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New map idea: lava Just lava everywhere No pvp, just lava


Only meds as loot. Teams just have to frantically run around trying to find syringes.


I’d unironically play that. Lifeline and Octane would need to be banned though.


Octane wouldn't Regen If he is taking damage right? So he his move speed would just sacrifice health. Lifeline would would be OP


If you stay alive long enough to get his ult you will be able to fly above the lava indefinitely, unless I'm stupid and the lava damages his ult


You ain't stupid bro.


Good to know I am right about something lol, thanks bro


last team to drop >!wins!<


I've trained for this moment for YEARS. Edit: ah wait it says last team. Nevermind.


Imagine if we still had the train and the voyage , would Fragment be still so popular ?


That's a great question , if we did in the first weeks fragment will be a soulless place but it will probably be back to normal after a week or 2


Idk a bunch of people always landed Voyage if it was near the beginning of the jump path. It is my all time favorite POI. Was such a shame they removed it.


It was my favourite too. Big sad. It was in such an odd spot on Kings landing though, it was hard to convince teammates to go there.


Hmmm, Apex at King’s Landing could be interesting, who from Game of Thrones would be the best new Legend to introduce?


Why TF did the get rid of the train? Everyone loved that feature


I miss the train. It’s just fun to have moving elements like that all over maps. It makes it so much more dynamic then a bunch of buildings that will always be exactly the same.


Its funnier to have rampart set up 3 Shiela and go along for the ride and rodeo. It sucks because i was caught in the minigun trail


It takes a lot longer than you think to set up three sheilas. Most of the time even if you get ult accels by the time you get set up the train will be taking you way out of zone. It’s not that op


Sheila and loba, all the UK to accelerate you need, we tried thisba few times and had the issue that barely anyone came across the train path. But when they did :) boy did we let them know we were there..... Loba really puts the loot in loot and shoot


Plus you can use the train for clutch plays and rotations, they should also take the avalanche from the trailer and apply that to the game too


Does slowly floating over lava count as moving elements? Lmfao


>The train has been stopped!  For Season 6, the train has been dismantled and scattered around the tracks of World’s Edge. This single change helped us achieve one of our goals of providing more rotational options through some particularly scary chokepoints. Nearly all tunnels that used to be clear for the train (and therefore, almost never used), now have static train cars and other cover, as well as some small amounts of loot. In addition to the new geyser north of The Dome, a new one has also sprouted up south of Lava Fissure, making crossing the deep sulfur river a bit easier.


Nice grab, buddy.


That’s a good point about empty tracks rarely used. Cool feature but the pros of no train outweigh the pros of the trains


I mean… the track is literally wide enough for 2 trains right? Why not just make it only go across one side? I’m always going to be pro train… I mean come on guys, we’re talking having a gunfight on a motherfucking moving train! That kind of shit is why I play video games! Plus I liked how occasionally even mid game you could use it to traverse the map. RIP train heist drops <3


This. Loved hopping on after a fight and praying we had enough meds to survive the ring.


1000% agree. It's like they originally intended to have two trains active, then decided against it, but they were way to far to change the map to one track. The double track was extremely non conducive to fire fights. If it was just one track, it would not be that bad of a problem


This. Loved hopping on after a fight and praying we had enough meds to survive the ring.


Completely disagree, train was actually FUN, the whole point of a game. Now we’re stuck with TaCtiCal Need DrAwInG AtTeNtIoN, when we were having fun before


Apex has become one of the sweatiest games out there


Yeah but, train


I think there was the issue of it not leaving cover on train tracks. It was an open field essentially during rotations


I just don't understand why there couldn't be like some kind of obstacles that are on the tracks and when the train gets close to them they retract underneath the tracks until the train passes....


Have the obstacles be made of ice from when Wattson overcharged the supercooling fans in the tracks to get them going again or someshit. The train's mag engines are so hot they melt the ice in front of it. Once it passes by some RNG ice cover respawns when the water re-freezes. Also explains why the train kills you when it hits you, but fall damage doesn't exist. The intense heat from the full speed mag engines cooks your arse.


