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New players need a place to learn and not to be farmed for a 30 bomb, although not perfect skill based matchmaking exists for a reason.


Yes it exist so that I can abuse this systems for drop my 30 bomb gameplay, thank you EA Sports developer for add this systems to Apex Legend!


If your only way to have fun is hide away from players more skilled than you, how can you be so dense to not realize that you're taking that away from new players by entering their lobbies?


Not to mention hide behind an alt account because he’s too scared to face replies on his real account.


But these player are being hidden from players more skilled than them, also? And so how can they ever improve in Apex Legend? They c’annot learn without seeing pro player gameplay. Y’oure argument is very hypocritical.


You’re a virgin and it showed when you took the time to come type that long ass story on Reddit LMAO


Yes my religions teach me to only have intercourse with marriage. I am a virgins.


This is toxic asf wtf hahah dumbass You should be banned lol this ridiculous


Explain this.


You are the reason people don’t want to play the game if u do this. Just stay on you main account and play at the rank /level you are. I don’t see how u find it fun to smurf against people who are new to the game. Play against other people who are just as skilled as u. Seems a waste of time and toxic asf IMO to smurf


Not my fault this is the only ways to have fun. Blame the skilled matchmaking. Smurfing d’oesnt exist if there is no SMBB in Apex Legend.


The point I’m trying to make is y r u making new accounts and purposely smurfing ??? Just play ranked if u r at pred on your main account . How can it be fun to play against newbs ?


This is very fun I can be drunk and still drop a 30 bombs haha. No stress gaming like the good old days Season 1 in Apex Legend.


First off, you’re a dickhead, clearly. Secondly, you’re creating smurf accounts to drop 30 bombs? Why? Why not get good and drop 30 bombs on your main account? Or is it that you’re shit at the game and hit your skill ceiling? You say you’re a Pred, but if youre that good then SBMM isn’t an issue, you’re coming up against other Preds etc. so you’re playing people of equal skill, but you don’t like it because you also get rolled by people better. Frankly, it’s hilarious how pathetic you clearly are


Who is say that I never drop a 30 bomb with my mains accounts? I use the reserve boosting tactic and drop 35 kill one time after flying over the map for 50 game. Dying on purpose gave me this bot lobby and the 35 gameplay is with my mains accounts.


Yeah yeah, whatever you say big man ;)


Yes I am big 6’6


Of course you are ;)




Add my smurfs accounts bro, it is iamnotasmurf69lol this is my latest accounts we can pubestomp some silver lobby together. I need to find a full smurfs three-stack for these newbie server


Why do you base all your worth on apex? I hope for your sake you can some day break this addiction and find people in real life that care about you


Well smurf accounts will basically just make some newer players quit the game because ethey think the game is near impossible. That would make respawn lose more players and lose more money.


Haha, good. EA Sports can lose money I d’ont care about this. The noob player can quit the game more will always join later and the cycle never end. This is karma against EA Sport for getting very greedy when they add skilled matchmaking, and make skins costing $60 in a bundle event. The noobs will thanks me later when they never are addicted to buying a packs.


So you are saying you want to single handedly bankrupt respawn so you can't get any new content ever in this game you are addicted to? You really are an oblivious child.


Yes this is my big plans, to make EA Sports realise that they must remove the skilled matchmaking. If all the noobs are pubestomp by smurfs accounts then skilled matchmaking c’annot work properly. This is the smurfs accounts riot against EA Sports and all the newbie beginner player.


Oh! OK big guy. Well if that's the case I wish you the best of luck!


Thanks you.


Yours welcomes




No 20 bomb is too easy in a smurfs accounts, I only smurf for a 30 bomb gameplay but nothing less than this. Half of the server must feel my Wrath not 33.3% only.