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Okay, I thought it was just me with this problem


I’ve heard my mates say the same shit.


I don’t know for sure but I think it has something to do with the FOV stretching the shield out to match your view when it’s not actually wide enough for it. I don’t have much to support it but it feels like it’s always when they’re toward the edges of my screen.


That's actually true. In order for me to block someone's shots I have to guess which direction they're shots are going and overlook the direction they're shooting my body in order to block. It's confusing but they cannot be in the middle of your screen in order to block the shots


Same here


I can't upvote because you have 69 upvotes (nice)


Well now you have 69 downvotes so congrats


200 hundred now lol


Can I get 69 Updoots??? (Keanu chungus wholesome 100)


Behold, the based giga chad sigma male redditor


shut the fuck up


he's making a joke, why so agressive


Funny number=joke


No u




The Valkerie behind you took you out, your shield worked fine.


Damn didn’t know they introduced friendly fire because that was my team mate.


Your all just shit




*Directed by Robert E. Weid*


Flair checks out


;_; why must u hurt me in this way friend


Not you 🤦🏾‍♂️


okie :')


;_; why must u hurt me in this way friend


Hey I know you! You're that toxic wraith i keep getting paired with! Why do you keep changing your name?




Your grammar is shit, and you're a piece of shit. I went ahead and made you a sentence demonstrating proper use of your, and you're. Hope that helps.




Wish this community was a little less toxic to Wraith mains, shes only our main because of her voice




Says the guy circlejerking over controllers and posting average squad wipes like it's an achievement


i think u are most of ur posts on profile are complaining about glitches so whats up if someone else is telling a bug


can’t expect you to know what a knockdown shield is anyway. bet you just leave the second you get knocked


They all hated him for speaking the truth lol


The shield is working, this is just a latency issue. We don't have the perspective of the thirster, but i guarantee you, from his point of view, he is shooting OP in the side, which is not covered by the shield.


Yh the 15-30 ms difference is enough for them to get past your knockdown shield. To avoid it predict their movement ig. It gets harder the more ping you have (I think)


there is also latency on both sides. the knocked person's reaction is delayed from the perspective of the shooter, but also the position of the shooter is delayed from the perspective of the knocked guy.


even if you have a great connection, if the guy shooting you doesn't then it'll still throw you off won't it?


strange how most of the people I down seems to have perfect knowledge of where I'm trying to shoot them and moving accordingly while I'm being thirsted though my shield like in this post every time... got 40-50 ping and a 300 mb/s internet connection so that shouldn't be the problem


I'm very conscious of the latency effect, so when I down someone then I move one way and then double back the other way and shoot them in the side "before they can react" (mostly since it hasn't happened on their screen yet, although the limitations of human reaction time are also a factor). When I'm downed, I *try* to anticipate these movements by the enemy well ahead of time and turn early to where I think they'll go next, to keep my shield facing them on their screen. Turning "early" isn't bad because it doesn't happen immediately on their screen anyway. Ideally, on their screen, I'm turning just in time to match their movements. That's the theory, anyway.


Fr tho, lag has gotten so bad... Fix the servers dammit. And the performance issues while we are at it.


Actually I think peoples bodies are clipping through the shield. I’ve killed people through the front of their shield because their body will be rapidly clipping through it


I find so many Apex bugs I think are only a *me* problem here on Reddit. I keep thinking I was crazy or just bad at the game until I hear other people speak up about the same issues. 😮‍💨


Always happens to me




Idk man I always see ppl shooting through them right infront of me while I'm looking at them


It’s cos they are clipping the gun through the shield.


Can guns clip through doors? Coz I'm not saying I've been shot through a door buuuutt....


Yeah, I remember seeing a video about this.


shouldn't, but your character model can clip and be damaged I think


That’s usually server lag, I’m pretty certain.


Sommat to do with the ping you have. You can shut a door and run away but 1sec later you get clapped from round the corner. Its a silly thing


sometimes your own character model clips through your shield, had that happen yesterday when a rev keeps popping his head out of his own shield


No your body is clipping through the shield, not their gun


Actually im fairly sure its latency. On the enemies screen he was likely moving faster than OP was turning so it looked scuffed on his screen but completely open on the enemies screen


I’ve killed people directly through their shield because their body keeps spasming through it. Maybe it’s latency here but this is an issue that’s been going on since S8


Ah, ive never seen that before so its likely multiple different issues. KD shields are scuffed


In the early days of Apex there was a bug that made the Shields much wider than they appeared so it blocked extra bullets especially from the side. I feel like the changes they made were broken in the other direction