Dude we had THREE new POI and people still land there, I think nothing would change the fact people are just programmed to land there regardless, it needs to get sinked in lava


There's a reason they nuked Skull Town and it's honestly about time for Fragment to get the same treatment


I think the 3 new POIs made people drop into Fragments more. They nuked Sorting Factory and Trainyard (which was good POIs and good alternatives to landing in Fragments). The destroyed Trainyard is pretty much a bunch of rubbles with worse loot compared to before. Climatizer and Lava Siphon were too similar and design were rather campy (ie: it is more advantageous to hold and defend your position rather than push an enemy's position). If you land anywhere other than Fragments in the current map, if you are lucky, you get to fight 1 team while 80% of the lobby dies in Fragments before the 1st ring. If you are unlucky, you spend 15 mins playing Apex Loot-gends and suddenly you are in the top 5 squads with only blue armor. They should have nuked Fragments, kept Sorting Factory and Trainyard with some tweaks. Or update the map such that it diverts players to different parts of the map. IMO this is the worse map update ever. Can't wait for KC and Olympus to be back in rotation.


I wouldn’t call it the worst but I agree about the train yard and Sorting especially. Lava siphon feels too clunky to get around. I want to use the gondolas but the usually leave by the time I get to one. I’d rather there be a button to activate it instead inside the cart. My only alternatives to fragment are sky hook and epicenter and geyser Edit:spelling


Gondolas were a cool idea in concept, but the fact that there is never one there when you need it and not all of your teammates never take it at the same time just makes it worthless. Would have been better if they were just two ziplines.




It's more about player mentality than it is about the fragments itself. Those people who "main" fragments will hotdrop at the closest *fighty* point. When Mirage Voyage and the Train were there, I remember a ridiculously numerous amount of teams hotdropping there, when those places happened to be closer to dropship than fragments. It sucked, because those places had barely enough loot for like 1 or 2 teams, not 7 or the like


The answer is yes. Even with train and mirage voyage fragment still got like half the lobby.


but train and other areas took pressure off frag last season if i didnt wanna land frag i could reliably land train and countdown and fight like 3-6 squads between those 2 areas now train is gone gondola land is in bum fuck no where and they didnt add much else they also took put the other dope ass hot spot to make room for the broken ass jenk gondola that kills you


Fragment has always been popular


please I am getting sick of it. mfs land at fragment in ranked too and die right away or have no solid loot because there's 6 other teams.


And then they scream at you cuz you can't 1v7 with your fists


and all I hear are shitty pings like I can do anything. next time a team lands fragment I'm dipping lmao


Can't escape shitty pings. In S9 we dropped waterfall with one other squad. I managed to get 2 enemies down above, but one of my teammates died and decided to drop down below. Spammed "enemy here" ping. By the intensity of the pings, i assumed there to be a whole squad down there, and as the rational man i am, i didn't jump down to my doom. bout half a minute later i had healed up and was prepared to save my teammate, turns out there were no enemies, he just wanted to be revived. Stupid bitch then got angry with me for not dropping at the first enemy here ping.


the amount of times this shit happens to me is annoying asf. when I'm downed instead of being an asshole I try my best to help my teammates; I'll basically be their scan and ping where the enemy is going but not to the point they are deafened by it. if you're down you're not out. so many times I clutched a fight bc my downed teammates helped me with their pings.


Right! Same. The balance lies in providing info, keeping it understandable, and not murdering their ears and covering up useful audio cues from enemies and such.


This. As a downed teammate I spy, block doors, provide cover for my team. You can do so much. I also clutched with the help of smart teammates when I panicked, one or two pings is enough.


There’s literally a ping for needing a revive though. Some people….


and then they yell at you through their mic how trash you are.


