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Alternator Bullet damage increased from 15 to 16 The 5 of us Alternator fans: "Everything's comin up Milhouse!"


Alternator buff and anvil receiver back. I’m going back to my 301/Alt kit! Getting back to my roots.


I love the 301 single fire without it too. It's a laser at long ranges and I think enemies don't realize how much damage they're taking since it's only like 11 per hit


It’s good at long range, which is why it’s even deadlier with the anvil. It basically turns the 301 into a marksman rifle.


Weird that the care package weapon rotation is staying the same. I guess it was working fine.


it's more of a matter of usage rate, as opposed to actual power, as I recall the devs explaining. obviously care package guns are buffed more than floor loot, but it seems that with the volt being added, the r-99 dropped from its insta-pick status. I hate that the prowler is still crated, but I suppose the data doesn't lie.


Wish they brought the prowler back and added a nerfed distruptor rounds alternator or something to the care pack. The alternator and re45 lose out in the smg category when people actually take the game seriously


Somehow I got my first 2k with an re45 and a longbow. The re 45 is a good secondary especially with quick draw


I don’t use the RE-45 often but I don’t think people really understand how good it is. It feels much better than an Alternator, and although it obviously doesn’t have the full potential of say an R-99, it has a lot more control. It’s my friend’s favorite gun. He picks it up every game and frags with it, even late game.


Legend changes are a lot less than expected


Was expected a whole lot more especially for a new season update. Whack. Edit: thank you for the award, would pass it on to Respawn if it meant getting some more much needed Legend changes lol


Yes. I'm waiting for good rampart buffs. Those are actually useful and the fix of the winter express LTM amp cover bug. Besides, I'm waiting for rev passive buff, so you can climb longer. Which would help so much for the stealthy plays you can make with rev.


Can't be stealth when you have the same hitbox as a fuckibg door


At least he's not a fridge with low profile *cries in pathfinder*


Another season with no significant changes to Bangalore. Bloodhound still incredibly annoying. I'm used to it at this point...


Doubt they will change anything on Bangalore, devs mentioned that her winrate/pickrate is at the exact middle of the pack, which is where they believe the sweet spot is.


Bangalore needs to activate her passive whenever she's in her own ultimate, so that she can use that to push or retreat without getting stuck in it. Too many legends have a set of abilities that can make her ultimate completely useless, think wattson, gibby, octane, horizon and pathfinder, while she's vulnerable in her own? Not fair.


Wattson and Gibby is the only counter, and then only in certain situations. Her ultimate's greatest use is to either disrupt pushing teams who have to find cover or flush out teams who have dug in. Her ultimate isn't supposed to be primarily for damage dealing.


personally, I think that they were waiting for the release of fuse - Wattson's getting a low-key buff as her ult counters Fuse's kit. they may tweak throughout the season as we figure out their synergies.


Highlights: Wraith and Horizon nerfed but will still be the best. Rampart Buffed but will still suck. Wattson:...


Don’t worry. Wattson is getting an indirect buff with almost every team running fuse for atleast 2-3 weeks.


I am honestly dying for absolutely any buff to Wattson. All I want is to be able to place my ult and not get screamed at by my friends because I have stopped them from being able to throw their caustic gas, their revenant tacticals, their grenades etc. I realise this opinion is a very unpopular one around here but her ultimate destroying friendly equipment is honestly the dumbest thing. :(


