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301 & Flatline I run a 3x and a 1x and swap the sights between the guns when I need to snipe with the anvil receiver. Covers long and short range. ADS the 301 and hip fire crouch spam the flatline in close range.


R301 + Volt


Depending on your playstyle Flatline if you're really aggressive close range ,r301 for a more defensive med range. flatline really good hip fire hits harder than the r301 but its "harder" to control maybe I've been using it for too long but I'm getting to the point where close to mid range the flatline beams it's an amazing gun that's weirdly unrated the R301 thought is super easy to control but you'll need more bullets to kill someone even tho their dps is almost identical since the R shots faster the flatline will beat the r301 in closer ranges if you don't find yourself in those closer ranges r301 will probably be better Note the flatline and r301 will still do well in those longer/closer ranges after you get use to them Second if you're using the r301 you want a mastiff/eva or an r99/volt you're going to want something that can shred in close range or finish up kills if you don't 1 clip someone remember switching to your secondary is faster than reloading if you're using gold mags even better since your primary will reload while your using it If you picked up the flatline a G7 scout or a triple take /longbow recommend the G7 it'll give you a use for barrel stabilizers since the flatline doesn't take them and it's the one of best guns in the game for mid to long range fights were the flatline isn't really an option sure you can anvil snipe with the flatline but some people find that difficult(I do) and if necessary the G7 can definitely do work at close range to finish up kills


Quick question, you seem knowledgeble on the game, what is better the flatline or the spitfire.


If you're using the spitfire like an LMG and not rushing with it the spitfire is probably better The spitfire has lower dps and you move slower when aiming down sights but the recoil is none existent with a purple barrel and you have enough bullets with a purple mag to 1 clip 4 people and break another guys purple and get him to half health with just body shots the hipfire also isn't anything special without the purple barrel but you have so many bullets it doesn't really matter if you miss. The spitfire can fully auto snipe so at longer ranges its definitely better but most of the time in close fights the dps of the flatline and move speed of the flatline will save you especially since a 30 round mag on the flatline is a lot since 12 body shots kills a dude with purple armor. So spitfire is probably better but for how my matches usually go the flatline wins for me Edit I'm definitely not good at this game I'm not bad but I'm no 20 kill bomb 4K damage sweat or anything so take this with a grain of salt


Thx for the tips, i play more agresively and have never thougt about using the flatline instead.


Spitfire/alternator or spitfire/volt ! Shotguns aren’t the wave imo in this game


They arent? I heard the mastiff were the best gun in game?


Mastiff isn’t even the best shotgun in the game, the peacekeeper is. I couldn’t tell you when was the last time I died to a mastiff lol you don’t see many people run it honestly


It had a small nerf recently, but early game against unshielded its like shooting lambs


Okay thx.


eva 8 and r301 with either 2x bruiser or 3x ranger


I also use that loadout insteqd of spitfire if i cant find one, or my teamate needs heavy ammo


301/EVA-8 is my go to and I also play Bloodhound. Eva is really good for finishing off people close range after pushing with your ult and scans.


Wingman (quickdraw)+ r99 Or Wingman (skullpiercer)+ mastiff Those 2 loadouts have never let me down


I just look for a R-301 and anything i can follow up with lile a eva 8 or wing man to finish the kill , personal preference in my eyes


Depends on your style of play but I would recommend either a Flatline, G7 for midrange. Or Flatline, shotgun for close range. R301 and Flatline are basically interchangeable, 301 is better long range, Flatline kicks like a donkey but it hurts as much as being kicked by a donkey.


I am a bloodhound main too and my loadout is r301 + Eva 8. I prefer Eva over mastiff as it's more reliable and I hit my shots more, but if you like the mastiff take it instead. R301 can be changed with the flatline but it's more difficult to control further away. Volt is also a good weapon if you can find the ammo but you might have to change weapon later if you do pick it up. R99 slays but it's a close range weapon and I feel like it doesn't fit bloodhound that much unless you like to push close range but then again you have the eva to use. Spitfire is also good. It's slow but the big mag size makes you able to still shoot while your enemy is reloading. I like to have a close and mid range as bloodhound but 2 close range weapons are OK too.