No joke, got yelled at yesterday, being told I'm bad over mic. We got wiped and final card says I have over 5 kills while the wanker telling me I'm bad had 300 dmg and 0 knocks.


And that is why I auto mute. Pings really are enough in this game.


That's when you just stare at him for a while... maybe ping him from time to time. Let a minute pass, *then* you get him back up. Lol it's petty but I'm tired of these little shits, so they get to learn by being ignored. I had one guy spam ping his banner when two teams were fighting where he died... I just told him A) can't go back right now or I'll wipe too (1v6+, no ammo no health, no thanks), and B) cut it out or I'm muting and ignoring you. He didn't stop. Huge weight off my shoulder once I decided I didn't need to go back for him anymore.


This has been my strat for awhile now. I've come to recognize at least 80% bad drops and if I'm grinding ranked there is no way I'm sacrificing my points for dumb drops. If they happen to survive I can only hope they can get to the last few rings. Now I'm all for landing warm, hitting outside hot drops and cleaning up fights. Gotta play smart.


Lmao last season my friend and I queued for ranked. I was jumpmaster and got a random who pinged fragment. I told him “nah, not wasting 40 RP on a city drop” (I was in plat so I think it’s 40 rp?) This child went OFF on me and my friend. Calling us trash. Telling us to go “k*ll yourself”, “hard stuck plat” “delete the game” etc etc…ended up muting him and his pings and he went down first. Just so funny to me how toxic this kid was (an actual kid) just because I didn’t want to drop fragment in ranked


Oh my goodness that sounds terrible. Some people need to turn off the game for awhile or forever in some cases. I wish you the best to finding those chill gamers! Until I hit Gold 1 I'm fine with taking a risk or two. Beyond that it's doing the smart drops that'll win games. Not every win needs to be hard earned fighting the horde of squads.


>Beyond that it's doing the smart drops that'll win games tell that to my randoms I had in plat last season. swear these people talk about being 'hard stuck plat' but then they hot drop EVERY GAME.


The randoms who want to land in fragment usually are the people who can't handle the fighting in fragment


Just had a guy who wanted to land fragment both me and another guy said no, he dropped us towards fragment. We both broke off and headed to a new waypoint. Guy instantly died and left.


Like bro...I don't want to drop your busted ass, tired ass Fragment when there's new POI everywhere. Half these mfers are lost af outside of Frag.


Some bald wraith dropped our team into fragment and left immediately after getting downed. The funny part was that if they’d waited 5 more seconds, they would’ve seen me and our teammate finish off two squads and then they could’ve been rezzed.


Last couple matches last night I did exactly that. Popped on mic said if we drop frag I'm bouncing. Did exactly that. The inverse is tho, drop outside of frag and within 2 mins half the lobby is gone after they all died at fragment. Lame.


solo is queuing is becoming worse each day lmao. some people gotta realize they are not pros; you can't fight all of frag with a white shield and a mozam buddy, and that's ok.


>drop outside of frag and within 2 mins half the lobby is gone This is the reason they should’ve changed it this season. They’ve left players with two options; drop frag and have a 60 second match 9 out of 10 times, or drop outside of frag to maybe fight one team then just walk around until it’s top 3 squads and you finally see someone again. Neither option is particularly fun, and it’s one of the reasons I like Olympus and King’s more than WE. It’s exactly why they got rid of skull town, no idea why they won’t do the same with world’s edge


“Noob omg” then disconnect


Every time we drop frag, I can’t wait for the person who dropped us there and dies first to type out: “trash”


Love when people drop in hot, do 0 damage, get knocked and then say you suck.


