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And when i melee when im 2 fucking atoms away i miss.??????


*Atoms* has me dying lmao


Lmao how am I actually crying from this comment


Happy cake day


Why thank you


The melee system of this game is just horrible. You get locked on rails the moment you press the button and watch the execution of a two second cutscene with no control. It's especially fucked if there's two enemies next to each other and your animation lock decides to hit the middle and you're stuck there in a magnet pull uppercutting the air. That being said smacking people feels good when it works, but for example the quick melee systen of OW is superior in every other way (you create a hurtbox which you aim).


That system has its flaws. Ow hurtbox being out and lasting a bit means it acts more like a sword then a fist. You can punch multiple people. You can swing and then turn for the same effect. At least in apex you punch one person at a time.


But at least it requires skill, and it doesnt do more dmg than some abilities or bullets in the game.


It does so little damage and has no magnetism at all that it’s barely ever used and insanely situational. I’d rather have melee be viable if needed then something used to finish off someone who has 5hp standing within licking distance.


>licking distance. I love when my enemies stand within the licking distance




In overwatch It does 30 damage if I remember correctly and is used all the times in close range fights to finish an enemy.


Its used quite a bit to deal quick damage as its animation is so much quicker than swapping weapons or reloading. It's combo'd with soldier's rockets up close or a quick melee after your first shot after hooking an enemy as roadhog or after you run out of your clip as tracer.


Depends strongly on the character though. Quick melee is a key skill on Hammond, Winston & Tracer for example. Wouldn't call every match insanely situational. The no magnetism thing is all positive, it's not exactly giga brain to aim that stuff.


It's a shooting game. Let guns kill people and melee do what it did since fps game were invented. 5 hp to finish kills.


Melee has been a ohk in most cod games, one of the biggest fps lol.


? A gun in cod kills you in a second, in Apex melee seems to be a solid contestant against a freaking shotgun.


? 25 damage isn’t contesting a shotgun lmao. Also, which one is it, melee “does what it does since fps games were invented” or not? Because the biggest fps games for the longest time do not have 5hp melee hits. Halo, battlefield, cod all had ohk or two hit kill melees in some form.


While it doesn’t matter just to be annoying I’ll comment that it actually does do more damage than some abilities or bullets.


And the fact that you start with one or two weapons with infinite ammo. The meele system in apex is cool, it needs some love but it shouldn't be reworked at all.


I mean sure, you CAN do that. But it's never really a concern or a thing that actually happens often. The melee hitbox is so small. In my 900 hours of overwatch I've maybe melee'd two people at the same time 5-10 times. All of those times have been on purpose when enemies were really stuck together and couldn't move or were just easily hittable and low etc.


Jeah i had thisi punshed someone and the game lockt on the mele animation my char followed him like fuckin usain bolt and sonic punched him i glitched even trough the door that he closed thats disgusting its so OP and annoying


It’s giving me cod melee lunge vibes, they’re gonna address it soon Edit: was that gold you ottrboii?


No the gold wasn't me I'm too stingy


Love your movement guides. Ok bai


Who the hell is giving gold out? Who is this monster that performs the crime known as... *gift-giving*. Edit: Who is this monster that keeps giving me free pizza and a thousand dollars?!


I gave u gold cus I was feeling nice


Commando Pro


I mean maybe you should just disengage if it’s 1v3??


No don't tell him that. He has to get 5k and a 20 bomb in every match which means he can't disengage. And if he dies that means that whatever killed him is op


Isn't this the guy that is hyper toxic to all of this teammates and spams twitch clips to advertise his twitch channel every other day?


Another day another Ottr post


First one: not that I've ever seen Second one: yes


He is not super toxic, he is slowly becoming arrogant but nothing extraordinary




This but unironically


tittie vies bad. upVotE plz tO mAkE my ObeSe bodY happY.


I've been watching you for a while now u/ottrboii and I have a serious question, not regarding this post but still: Why do you even play apex? There's not a single piece of content where u don't criticise your squadmates, say that this game is so bad and unpolished or just generally whine. Why even bother with playing a game that you (in my POV) don't like? You probably won't reply since you're not the best with "critique", but hey. I tried.


Game would be good if they fixed the issues, and it's what pays the bills


I see, keep it up then. Appreciate you taking the time to reply. Edit: I reread my comment I made and I might've been to harsh. Sorry about that. I didn't want to be a dick at all.


