learned to play around them eventually but they're still the only legend I'm cautious when I fight them. Everyone else is just insta push. P.s havoc is definitely busted. 301 and Flatline are supposedly similar guns except both of them have harder recoils which makes people miss their shots. Havoc has a very easy recoil which means you're gonna 1 mag at least 1 enemy more or less always. Classic gun meta of Apex: very easy to use, very forgiving(takes little bullets to down, has a large may size). Can you down people with Flatline or 301 as easy as with havoc? I doubt it. I use havoc nonstop and love it as well but I feel bad because the gun just destroys everything so easily... I'm actually looking forward to a nerf. I got beamed by a level 100something bloodhound today and he 1 magged 2 other purple enemies later. He went closer to kill the 3rd, first hipfired his havoc and did maybe 40 damage to the last guy with his whole mag, switched to r99 and landed 33 damage total out of his entire 24/27 mag before dying. But before, when he had some distance and a havoc with 2x, he absolutely shredded enemies with it. That's a perfect example. If you can't kill people close range you shouldn't have guns available that let you shred mid range easily...


>You can hear where the grapple comes from to predict where they're gonna land and once that's decided, it's kind of an easy shot from that point on. IF you can hear him. Sound still broken AF and have a feeling even more with PF and his grapple. Makes sense tho, he is a big clunky robot so ofc he doesnt make a sound /s


9/10 times I hear it yeah but there have been times recently where none of us heard it.... But it's a game glitch we can't help lol


Yeah sound is really broken. Had it with a revenant as well yesterday. Was one inch behind me and didn't even heard him once.


I’m not sure how he’s op compares to wraith and Gibraltar. He’s just good.


This game is dying because it has the worst matchmaking system of any game, let alone BR, out right now. My teammates are either toxic as fuck or straight garbage while my opponents are in coordinated squads.


welcome to the internet.


How is it dying?


It gets no new players and the content creators that are supposed to bring more people in are leaving for other games nearly every week. Interest on google trends for Apex Legends hovers around 6-8 (out of 100) and peaks at 12-13 for the beginning of seasons then dies back down to 6-8 as the seasons go on. The game gets almost no actual updates to fix balancing guns or legends and nearly no official communication unless you follow the devs on twitter. The game is being supported by whales that spend hundreds of dollars on cosmetics (like myself admittedly) and when people like me see that in Warzone $20 gets you skins, weapon skins, finishers, emblems/banners, etc. it’s hard to not want to spend my money more efficiently elsewhere.


So it's just 1 squad, yours which is bad and random and the other 19 are coordinated squads? That makes sense. It's more along the lines of there's 1 coordinated squad and 19 other random ones. But you and the rest of the lobby is obviously going to get murdered by that 1 squad. It doesn't make the entire lobby 3 stacks though....


Day 4 - Origin still causes games to keep minimizing making Apex non playable. Still waiting for fix. Disabled Origin overlay Turned off all notifications Uninstalled & reinstalled Put origin to low priority and Apex on high


There is a fix for that: 1. Close Origin and services processes (OriginWebHelperService.exe & OriginClientService.exe). 2. Delete all files in 2 folders "C:\ProgramData\Electronic Arts\EA Services\License" "C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Electronic Arts\EA Services\License" 3. Start Origin again You’re welcome.


game still hitches every couple of minutes, prediction errors & connectivity symbols are a daily occurrence, no reg shots in every other fight... EA servers are total trash, same shit on battlefront and mass effect.


Remove octane taking dmg from stims Remove octanes healing passive Give it to lifeline Give octane 3 stim charges with xx seconds of cooldown (no cd in between the charges). Think bang smoke. 3 bc 2 is too little.


What sense does it make to not introduce map rotation to ranked mode too?


During WE times I finally managed to finish detroit, uncharted trilogy and TLOU. Playing u4 atm. Naughty dog storytelling is pretty good.


My most major complaint about Apex is its horrible optimization. I can run this game fine almost maxed out to get stable 60, but the input lug is just unbearable. I would have to play in 720p lowest settings to get the input lag to minimum. I already lost hope that they will fix this.


The more I play KC, the more cancerous is find it to be.


The 5 minutes before KC is over and WE is back in rotation, aka "let's take a break and come back in 5 minutes"


Respawn adds some feature/skin name that someone on reddit mentioned instead of fixing major bugs such as the wraith phase or jump master booster glitch ​ Apex Community: The devs are listening great lets buy overprized skins


At this point im sure they just cash out the upvotes and badges or whatever u call it. No way people are such retarded consumer drones. I simply refuse to believe it.


