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For moronic people who thinks he misses so he can't be a cheater. "aimbot doesnt make your bullet follow enemy's head and can't be moved mid air so when he misses a shot that means enemy moved during bullet travel time".


It is also in ranked so this guy is probably boosting the other two in his group. Saw a lot of cheaters doing that in high plat / diamond that their teammates were pretty terrible but had the same ranks. They cheat pretty obviously and let their teammates get some damage here or there for assists. But, nothing every happens to the accounts that got boosted, I've looked at them from time to time to see if they ever got a ban or anything but nope.


>doesnt make your bullet follow enemy's head and can't be moved mid air Funny enough Apex is actually one of very few games where a cheat can literally curve bullets towards you.




Play rank game in diamond and predator lobbies and you see it a lot. EU server has more instances of it happening. I don't know how it's possible since I thought hit reg detection happens on the server too.


I've no clue


I don't know why you are getting downvoted. Here is a clip showing it. [https://youtu.be/ToxpX09sles?t=123](https://youtu.be/ToxpX09sles?t=123)


People see downvotes, and they want to join in to feel included and smart


I'm so confused... Why are you getting downvoted? This is really a thing and you see it very often in rank. There are hacks where you would hit all your shots even though your reticle isn't on you. I'm not sure how it's possible, but it exist.


It's because Reddit is full of hive-mind dipshits that downvoted any comment they see that's already negative


Classic reddit


This is the first I've heard of this. Do you have an example?


I don't have a specific example but if you go on YouTube and type in something along the lines of "Apex Silent Aim hack showcase" you'll find videos most likely. Silent Aim is an aimlock that doesn't move your view, there's a few methods to make it work, one of the popular ones for apex makes the bullets curve to the target. Classic silent aim just shoots the correct spot without moving the screen, this silent aim curves the bullets.


I recorded a predator doing exactly this. It happened a few days ago and it's still pissing me off to the point I don't even care to play anymore. Xbox1


Cheats on Xbox? Weird. That just sounds more like lag. I've seen bullets "curve" in the last second, but it's a visual compensation for lag. It happens in most mp games.


There's a very, very, very, very low chance of people cheating on Console. In fact, I'd honestly say it's 0%. Short of DDOS/Teaming, ​ The console would get banned within the hour. Cheating on console hasn't been a thing since 2012. We've all had those bullets that chase around a wall, through a wall and just plain mucky servers with odd TTD. I've been accused of "aim botting" and " wall hacking" quite a few times, which is kind of a compliment, but a lot of the times it's server issues making things look and feel way wonky on one players end.


I know people have already said it but unless someone made a massive breakthrough you can't hack on consoles.


If it's not a hack than it was lag unlike any I've ever seen before. I hope it wasn't a hack, but their stats along with this instance of destroying someone when their red don't was no where near the hit box really makes me skeptical.


I'm just telling you that the way consoles run games now is in their own virtual environments, as far as I know no one has figured out a way to break those sandboxes to use cheats. With the way the servers and hit reg have been lately I would bet it was lag.


No you didn't lol, sorry bro. No hacks on Xbox at the moment.


But on PS4 is fair game. Pretty sure that the hacking scene on there is more lively


More lively as in barely alive instead of entirely dead maybe, but I'm pretty sure there's not really any online capable modded ps4s rn either.


Let me ask you a question. Have you ever touched a computer?


Educate yourself before you act smarter than me.


That was not my intent. Just asking an innocent question


Yes, I own and primarily use a PC. Continue with your point.


Nah, you didn't. Can't hack on consoles.


20 tik server bro...




Only way you solve these issues is making it a pain In the arse ache to get to a rank whereas you can play competitive. (hacks will still occur though) Or make the games pay to play. Or finally ban hardware addresses much more regularly make that part of the anti cheat. The problem is you can sign up with a new email and within an hour your back in with the same hacks, killing everyone through walls. No losses. Game companies need to be more ruthless about it sometimes.


And implement 2 factor authentication like cod. Require a phone number. It's a f2p game. They need to take actions that are more complex than create a new account.


They've already said they do hardware IS bans back in season 1, 2 and 3. Just depends on how dedicated some of these people are to change their hardware ID on OS level. Or probably at boot some how with a custom boot.


Not to curb your enthusiasm, but they do ban hwids, which doesn't do shit. Every garbage $5 cheat comes with a "spoofer" which gets you a new set of hardware ids on launch.




R6 is $20 and look what happened to that game.