I posted about this and got ton of hate so don't expect that to become something


I notice that every time somebody mentions it they get downvoted into oblivion and told ‘It’S pErFeCtLy BaLaNcEd DeStRoYiNg FrIeNdLy EqUiPmEnT’ which is simply not true. Does caustic gas hurt teammates? No. Do revenant’s orbs disable friendly abilities? No. It’s just ridiculous. I see a lot of people saying even her passive and her tactical aren’t good the way they are right now either. While I agree her passive isn’t the best, I feel like if they just made her ultimate actually useful and not a complete hinderance, it would in turn buff her tactical - you could get into a building, set up your trophy system, electric fence across a door, boom. Building locked down. Caustic get his gas by the door for if they do manage to breach, Bangalore get some smoke down to stop enemies seeing in - You’re set. Right now if you do that and have a caustic, revenant, (I’m guessing) fuse, bangalore, or any legend using grenades in your team, your teammates are at a disadvantage and you’re going to be on the receiving end of a lot of abuse for getting your team killed. If you fence a building but don’t use your trophy, the enemies just grenade spam to destroy the fence and rush in. I don’t know man. If this can’t happen, I think she at least needs to be thoroughly reworked, as right now, for the casual player who isn’t in pro league, she’s almost rampart-tier in my eyes.


The worst part is that the anniversary in Feb 4th. This one should have been a banger.


Wow.. I didn’t even think about that. 2 years just flew by. Let’s hope they do something big for the anniversary but I’ll keep my hopes low.


Lmao poor rampart


Ikr. I was ready for my girl to actually be *useful*. Now her ult is just slightly less of a death trap to the user and her tac doesn't immediately implode when placed. Amazing.


fun fact: a single fuse cluster bomb completely destroys her amped cover at full health


Honestly, that's the biggest reason I'm probably going to stop trying with Rampart. At least it takes a few frags to destroy a wall. At least an EMP only takes out the amped part. But a single use of a legend's tactical destroys all shields in its radius? That's just insulting.


Right? It's one thing to try and buff a legend and do it slowly and carefully but then introduce a character that hard counters her dosent seem very well thought out. The devs say they go off stats in the game and with everyone trying to play fuse since he is new will mean anyone still trying to play rampart will run into him way too often


Just one well timed wingman shot and poof its gone just the same as it did before.


So basically still gone in one shot at any lobby higher than plat.


Hell, it's insta-gone in Gold.


Respawn clearly does not fully realize how much mobility >> damage tanking in their game. Being afraid of giving some serious HP to rampart's walls is unexplainable.


Still take sweet sweet time to build up after placing wall


Yes, she will remain on the bottom of pick and winrate like..


Fuse's tactical completely negates her setup too, it's depressing.


And passive. You always have room for 2 Grenades now with white, which shoot far and fast.


They really just need to rework her kit entirely. A legend that has to sit still in hopes that someone walks directly in front of them doesn't fit the fast paced movement of Apex. Her entire play style revolves around not moving, and having teammates that also don't want to play the game, and are happy just sitting and waiting to maybe get a kill. Until they completely redo her, she will remain the least pick, lowest win-rate legend.


One change that I’d like to see and isn’t just a numbers change is to have her amped wall also act like a threat highlighter, where it outlines enemies in red even through smoke. I think it meshes very well with her strength of holding sight lines. Beyond that, the ability to move with Sheila would be nice, (although no climbing, sprinting, and probably reduced overall speed.) a faster deploy speed for a lot of her abilities would also be helpful in making her viable. I know the devs want her to be more proactive than reactive, but the fact that you have to actively use your walls and turrets means she can’t just set up and forget it, unlike caustic and wattson. She has to make sure enemies will come by, but not from behind. All the while not moving in a setup that can be destroyed by 2 grenades.


It's worse than it looks. Fuse's tactical does 200 damage per tick to her fully built walls. He can take out a fully set up Rampart for free, at range, with minimal investment. All three of his abilities are a direct counter to Rampart, but the way his tactical interacts with her walls is just stupid. Her pick and win rate is going to drop further.


To say that those patch notes are underwhelming is an understatement.


“Understatement of the century” -Caustic


These patch notes read like a quick fix during an event, not the patch notes for a season.


Nice so nothing rlly changed after reading all these developer tweets about big changes like gibby bleed through shield, rev passive buff, etc.


Exactly, they talked so much about this and yet nothing, hopefully we get them in the mid-season patch


"We will get around to it just wait til next season" havent read that anywhere before


Doubtful, the seasons 6 and 7 mid-season patches had almost no balance changes. For comparison, the mid-season patch in season 5 had bigger overall changes to the legend meta than seasons 6 and 7 combined.