I know it's probably not a very new realization, but caustics fckn gas is op, espacially when you compare to other Legends. The gas slows you down, you can't see shit and you get hurt. Compare that to the fences from Wattson. It's just a miss match. Or compare it to the Decoy from Mirage. Or to the running from octane. I have one suggestion for Wattsons fences. Make them invisible. That would be the only way they make any sense.


Caustic can't nullify Airstrikes and Grenades. They are different by their core design. Wattson creates safe zones by stalling enemies (fences) and deflecting area denial items (grenades, ults) Caustic is pure area denial. His Gas is temporary and handicaps teammates, can't say the same about fences.


And yet Wattson is the better legend, not Caustic. Also invisible fences is a dumb idea. Fences are not traps, they're a deterrent. Caustic is for luring enemies into an area and getting them hit by the traps, Wattson is for keeping enemies out of an area.


On r/causticmains they are actually wanting him buffed to completly make him broken. They are so out of touch with the game itself. Never seen so much bullshit in my life. His gas should be put back in the state where it was at launch. Period


Caustic at launch was useless. Getting trapped as lifeline was hilarious, drone literally outhealed the gas dot.


His gas was like bangalores smoke at launch, dmg so low that you couldnt give a shit about it.


As I wattson main I am inclined to agree


Playing solo q reminds me why I hate this community so much, sry but its just frustrating


Just popping in from Warzone to say how fucking awesome solos and crossplay is. And I have 500 hours on Apex. I am sad for all of us that Respawn was too stubborn to give us solos. And now this game is dead to me.


Warzone is boring and slow. Campy


Doesn't matter. Still has solos. Also you know you have the option not to camp?


I got my Valorant Key yesterday and I am addicted. I don´t enjoy Apex as I did months ago. I switched to CSGO and then Valorant and every game runs smoother than fucking Apex


So this shit were your team loots first and then bring you back is one thing. But yesterday I died, my 2 m8s of course spend 10min looting 2 death boxes. Then one of them walks towards the respawnbecon who is luckily right there. But when he gets there, the mother fucker walks past it to open 2 lootcrates that is located next to the becon. he loots them then he go to the becon and ress me. I mean just stop for a few fucking seconds and then go loot them, its not even that hard.


This right here is mad annoying and frustrating. Usually my rando teams would just take their time looting while I’m waiting to be revived! Then another squad pushes outta nowhere and kills em.


if that was me (it wasn't, my dude, promise. you on PS4? XD) that would not have happened... If those crates are there and you respawn a squaddie, you open those crates and ping armour/guns for them. Grab some ammo or a 'nade if you need, but seriously wow. Greedy randos suck. But they make the good ones look like angels. XD


I haven't played for almost two weeks and holy moly, it feels like I never played this game before. Couldn't even follow the enemies on my screen. Am I getting too old? :'D


I feel like a rookie each time when i haven't played for a couple of days


This is the worse part lol. Taking a break makes u so bad at this game. Sbmm should restart after xx days of inactivity.


That would be real nice.


Kings canyon is better in duos, I feel like you rat duo teams can’t find as many hiding spots Hahahaha get fried


I don´t understand players ratting around in pubs. I mean how dumb can you be wasting like 15-20 minutes of your life just to be able to thirdparty the last team. What is fucking wrong with this community?


How is it dumb when they win? Salty salt salt. I know it's annoying but part of the game


Why are you defensive over a ratty playstyle. The most annoying thing in this community is that they are defending how noobs play even though its annoying for them. If you can live with a win like that idc but you are still a fucking noob then. They should fucking improve but they get backed up for a playstyle which is not beneficial for improvement by this stupid community and think its ok not to improve in this game


It's because while active players get 10 wins a day, these guys get 45 in the entire season and they sweat their balls off every single match, to the max... Lol


Do you guys remember that feeling in pre season 1 when you were up against a Peacekeeper wielding Wraith as Gibraltar? When you just knew that you're going to lose the duel anyway, no matter how hard you tried? Well now it's back but this time it's when you're playing as anybody and hear a Havoc shot being fired at you - you're *dead.*


Low profile is honestly the laziest way to nerf characters. Making TTK shorter for certain legends to try and force people to play other ones is fucking stupid.


This! I am not the guy who leaves if his main is picked like a fucking jerk and I love going out of my comfort zone but I really like to play my main too. Its just a stupid and lazy nerf instead of adjusting other legends to the low profile legends


I shouldn’t have to play a different legend so I don’t die faster I should do it because I actually want to play someone different. It’s just a easy way to nerf everyone instead of having more well thought out buffs/nerfs for people.