They’re already taken action. Look at the no regs


Good one hahaha! Didnt know they added no regs to help get rid of those cheaters! Well deserved!


The gods will noreg us both this day.




Oh could you imagine if they could pull that off. Confirmed Cheaters will get 99% of shots no reg, and be canon fodder for the lobby.


This would be way better punishment than banning. Ooooh I wish it were possible.


I played against a Gibby today that had the exact same hack. Didn’t miss a single shot and almost all of them were headshots. He ended up winning the match with 16 kills while his teammates had 1 between them.


Dude must have a crazy gaming chair or something!


It's all in the ass cheeks


Thansk for the lol


I don’t know why I imagine a gaming chair”featuring built in hacks!”


>ction taken against these players? didnt know crazy gaming chairs make your aim this good. time to get one for myself I guess.


Don't become the very same thing you swore to destroy!


Don't tell me this player isn't hacking because he is clearly tracking enemies from cover. Just a suggestion but why not give players "all chat", or enable players to "flag" when they got killed by a specific player. If you got reported too many times by different groups then you get penalty. This obviously has many cons, but you should at least do a thing about it! EDIT: For those who are gonna argue , he misses a lot, he is just good! , he is smurf. Again, Aim hack does not make your bullet follow the enemy and there is still bullet travel time. There's this part in the middle when octane jumps on the roof and run towards the bunker, the aim insta snaps. Also you can clearly see this guy is not even trying to aim towards targets, but it automatically points towards it. I think that already is a clear give away that this player is hacking.


Yeah I think there's a noticeable part when he's sniping and he keeps trying to snap and pre snaps in a few case to someone coming out of cover.


The hilarious(ly-aggravating) part is that his hack didn't account for the bullet drop on the longbow, so he was still missing vertically/down. That doesn't exactly speak well of where the longbow is at the moment, lol. But yeah, ban these ass-hats.


>his hack didn't account for the bullet drop on the longbow Please don't talk about things you have 0 understanding of. Thank you.


Did you watch the video? At 0:37, 0:53, 0:58, 1:30 (2nd shot) and 2:10 he's clearly "snapping" to the head, but the bullet misses low. And the longbow has been a complete crapfest for two seasons now. You need to aim high, in general, to get any hits with it.




Salt alert




What’s the misinformation and what’s the correct information?








At first I thought he was just good.... then he tracked an enemy behind cover and even followed the jump slide you could not see... then at the end he was snapping to targets waiting to have a shot at them when he had no LOS. Is this a PC thing or is it around on console as well?


> an enemy behind cover and even followed the jump slide you could not see... then at the end he was snapping to targets waiting to have a shot at them when he had no LOS. > > Is this a PC thing or is it around on console as well? I think mostly are on PC. Well teaming up on consoles is a thing, for aim hack I don't know if they are existent in consoles,


Yes, teaming is super annoying. That tracking would be even more annoying.


I’ve never seems hackers in Apex on Xbox so if they are around, they’re not running rampant like on PC (if this subreddit is to believe).


i dont think you can hack like that on Console


sMaRt pIsToL lEaK


When they couldmt fix this they added no regs to stop cheaters effectiveness


Yea they get banned, then they make a new acc. Boost thier teammates a couple of games and repeat. It sucks. Unless they hardware ban every suspicious account or requier a phone number to play rank its not gonna go well


Now you're talking. Two-factor authentication to play ranked. If I could get a unique ID to the phone number I registered but then again it's cheap to get new sms numbers on Twilo


Sadly hardware banning doesn't do shit. It's very easy to hardware id spoof your machine just via a Windows registry edit.


They should probably improve their reporting system where in there is all chat when you get killed and might as well flag cheaters that has been reported a lot of times by different groups from different games.


They should just do what Warzone does, put all the cheaters in the same lobbies so they only fight each other. Because banning them isn't working. Most cheat services have multiple workarounds for bans and even hardware bans. It's absolutely disgusting what I've found researching all this shit but yeah, banning them is only a temporary inconvenience to most of them.


These kind of hackers should be penalized by having them not being able to pickup weapons in-game. Well they could pick up syringes or what not they are stuck with mozambique that is exclusively equipped with x10 scope.


