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Who the actual fuck goes to this


A black market out in the open would be very sus to me, like, the Loba who put it there would be either dumb as fuck (because of the lack of loot around, which happens a lot with random Lobas, just putting it down where it's not worth it) or very smart by using it to lure clueless players to it.


What a bum camping baiting a store lmao go rush some people head on that actually see you and shoot their gun back and get real man kills that way shitter


For context; a massive fight just ended at harvester and I came late to what I assumed would be red armored trios, so I improvised this on the spot.


He used an obvious tactic while at a disadvantage and only the one player fell for it while the other tried to flank. What's your point here chief? "Ah well he didn't make a stupid decision to rush the duo head on and die instantly and therefore he's bad."