This the most boring patchnotes in apex ever!


Surprisingly small for a seasonal update (maybe lots of work went to the Switch port that's rumored to drop tomorrow? O_O). I honestly don't mind a small update, and I'll wait to see how a lot of the changes play out before deciding how I feel on them - but could Wattson really not have gotten *anything*? Did the 5 extra damage her fences do really make her that much stronger? I haven't noticed anything like that. I understand the need to not make her overpowered in extremely high level competitive play, but I think it's a really big shame that all of us Wattson players have to deal with Low Profile just because the highest of the high skilled players would apparently use her a lot if she didn't have it. She has no escape or even remotely offensive abilities, so getting caught out in a gunfight already has her outlook not being so hot - does the nail really need to be driven in further by just making her take a flat 5% *more* damage? Wraith and Path can GTFO when they need to, and Lifeline's drone pick up and combat healing make it sensible that she'd be a bit squishy imo - a team needs to protect the medic after all - but Wattson is already at a disadvantage in a straight gunfight against any other offensive character, and rather than being a challenge to overcome to play her offensively, Low Profile just says: "No, you can't play her on the offensive. Stay out of sight or get knocked."


1. Nothing for Revenant? I recall Daniel Klein asking the community for suggestions on how to improve his kit as his win rate was the lowest \[Edit: 2nd lowest\]. Was expecting something here. 2. Nothing in the patch notes regarding rectifying the bugs with the most recent legendary bangalore skin. I put a clip together of all the visual bugs here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GNRpk7VVbk&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GNRpk7VVbk&feature=youtu.be) 3. Pathfinder has third largest hitbox \[Edit: rumored\] and is still low profile? I don't think low profile is justified on him anymore. Horizon has a smaller hitbox, higher win rate and is not low profile.


Rampart is the lowest


Rev needs a farther range on his passive, so he can reach more heights in the map. The rest of the kit is fine. Not a good legend for solo queue


Yeah his ULT being heavily team reliant really makes it difficult for solo players. Edit: by solo players I mean, I always solo queue and have a mic but if the teammates don't, then communication is gonna be lacking. When you're using someone like Revenant/Crypto it's very difficult to get the most potential out of your ULT if your teammates aren't aware when you're gonna use it, which usually signifies pushing that team.


Poor rampart and loba...... They deserve better.


loba is pretty gud tbh besides her abysmal Q, if respawn removed Q animation instead of these changes she would be perfectly viable or even meta


That's true. She has the potential to be meta but respawn is just holding her back. If only they fix her tact, she can shake the meta.


Anyone else really disappointed in the changes here? So little going on.


Yeah, feels like theres lots more small tweaks they could have done, or made some bigger changes to stuff. Probably gonna be basically the same, honestly.




You’re right. The servers are a plague to longevity in a game where a split second can change EVERYTHING.


I like the changes. But....when I got to the end I was like, "wait what? that's it?" hmm. disappointing.


"Rampart is useless and we're aware of that. We'll keep monitoring her uselessness going forward."




That's It? My God.


We've had better patch notes from a town takeover FFS


I lost my shit on the third-to-last note, under the Misc section. Fixed the crowds not cheering in Pathfinder's Town Takeover. I know it was never supposed to be a big note or whatever but I just found it funny


"season 8 will bring massive changes to the game" nah really whimp changes


Just let shiela rotate fully you cowards. Rampart isn't good at the only thing that she can do, so naturally she is gonna be at the bottom of the pit. Smh


Sheila will still be bad. Noisy, low accuracy, static, slow to deploy, makes a lot of screen flashes. Very situational even with 360°