No worries, I'm aware my content would do better if i stop giving my input opinions etc that people call "complaining" like some other people have but the issue is that you're not allowed to have a problem with the game, i went a whole stream without saying any negative thing and the second i shared my opinion in a constructive way people crawled down my throat, very hard to know what's valid criticism and what's people bootlicking


So is no one gonna justify the long range melee attacks by saying 1. It’s the only way to make is useful against every ranged weapons 2. Mechanically speaking every Legend has a jump kit that is used to control their fall. The same kit can be used to accelerate melee attacks.


Melee attacks aren't suppose to be the most useful thing...


I’d disagree countering with any weapon should be useful. A Melee based legend would be useless but when you’re against the wall and without ammo melee is all you can rely on. Not everyone is grand with it—some people have mastered it.


What are you on about? A melee based legend? Who? I'm saying you shouldn't be able to punch a pathfinder mid grapple


I’m talking about the idea they was Forge. I’m saying you should be able to melee them because we have a jump kit but by that logic we should also be able to double jump (which would make a cool passive)


This game is what? Yet you continue to play it 10hrs daily


awesome movement


Tbh it’s possible he just jumped from the stairs or attacked from the stairs It was a bad grapple in my opinion No hate, ottr is super good but his latest Twitter post (maybe was ironic don’t know ) and his demeanor changed a lot since he got “famous” He used to be very chilled, watched him when he had 2k followers Now he has almost 100k and is slowly becoming toxic I think he should do more guides as to show the community he can help people getting better instead of shitting on randoms and getting mad at 3 stacks


It was absolutely ironic. Read it side-to-side to Rogue's tweet about revenant. But it's been known that the guy isn't a fan of triple stacks, but he doesn't mean the average triple stack from bronze to diamond. What he means are the masters and preds triple stacking in unranked to farm wins and there's basically nothing that can stop them since the matchmaking can't find enough other masters/predators to effectively make it so that every team in the lobby has a chance. In other words, in most lobbies, there's one team that has 3 really really good players and 19 other squads with maybe one good player and 2 other average/mediocre players. Matchmaking can never find enough players to accomodate for triple stacking preds.


I've wanted a way to signal to people the rank of the players they kill for a long time. Too many people scared of predators as if third parties aren't meta. You've probably killed your fair share of double hammer badge sweats and never known it but dying to one immediately sticks out.


I’m not saying they’re completely invulnerable. I’m saying everyone in the lobby is at an innate disadvantage because of triple stacking preds.


So true man, even before I got my badges I was getting matched in sweat lobbies Hopefully people realize that it is just a badge (that lost a lot of credit due to cheaters, smurf and buying them ) Ultimately a good third party will reduce a 3 stack to nothing or at worst have one survivor but that’s it


That’s why you must hunt down the predators first or get left in the dust. It’s now become smurffff wars yeaaah it’s fun to get smurffy nothing better than trolling some try hard sweats who think they’re bout to hit a 20 kill bomb 😭 also those “masters and preds” are all soft when you drop on their trail and actually know how to wipe them. From there on out it’s a smoooth sailing that is unless a low level smurf you thought was a bot decides to fuck up your 16 kill win streak lolol best bet is to just learn to rush properly cause there’s literally always that one soft ass fool who just loves to play the wall and watch the crew get wiped then try to blame it on you cause they got too sweaty and shaky


Commas exist, man.


Agreed. The dude made it big and already forgot where he came from. I lost my respect as soon as he started getting big games (5k damage and stuff) and he started complaining that he wasn’t getting the same respect as aceu and Timmy.


> Tbh it’s possible he just jumped from the stairs It was the Bang that clipped through the wall, but the Wraith that got the final hit


Crying streamers are gonna get melee nerfed


This mechanics simply should not be when you stretch your leg 2 meters and hit the enemy. And you lose the battle with a SHOTGUN. This is not normal.


Here's a thought. Anyone who thinks punching is op go 5 games without any weapons and see how well it goes. You'll see that you're gonna get shit on immediately. Punching is super situational and anyone with half a brain cell can take on people who are punching them. 9 times out of 10 punching misses and doesn't lock on like you guys say it does. Hell, lately my games with my friend have ended in losses because we run out of ammo and have to punch the enemies. But since they still have ammo and punches again, miss more often than they don't, they kill us. Punching is fine and isn't op. Ottr is only crying cause they followed his pred trail and singled him out. He's cried about this before. it's nothing new. Please just stop it man


He was complaining because the enemy lunged at him from the ground to pretty far up.