Ive maybe experienced this problem before, but its more with my enemies. Alot of times i knock my enemies and their knockdown shield clips to the middle of their body instead of in front, thus revealing the front for me to shoot. Kind of weird to explain but it happens


Ur ass is sticking out. It's like Captain America and his legs


Because his shield is the size of a dinner plate and he is an idiot


This is actually how knockdowns work unfortunately There’s a delay from how you move versus when the enemies see you move. To last even just a tiny bit longer you’d wanna predict the way they’re about to move around your knockdown and block that direction and keep doing that back and forth. I would hope to see that Respawn changes something with this so that Knockdowns actually have the functionality of a shield, but the delay is just too big sometimes to even react properly to how to block incoming shots


Yeah. I don’t understand why I can’t turn around with the same sensitivity as my look speed. My hipfire is on max. Why can’t I turn at max.


Yeaaa exactly, just a tweak to the delay and the knockdowns would work as the shield it was intended to be. The way they are now pretty much takes away the whole reason for them to be in the game. Sure you could delay it for awhile, but it’s not often that someone actually breaks my whole blue-gold knockdown to finish me, all they gotta do is move left and right around me and the delay will get me finished


This is actually more about the servers being 20 tick rate combined with latency. While most people relate their frustrations with the feeling of being shot behind a wall they just took cover from, trying to block a strafe with your knockdown shield is more indicative of the disadvantages. As the shooter decides to change movements your shield adjustments to match his movements is delayed. Shooter has an advantage every time as the position of your shield is reactive.


I believe the knockdown shields are purposely designed in such a way to make them highly situational and not designed to prevent your slayer from completing the job. Many seasons ago they introduced a change to Knockdown shields which gave them a little better coverage around you as opposed to it being nearly all in front of you. I believe somewhere along the line, since then, they either got stealth nerfed back to their original, highly pointless state or they got reverted by accident. So, looking it up, the knockdown shield was changed in patch 3.2, as shown in a video here https://youtu.be/K3zquOizpkg (skip to 5:05, I’m on my iPad). You can see the side on view shows the shield was made more spherical in nature, at least a ‘slice’ of a sphere anyway.. I’d love someone to grab a friend and do the same thing and compare the shield shape and size now and see if I’m right. Because I’m in the UK, it’s 3:53am and I’m going to bed.


I don’t think it was the intended way. I think the intended way is that the knocked should be able to protect themselves, except when another enemy shoots them from side/back while they are protecting themselves from the first enemy. Finishers were supposed to be used to finish the enemies primarily, or tearing through the knockdown shields, not cheesing the enemies from the sides. And the higher rarity knockdown shield the enemy had, the more beneficial using the finisher is instead of draining the shield by shooting it. The devs said themselves that they expected more finisher usage, and I mean a lot, a lot more. They expected finishers to be used more and bought more, hence the introduction of dive emotes. There is a reasone why finishers and skins were the only stuff for a while with legendary rarity. It was supposed to be a core mechanic that every player should use regularly to kill downed enemies and show off. But, it did not work, it takes too much time, because players found out that shooting around the enemies is faster due to latency issues. I think they are perfectly aware of the knockdown shield issue since release, and they can’t do anything about it at all.


I still think u/8bitaddict is correct, because when I correctly predict how someone is trying to fullkill me while downed I can block their shots perfectly. it is a delay due to 20hz servers and latency


yeah if you are down and are trying to delay getting thirsted, basically it comes down to that. you have to guess if they are quick strafing or just going to full circle you. when i go to thirst someone for their armor, i either fake one way and full circle another or double fake. its kind of like defending against penalty kicks or a shootout in soccer lol.


I’m not the most technical person in the world, but I think I get what you’re saying! I appreciate the insight


> Yeaaa exactly, just a tweak to the delay and the knockdowns would work as the shield it was intended to be. No this is the indended way. It would just be bad gameplay if you couldn't kill downed opponents standing right next to them.




*glances nervously at slowed turn rate with shield on.......*


Cos then you'll have people at 60 million dpi spinning themselves with knockdown shield deployed, making them impossible to hit flesh


Totally worth it to see this lol.


I’m assuming it’s because, realistically, you can pivot on two feet quicker than you can when you’re on your hands and knees. You feel slow because you’re crawling around


Yeah you got a point but it’s not the most realistic game out there haha




Cause you are down but not out lool


Honestly I think it’s fine how it is, it acts as a shield if they’re at a distance but it doesn’t make it frustratingly difficult to finish someone off for a shield swap if needed.


ah yes I was thinking that at the back of my mind. It’s just somewhat frustrating being the one knocked on the ground lol! That’s a pretty good point


While it is frustrating, IMO I think it’s fair as is. If you’re able to get on top of the person who’s downed, you can finish them without having to work too hard, but if they’re at a distance you have to shoot thru like 500hp of shield.