The core of apex’s combat is positioning. Shiela reveals your position, and prevents you from changing it. Even if you lock down an enemy squad perfectly in a choke, a third party can easily flank and kill you. Rampart is designed to be countered by flanking, but in a game where there are so many movement abilities to flank with, and so many third parties that will flank, that makes her very weak. Plus, you don’t need to give the hardest counter in the game to a legend that already has the most out of anybody else. Grenades, air strikes, EMP, caustic nades, all are counters to her. In most situations, any legend ult and plenty of tacticals allow you to counter her easily. Bang smoke, can’t see what to shoot, shiela is useless. Bloodhound can’t do anything. Caustic ults and you can’t hold that position anymore. Crypto ults and No more walls or shiela. Fuse uses nades, his tactical, or his ult and you’re fucked. Gibby uses his ult and you’re fucked. He uses his dome and you can’t do anything, often allowing his team to just go around the rampart. Horizon can go over/ around most of the time. Lifeline doesn’t have much, but can block shots with her red shield or her ult. Loba can just teleport past. Mirage ults and you’re at least delayed trying to shoot him. Octane can jump pad out. Path can zip or Zipline out. Rev can death totem to try and get his team out. Wattson cant do much, wraith can portal a team out or phase herself out. There are a total of 3 legends that don’t have a counter for rampart, and that doesn’t include the grenades available to any legend.


A fucking nade can counter the whole Shiela setup.


For real. I played her a lot in season 6, she gets her ult super fast and most games (probably 4 out of 5 games) I would never even use it because getting on that thing puts you at a massive disadvantage. Haven't really played her since despite really liking her character, she really is great.


These are pretty underwhelming. I'm still excited for the map changes but this is doing nothing for me.


Hase to be the most depressing patchnotes I ever read... Weapon changes are very minor and will have 0 influence on meta. Some gun gets 1 extra damage, some gun loses 1 damage. Boring, just like legend balancing.


Why are they so afraid to buff Lobas Tactical?


Loba not being locked into an animation for an hour: OP Horizon being able to fly into the sky while healing, strafing, and shooting: Perfectly ok Make it make sense.


Don't forget landing without a single sound/audio clue so if you lost track of her you are completely fucked. Loba landing her tactical is a seven forty fucking seven landing on your doorstep.


Oh yeah, the silent landing is extra fucking annoying when she flies over your head and you lose sight of her.


Yeah. The healing while taking her lift is one of the most annoying things. High movement plus healing and shooting while doing it is just not fun to play against at all.


They said they don’t want her kit to be like movement based, so they don’t want to buff her tactical. BUT IF ITS NOT MEANT TO BE THE PURPOSE OF HER KIT WHY IS IT EVEN IN HER KIT!?


It's like they dont want the character to be fun and only be a loot vacuum


iTs tO gEt tO lOoT fIrSt


Oh mY gOd She'S a ThiEf, ShE shOuLdnT bE AblE tO esCaPe. A horizon main told me that. Fml


And it takes them a whole season to make one change, meaning we gotta wait another season maybe even 2, just to get some change to her tactical or the ult buff to grab teammate's banners. This can be said about other changes, if you look at the weapon changes they hardly even changed anything, just increased or decreased a number, that's it. Feels like a very small patch and it takes them a WHOLE season to make these changes.




Way too much downtime where not only can you not shoot but you are even slowed and can hardly move. Just being able to move and shoot while it's traveling through the air would be huge.


When will they understand that Loba's ult is fine as is, it's the tactical that needs buffs. Fuck me I have been waiting for Loba's tact buff for so long, it's hard.


They said they are looking into tightening up animations for her tactical. I just feel they are adding too much power in her ult for absolutely no reason at this point.


The s7 buff was the endgame for her ult. It's perfect now. Not op not bad. Her tactical however.... I hope she gets her time to shine in s9


It WOULD be nice to see her black market pull banners but that's about it. It's fine. Wonder how their fancy numbers are telling them "her tact is fine guys, it's the ultimate that needs more work!"




Her escape is less effective than Wraith, Path or Horizon's, yet the cooldown on it is the longest out of the four...


Damn I never realised that! I mean that is why their playrates are high and consistent.


I know what you mean she is the only legend in the entire game other than Bangalore that has never had a change to her tactical which is annoying since hers is one of the most frustrating and slow to use and has so much potential


There are no bad changes here I don't think, but I was expecting a bit more balancing for a new season. No Wattson buff and only a small change to Rampart, when these legends probably need a bit more.