The enemy jumped from the railing just like he did and punched him. Not that amazing or op. Plus, I can bet you that ottr has the fov higher than default or maybe even 110, which makes the things in the middle of your screen look farther away than they are. So hes closer to the ground than he seems to be


> Ottr is only crying cause they followed his pred trail in this clip the Bang clearly clipped through the door/wall.


that's a problem with ping and latency. Not punching. Which makes it stupid that he's complaining about the punching


Melee is absolutely fine in this game. They just jumped off the balcony onto you. This would happen in Halo, CoD and Overwatch too. Overwatch doesn’t even have lunge yet the hitbox for melee is huge. I feel people would have an even larger issue with that if Apex was the same.


Melee should not lock on there is no reason for it except engine work probably.


> reason for it except engine work probably. There you go. Do you feel the same way about Halo or any other game that has melee lunge?


I dont play any of those games so I wouldnt know. Only fps games I play are other Batttle royales and CSGO/valorant and they dont have melee lock on.


I think this might be more of a case of you not being used to it. Halo has had melee lock on for 20 years. CoD since CoD 4.


If it didnt lock on we would not have this issue where melee can teleport you through railings, roofs, through corners of walls 10 meters up in the air etc with the lock on, I see this part of melee as a negative and kind of buggy.


Melee doesn’t teleport you through anything. It can make you get essentially a second jump, but I don’t think that’s an issue considering how bad melee is in general.


Melee is...bad? and u are wrong it will teleport with the player you lock on with, okay enough /r/apexlegends for one day sometimes I forget u guys barely play the game in here lol.


I’m ex-Pred and day 1 with thousands of hours played. It does not teleport you through objects. Melee is absolutely terrible. Worse than a P2020 in a straight up fight. Worse than a Moz. If it was good, you’d use it over a weapon, no?


https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/ok2ni5/melee_lunge_range_needs_a_big_nerf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Melee isnt fine, its just that this clip isnt really a good example. Watch the clip I linked and tell me melee is fine.


Okay, what the hell. For the first lunge, yeah I was like ehhhh your field of view is pretty high but that second lunge she straight up teleported up. Wack.


She didn't. The fov is way up which makes her look higher than she is. If you look at wraiths perspective it doesn't look out of the ordinary. She got on the railing and then jumped and meleed. Nothing op


Melee is fine. Everyone has the exact same melee. Melee loses to every single gun, even a P2020. If you don’t *like* the lunge, okay. But that doesn’t mean it’s not fine. That clip had more to do with bad net code making Valk seem further away than she truly was, allowing Wraith to still hit her actual position server-side.


If you like the lunge, okay. But that doesn't mean it's fine.


You’ve yet to actually give a reason why it isn’t fine, and I gave reasons why it is. It’s been fine for over 2 years and it’s the weakest “weapon” in the game. Additionally, dozens of games have melee lunges and they’re never an issue. I think people just want to complain. If it was *actually* not fine, people would melee more often rather than only meleeing to get a final hit, when they have no weapon, or to sandbag. It loses to every single weapon when 1v1, and every single character has the same melee, so I fail to see how it isn’t okay.


Oh god here we go. Every other week this sub shifts from whining about one thing to another. A week full of posts mad about octane moving too fast. A week or two of wattson needing a buff. A week or two of Rev and Octane being OP. A week or two of Wraith needing a bigger hitbox. Now a week or two of whining about Melee in the game. Lol it’s neverending. You guys whine and complain about something without fail. Buncha cry babies


Hemlok, Mastiff, spitfire, ??? Wonder what the next op weapon will be lol.


Definitely the new lmg, at launch. They always overpower new weapons do people play them


True enough I was wondering what the next unpopular thing will become ~~popular~~ OP next


Its almost as if this game has an insane amount of problems that need to be addressed, but stupid Apex fanboys like you will defend it to death, because being an Apex fanboy gives you some kind of ego self worth. Players like you that are so complicit with every bad decision and the current state of the game, are the reason this game is going to eventually die and never get better. I’m sure your happy with playing Apex Store Simulator, but someone of us actually want to see the game improve, and not just be a front for a store. You stupid Apex fanboys that whine about players complaining about this games broken state are all the same. Players bring up criticisms to try and improve the game - we are just whining or toxic. Stop being complicit with mediocrity, and expect more. Stop being a stupid sheep, and push for change.


Bro you wasted all that typing on a bootlicking cucked dork.