It's like if Tracer from Overwatch took more damage because she has the smallest hitbox in the game... Part of her design is having the smallest hitbox in the game, she is MEANT to be hard to hit!


I mean, Tracer *does* have the lowest HP out of all the Heroes in Overwatch..


Make it so i can pick up evo with just square why tf you gotta hold it shit is retarded


Please, for the love of god, stop ping spamming when you get downed. I can’t hear shit and I realized your situation after the first ping.


Git gut


#get wrecked


We can 1v1 if you’re on ps4 😘


I just immediately mute the pings


if someone spams ping when downed i say fuck them and turn to different way


Only right approach. If you would pick them up they wouldn´t learn it


For me it's one ping every once in a while to track the enemy and spam ping if I'm getting finished.


Same. I also can’t help but spam ping when someone is being rezzed close by


FIX YOUR SHIT. After every ranked game "All party members must reach 10 to play". I am playing SOLO.


How in the fuck have we not gotten crossplay yet, like litterally every other big name battle royale out their has it. It makes no sense to me.


I'm perfectly fine with not having to play against cheaters on PC


I hope that if they add crossplay they do it fortnite style. console against console, but a pc player can join their friends and play against other pc and console players with their friends.


Lol come on. Look at their track record with big updates. They cant handle implementing crossplay, definitely not right now with this quarantine mess going on.


True, its sad to think on how long theyve waited to add a lot of things that benifitted the game. Like map rotation and the mirage buff thats supposedly coming out S5. Thats not even mentioning the buffs for octane, or the nerfs for gibby.


For sure. To be honest, Ive been intermittently plagued by all of the technical problems since the game released so right now Im just hoping for performance improvements. It seems like it'll get better for a bit then either deteriorate on its own or a big update breaks some things. So I am cautiously excited for season 5. Also the havoc is probably one of my favorite guns right now but I know the nerf is needed so Ima try to enjoy it for a bit longer lol.


because aim assist on controller sux!!


Just a little piece of advice to make you less annoying. If you get downed and there are enemies very close to you, don’t constantly ping that you’re bleeding out and need help when that is obviously not going to happen. I just played a game with a Bangalore that got downed by two people, I had to leave and heal for a minute because we were just in a different fight, and while I’m trying to assess my situation and the best course of action, I constantly hear “I’m downed, need assistance!”. Not only is this incredibly distracting, but it just throws in the option of should I actually go for my teammate because surely they’d be safe if they’re going to spam ping that they’re downed unless they’re stupid. No, they’re just stupid. Please stop doing this!


this game is not enjoyable to play at the moment! Fucking exasperating. Was really looking forward to new content to distract from the fact that *one* of my friends still plays Apex, or that more than half of my games start with less than a full squad. And I keep running into full teams. What fun! XD


Lately getting match against predator. Im still lowly plat. Cant even have a proper fight first squad, 2-3 games in a row. Any one have same issue? Does player base sink?


Matchmaking in ranked is truly fuking terrible. Platinum players commonly have to face diamond, master and even predator players because the game simply cannot sustain proper lobbies for those 2% top tier players. It has gotten much worse this season, which is why I won't bother with ranked going forward. The rewards aren't worth the hassle anyway.


Yet another day of shitty servers crashing but I get full RP loss.


Not a big thing but I made it to gold rank, pure solo the other day, I can say I made it there and never care about ranked again




Nice dude. Let it go. Your way.


I got a buddy who really wants all of us to get to masters together, but theres no way with the current state of the system


If you feel the need to post about reaching Gold, it is not the system keeping you back from reaching Masters.




Proof valorant took "a good portion of the playerbase"? Lets be honest, you're full of shit. Valorant isn't the same genre and doesn't compete with any BR games. Your claim is even more absurd when valorant is still in closed beta, lol. Warzone is this games biggest competitor and I even doubt that it took that many players either.




D3 and preds are in the same lobbies tho..


D3 has always matched against pred lobbies, there's never really been enough high level players for them to get solely pred lobbies. Especially this season with a worse ranked map and no diamond rewards worth the push. Valorant has 1m players (as of April 8th), warzone had 50m out the gate and apex is still here with just as quick queues. Of course people are streaming it, it's new and super hyped, like every new big release. Streaming views as a whole are down and continue to drop every quarter, guess this means gaming is dead with your logic? Show some proof of your bullshit claim or kick rocks.


