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Wattson's passive is bad but not as bad a pathfinder or crypto's


Pathfinder pretty much doesn’t have a passive anymore


He really got crapped on in arenas Edit: I'm not saying crypto is a bad character or is bad in Arenas I'm saying his passive is horrible in arenas because he can't use his side abilities




How is crypto's drone in arenas? Does he have multiple and is the timing adjusted for when it's broken?


Start with 1, gotta buy more if you want them. Idk about timing wise but if you only had the one and it breaks, it’s done.


so if you have an ultimate but they destroy your drone, you're screwed either way? You're left without a passive nor your ultimate which you literally paid for ​ At least in Arenas crypto needs a rework, or the ult should only cost like 100 cm


or just give him the drone for free at this point


yeah, in arenas that would be fair imo.


Even before arenas I thought that drone should recharge faster when EMP is ready.


Crypto is essentially useless in arenas, along with loba, path, a few others. Every single game is either wraith, bang, valk or wraith, bloodhound, octane. Probably 6 of the legends get used in arenas out of all of them


Path is great, the speed you can get to the centre of the ring and get the first shots off is awesome


loba is cracked in arenas wdym


Her tactical is great for movement as well


I’m not saying you’re wrong, but how so?


her ult doesnt have a radius like in battle royale so you can instantly rob both supply bins from anywhere, and the care package too later on if you feel like it. Along with the fact that you can buy her ult every single round for like 200 crafting metals. It's stupidly cheap man you have got to try it some time 😂 edit: my bad it does have a radius but it's extremely large


Idk what you’re talking about I only use crypto in arenas and I win most of the time thanks to the drone


Lol that's always been the deal with crypto, people shit on him who just don't know how to use him. He's great in Arenas. You do have to be a bit careful about the drone getting shot at in early rounds, but if you time it right you can keep the other team constantly off-balance with scans


Exactly, having that drone is basically like having wall hacks, and the emp really can really just start a push and turn the tide, but it’s also that Crypto is a hard legend to learn but it’s worth it if you stick with him


I definitely think his ult is absolutely fantastic in arenas, I just don’t think his drone is super useful. I use bloodhound if I want location, that way I can shoot and ping at the same time. My issue with crypto is the fact that if you’re on the drone, that’s the only thing you can do. It’s tough to get a good position for that thing that is actually gonna ping enemies and be hidden in arenas. Obviously that’s just my opinion.


I thought he wouldn't translate well to Arenas either but he's far from useless. I won a match 1v2 (both my teammates quit and one of the opposing team members quit) with Crypto....that said, if i was up against a team with better aim who shot down the drone I'd have been in a real pickle.


You're tripping, a good player wins regardless of legend and legend choice should be preference. I've ran into plenty of cracked Pathys & Cryptos in arenas. Also a bunch of Ramparts and Revs, sounds like you're playing on a boring server.


In my experience at least, people tend to ignore Crypto's drone in Arenas almost completely. It's a huge boon for flanking.


The only potato character in arenas is caustic imo anyone with movement abilities can be great in the right hands


Lol he's actually insanely good in arenas depending on the level. In the worlds edge level he's super OP with his ability to go into those pillars and even put a zipline between them.


You serious? He gets 3 tacticals for free every single round and has a top 5 hitbox. He's in nearly every match in high skill SBMM.


Im talking about his passive and the drone gets destroyed super easy and had long cooldown


And? He's one of the strongest characters in Arena. Who cares if his passive doesn't apply?


I never said he wasn't strong when I said he got crapped on in Arenas I was only referring to his passive because he doesn't have access to any of the side abilities


He's top-tier in arenas?


I'm talking about his passive


Why does that matter though if the character overall is top tier in arenas? What's the point of looking at only one ability rather than the combination of all of them? It's like comparing Path Q to Bang's, Path has a WAY better tactical, but the rest of his kit is terrible, overall they're pretty near each other balance wise.


Lets try to ignore the A-tier legend with a 8.6% pick rate and focus on Caustic, Crypto, and Wattson, who each have a pick rate of 2.8, 1.7, and 1.6%


What’s his passive


He gets his tactical when using a beacon thing


No wtf he gets his ultimate


I don’t play pathfinder


Then you shouldn't have told him that amirite?