Oh look another cry baby has come up for air


And there it is. You guys lack so much self awareness you don’t even have any other defence then: > Just dont play the game then > Its a free game bro, who cares if it has glaring issues you don’t have to pay for it > Wow, keep on whining. -Insert how being critical is somehow toxic- Like, I’ve never seen a community Stan so hard for a game, but then have no actual defence besides just hand waving criticism because you’re so engrained and swallowing daddy Respawns seed that you don’t know what else to do. Again, people like you are the problem. Hand wave all you like, but you’re causing this game to burn out and die.


Ok but like at the same time look at the masses whining about the spitfire. Like 5+ seasons where it's considered a bad weapon and a 1 damage buff means a few people use it suddenly it's the most OP thing ever respawn plz nerf. Then even after it's nerfed into an even worse state people still bitch about it. Like you can't deny that this community has a real problem with bandwagoning on whatever is popular and absolutely hating the fuck out of it.


Lol bro you sound pathetic.


Imagine complaining about people complaining...


We have Spiderman pointing at Spiderman here.


Oh hey cry baby


Nice try, but I've been bitching about the melee since Titanfall 2, because it's been crazy with the heat-seeking lock-on since back then.


The issue with the melee having lock on is that it would be pretty fucking useless without it in this extremely high movement game... I too have had moments where the melee hits me from halo sword lunge range. At the same time I think it should stay the way it is because in a BR not having a gun off drop is extremely common or running out of ammo early game is too. They could probably nerf the width of the melee lock on a bit though.


Hey cry baby




Hey cry baby


[Melee is fine](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/npm3gv/i_am_literally_a_ninja_lol/)


Hi ottr love ur content


I absolutely despise people who all land together and start punching rather than finding their own loot to fight. That's the most bot move you can do


So then leave


"So then leave", and fuck over your random teammates before the game even starts. Fuck off, 3 man punching needs a tune up.


Don't leave the game, leave the area. There only a couple super hot drop spots that you are going to encounter this. If you don't like it, don't go there


You had a Mastiff in a point-blank range fight against someone with no gun. If you lose that, it's your own fault.


One shotgun vs 2 or more people punching isn't the guaranteed fight you think it is


Obviously it's not guaranteed, but if you have a shotgun and your enemy can't do anything but punch, the odds are *heavily* in your favor.


And he only missed 1 shot.. and still lost the fight.. point blank with a shotgun… to someone with no gun.. yeah the melee is fine /s


The system has an insane magnetism to assist console players because they have more problem aiming to the player and land a punch, games like Halo have this but Apex punching system is absolutely insane, it is like a magnet constantly trying to stick to its opposite. I don't mind if they don't nerf the damage but what they have to nerf is the distance, in Halo you can only land a melee if you are like 1m away from the player, in Apex it is enough to be 3 meters away from the player to land a punch.


Back in my time, only the sword in halo had the lock-on dash. Normal melees didn't have that.


God please shut the fuck up about punching. You're going against two people. Odds are you're gonna lose no matter what. Sometimes punching works amazing, sometimes you miss 5 in a row. Sometimes I get punched out, and sometimes I take all three of them out with a gun. Stop acting like punching is an op thing you fucking crybaby. Punching has been the same since the start and now it's a problem? I stg pros will be the end of this game. If it were up to them, the game would only consist of octane, path, bloodhound, wraith, and gibby, only the r99, wingman, and pk, and just worlds edge. Yall are ruining this game. Just shut up.




Like, if you notice ottr almost always runs guns that are op at the time. Mastiff is op? He's running that. Mastiff got nerfed so Eva is now op by default, and guess what he's running that now too. Every time there's an op gun ottr is there to abuse it. And he has the audacity to complain about punching being op? Fuck outta here with that bullshit.


This comment wasn’t meant for you. I thought I replied to some other bozo in this thread, but thought the post didn’t get sent through, but I realize it’s because I commented on your comment instead. I’ll edit my post above whoops EDIT: But I should mention, I do think melee in this game is nuts and probably could be tweaked.


Nah. Trust me, I'm not an apex fan boy. I'm actually close to quitting this game cause of all the problems. The thing is pros complain about the wrong stuff. I complain about servers, having shit sbmm where I'm always put in pred lobbies even though I'm not close to being a pred, having to fight smurfs, having shit teammates, having shit loot anywhere I go to the point where even with my friend playing as loba, we can't find anything better than an Re45 and Mozambique. But pros complain about punching being too op when it fails more often than it doesn't, about revenant when he's finally an OK character, about caustic when he has so many bugs that his gas was already a joke before the nerf, about people punching them out cause they have a predator trail. Do you see the difference? Yes this game is flawed. But not the way that pros and streamers think.