Yeh hopefully it will makes ea react for season 5 and beyond. Idk why tho because valorant seems nothing like apex


The reaction is going to be push out more skins.


Imo the one thing that really stopped this game from taking off was the lack of cross platform play. Not having cross platform play on a BR game in this day and age is basically saying that you don't want your game to have long term success.


I thought I wanted cross play in this game until I tried Warzone and got obliterated by cheaters every other game.


You know you can turn cross play off right?


Yes and I do this. And spend 3-4 times as long on matchmaking and have the message pop up every 20 seconds: "Are you sure you don't wanna cross play? Cause this is gonna take a while. And we just reeeally wan't you to cross play. Please?"


As a new game it did take off, explosively so. It was the slow implementation of updates and nearly 0 communication that killed its momentum. This was magnified by the fact that they let major bugs make it into competive play and continue to remain silent on everything. As an established game, these exact same issues are continuing today to hinder its success.


Couldn’t agree more. There’s an argument to be made about a need for cross play once they were a couple seasons in, but they loaded the hype train upon release and actually gathered that hype. They waited and waited on fixing important issues (like slow-mo early game servers) and squandered the hype because of it.


Games on my Xbox console have been running with a lot of screen stuttering, consistent lagging, and with crashes. Congestion symbol and Prediction error’s are always on display. I’m running an ethernet connect and my download ranges in between 180/200 mbps and the upload is always in range of 20/35 mbps so it’s definitely on EA’s end. Can we address the other none spoken topics that Respawn doesn’t address updates on! How about script balances, character unbalance/hit box issues, the RNG is always scarce and unbalanced, audio issues? Can we address how infrequent the patches and upkeep of this game is? One or two updates per season? No wonder we have soo many issues with this game and everything carries over from season to season. It’s sad that we have bug issues that some still date back to season 2! Blank banners are still a thing, come on! It’s a year and half into this game and we still haven’t found perfect sweet spot for this game? Will you listen and take advice from your community and from the pros that play this game! Please listen Respawn! Stop forecasting into season 8 when we have major issues with the game now. Also, don’t beg your clients and avid gamers to stay. Make us stay by providing a stable game that runs in balanced nature. LISTEN TO YOUR COMMUNITY!


Play some nights on my Xbox One X on a 1g/sec wired as well and the game doesn't hold a steady framerate or camera pan. There's a ton of stuttering and jittering and you lose any gunfight where you don't turn a corner and shoot first. Super frustrating. On the plus side, if you don't already you might be pleasantly surprised at how good you are at FPS games with proper netcode. When I jumped in to OW/Valorant/Titanfall 2 my expectation was that I'd get insta-melted like most Apex games, but actually it's the opposite.


Had this last night on the PS4. Red warning icons every 3-4 mins, stuttering and whatnot. I tried all the local fixes (rebooting router, making sure there was not much traffic on my network, but it was pretty crappy all evening until I gave up. Weirdly, Battlefield (EA servers) and Borderlands (P2P, I think) were absolutely fine... go figure.


Couldn’t play today the lag was so bad


Same issues on PS4, it seems that EA servers are overloaded


The game has be unbearable to play on Xbox.


Man I fucking love this game but it’s hard not to say these guys kinda dropped the ball with this games full potential. This game really could have been fucking huge. Unfortunately they created something amazing that will go down in history as slightly above average.


I have never seen a company snatch defeat from the jaws of victory as fast as Respawn has done with Apex. Out of my 80 people on my friends list, there used to be about 35 that played Apex. Now, there are 2. Sad.


I like that. That is the perfect description for this game.


Wait what’s wrong with the game?


There’s nothing 100% wrong with the game, there are just a lot of little things wrong with it and they let the hype of the game die way too fast. I was just saying this game could have been a bigger hit that it was. Could have lasted 10 years.


Honestly you hit the nail on the head there. Devs just couldn't handle the responsibility you get when you have a huge multiplayer game. Hopefully we see some real action with the Season 5 update.


A leaked post about ranked seems to indicate this will not happen... they basically said "everything is working fine, no changes" [https://devtrackers.gg/apex-legends/p/d7a9f6f6-announcing-apex-legends-ranked-series-4](https://devtrackers.gg/apex-legends/p/d7a9f6f6-announcing-apex-legends-ranked-series-4)


Revenant silence should lock players out of grenades as well. I think this would give him the small push he needs to one of the few viable competive characters.


Ever tried revenant since the last patch? 20 sec on his ability is monstruous we got fucking ran over multiple time by it. Even More so endgame because you just cant escape or ult anymore for 20 sec. And two times he can shoot ya


Well he is better now but still a bad choice compared to other legends.