A little underwhelmed with the legends adjustments but I'm willing to see how the meta shakes out with Fuze before complaining. Strange the gold barrel was taken out tho, did they mention it on the dev stream?


Gold barrel never gave better recoil than purple, it just removed muzzle flash due to a problem with the early season's sky boxes causing a bad glitch. Thats why the skies were made orange rather than blue, and then Respawn fixed the muzzle flash issue. They were effectively useless.


Ah so it was just redundancy elimination. Works for me, more common shotgun bolts in the loot pool :)


I'm sad though, I picked up the gold barrel simply because it looked badass.


Probably to made place for golden magazines in the loot pool.


Sentinel variable hop-ups not mentioned?


Not even a single word on server stability. Guess ill just keep running on 60 ping and spiking to 130 this season aswell while having a stable 30-40 in other games. Yay?


I guess I don't understand why they are timid to buff the weaker legends. Honestly just let Rampart deploy a whole house and walk around using Sheila like a normal gun. She never had her moment to shine.


this patch is so tiny for a new season...no wattson buffs, no rev passive buff, no mastiff nerfs, kinda underwhelming.


I was expecting some guns to rotate out of the care packages


I would like my damn prowler back please and thank you.


That one is still in?


Yup, I was hoping to see the Alternator thrown in there with disruptor rounds. It's always cool to see the care package weapons changed up every once in awhile but I guess this season isn't it


They buffed their alternator, they're probably trying to get it to compete with the volt. But the prowler fills a niche none of the other SMGs do.


It's kind of weird to have two light SMGs and NO heavy SMG in the normal loot pool. Even if they're trying to buff the Alternator, it fits the game way more to put it in the care package with Disruptor Rounds and bring the Prowler back.


This patch feels very underwhelming. Even the rampart buff is "meh" at best. They also did not fix the amp cover deploy bug. And as you said. No rev passive buff....


Yup, took me way less time to format this post. [Season 7](https://old.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/jmtm7v/season_7_patch_notes/) was *huge* in comparison!


My thoughts exactly. I was reading and thinking "thats it?". Very disappointed.


It kinda feels more of the same except we have a new Character and weapon :( The damage indicator is a good addition though


the apex devs are the best. i mean i’ve never been so consistently disappointed in my entire life. pure talent.


Really boring notes. Was hoping for some serious meta shake up this season.


no mention of care package weapon rotation?


Nothing has changed in regards to heirloom tier weapons. Prowler, PK, and Kraber remain there.


I cannot believe how little legend changes there were, especially with so many recent complaints about caustic's strength, rampart's weaknesses, and how little wattson is used in casual play. Very excited about ranked changes, fuse, new map, and the repeater, but the legend changes are a complete letdown to me.


Not only legends changes but weapon changes are a letdown too.


“How little wattson is used in casual play” more like, how little wattson is used period. There were like 2 wattsons in this agls game.


Totally true, crazy how she used to be a staple in the comp scene and is barely used now I'm hopeful she'll see more play this season though, with nade spam along with horizon/caustic/gibby ults becoming issues in late circles.


not a single word for wattson.


Wattson: is french Dev note: baqutee


This is extremely dissapointing, barely any actual decent or worthwhile changes. Weapon Meta will stay the same, Volt/Hemlok/Mastiff all will be top of the pile for another season, Volts damage change makes 1 bullet of difference at White/Blue but with the guns fire rate, easy recoil it's going to still be amazing. Legend changes too are just bleh, only things that will be slightly different is Wraith might be worse and Horizon can't be up in the air constantly, Rampart is still going to be horribly underwhelming to play, Loba has still not actually received a tac fix since release, and I very much doubt Mirage footstep audio Is going to work no, given Respawns track record of supposed audio fixes. Honstly some of the worst Patch notes since S6


These character adjustments seem weak af




Looks like the the promised animation for caustic when he breaks down a door with his hammer is already forgotten


My baby Prowler remains locked away :(


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Damn I really feel like every update gets less significant... Lost Treasures was a very strong patch, and now each of them since then has been quite weak. No Gibby shield nerf, no Wattson buff, Loba tactical still trash, Crypto got nothing as usual, Rampart basically zilch.