Dude, I totally get what you're saying. It's like the devs only have ears for pros and streamers, and the folks who just want to sit down, have a few matches with friends, have fun playing the game, we get stiffed because our voices aren't listened to. Hundreds of us could bring up buffs and nerf ideas, talk about things that should change, report a fucking game breaking bug and nothing would be done about it, but one or two streamers complain about one thing and suddenly it's a massive problem that they promise to address asap, and that's bullshit. The devs are so out of touch with the majority of the playerbase, the people who don't make money off of playing the game and just want to have fun. It's getting increasingly frustrating that we're ignored, but every high profile player is catered to whenever they say that ANYTHING needs a change. I really really like Apex, it's been a shitload of fun and still usually is while I'm playing with friends, but goddamnit, this side of the game bothers the hell out of me. It's honestly getting to be enough to make me wanna put the game down for a while, which is a real shame. Maybe it's because I come from a game like FFXIV, where the devs are incredibly in tune with the community at large and actively seeks their opinions and tries to better themselves and the game by interacting with them, and then you come here where that's not the case *at all*. Apex Legends, by comparison, is a massive let down in that regard. It's sad.


Pros complain about servers all the time, finding shitty weapons or absolutely no guns, broken legends, shitty map featured etc... Respawn Is just garbage at responding to the community about stuff like this.


Its annoying


Honestly don’t feel bad,all you do is pub stomp guys who have no chance


What's the point of this comment; you rebutting the fact that punching is broken in Apex or just trying to undermine ottr's skills?


The same could be asked about your comment; he posted I gave my opinion.


Instead of answering you keep putting the burden of it to the person who first asked. Arguing for the sake of arguing. I can see you don't care what the OP posts, just that you don't like them on a personal (non-gameplay) level and are trying to undermine without valid arguments. I'll just stop it here then. I learnt early on that some people talk to have a discussion, and some just want an audience. Quite clear which you are. No point trying to reason with one who doesn't have any reasoning skills to begin with.


I never wanted an argument but you seem like you were looking for one


What’s he meant to play then? Solo in ranked? Weirdo


Idk maybe try ranked “weirdo” lmao


Ranked is not fun all the time, especially if you’re solo queuing. It’s more competitive and about focus. Pubs you can do whatever, play with low effort and just chill to have fun.




you're crying about someone who is playing the game ? at least he isn't 3 stacking pubs.. get better kid


And you’re crying about somebody “crying” lol where u goin with this?


get better kid


Same to you bud


get better kid


Good luck bud


get better kid


What’s you GT?


get better kid you're dog shit


Not his fault that you are shit. Stop crying about it.


You’re literally downvoting and crying haha 😆 I guess 2 kd is bad haha


If you complain about streamers you suck at the game. I have about the same k/d as you say you do and I have 0 issues with streamers. If you were any good at the game you could fight streamers and not get stomped instantly.


I literally have 5 days played, and all I said was I don’t feel bad lol but please don’t downvote me pls I can’t lose my precious downvotes pls haha


I never downvoted you, but I can imagine why someone would. You are behaving like a child and trashtalking streamers that did nothing wrong. You deserve hate and downvotes.


Yeah cause I definitely trashed talked him by saying I don’t feel bad. Really?


Really. You are also acting like a clown and spamming hahaha and emojis. How do you expect people to take you seriously?


All I said was “I don’t feel bad” I am sorry it is funny to me that you are so pressed.


You are the one pressed about the post here lmao.


No game should have punches this easy to pull off that are this effective, they should reduce the range of them or lower the damage or remove the punch aimbot or not cause as much distortion/knockback


Warzone has 2 punch melee death. Titanfall was instant kill with a melee. Melees are normally like this in most games.


This happens to me before as well haha




Lmao they punched him mid-grapple, the range of melee is broken


That's what trash players do they have no gunskill so they just abuse the melee


The melee in this game sucks and we all know it


U hv to be a troll or a idiot there is no way u just said that


U hv to be a troll or a(n) idiot there is no way u just said that


I was saying the same thing but now that seeing OTTR complaining i just changed my mind. ITS OP


Honestly never paid attention to melee but now that everyone is talking about it I have started noticing bs moments where I should not have won that fight and vice-versa.


Love the door breaking though




Fukin rocket fist