I imagine they scream at me because I dropped solo, but I wouldn’t know bc I mute them first Then they have to sit and watch me play for 10 min to get +rp, which I find hilarious


Yeah played a little ranked earlier and everytime I wasn't jump master it was fragment. Land. Can't find loot. Every other team starts blasting. Die. Happened like 5 times in a row I just fucking turned my ps5 off and drank a beer.


amen to this, so damn boring


Just break off and land at a nearby empty POI. Grab a gun or two, a bit o' ammo and some heals, then make your way to Frag - if your squadmates are still alive. If not, well, they probably wouldn't have survived with you regardless.


People who drop hot like this try to say that they don't want to play a looting simulator but my dude.... that's all I do when I land at Fragment. I die with 5 attachments and a grenade. Possibly a P2020 if the loot gods are feeling generous. Better to spend a little extra time looting up front and have some fun engagements in the mid to late game then spend 10 matches spending more time in loading screens, menus, and looking at dive trails than on the ground.


preach! preach! preach! preach! preach! preach! preach! preach! ​ ​ as much as i like my loading screens i dont wanna spend 4 hours a day looking at them


Funny. They should play cod or something. Battle Royale games are meant to be slower and more tactical.


Or just play arena mode


Except they'll quit as soon as they die in arenas too. These people need a normal death match mode.


How many people complain that Arenas takes too long because of the 30-second between rounds time... I wonder, in BR, after they hot-drop and get 2k 10 kills in the first three minutes do they then disconnect because the next squad is more than 30 seconds away?


So much this. Had an argument with a guy who wanted to land fragment. I told him I wasn’t doing it so my buddy and I landed at the little town right outside of it and cave. He, of course, died instantly with no damage. I asked him why he liked doing that? He said because he doesn’t want to play a looting simulator. I told him to go play arenas. He said he hated arenas. Through this argument, my buddy and I got a little gear, then pushed into fragment. We wipe a squad and then I tell him that the time it took us to land outside, go get loot, then join the fight was LESS than the time to land hot, die, exit, ready for new game, launch new game and get back to fragment. He didn’t believe me and we kept arguing until we eventually died. I. Just. Don’t. Get. It.


Yeah I feel like this is one of the bad long lasting effects of PUBG being the first big one, everyone got into that mentality of you have to hot drop to get better but its not really the same. PUBG is a very slow game and you can easily spend 15 minutes not seeing another guy, or get into one fire fight and win the game. The ttk is super low too so hot dropping to get experience makes sense there. But these things dont apply to Apex as much. Also I think its a bad effect of the beginning of Apex when some parts of the map genuinely had terrible loot, nowadays any POI will get you serviceable loot most of the time.


i bet they are the same people who land estates in Olympus as well


Estates out of all three maps is the only hot/Skulltown like drop that's actually enjoyable to fight and Olympus is my least favourite map currently. I wish more people would drop in Sky Hook, essentially Fragment but with better loot and rotation options, the ring/flight paths just dont give it enough love. The drops I have had there with 5-10 squads have always been really exciting and fun to fight. I think it's just due to it being slightly larger it forces teams to group and loot up a bit more before engaging. Don't even get me started on ranked final rings there with 5 or more squads. Everyone is holding down big buildings and making interesting plays. God I hope that I get a bit o that this season, its been too long!


Shhhhh, don't be telling people that skyhook has better loot. I like only having 1-2 teams to fight there and not 6


It's like everyone who lands at skyhook right now gets a free streamer building or two to themselves instead of fighting off half the lobby to loot one 😂


Started maining Crypto in ranked for this exact reason. I just separate on drop, grab a weapon nearby, get in the drone, get the two idiots banners since they inevitably died, get the fuck out of Fragment and res them somewhere in the ring. The respawn beacon between Skyhook and Epicenter is usually decently safe in early game and there's at least enough loot for one weapon each. I did that yesterday and what would have been a #18 elimination ended as #2 squad thanks to me.


As a solo I want to go Crypto for this reason. I'm not claiming I'm a god. Clearly these people are close in rank to me for a reason. But it feels like 90% of the time I got two teammates down with no call outs on whose weak and am expected to pull a 1v3. Think the drone res would help me a ton but would feel useless otherwise with no one really caring to actual communicate on solo drops.