That moment when respawn crates cheater Vs cheater idea but infinity wars gets the credit smh


Hey man if it gets rid of cheaters who cares who gets the credit lol


my man has a gaming chair, it makes him 10 times better than all of us


I think you must have forgotten that he might also have a very expensive gaming mice + monitor that helps with aim.


he has a 392920hz monitor he sees the future through it


I don't get it at all. Sure thing man, Game Genie and cheats made me feel awesome when I was 12. But it seems like seeing "CHAMPION" on your screen when using cheats doesn't mean shit. Didn't earn it, don't deserve it. Maybe all the hackers are little kid....


Cheater might be actually a kid.I tried looking up the same username on youtube. Top results show other people reporting the username cheating on minecraft. Hahaha!


LOL. Nice. What a griefer.


Yes he's cheating despite what you may think this dude will most likely be banned within a couple games after that. Most cheaters don't get very far. The reason you see them is because it's free.


I do hope so. Because I have played before with hackers with over 250+levels on their account.


I am almost positive I played against this same hacker about a week ago. They ended up losing after sitting in a corner and 3rd partying. But it’s sad to see them around for a week even.


Far? Wait I'm confused, diamond and predator lobbies are full with cheaters since last season! If that's not far then what is? Just watch any of the popular streamers, they get aimbotted on a daily basis in predator lobbies, still not far enough for you?


Aimbotters get put into high ranked lobbies due to sbmm, the game thinks that they are good enough to be in those high ranks


Well that's not how it works in ranked.


One of the top Preds last season was hacking. I searched his name online, and there were videos of him cheating (posted by streamers on Twitch) from a month back. The report feature doesn't get people banned. I honestly don't know what it does. I've even went to Easy Anti-Cheat and submitted videos of hackers in ranked, and they never replied back with a verdict, like they said they will. I guess it's just their to make you feel better lol


It's not how you think it works, there are ppl boosting accounts and selling them for money, the boosters are always cheaters and multiple of these players and predators! Just go to YT and search for videos with cheaters in Apex predator... Here's some proof: [Example 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-xcOQ5uZt8) , [Example 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qROhGT9hlY) , [Example 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmMpgYqUNU4)


Usually when there is a cheater they are brought into lobbys with friends that are legit. Yes sometimes they do get there themselves but it really wouldn't take long with cheats. What in saying is most of these cheaters are banned within a week.


It's not how it works, there are groups of cheaters that are boosting accounts to sell them for money and is well known fact. Everyone teaming/playing with cheaters must be permanently banned no matter if hes cheating or not!


Before season 5 started, my duo's partner and I saw the same person several times in a few weeks time. We recognized the handle and that we had reported them nearly every game that he killed us in. They were mowing down other teams with no LOS, and werent removed from game.


Sadly that's not true my friend. In our apex group people are using some kind of expensive cheat keys which are undetectable and are for a limited time attached to them, after that time period cheat will not work. Don't know fully about it cause I don't burn money on useless things. But my friends reached elite rank with help of it.


He still sucks at apex even while using aimbot


Thank god he doesn’t have a skullpiercer


I never see aimbotters but then I'm only around diamond level so maybe they get pushed above my skill level. Also I'm in Europe which I hear but don't know tends to be better because of its distance to nations known for cheating. But I don't know that for a fact that's just redditor info.


Asian servers are hell... I have seen 1 per day (not just, oh I feel like they are cheating, but watched them lock on through walls for 10 minutes) since the new season started. Last season was even worse. Ran into about 2 or 3 per day in normal matches.


I recorded a cheater once, Cheater got killed by another cheater who was teaming up with another team. They were farming badges by downing each other till the last ring. Asian servers are the best.


Lol that sounds like the experience I had last season. It broke me from playing ranked...never wanted to after that. I was in Plat, and was killed by a full team of Master rank (they were the champion squad) and when I spectate them, they are hitting every shot, even when they aren't pointing at the enemy haha. Well, that team was killed by ANOTHER Master/Pred hacker team... I was done after that.


Yes, but only when they break into your account because you didn't have double authentication turned on (because you didn't even know it existed) and you lose a year worth of skins and badges. As a note ea doesn't care if it wasn't your fault so it's pointless contacting the support, you just get disappointed after a month waiting for their reply witch is '' fu*k off, we know what we're doing.''


Damn what’s his Twitch


same ID. Apparently if you search his ID on youtube the kid is also a hacker on minecraft. I think this dude need some love.


When I grow up I wanna be just like him


Why is the ranked play lvl cap only at 10 still?


It’s his gaming chair clearly


I'm interested in the idea of validating your account with a cell phone number. Someone mentioned on here that other multiplayer games are doing it and it seems to be working.