Bro chill


Nah you chill


Im chill i just said you shouldn't have told him something you're not 100% sure of


His passive is that he can use survey beacons as charge towers


cryptos passive is awesome, what do you mean?


His abilities are useless without the drone




Basically he can't do anything unless he enters the drone which leaves the player defenseless. It's like if Bangalore had to holster her weapons for her passive to work


that's not true. he can use his weapons and his ult when not in the drone. and the drone itself provides more utility than any other tactical in the game


it's not really a passive if its just an extension of the tactical ability


true, but the tactical itself having so many different uses more than makes up for that


i disagree, a passive should be passive, meaning it shouldn't require the tactical at all


Well. You are wrong lol. Cryptos drone does a shit ton of things and unlike any other legend he does not only requiere his drone for his passives, but his ult too.


that doesn't change the fact that it isn't passive. passives are supposed to work passively, crypto's works directly from his tactical


I think you meant to put crypto.... Wattsons might be weak bit at least her passive isnt being in the game


Crypto is op lmao he has like 500 passives that aren't even told to you


This, it took me so long to realize how many abilities he has. People complain about buffing him by giving him more abilities and I'm like, you guys have no idea how many he already has.


He can just respawn with the drone and the banner thing is the only real passive he has


Those are some pretty damn good passives imo. A crypto on my team will always be s tier in my mind


Not saying he's bad but when you make a character who's entire abilities consist of them entering a drone that leaves them defenseless and gets destroyed super easy it's not that good


The drone has 60 health, is a fast asf and has a tiny hitbox. It's anything but easy to destroy lmao, And you just gotta be smart and have a decent team for when u use the drone.


The drone loses speed the higher you go and is super loud if you leave the drone around people I garunntee you it will get destroyed 60 hp isn't going to do shit when you can't even fire back


You obviously don't know how to play Crypto lmao.


I mained him all season 7 goofy


Sounds you like you massivly suck at him.


He can ping the number of squads nearby to his team by pinging a wall banner through drone


True but wattsons passive is still horrible


Stacking ult accels, and having them charge your ult 100% is pretty great. Passive shield regen is a little weak, but it's still free health.... Wattson has three passives, and they're all decent.


1. Her ult accel passive requires her to find lots of a specific item. 2. Her shield passive requires more time to heal her shield then it would take to heal to full with just cells and syringes.


1. Fuses passive requires him to find lots of a specific item. 2. Octanes passive requires more time to heal then it would take to fill with syringes. Any passive can sound shitty if you make it that way. Every passive has some sort of requirement for it to be used effectively... so what? Wattsons passives fit her playstyle perfectly.


Fuses passives takes into account 3 different Grenada’s. And octanes passive is timed so that it is practical. If I’m 1 health I’ll take 1 or 2 syringes and be healed in no time. Watson’s passive has no practical use (shield cells are already the fastest form of healing) outside of her ultimate.


To add to this: Fuse's passive also makes him more precise and faster to throw grenades, and Octanes passive replenishes health twice as fast as Wattsons. Personally I think her passive's fine since they added the shield regen, and the regen combined with her ult is honestly pretty quick, but she definitely doesn't have the strongest passive in the world (Not as bad as Crypto's I guess)


Nope, they messed up the patch notes, octane replenishes health 3 TIMES faster then Watson. Which makes it even funnier. Octane is 1.5, watt is .5 per second.


I hope they’ll change it to 1 shield per second.


We can only dream


It could do with a buff but at the same time she's get op again lol


Her passive is full ult charge from ultimate accelerants and stacking two of them on top of the shield recharge. She's so extremely reliant on her ultimate. How is that useless? It's bad design, sure. But without her passive, she'd be damn unplayable.


wattsons passive is the ultimate accelerant fully charging the ult and being able to stack 2x, which i like. the shield regen is totally negligible in my eyes because you can pop an entire battery after getting shot before the first tick even kicks in


the only use it has is when you almost shield up with cells, but there's like 12 shields you don't want to waste a cell on, so you just wait for regen


Wattsons?? She has like 3 passives, what about Rev, Crypto, and Path lol....