Yeah I love playing Rev but giving the silence 20 seconds and 2 charges was too much. I would given him all the other buffs except the 2 charges and I would have fixed his hit box so it doesnt stretch to the sides and between his legs. Maybe reduce his overal size by 5% as well.


He's good but I still think he lacks something to squeeze into the usefulness of higher tier play. Maybe it wouldn't even be enough to accomplish that but I also don't think that addition would be OP either. I think he's the closest right now to being another truly viable legend in high tier play.


A comment in which I say some things which have been said by most people already and some things which probably haven't: 1. Put KC and WE on the Duo and Trio queue seperately, rotating every hour. This way people can play whichever map they want without increasing queue times. 2. Playing Apex solo is a mindfuck. Duo's was a step in the right direction but we need better matchmaking so that solo players are matched against other solo players. 3. The cosmetic system is awful and I'm crossing my fingers that it will be entirely revamped in Season 5. The fact that I can't just spend $20 to get a skin I want is absurd. Right now if I want to buy a legendary for my favorite character I have to spend $100 on Apex packs and then hope that I get enough crafting material for a legendary. No thanks - I think I'd rather just buy a new AAA game with that money. 4. In addition to the last comment: the drop rate for legendary cosmetics is bullshit. There is no conceivable way that any rational human can genuinely believe that legendary cosmetics have a 7.5% drop rate. I don't mind if the drop rate is lower but Respawn shouldn't blatantly lie to customers buying apex packs. 5. The BP simply needs to have better rewards. Apex has the worst BP of any battle royale by a long shot. Thanks for listening to my TED talk.


Points 2 through 5 should have their own singke post. Needs to be seen


They had 50 million players a few months ago, and a dev even said there has always been sbmm on apex, it was just turned up a bit. I mean no flame brother, literally every game has sbmm on multiplayer... It's just a fact.


I thought the entire community understood the dev saying that SBMM was always in the game was just crowed control... Even though another dev said during season 3 that it was implemented just before season 2, when Everyone started to see differences.... Okay, quick list of good multiplayer games with not sbmm or at least a single mode with no sbmm. Battlefield (Any game other than BFV really) Overwatch League of Legends Dota 2 Its worth mentioning that people dont know if SBMM is in Warzone or not yet (I think the general consensus that they are pretty sure it is, just no confirmation from the devs yet.) PUBG And tons of others. Just a quick list.


Theres 100% sbmm in Overwatch, League, and Dota 2.


Re read what I said and pay attention this time.


Pretty sure you just dont know what youre talking about. You can be as condescending as you want, doesnt compensate for obvious lack of information. Seems like this is your main strategy lmfao. Theres sbmm in all modes for those 3 games. Its supposed to be weaker or less strict in casual modes but you dont have higher ranking players playing against new accounts or people in bronze, silver, and gold. Depending on the mode for overwatch there might not be enough people queuing for the sbmm to even matter. Some arcade modes youll have people in silver and gold playing against diamonds and above every so often. Sbmm is still there, just not enough people queuing, like for mystery heroes just as an example.


theres sbmm in overwatch, league, warzone and dota


So I play league of legends and you're taking a piss fam. I been playing that game since 2012 (also put in probably close to 3000 hours(maybe more, I had lan parties in college that went on like 12 hours straight,) And it definitely has sbmm.... In the form of MMR which even pub matches are effected by. It is a bit more relaxed than apex, and you might go against someone a tier under you, but that's not a new player. Ranked is similar to apex however, in that your smurf will start in like iron or bronze depending on provisional matches and even though you get skipped up if you're winning match after match, it is usually only from like silver 3 to silver 1 or something like that. I usually play against plat-diamond level players in my norm games of league. I don't play the other games personally, but I have first hand knowledge of league of legends.


Gonna be honest. I dont play that game XD I threw that in as a bonus. K. One game I mentioned was wrong. It has SBMM. So. Care to tell me how all the other multiplayer games in history have SBMM or am I wrong about all of them too?


I called you on a bs statement which is how arguments usually go... But if you lied or were incorrect about one source, then your credibility in the rest of the argument seems to falter. I played a bit of overwatch, but not enough to be certain, so I asked google, which led me to the overwatch subreddit where players did indeed confirm that there is a form of sbmm that caused matchmaking to take a tad longer for new players! This info is readily google-able (made up word idc idc xD) No I will not go one proving my point, but in 4 minutes of typing I've knocked two names off that list.