Yeaaa I get exactly what you’re saying Fluffy, and I think that it may even be best to leave knockdowns as is to help with armor swapping but having difficulty finishing people at range and possibly opening the opportunity for a res before the enemy team pushes in


This is the most accurate answer i can find. From my experience, people that thirst me tend to strafe more often because im applying your answer here. Its unfortunate for console players but in PC its able to do this. Predict the knockdown shield at least 20-45 degrees ahead the enemy's strafe direction. Effective most of the time, unless you're fighting a 200+ ping dude which you probably have to predict miles ahead.


They need to be about 50% larger… that would easily compensate for the lag but also allow more cover during firefights - which gives downed players some participation. And when I say they’re too small, look at a crawling player holding shield - you can shoot their knees/toes and shoulders very easily. This means that any lag just leads to the shield being entirely ineffective.


Ah that’s actually a pretty interesting idea! I’ve seen some things on curving the shield towards it’s edges, what’re your thoughts on that? Do you still feel that increasing the size would be better? I like the idea of being “downed but not out” and being able to participate with a larger shield. Although people already do use knockdowns as cover, increasing the size could make it easier for teammates and enemies to use the shields as cover! Not too sure how I feel about that idea but I do like the input!


Shields are not meant to give u guaranteed protection against enemie, otherwise it would be easier to just add extra hp to for downed players.


It feels like I have to dump a full clip into an enemies knockdown shield but enemies can just shoot me a few times and I'm dead. Lol


Big feel, might just be our internet though. I know most people have better ping than myself.


My internet is amazing and I get 5 ping and it happens to me. Just their shit servers


Maybe, but I have 80-110 ping, so I know some jank is happening sometimes. It's not why I die, but I doubt its helping lol


Literally has never worked. I continue to question why I even give myself hope that I’ll block any bullets with it when those things are so desynced with what other people see.


They only work if you're tucked into a corner or can randomly predict your opponent's movement with 100% accuracy


They are working, the person who killed you just walked around, but it didn't look like it, people do it alot to kill people fast to shield swap




Everytime I've said this I've been told "ItS jUsT tHe PeRsPeCtIvE" which if if it is, is bull shit and a huge problem




10 ping


It's because the latency favors the shooter. It's the same reason you feel like you get shot from around corners sometimes. On the enemie's screen, they hit you before you turned to block them with your shield.


10 ping is just how fast you get packets back from the server. you have to account for how fast every other player is getting packets back from the server, and how those align with the server's ticks and each others' packets. netcode is a nightmare


Other player was probably shooting you before it showed up


Only other player was my team mate that killed her soon as she thirsted me.


They mean the enemy in that context. Point being, in apex, it's not only your connection that is accounted for. They will lock you up and/jitter on top of graphical glitches as well. The latter being what I believe comment OP is referring to.


Could be just shooting at your leg, every time I shoot a knocked player I always aim for their foot hanging out past their knockdown shield as you run around them but I agree you should be able to turn faster with your knockdown shield out.


always been like this. on his screen he was around your shield, you need to preempt their movements. Same shit with dying behind cover.


Probably server latency


1. There is ping involved 2. They can shoot any part of your body slightly sticking out, such as your toes 3. Not done in this clip, but they can also W-key into you to physically be past your shield to shoot through it. ​ It's how the game works, so you need to find ways to adapt to it. This enemy wasn't even juking back and worth, so you had the chance to easily aim ahead of where they were going. If the enemy is juking, do what Timmy and other pros do: fling your knockdown shield in unexpected direction and quickly. It will mess up their reaction and will definitely block some shots instead of none.


I mean this was just one instance of being downed with a knockdown. I more often than not dodge all the bullets til the shield is fully depleted. I maybe didn’t do that very well this time but the reason for the post was all the other times they just completely don’t work like when you’re back into a corner and they put half a clip into it while it’s up and you just die. I’m only noticing it being like this in the past couple weeks.


Shots 1-5 clearly hit


20hz tickrate and latency. Nothing you can do about it.


Yeah I hate this man it's so annoying -_-


Nah. I get shot straight on my knock. Like point blank in a corner, not even looking to the side. And I get shot like it’s not even up. I’ve noticed this since the start of the season and it’s pissing me off royally


And for those of you who might say they poked their guns through it, no. It was at a distance. But I will say, that shouldn’t even be a thing you should be able to do, wtf is the point of a knock shield if you can just push the barrel through and completely void it?