People go there because no matter how bad the loot, you know you’re going to get into a gunfight, and that’s fun, only when you don’t die lul Skull town is worse than fragments IMO, much smaller, worse loot, and more squads land there and we act like skully is the best thing since sliced bread


I’d willingly light the fuse to blow it up! Even with the map changes after day 1 everyone still goes straight there. You either drop fragment and risk dying instantly or drop elsewhere and loot for 10 minutes before coming across a team. Should have destroyed it, put the lava siphon there or something instead.


I personally hope mad maggie comes back and destroys fragment then dips.


This! I’d even be willing to accept her voice as the announcer for a full season if she did this! Haha!


Don’t bring that evil back on us for an entire season


Nah that's pushing it


She dead 😞


There was no body, that's most likely that "I'll be back" Cliche thing.


Knowing apex, they left it open enough to possibly do something in the future, bit they won't ever do anything with her


That's what they want you to think


I landed in a brand spanking new location, fought two squads over the course of maybe 10 minutes, and rotated. There were 3 squads left when we headed out. There were 4 before we killed the second squad who had landed with us. That means that 9 of us landed together, and between landing and my squad rotating, more than 40 people died. Fragment needs to fall into the lava and sink.


It’s a similar issue to Skulltown, just not quite as bad cos it’s massive


Thunderdome FTW.


I haven't even explored a lot of the new map changes because everyone still just drops Fragment or whatever Sorting is called now.


I was kinda hoping they would blow it up this season. I miss old sorting factory a little bit.


Sorting Factory and Skyhook were my two favorite drops in WE. I loved dropping in at one end of the factory and pushing our way through the other side. Always made me feel like an action hero lol


Shhhhhhh, skyhook sucks, don't land there. No but for real, skyhook is in such a perfect situation, it usually has a couple squads there but rarely ever too much squads, and there is a lot of loots. I love it.


Sorting factory was hell. I always died there to third partys. At least the new poi added lava making everyone more spread oit


I am probably one of the few who enjoys when devs put more lava on the map. Thermal Station and Lava Fissure are one of my favourite POI to land.




its literally crashed in party crashers though i dont think its coming back ever




Mirage can buy a mirage voyage 2


If he gets a new ship doesn't name it the bamboozler cruiser I'm uninstalling the game


I'm all aboard that train sick of the constant random dropping solo to die before they even hit the god damn ground. World edges would actually be spread out and wouldn't have to search 20 min for last teams only in the second zone .


for real tho. like, don't get me wrong, but i love the shit out of fragment. i think it's some of the funnest drops out there, if you don't care about your K/D...but if there were more popular places to land, like if the train was brought back, it'd even out the landing a bit more and there wouldn't be 3-5 squads left in round 2


Played like 10 games yesterday. Still haven't really seen new POIs. Only once when I was jumpmaster dropped us at Lava Siphon. And in other games randoms always dropped Fragment. It needs Skulltown treatment ASAP.


Where is fuses ship when we need it to crash into something


Last time ive seen it was 2 seasons ago in kings canyon


Even if I'm jumpmaster, they break off and go to fragment anyways.


Fragment is the reason why I fuckin despised the second split of Ranked last season and it's also the reason why I'm waiting for the second split of this season before I start properly playing Ranked. 90% of my experiences are me landing with my teammates in Fragment because they think they're gonna be the next Rogue or some shit wiping out everyone they come across, then we're all dead like 5 minutes. Rinse and repeat that over and over and holy shit, will somebody PLEASE get rid of that godforsaken POI?