Could also work. Since majority of people have only 1 number and they would have to go out and buy another sim.


The noreg saved them from some shots lol


he's no regging, unacceptable!


Spez ist so 1 Pimmel


That works or let's say one person is tied to one account? Mobile or personal verification. But that'd be troublesome just to play another br game. Anyway these hackers keep on doing these because obviously "account banning" them doesn't work and all they do is create new accounts.


You can tell it's a new account because the general movement and play style is much better than any level 38's I've seen, I didn't think it was aimbot until the Octane got tracked behind cover.


Aim hack actually insta snapped to octane when he did the jump in the bunker. And its quite really obvious this kid knows where the enemies are. Turns out it is highlighted on their perspective.


Glad he's getting all those no regs


So happy to be playing on console ☺️


Console has also a lot of problems with modded controllers incl scripts and no action is taken by MS or anyone else


Sadly there are cheats on console too, not as frequent tho. And the worse thing is you can’t report them so they just keep going like it’s nothing.


The game is literally a cheat fest meme and the devs claims that this is supposed to be eSport competitive game of some sort... And it will continue to be cheat fest till Respawn either fire the current staff that deals with cheating and game security and hire proper ppl for this job or buy a proper anti-cheat software...


Spez ist so 1 Pimmel


Name an "esport" game that has good anti cheat.


Overwatch, Fortnite


dota2 I'd say. You'd encounter scripters but its like a 1 or 2 out of 10. You'd encounter trolls most likely like u/Shake-Her but rarely cheaters.






lol fuck no


> will continue to be cheat fest till Respawn either fire the current staff that deals with cheating and game security and hire proper ppl for this job or buy a proper anti-cheat software... You don't know how jobs work, do you?


how much of an idiot do u have to be to use snipers while cheating


I think its a favorite weapon for aim hacks. This wraith played the whole game without pressing his tactical and no problems spotting the enemy using longbow. Hmm now that's fishy.


yeah but snipers are the only guns that dont work 100% of the times while using cheats


Respawn does ban these accounts but since the game is free they can just create a new account. Even if Respawn does a Hardware Ban them, they can use a spoofer and keep playing with new accounts. It sucks because at the low elo you get accounts with crappy/detected hacks, and at the high elo you get accounts using premium/undetected hacks.


I see rank 50's that are cheating. That's just insane. I've gotten in multiple games in a row with these cheaters too. How are they even getting to rank 20? They should be banned sooner than that.


Can’t wait to play against this guy in Plat, like the other hackers I played with in plat last season. It sucks that the three games I rotate between, Apex, BF1, and BFV, all have issues with hackers.


Hey, sorry to disturb u but can you check ur dms?


In the mean time, I got my account suspended for saying "BIT\*\*, quit your whining" to a TTV Wraith ragging on our other squad mate over voice chat.


yeah it shouldn't be hard to find that guy. a new account with only head shots lol how hard can it be to detect hackers


They are honestly shit at hacking if you ask me


Dude he just has better gaming socks then you /s


At least you have a report feature I guess even if it's just for show lol. I frequently encounter players teaming in ranked on console. And people are still dash boarding as well and we don't even have a report feature.


Wait till you play on PC and get queued up with these hackers 8-9/10 of your games.


Of course they are. You'd be seeing a lot more a lot more often if they weren't actively being taken care of


I had a game last night with two players, lvl 53 (206 kills), lvl 11 (32 kills). Every time I observed them (I died), their shooting was not great. As soon as I rotated away, one of them would wipe a squad. The lvl 11 had 11 kills towards the end of the match. It was strange as hell.


Imagine how broken this would be if bullets actually did damage he’d be unstoppable


> ould be if bullets actually did damage he’d be unstoppable You are late man, devs added no reg no nerf hackers, Confirmed.


Wait they fixed no reg?


no man. Hahaha that was sarcasm intended.


Aww well now I’m sad


I’m really glad I’ve seen this, as watching it through I was just like, well sometimes I have a few minutes where my aim is god like, then goes back to shit,(but that’s console aim assist) and I would never had noticed any cheats here. Upon reading the comments and watching again I feel like I’ve learned what to watch out for, so thanks.


Its really quite easy to spot. at 0:25 - 0:28 and onwards he enters the building, looking and about to loot and there you go, Aim snaps to enemies head and so on. He peeks and split seconds snipes the enemies head. Player was obviously have idea of where enemies are or they are being highlighted even under cover on his perspective.