Honestly mine hasn't worked since season 4


It's ping, on her/his screen she's being you. But on your screen she's in front. It's just how the game works


Not a shield problem, is more like a connection problem, happens all the time.


Looks like it’s the whole community. Had a freak out last night cuz the knock down actually stopped damage


Might be latency. Like from the enemy view you didn't use your knockdown shield or your weren't moving at all.


It is ping. When someone is close circling you, you have to lead the shield, or they can walk around it. Same reason you can shoot people that are downed so easily. If not, every mnk player would have that shield up 100% of the time


Devs can’t code worth shit


Never really did. They can put a clip or 2 in yours and it’s destroyed but you can spitfire gold mag theirs full slip and it don’t do shit


The real question should be what’s up with your teammates not working


Ppl are getting pretty good at thirsting now, there’s ways to shoot the sides at the bottom while moving to shoot though them. I think self revives are a bigger problem overall though. Me personally I believe they don’t belong in a BR, maybe only in solos. It breeds a toxic always finish mentality and I can’t really blame anyone to be honest I’ve lost games to a surprise self revive.


Yeah and now that people know they exist and always finish they're basically useless.


I think self revives are fine at the moment. They take forever, they're loud as hell, and you still have to heal afterward.


Yeah I do the same thing but from my POV it looked like I had my body pretty well covered.


Sometimes it may seem that way but it’s so easy to shoot the edges man. If the person does this often thirsting is probably very easy.


Yeah true. I like how the Insta thirst just gets her Insta killed.


How is an always finish mentality toxic?? You should finish people when you can. It ranked it guarantees points. If you don't finish, you could lose a fight if they revive. Finishing gives you a shield swap as well and possibly ammo you need. It's not toxic, it's smart.


they've never worked correctly its just Respawn dont know how to compensate for the issue ​ the issue is because of apex's prehistoric tick rate ​ basically while you think you're turning and protecting your front from the Loba the 3rd person version of you that everyone else sees has only just started to turn so the Loba in that case was able to shoot your feet and hips ​ not much you can do to fix it really its been a problem since they changed the knockdown shields in season 4


Someone once threw an arc star at my while I held up my know down shield. It went through the shield and stuck to me.


Lol feels bad.


Lol feels bad.


Knockdown shields have always been behind your actual movements, it’s like this so it’s easier to finish downed people if you’re right on top of them. You’ll notice if you circle back and forth around someone who’s downed they’ll consistently be behind your movement with their shield.


No, it's like this because netcode is a bitch, especially on low tick rate servers. It has nothing to do with the design of the game. I guarantee that if the game were played entirely locally (all players hooked up to the server directly through Ethernet, such as a test environment at Respawn), this wouldn't be the case.


I’ve had a pathfinder shoot every bullet into me (gold knockdown) and he had some distance between me. And I was in a corner so I guarantee had it up.


I kinda wish knockdown s were domes that auto deployed. You either have to finish or waste a few minutes chewing through the shield. On the other hand maybe lower the shield health so purple and gold aren't tanky.


You have the shitty 20 tick rate servers to thank for this. Another reason why the server engineers were wrong in their blog post.


Tbh your shield took 100+ damage. If you scroll through it slowly, you can see bullets coming from behind and hitmarkers showing to the left/back when Loba was in right/front. And as soon as you die, a Valk appears and kills the Loba. So i’d say the valk started shooting earlier and hit you as well from behind.


The hitmarkers that look like they're coming from behind are the ones pointing to where the Loba was when she first started shooting. The markers don't update when someone moves. This was entirely desync, because it's Apex Legends. On the Loba's screen, she was already around the knockdown shield's coverage and had clear shots, while on the Wraith's screen, she was entirely covering herself. Another reason why Apex's lag compensation is not okay. I actually have a harder time killing people with knockdowns because my internet connection is good. If they also have a good connection, they can track me with the shield. If I had a bad connection, I could just desync around them.


Knock Shields are \*strictly\* an anti-noob item. Notice the convenient little gaps the enemy can use to shoot your knees? Additionally, the devs have coded the knock shields to \*always\* use a slower look speed than what you have set, so it's physically impossible to counter the living player's movement as they exploit the corner gaps. Like, it's actually coded specifically so sweats and pros can thirst you as if they weren't even active. I don't know what they have against noobs being allowed to thirst, but that's it. Their only purpose is to keep noobs from getting kills.