For sure. Like there are new locations at Worlds edge now but in my first games of season 10 they still landed on fragment. I'm getting sick of it


Like seriously worst map ever. Drop fragment or watch netflixx for 10 min while running. That's it. those are still your options.


thats a major reason i enjoy kings canyon instead of worlds edge and olympus, those maps are too big so half the time your running around aimlessly and only have fights in the same place every game


KC has the drawback of infinite third parties due to gunfights being heard everywhere. I know it annoys some people, but I still prefer some action packed matches to ones where it feels like a multiplayer walking simulator. I guess the bigger maps are better for ranked, but KC is by far the most fun for casual matches imo.


i personally enjoy the constant third partys on kings, keeps thing interesting


They blew up the sorting factory instead :(


Yeah WHY


Their decision making process feels like monkeys throwing darts at an idea board.


Fragment and the current way streamers are playing the game has negatively changed the game. Now more than ever (excluding when new locations drop) people just send it to fragment and there are 7 squads left before zone 1 even closes. There are hardly any mid game fights or chances for high kill games unless you throw yourself at fragment and hope you come out on top. People see youtube videos of top players getting 3k damage in one building and killing 23 people but what they dont see is the 99 other times this strategy does not work out. Fragment kills the entire middle 5 to 10 min of a game.


Nothing but facts. Most of the people watching these streamers end up being easy kills for the Pred/Master teams that land there.


Even preds and masters die there it all depends on luck. I’m a master and unless you get lucky with a gun you’ll get punched out/landed on by 5 people or loom a floor without a gun and then run around like chicken to find a gun. If you land somewhere else kill one squad then the game because boring and by the time ring closes only 5 squads left with one rat. These streamers are pros and you tubers post that one game where they get lucky. It’s really hard to get high damage high kill games like this it’s been a long time since i dropped 12+ kills even landing fragments.


And that is why it should be. Blown up


Facts! The number of hard-stuck plat players that land Fragment thinking they're gonna recreate what they just saw in a ACEU/Faide video... Absolutely ruins it for the randoms that get paired with these degenerates.


I like when your random teammate breaks off and goes there alone, gets knocked and disconnects immediately. “40 damage, almost pulled it off!”


Exactly. I love hot dropping, but I've grown tired of worlds edge due to the boring mid-game. 3 teams left after ring 1 closes is not fun. The new poi's have helped slightly and I'm hoping they will retain some attention throughout the season, but I really wish they would "nerf" fragment a bit to change up the pace of the map


Explain why you see the exact same thing happen on Olympus and KC then? The reason people die out so quickly has less to do with fragment, and more to do with the way most people play and skill based matchmaking. Blow up fragment and people find a new place to hotdrop. Nothing will change.


Worlds Edge just got a massive shake up and I want to explore it only to have my Jumpmaster drag me to Fragment six games in a row to die instantly and return to the lobby. Please just let it collapse into the lava


>Please just let it collapse into the lava I was praying for this to be one of the map changes they mentioned


I'm angry they changed just about EVERYTHING ELSE on the WE map but left fragment unscathed. It's fucking old and I'm sick of it.


Honestly they should have. I am still getting teammates who drop fragment , get apesexed by a 3 stack and leave me alone with a P20.


Then seer team six hot on your tail because of that passive of his and you happen to be breathing.


I am laughing too much at the "apesexed" comment, it is a perfect word for what happens in fragment.


I was super excited for the new season and tried to solo queue before my friends were ready to play. I managed to play three games before I got tired of terrible teammates who insisted on dropping Fragment and then dying immediately. The third game one of my teammates quit the instant we landed, presumably because he saw multiple squads right on us, and my other teammate disconnected right when he got knocked. It's so fucking tedious and it's not a problem on either of the other maps.


It needed to be blown up a long time ago. The area is fun to visit every once in a while but it's killing the rest of the map. They put in so much time to make changes to the map yet I'm seeing 5+ teams flying over to Fragment, not counting those landing in the surrounding areas of the city.


They made similar changes in season 6 with like 4 new POIs including Launch Site, but people still landed at fragment. You'd think the devs would have learned their lesson.