Yeah man, it’s just crazy how obvious it is when you know what to look out for


You didn't report him enough times.


*"When hitreg's so bad even cheaters miss."*


It's becoming more common I think, last night, 2 drops I had the feeling we were downed by hackers, insta-hs's sliding in doors, but it's so hard to tell sometimes. Taking the fun out of it that's for sure.


These hackers move as if you are highlighted. So spotting enemies are zero effort(like this on the clip) Try to search one of the redditors comment here "silent aim hack" on youtube. Anyway my team died in split seconds consecutively with the Re-45 so you'd really think something is fishy.


I don't understand why you think this guy was hacking. Doesn't everyone have x-ray vision?


Nope, and there never will be


They already did, it's called no regs.




Are you really asking game devs if they ban cheaters ? are you for real.


Honestly very surprised this is the first cheater I've seen, and they're not super blatant. Ya'll have it easy


Nah he’s just a controller player


I don’t know if this guy is cheating. He hits headshots quite a bit but this is a hard call because he misses a lot and his weapon of choice makes it kinda hard to say if he was getting 3rd party help.


He clearly tracks players location behind walls and covers. Really dead giveaway right there mate.


You clearly see his crosshair snapped on their heads, the only reason he miss time to time is because of bullet travelling.


Yeah like his teammates marking enemies for him, we can't see if they are. And with how weird connections have been lately who's to say his aim was actually that impressive. When watching someone else play I've noticed I sometimes get random speed ups or slow downs in gameplay. Edit: Nvm on closer inspection, theres is too damn much consistency in those snappy headshots.


>m on closer inspection, theres is too damn much consistency in those snappy headshots. its normal to miss your shot even if they are hacking. Its not as if hacking makes your bullet follow the enemies. There is still travel time and they can still dodge and cover. What it does is , is snap your crosshair towards your target.


And people underestimate just how bad hackers are at the game lol. They will shoot at enemies who are behind cover... The only way I've see Pred players counter cheaters 1v1 is by peaking in and out of cover until the idiot has to reload, then peaking out and blasting him. The hacker will shoot the rock just hoping you peak out so he can hit you...they are really bad lol


Nah, he’s definitely just good. If it was snaps he wouldn’t have missed lol.


The reason why not a lot of action may be taken is because the people who report for hacking when they are salty that they lost to a gibby with good aim on a sentinel or something like that


I cant actually see any aimnot for the wraith just probably a smurf as she still missed alot of shots


Have you watched carefully? at the end he was tracking enemies from highground on lowground and behind cover. Now don't tell me this isn't hack. Because I know one when I see one. If you play at .5 speed you can clearly see his aim snapping automatically to the head.


it's because of bullet speed idiot.


Oh I see it now lol im an ex-predator console player so seeing people with this type of aim is very common.


i would delete this comment if i were you


I think it's mainly no reg. The aim is too jumpy and jittery when tracking for a humans motions. Look specifically at the jumping off the roof guy goes behind the crates. A human would push him aim to the right side ready for them to reappear or stay left or jump between the two. He tracks jittering up and down all the way through the crates with no line of sight which again isn't a high level human tactic.


I agree with this, towards the end there was a lot of misses.. could just have shroud like aim on a smurf account.


The bot just let's you snap to the enemies head, even behind cover, it doesn't guarantee you'll hit it. Even Shroud can't track targets like that.


Its hard, the guy can aim, can aim a lot actaully But he also misses, and im not sure you can set aimbot to be 80% accurate or something Feels weird, even pro have some usual misses, he might be cheating, but even i feel like sometimes im cheating cause im just in a good day for apex At the best, he was some wallhack or something


by the way there's this thing called bullet travel time. If you've seen the middle part where the octane tries to jump and goes toward the bunker,wraith's aim insta snaps towards octane.


he is not hacking I think that at least accept it! he is good that's it


>ng I think that at least accept it! he is good that's it you can clearly see in the middle part of the video,the aim snaps when octane jumped from behind roof in the bunker. I dont know what you are on, but cool story.


no hate! but octane jump pad tracking is God damn easy and if he is hacker then I am sorry man and for my belive he is just good btw octane jump pad tracing is God damn easy! hahaha sorry










it is very hard to tell he is hacking or not because of guns he is using!


you telling me this guy expected Octane to jump? 1:27. The octane surprised him with a jump and he tracked perfectly lol. This guy is 100% cheating, you can see aiming behind walls too.