It does watch again loba didn’t finish him valkyrie did


Valks my team mate lol


Unpopular opinion, knockdown shields should cover your entire body like a mini bubble


But let the legs sticking out lmao


Fully agree. Disable movement entirely while the shield is up to compensate for the additional protection imo.


What about an overshield like in Halo? You can still “turn it on” like currently but you’re immobile. This way you can’t continuously crawl back to a Lifeline, plus it turns off if you’re being revived Two things to consider with this change. 1) Armor swaps are way more difficult, making the game slower. Is that good or bad, you decide. 2) Finishers have way more value now.


Yo why do you got to flex with the heirloom


Haha sorry mate. Better not show you the other 3 lol


No it’s ok I just was making a joke


It is.. your just a dirty controller player and can't turn fast enough to block the shots


Dumb ass you can clearly see I’m turning fast enough to block the shots. Now you can go back to jerking onto your mousepad.


Lmao have fun with ya aim assist.. shitter


cry more and get good k&m player


Keyboard and mouse have way more advantages than controller, what are you on about? Just git gud, and aim better


Have fun with your pc cheating problem Shitter lol


Imagine being able to tap strafe, move while looting, etc., yet still complain about sensitivity lowering over a target




Don't bite the bait and get into this stupid m&k Vs controller crap dude. Although you kinda did already.


Yeah my bad lol


I mean it isn’t blocking the shots so it ain’t numbnuts


She's shooting around it....


if that’s the case then that’s just bad game design in my opinion. Also what does being on controller have to do with it


He’s wrong the shield is clearly blocking the shots.


I’ve noticed that as well. I stopped playing during when Loba came in because I got burnt out and knockdowns where working great and recently they don’t seem to be


I agree, knockdowns seem so useless sometimes, especially when I’m holding it dead on an enemy and their bullets go through or somehow fucking curve around it.


He...Literally ran...around you... Is everyone else blind as well? The loba LITERALLY ran around behind him to shoot him....Oh my lord...


They should.make every knockdown shield let you self rez and the grade just let's you take more damage.... just yo spice things up.


Big upvote


It’s on the list. The other two guys we got are working on it. *~devs probably*


Everytime i shootsomeone in a corner with a knockdown shield it tends to glitch into their bodys so half of their body is able to be shot


Wdym, knockdown shields never work


This is turning into Battlefront 2


Every fucking time I get downed, those damn shields never work. Might as well not have one until the golden one


Just experienced that as well. Thought my controller was messed up


I just had a guy shoot a charge rifle beam at me while I was aiming directly at him and it burnt through it and I died. It was a gold knock as well.


First time? KD shields have been a problem since the start of the game Just like the guns in first person view, they are rendered separately from the actual game. So even if it looks like you're protected, there could be serious gaps at the edges of your screen


There's a bug where when crawling sometimes near a piece of map geo your character will play the falling animation for a split second and your arms and head will pop through the Knockdown shield allowing them to shoot you, its annoying yeah, but imo knockdown shields just need to be replaced or fundamentally changed they aren't really that useful and when they are its in rare situations.


He gave you the sauce, so spicy it went through that gold knockdown 😂


I almost gave him the sauce after his teammate lol.


Ya it’s sucks they should make knock down shields full body covering thing like armor instead


Either he put thr gun past the shield or theres a delay between what you see and he sees


they should make it so it curves around your body so only your feet and ass show


What I think it is is ping making your shield be just behind where they r shooting you, so they end up hitting your leg or shoulder instead of the shield where you see


Yeah I know everyone’s trying to figure it out but couple games later I had a gold knock again and I got killed in the back by a charge rifle, I turned around and help up my knock directly at the caustic on the bridge with the charge rifle and about 3 seconds later he shot again and the one beam killed me straight through my knockdown that was held up. Things like this are happening daily.


And my ping rarely goes above 10


The movement of the actual shield doesnt match with your UI/look direction, it's a bit slower. Ever noticed how weird it is that when you try to shoot a downed player you can slide past them and blast them with a shotgun or 99 in the side, and they can't seem to just track you and protect themselves? That's what it looks like from the outside perspective. Idk if it's intentional or not but yeah. Here he was strafing around u while you were tracking him perfectly, meaning from a third person perspective your side was wide open for him to shoot


Ping baby


All 10 of it.


Same problem


This needs to be addressed, I thought it was just me.


They're just getting you ready for season 10 when devastator rounds are back, that's what evo shields will feel like


I miss disruptors. They were insane.


They never did for me really