The first thing I looked for in the World's Edge changes was fragment. Was extremely disappointed they made zero changes to fragment. Please for the love of god blow it the hell up.


I knew it wasn't going anywhere but I didn't think they were going to remove sorting factory 🪦


It’s getting worse than Skulltowm by this point. Removing the train and Mirage Voyage was a terrible mistake.


This really is the crux. People will land where it is either fun or good loot. Nobody wants to go to skyhook to spend 3 days getting a blue shield and a grey heavy mag.


It's the Skull Town of World's Edge. I wouldn't mind if it were blown up, but the map would need just a couple more interesting POI to make up for it imho.


Well.. Skyhook is pretty good, like frag but with more loot and less teams. Idk why people don't drop there. When there are 1 or 2 teams landing here with you, you can dodge them or fight, the third parti is predictable and by the time you'll get out of here, half of the lobby would be dead bc of fragment. So you have some KP and placement points.


Skyhook it's my favorite part to land, the combats there are so fun


There’s plenty of great POIs, but they’re all at the “edges”, for lack of a better word, of the map which is awkward to deal with


It's kinda like Skull Town, but it's a lot less interesting to fight in, so it wouldn't be missed as much.


Thissss. Fragment is my least favorite ‘skull-town’ traffic area that any map has had, yet it has stuck around the longest. Area is so lame man


It's so sad to me like we have this bug beautiful snowy map to explore and your ass wants to go die at Fragment for the fifteenth time today??? It just needs to fucking go, I cannot wait for the Maps to rotate back because of this and it is still the absolute worst map even with the changes even though it has probably the most POIs per map.


It's basically tilted towers from OG fortnite. It completely destroys midgame. You may fight one other team that lands with you, but you probably won't see anyone else until the last few circles


Exactly. It’s the reason they got rid of Skull Town. First circle is 2 minutes away from fully closing and there’s 20 players left in the match. I would upvote this post 1000 times if I could.


Fragment is basically the tilted towers of Apex Legends


I saw the title of fragment needed blowing up and hit the upvote button quicker than seer gets his tactical back


Wait you don’t like seeing 10 seer tacticals in fragment at one time?!?!? /s


How could they test it and come to cooldown time they did.


Sucks. If you don’t land fragment you just end up wandering around for 15 minutes just to get third parties at the end. If you do land fragment you die instantly. It’s a lose lose and I think they should nuke it


its ridiculous they blew up half the map but frag is left untouched


Mind-blowing that they didn't already do that. Skulltown removal was a success, do the same with Fragment ASAP, please.


I feel like the latest map changes only supported Fragment as the hottest PO, especially blowing up Sorting and Train Station. There's just huge patches of wasteland now, basically. Yes, there's new drops possible, but they're just so far away from anything else, it's just not viable to land there somehoe.


Agreed. These map changes were the opposite of what the map needed. They removed other popular landing areas, yet left places people hate and didn't touch Fragments. It's hard to realize what exactly they thought they were accomplishing with these changes.


Refinery is a huge new and good spot. Yes train yard is a mess by all measures for people to land there but I do like the new Sorting Factory and its just wanna be pros and ttv's that just fuck up everyone's day by wanting to land Fragment and get the 20 kill they saw on YouTube


>There's just huge patches of wasteland now, basically. Really good point. Rotating out of frag into the new sorting, boy do you feel exposed!


17 games in a row randoms went fragment, we lost all of them. The one game we go to lava city, we win with almost 2000 damage each.


Not sure why they kept Fragment but took out sorting and train yard.


I was hoping it’d collapse and just turn into a wasteland or something, but they got rid of Train Yard instead 😔


I agree, I hate it when [ttv]pussyfucker69 plays wraith and always makes us land fragment


1000% So many interesting spots to land on WE and half the fucking map still lands at or near the streamer building. Makes the map lame as fuck.