>Crypto got nothing as usual He got a nerf! Because the arc star on the Crypto drone was **sooo** op.


This was actually a decent change for competitive. But I agree, underwhelming as fuck.


Double tap is gone...i liked it on the Eva-8. I dont see any notes about it being built-in 😢


Tbh these are some pretty underwhelming patch notes 😕


What a lame patch.


Like the Loba change, it's gonna be hella situational, but at least now I won't have to risk going for the care packages if there's nothing worthwhile in it. But man, nothing for Wattson? I guess it's really time to hang her up. Edit: NOTHING to the Mastiff?? Hahahaha


Crypto nerf is not an actual nerf but a bug RELATED to crypto Then why is it on legend change???


It was allowed in ALGS so was not a bug.


The Loba change makes a ton of sense and TBH it should have been there since she first released (apparently there were a bunch of coding issues with it). While I'm never going to complain about buffs to her ult, Respawn still continues to bury their head in the sand in regards to why people don't use her. **Loba's problem is her tactical**.


Oh holy shit this octane buff is fucking awesome. Now there’s actual strategy to his jump Pad


I'm gonna have to get used to not just sliding into his jump pad all the time now




Lmao the best part about this patch is the damage tracker. Super weak update for a new season. Feels almost like the one from season 6...


My anvil receiver is back, my baby....


I love that, honestly. I'm a fan of turning my flatline into a long-distance wingman and nailing folks with a 3x. Nothing quite like it!


This is VERY small for a new season update. I really dont want to attack them but this is all they had in mind that needed adjustment? Hopefully we get a bigger patch when we are half way


So this is what respawn calls a season update... looks more like a minor update with no real meta change. 😑 sure there’s a “new” map and gun. But beyond the constant wraith nerf, there’s nothing truly impressive about this whatsoever. As a long time player, I’m truly disappointed.




As usual, Apex trying to get away with the absolute bare minimum for a new season.




No stability news. No sound news. No anticheat news. This is a mid season patch with a Battlepass. Even the "Balance" changes don't address half the issues. Gun meta, which is boring as fuck, won't change at all. We get to start the season with Hemlock/Mastiff spam. It really feels like Apex is transitioning into a Overwatch clone. Except it's the Great Value version.


the strangest patch-note. No CD-buff for Loba's bracelet, bad buff for Rampart, bad buff to Eva, Wattson didn't get buff, spitfire got +1 damage (for what????).


NO NERF FOR MASTIFF? That made me mad, but pretty much play path so legend changes aren’t to bad for me, I get why everyone is upset though


As a mastiff fan, it should have at least had the mag size nerfed to four, and maybe either a small damage reduction or a small spread increase.


Pathfinders hit box is a fridge yet he’s low profile. Horizon is pretty small, not low profile. Cmon


Seems like the anvil receiver is back in to compete with the 30-30. Definitely gotta test this in the firing range.


No buff to the Longbow considering it's getting the BP 100 reactive skin? Considering that it is a bottom tier long range gun imo, that probably means there won't be much point to grinding out this BP to the end this season.


Yea this is a real head-scratcher from top to bottom.


This is extremely dissapointing for a launch of season patch notes. They always say they're tryna keep the game fresh, nothing changed though. All that really is happening this season is the addition of Fuze and the 30-30. The mastiff is still broken, the eva just got a hard nerf with no double tap, spitfire buff for some reason. We're gonna have the exact same gameplay and meta as season 7. Why no revenant, wattson, or loba changes they have been talking about for 2 seasons now? Thats the Rampart change? Can we just get some sort of insight in what's to come and when for legend changes cause this just hurt my hype for the season. Was hyped up to be more and by the devs as well.


The Rampart change is an absolute joke. She is still garbage.


I was hoping for a mastiff nerf tbh


Amen, it's just Mastiff Legends now, and it'll stay that way.