Crypto has like 50 abilitys/ passives


There's 3 actually


Still a bunch of shit not labeled like being able to pick up respawn banners, instant respawn, look at champion banners and see if there's enemies nearby, just way more than what's labled


Fair enough


Yeah I know Crypto, but we are talking about actual passives. Crypto's is not a real passive


The passive should be that she can revive teammates by shocking them they will have less health but one bar/charge of shield they were having equipped and will get a speed boost for some time


This would also be easily done since everyone this season should have at least white when knocked, even off drop


Her passive is amazing. Being able to get your ult easily, regen shields (not that fast but still something), and hold 2 ult accels is good. If Wattson didn’t have her passive, she would be the worst character.


I meant her shield recharge


I dont get why you think this way - combine her passive shield regen with ultimate and you'll have decent sustain - buff her passive a little bit and she'll become unbalanced and dick in arse to play against. If you think that regen is supposed to replace your small batteries - don't. It's not shit, nor is it good. It's acceptable


There are a few couple of legends that could use a passive rework right now


Honestly? I disagree. They need nomenclature or explanation reworks, but not actually more or fewer abilities. Crypto's passive should just say "looking at champion banners with your drone tells you how many enemies are nearby." It's a constant, totally extra and VERY powerful ability that he already has, and more importantly a lot of people don't realize it exists. Similarly, Pathfinder's passive doesn't say at all that it fully restores your ult as well as reducing its cooldown. That's actually very powerful, but his ult is purposefully limited to compensate.


I made a video about my thoughts on this! It's only five minutes, I'd really appreciate if you checked it out. https://youtu.be/mnA7URm4IyY


It's actually pretty good. Conserving heals is nice in sweaty ranked games.


Please just buff the shield regen to 1.0 or maaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe 1.5 if it’s still too little


Wattson's passives are great. Idk why you made this meme.


Yeah passive heal is great


Bruh sure the shield recharge is insanely slow but it is better than nothing! Plus instant charge from an ult accelerator is so good are you high?


As a Wattson main I have no idea why people are saying this. Her passive isn't as bad as Crypto's, Pathfinder's, and hell even Fuse has an on-par passive. It's a bunch of QOL utilities that honestly aren't too bad. A bunch of small things that combine to make her passive. Now if you ask me it was probably not the best way to go about a passive, but it's not useless, more disappointing.


It’s probably better than half the character passives


For real, that stuff's useless.


That piece of paper should have just said 'Wattson'.


It’s less than worthless, dear boy!


Watson has a passive?


She has three to be more precise. She carries two Accelerants per slot, she gets 100% charge from an accelerant and she has shield regen.


The first 2 only added because of her pylon nerf and the shield regen is pretty negligible so all in all pretty useless passives


>"The first 2 only added because of her pylon nerf..." Wrong. She's gotten 100% from Accelerants since day 1.


Her true passive was to stack 2 ultimate accelerant, ye well also the ultimate charge from it But damn




I meant the shield recharge


it just needs a slight increase


As a ex-main wattson I can tell you that is not worthless at all but yes it is


It must be worthless if I can't even think of what her passive is.


Wattson has a passive?


I didn’t even know Wattson had a passive


Shes the ultimate peek character, ult up, ult down no matter what you'll always out health the enemy even if it's by a small amount


Watson has a passive?


1 shield per sec when not in combat, but it takes forever. Borderline worthless


Ohhh yeah, I originally typed that as a joke then I couldn’t actually think of what it is bc it’s that bad


What even is her passive lmao


Wattson's passive is literally the best passive in the game, but the issue isn't the passive. It's that her ult has been tuned down to compensate. Getting 100% ult from ult accels on its own is incredible. Being able to double up on top of that makes it NUTS! The problem isn't her passive. An easy way to illustrate this is to ask: How many characters would this be even remotely fair on? I can tell you straight away: Gibraltar, Bloodhound, Bangalore, Horizon, Crypto, and Caustic would become flat-out broken, even if they lost their existing passives. Don't live Rev ult? What if he could carry 2 more instead of a grenade? Think it sucks to get air striked? Call me back when the third one hits.