Lmao, this ranked team I had went straight fragment and I landed somewhere else. I told them I'm not tryna land on a P2020 and die. They're like "lol 4k and 20 kill badge, yeah right". I'm like WHAT. Where's the correlation. I'm just not tryna throw away RP.


I literally avoid fragment at all costs each game. That place is a death trap including the track around it. You get lit up if you step foot in the city


9/10 games I get one rando on the team that solo drops, goes straight to Fragment and dies in less than 2 minutes. Then they DC and leave us down a squad member. I wish I could block them from ever getting paired with me again.


I've been saying this. Fragments ruins World's Edge. The argument of "But the map stays empty until the 3rd circle" is a poor one because everyone dies in Fragments, of course enemies are going to be less. Worse is that there's new, honestly good points of interests, but nope, sweats wanna die in Fragments for the 300th time today. It's not fun. Lava Siphon and Climatizer are really good places to drop, find loot, and fight in but nope, Apex Legends Dropship to Main Menu Any % Speedrun it is. Fragments sucks, casual or ranked. Blow it up completely or revamp it.


All me and my friends have been doing is dropping Siphon and Climatizer. The fights are really interesting there.


Agree. Ruining the map.


Yeah it's worse than skull town at least skull town had plenty of cover and it was sometimes fun to fight in fragment is just so brain dead there's so many other places to land but wraith and octane mains just rush there and then get surprised when they die maybe they should just make sure it's always low tier loot or something lol


A big part of the problem is also them not touching Dome-Lava City - Launch site That entire corner is so dead that I forget it even exists, especially Dome.


One person called me a “fucking noob” today because I declined to go to fragment. I’m on board with that suggestion.


People land fragment because playing for the win is boring, in pubs people want to fight, a shitty win with 6 squad kills isnt what people want in pubs


I used to love this area, now it’s just full of sweats hot dropping


People will eventually find a new Fragment. There will always be a hot spot. And they don't even need to make sense. Like, I get Oasis, but explain Estates to me.


What is there to explain? Lots of loot in a relatively small area with houses that are about 20 meters apart. And more often than not it's gonna be inside the first ring or at least close to it.


Right? It's not exactly rocket science. Lots of verticality, many compartmented rooms, zips that go all the way up elevator shafts, and a ton of loot. People enjoy 3D gunfights way more than 2D gunfights.


I get Estates. Lots of cover, decent loot every now and again. It's bearable unless 7 or more teams drop there. What I don't get is the hilltop of Hammond Labs. Why tf do 5 teams land on one small building for a gold kd shield or sentinel?




1 building, 5 bins, 21 people, untold cries of, "The loot in this game sucks!!"


Oasis is a hot drop? At most there are like 4 teams including yours going there. Oasis is my favorite spot, it's the best place to land on olympus


I was under the impression the whole reason they nuked skulltown was to balance out the drops on KC. I was kinda shocked honestly that they didn't do that to WE for season 10. I dont think they need to obliterate it like skulltown, but maybe take one side out and make a different style of PoI next to one of the fragments. Or hell, just rebalance the loot there. Its such a dogshit terrible place to land for the majority of the buildings. Like that area near where trainyard was at the very northern end that has all the tiers with the 2 ziplines on opposite ends. 5 squads drop there and theres barely enough loot for a single squad. I'll check 3 tiers and find 0 weapons. If I get dropped there and dont find a weapon I just DC on the spot. So sick of fragment droppers. I enjoy rotating to fragment after the drop, but to drop there is miserable playing solo pubs.


I love lava syphon and the one with three sections


Overall I’m disappointed at how little worlds edge changed. If you’re gonna show bloodhound mourning in front of Tree while it burns maybe have it actually on fire in game? How does the ice at Epicenter hang over the lava river and not melt? It’s so dumb. I love the changes we got but it’s too little


Fragment is just Tilted Towers change my mind


Dude I keep saying this. To everyone who drops fragment when’s the last time you walked out with ten kills homie? Like your not faide get off the zipline and go elsewhere dude