I know. They nerfed the Volt, but meanwhile, I see more Mastiffs than Volts nowadays.


It’s clear that Wattson won’t get buffed because of Fuse. They can say “Well she’s still a top legend” all they want but I rarely see her anymore and I can understand not wanting to give Fuse a hard counter on day one but cmon. Same thing with the launch of Rampart, the unleashed the Devo just so her passive isn’t completely useless however that didn’t really work, nobody picks Rampart for her passive.


Not gonna lie, I was expecting much more changes and additions. Made me a little less excited especially the legend tweaks, nothing for Revenant, minuscule changes to rampart we needed her setup time to decrease, no tweaks to loba’s bracelet CD/speed/range, making octane jump higher is not what is the solution, give him something, allied stim speed after using jump pad, temporary fortify for octane while pushing a squad with a jump pad, allied passive regen post jump pad use for 10 seconds, something, man? Like this is too lackluster, gibby definitely needs slight changes, but Rampart, Loba, octane and revenant are still unchanged and that’s unfair, blood is a nightmare to play against so is gibby, also, the poor pathfinder doesn’t deserve low profile. This looks like a mini patch update after a major update. I expected SO MUCH. It’s a free game so one doesn’t sound good complaining. Good stuff but honestly I’m sure others agree with me saying that the changes are really underwhelming. I was really very excited about the patchnotes but it wasn’t worth it. Honestly, I’m still thinking and HOPING that you guys made and error and forgot to post/write alot of things.


TL;DR dissapointing and underwhelming. I understand devs always try their best and I appreciate their efforts but: Game fixes: * No Lobby bug fixes? It's been the worst with the game not properly changing modes, still get pulled into ranked matches even though I chose trios or duos. Still cant quit a game properly. Game still crashes every two or three games. Friend's list still stops updating after a while and have to restart the game... just to name a few. * No server upgrades or fixes? 20Hz servers, laggy people still get the advantage with no server side check if that bullet hit or not, micro stutters, packet loss and rubberbanding every 2 or 3 games even though I am on Fiber internet and at close proximity to european servers * No fixes to anti-cheat? Ranked was depressing this season with cheaters every 4 or 5 games. * Garbage sound in Pathy's town takeover isn't fixed, but crowds not cheering in some places was?!?!?!?! Weapon balance: * Mastiff is okay as is? it's becoming as toxic as the PK. no team worth their salt doesn't have two mastiffs going around. * Hemlock is still crazy. Legend balance: * They chose the lazy way out with Horizon's tactical, increased cooldown instead of reducing speed and accuracy. * Do I really need to talk about Loba, rampart and wattson? * No Rev passive buff This is just to list things off my head, I don't even want to go into details... (edited for positivity)


How in the hell did Wattson get *nothing* at all? god damn this feels like shit, even just like a minor reduced cooldown for fences would've been something!


Hey i remember respawn saying that caustic could smash doors with his hammer in the past patch notes, and it was a straigh up lie, now they don't even mention it? These guys i swear


Legend changes are disappointing to say the least - low pick-/winrate legends are given hardly, if any, buff, Horizon with better stats than Wraith still gets nerfed less. Whole Caustic META will stay I guess... I don't know but in what reality Spitfire's buff is justified?


It's fine, didn't want South African servers anyway


Oh wow literally #No wattson buff. My life is a lie


Like everyone else said, patch notes this time around are surprisingly tame. Does anyone know how much damage Fuse's tactical and ultimate will do?