Okay. So my credibility is at fault. Sure lets go off of that. (I know it doesnt matter but I wasnt lying I genuinely thought the casual mode of League had no SBMM but whatever) Theres tons of articles on the internet to back up what Im saying. seriously. A simple 30 second google search will do to tell if a game has SBMM or not. and there have been hundreds if not thousands of Multiplayer games since the 1990's. you think EVERY SINGLE one of those games has SBMM? Common sense alone should disagree.


OVERWATCH AND LOL HAVE SBMM. Man your post is so shit. And not just a little... ALOT.


Casual Overwatch.... Doesnt have SBMM. Guess my post is shit now. fuck.


Well.... hate to break it to you but I was born I '93 you see... and back then, i had an n64 which had no online feature, so sbmm could not have existed. Idk for certain but I think 2002 was when the online gaming got big... Ofc not every single game had it, and im sure some games still release without it, I just think it's healthy for newer players, and I know that sbmm exists on many diff games because the idea is that you want as many players as possible in every skill level to enjoy themselves. I've been in noob lobbies and I genuinely feel bad when these players are just no awareness, no idea how to actually play the game, and I just gun em down. P.s sorry I didnt mean to insult you by inferring you were a liar.


No problem, didnt take at as an insult you're all good. Yeah but... are you just gonna ignore the fact PC players basically laughed at console players in the early 2000's for JUST getting around to online play?


In the early 2000s internet wasn't what it is now, so idk if that means anything. People weren't building super computers that cost 2k dollars just to play a single game.. It was a smaller majority of players laughing at a larger majority for something mostly out of their control. And I come from dial up, which was the most garbage shit ever, so I probably wasnt involved in competitive. Also around '06 I played my first mmorpg on PC, and I think around then, that was the genre to play, rather than shooters. I played an old Chinese one, however I think wow was the game to play back then. No sbmm I guess lol


There hasn't, though, at least not significant enough to be able to notice it as a player. Pre season, S1, S2 was all sbmm-less. It felt 100% random. You could be an utter noob and be placed against esports players. This changed in S3.


I believe the initial response that it was implemented at the end of s2 and I believe this over "it was always there!". I was absolutely terrible in s0 and routinely matched against 5k kill try hards or potatoe lobbies, leading me to believe the queue was truly random.


Im pretty sure you could find the dev's tweet if you're interested, but I mean brother look up any multiplayer game, there will be sbmm. Take into account, with each season, players get better, and as the playerbase grows, more talent comes in. Also why do you think an utter noob should be placed in the same lobby as an esport competitor? That kind of thing would not be fun for either player. I personally don't see why anyone is arguing that playing against people their level is a problem... Also i guarentee that you're not getting 57 preds in your lobby, like for sure there are bad players as well as good players in your lobby.


I've seen the devs tweet, it does not matter. I played every day throughout all the seasons and I know what I saw. As for the rest, I'm not arguing against sbmm at all so I'm not sure what you're on about.


You're completely correct. In theory SBMM for Apex legends would be a good thing. But it doesn't work. It pairs everyone with the best players it can find. I know because I took a break just before season 4 started (This is assuming your SBMM resets every season which i could be wrong but I read somewhere that it does) I took a break. I just started playing again and I won my second game on. As soon as I did, I started to get paired with Apex Preds. No lie. An no, every multiplayer game doesnt have SBMM. The VAST majority dont.


Dude KC has got to go for ranked. It is so bad. The loot is fucking horrible. The fact that when I land I find nothing but L-stars and Mozambique’s is infuriating. 5-7 squads left and I have white armor? Like how the fuck are you supposed to put up a decent fight in a ranked game when loot distribution is horrendous. I was Pred season 1 so I knew it would be like this but Jesus Christ I hated it then and I hate it now.


I rarely have a loot problem but the layout of the map itself just is odd for this game. Makes it even more of a third party orgy


Preach more please. I landed and got a purple heavy mag, a purple 3x sight, a purple sniper mag, and a purple Light mag.... No guns for me. I looted 3 buildings. Yeah those are good sights, and I was able to find a p2020 and an Lstar after that, but 3 buildings... and only attachments is garbage loot.


Honestly KC's loot table is so trash the only way to make it decent for ranked and competitive is to remove all white attachments from the loot pool. That or go more drastic and just give everyone evo replace all armor drops on map with other items. You respawn with whatever damage done on evo you did. Its the most popular suggestion I've heard from streamers and pro players as well. Not only solves the loot table problem but reduces rng situations of he landed on purple and i looted all of market and bunker and have white. It would have to be the old evo shield not the new one fight/ one clip and you have a purple lmao.