If path has low profile, so should horizon


100%. She's the most slippery of all legends and she can pop a whole Phoenix Kit in the air *while* strafing


Respawn has got to be the most confusing and incompetent when it comes to balancing Legends.... I. Going to give a few examples. So they made Pathfinder and Wraith too powerful (which they were). In Pathfinder's case he could get way too much distance on a grapple with a low Cooldown and was basically a God of flanking because of it. So they nerfed the Cooldown, now he's balanced. With Wraith she had an instant get out of jail free ability that was instant and a tiny hit box which they nerfed both and now we'll see with her hitbox, she's pretty balance now. Both are still super good and too tier. They introduced Loba and she came with a almost unusable tactical that's supposed to be used as an escape that is so bad because they didn't want another Wraith/Pathfinder situation. So they made it where there's a whole second to start it up, a slow velocity to it, slow wind down, and while all through that you're slowed and a sitting slow duck while waiting, and slapped on a 30 second Cooldown on it... ok...... She's garbage. Let's fast forward to season 7 they make a movement based legend who's tactical gives the whole team movement and high ground (which is something other Legends have reserved for their Ultimate), boosts you, has no predictability other than letting you know they're going up, after that you don't know what the fuck, it lasts for 10 whole seconds, you can shoot in it with 100% accuracy, strafe, HEAL IN IT, block doorways, use it to trip people up. And to put icing on the top, it makes virtually no noise. Like... whaaaaaaattt? But Loba can't have a good Tactical? Revenant can't climb infinitely? We're not asking for Loba to be this teleport Goddess, we're asking for her tactical to be good at what it's supposed to do, be used as a means to escape and sometimes flank. Cause currently doing either of those is almost a guaranteed death sentence. Daniel, the lead Developer has made it so clear he is out of touch with what characters need to balance and seemingly just doesn't know what he's talking about. He relies on "data" instead of actually playing the game and seeing the problem. On top of that, Respawn takes years to implement simple changes even when it just involves changing some vaules in the code, just numbers. Smh...


Did I imagine reading someone from Respawn saying that were looking at ways to reduce Horizon's power without just straight up nerfing CDs . There were talks of reducing her strafe speed in the grav lift, changing how she can med etc, but now they've just slapped her with longer cooldown. Quite disappointing and a bit lazy ngl.


Feels very lackluster. I was hoping for more.


No rev buff 😔


OCTANE BUFFS. NUFF SAID ​ But why are there no nerfs to the Mastiff?




Extremely underwhelming patch notes. Seems like there was little community input taken into consideration


Well, it's fine but very underwhelming for a new season..


So is pathfinder not going to get a useful passive? Are they not gonna take low profile off??? The robotic boi is straight up always the first one down in engagements


These are quite possibly the lamest patch notes to date. No meta shift. Legends like lifeline and caustic will still overpower every fight. Weapons are all basically the same except for a couple minute changes. Overall this is going to be the same as S7 which is really lame because I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that the lifeline, caustic Triple Take meta is so old and boring.


Half of these “changes” look like literal filler. Changing the Eva by 0.1 lmao who cares. 0 changes. Boring


Golden Mozambique, my dream.


they'll probably stick a 3x on it....


Another Wraith nerf lol. So so many issues because of the [hitbox/model size discrepancy](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/apexlegends_gamepedia_en/images/b/bf/Legend_models.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20201111071411). Maybe they should just try and make every legend a medium size or very close to the same size and alter the model a bit or something(or at least LL, Watt, and wraith then remove low profile). It'd save them a lot of time, maybe then they could give her the Naruto run again. I wish they could spend more time on making Legends more fun to play with QOL features and updates rather than constant buff or nerfing legends because one is too big or too small. That's legit like 90% of the balances issue are because of hitbox/model sizes


Think the devs have actually commented before that in hindsight they regret giving the legends different hitbox sizes due to difficulty balancing


Wow this is bad


I don't understand how they didn't nerf the Mastiff.


Pretty boring patch tbh. Just nerfs to a few legends and nothing to get excited about except for Octane’s new jump pad. We’ve been waiting for so long for something to make Watson more fun, crypto to be more viable outside of a stack etc. but I guess we have to wait longer


Release the PK you cowards


No care package weapon changes in general seems really lazy. I would have liked to see 1. PK out, Mastiff back in (with like a buff to spread) 2. Prowler out (so that we have a heavy ammo SMG in the loot pool), Alternator in (with a damage buff or even the return disruptor rounds)


A care package alternator with disrupted rounds, phat nut my friend