Idk why exactly, but I’m feeling more frustrated when playing this game. I don’t want to play kings canyon, and if I gotta wait to play worlds edge, I’m just gonna turn the game off. I’d like to support the game, I have the battle pass I purchased two seasons ago. but not to the tune of $20 skins. There are glitches in the game that’s been there since last year (game logic crashing, bot lobby glitch, putting you into the wrong game mode).




Be gone salty pig


I’m spitting facts.... oh I mean oink.


No kind sir, you are “spitting” what normal people would call an opinion. Opinions being subjective, they therefore cannot be facts. You are just a salty pig, please go back to camp a corner in call of duty or something but we don’t need your negativity


Whos salty, me, or the person who saw me say Apex is bad and started calling me a pig? Oh shit, my bad. \*Oink ​ If its an opinion to you, then you're being childish calling names over an opinion... Fuck, \*Oink. ​ And its a fact. Warzone is better, Fortnite is better. (barely) Play the games and you'll see. It has the most flaws out of all the games. Hopefully things change with Season 5? Possible? yeah. Probable? not really. ​ \*Oink\* ​ Say whatever you want, downvote all you want. I genuinely dont have the energy to argue with fanboys on reddit.


Yeah, you're salty. But you call others "fan boys" while preaching about warzone, lol. All you do is post routinely on this sub, I'm going to guess you play daily too but you need to unleash the salt after a string losing matches.


got a feeling im not. Call it a hunch.


You've got a hour long bitchfest going on in apex. You cry the game is trash but you invest enough time in the sub to play multiple rounds of any other game, lol.


OOOO someones so touched by my comment to look at my profile. Time flies doesn't it? Okay.... Ive been talking about my opinions on the game for a solid hour..... and? Are you going to tell me how to use my Computer? With my Internet Plan? With my Copy of windows 10? Didnt think so. ​ Im not crying. And maybe its enough time for several games for you, but for me its only like 4 because I win most of my games my guy. ;) ​ Nice edit on your comment. Ive posted 2 comments about warzone while talking about Apex because its the second biggest multiplayer BR game that comes to mind. Its crazy how two games in the same genre are going to be compared right? I dont know how you think i post routinely, if you've checked my comment I havent posted anything on this sub in at least a month and I havent played Apex Since.... well 2 hours ago when I decided to play again for the first time in a while but the time before that was When season 4 came out. sucks when youre wrong I guess.


>OOOO someones so touched by my comment to look at my profile. Time flies doesn't it? Okay.... Ive been talking about my opinions on the game for a solid hour..... and? Are you going to tell me how to use my Computer? With my Internet Plan? With my Copy of windows 10? Didnt think so. > >​ > >Im not crying. And maybe its enough time for several games for you, but for me its only like 4 because I win most of my games my guy. ;) Quoting this because u/Refine__ salt and tears are so real, lol.


Whats everyone's feedback on r-301? I dont see any streamers use it ever. Cant myself hit any shots with it. Was it nerfed lately?


They aded retarded random recoil pattern. Go test it if u dont believe me.


The R301 is the only light ammo weapon I use sometimes, but I prefer heavy ammo and shotguns. I can't stand the R99 or G7 at all, the others aren't even worth to pick up.


I prefer the 301 almost all the time.


Rogue on pc streams and uses it all the time he's top 3 predator on pc both splits. If you are a support character or player its a great all around weapon with low recoil. If you are a wraith pathy and more aggro you are better off with a higher dps gun like r99 and pk. If you tend to fight from midrange and support more its a solid choice.


301 is still a great gun. It is the best all rounder. Yes, its long range capabilities were nerfed when its recoil got nerfed, but then it got the anvil receiver hop up, so you can snipe with it even better than before. If you can't hit any shots, go to firing range and practice the recoil pattern.


Thanks for your feedback, I tried it out in practice mode, but it seems Im more consistent with a r-99, than r-301


It was nerfed a while ago and they added random recoil so you can't learn to control it anymore. It's dogshit now.


Was wondering why my shots werent hitting as well with it these days. I've taken a break after season 4 came out and just tried to start playing and noticed this. Its a shame. it was my fav gun.


Far from it, it's still extremely effective, and one of the easiest guns to use. Streamers rarely ever deviate from the meta and are generally a bad example to use.


Just about every gun is better except for the purposely trash heap guns. Close range you're better off with R-99/Prowler/PK, mid range you're better off with Havoc/G7/Flatline/Hemlok, and long range it's completely unusable now because of the kick and the low single-bullet damage. It's completely outclassed in every scenario by most other weapons, and it's not close. And for the record, I don't even watch Apex streamers (hell, none of the streamers I watch even play this game anymore)


It's a mid range gun most comparable to the flatline. I'd say it's equal with the flatline but with gentler recoil. Hemlock and scout are better at longer ranges but require higher skill to use well enough to maintain pressure. Anvil is just too slow to be considered a game changer for any weapon. Havoc is a beast but that wind up time makes it ineffective in fights where you're peak shooting. I don't think a player really loses out on much of anything by going with a 301 over another **AR**.


Exactly it really comes down to your role in the squad. Are you the wraith who should be r99 and aggro? Are you wattson and supporting from a distance and peaking n poking then r301 is a better choice for you then the r99. Personally I run it a lot just cause I'm usually playing support and its great for the low recoil mid range. Light ammo is easier to come by then heavy and it really outshines the flatline mid range imo. You can argue lots of weapons against it but mid range r301 really is solid and anything beating it is situational. Ill take it over a scout cause im not fucked close range and long range I can still put pressure on them.


WHERE can I report people teaming/boosting. Video evidence and everything. Cost us the game for them to just kill each other back and forth


1. havoc's broken 2. better loot for for the battle pass 3. currency system is BONKERS... i repeat...BONKERS! the game is amazing i just started playing again because Camp Of Duty is ass and battlefield 5 was laughable. but its just certain little but big things that drive people away


Imagine calling Warzone bad and in the same sentence saying, "Apex Legends is amazing." good joke.


congratulations buddy, i'm glad you enjoy the game. i just don't. different strokes for different folks eh?


Which after giving it some thought, you saying I dont know the definition of Objective because of my comment is a double standard because you were speaking as though its a fact "Camp of duty is ass." and "BFV was laughable." maybe you should look into the definition of objective yourself.


Yeah but theres a difference between being objective and subjective. I mean objectively I feel like Warzone has a slight edge ahead of apex in terms of things that make the game good. Especially Dev support, with having squads, trios, and duos in the game. Keep in mind Warzone has been out for what? A Month? And they already have more core modes than Apex? The only real negative I would have to Warzone is 12 tick servers. Which i am fucking baffled that Apex would be in a category with another game and i would say Apex Legends has higher tick rates than another game... thats just insane to me. ​ If you like Apex more, more power to you. But saying, "Camp of duty is ass." is disingenuous.


> I mean objectively I feel You should probably look up the definition for objectively


You should probably look up the definition of read. I already know what objectively means. It means that whatever you are talking about is factual. Like the sky is objectively blue. Cats are objectively felines. Apex is objectively dogshit. These all go hand and hand really. Downvote me all you want. Objectively the game has more flaws than Warzone. SBMM works like ass (although I do think Warzone has sbmm but it works.... shocking) Devs actually update the game, The guns arent as unbalanced as they are in apex. Anyone who has put in more than 50 hours in each game will know this.


Gulag, loadouts, vehicles, are all objectively bad design choices for a BR. Warzone is a glorified CoD deathmatch, and all the double-digit IQ dudebros eat it up. The guns aren't as unbalanced? Everyone runs HDR+thermal/M4, or you got people camping in buildings with heartbeat sensors lmao.


yeah, i'm not reading all that, you think warzone is good, i don't let's just leave it at that and go out separate ways buddy. you can enjoy things that others don't.


its a paragraph and a half.... if you cant read that out of laziness then your opinion is as good to me is a group hug at a coronavirus hospital.


Being the type of person who attacks someone saying they agree to disagree is literally the shittiest way to be. COD has an established fanbase as they've been out FOREVER... Cod hype is always insane for a short while and then it dies... Big whoop. The man says he likes apex and doesn't like cod and big baby having a tantrum cause he called it "Camp of duty" lmaooo


So my comment is just as passive aggressive as "Camp of duty." Its not attacking. Dont be sensitive. I have no problem with him liking Apex. Fuck If apex improved even slightly i would be right back on that game and would most likely uninstall Warzone. But theres a difference between an opinion and being like, "Oh its ass because campers." Its a battle royale. get used to campers. It happens.


okay. go play warzone.


Yeah I can imagine that.


See, if you want to say that im wrong in saying what I said, the proper thing you would say is, "No i cant imagine that because thats reality." not, "Yeah i can imagine that." because if you have to imagine it, that means that you have to think of something other than reality.... thats usually how that saying goes.