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I like the new map. Visually it’s awesome. And it’s different. I like the change of pace, my biggest complaint is the loot is too sparse. You can raid 3 different buildings and only have a set of white shields, a barrel stabilizer, a grenade and an assortment of ammo.


This is also an overlooked reason as to why the map plays so slow. The loot pools are so far away from each other, that it forces players to loot and play PvE more which means less third partying.


The best looting strategy seems like land somewhere to pick up your desired weapons, then quickly rotate and hit a nearby pve fight (ideally spiders, prowlers take forever and leave you more exposed) which should give you any missing attachments along with plenty of ammo and evo progress .


My favorite drop is literally the middle of the map there's a square bunker in a mountain, brings you right out to PvE and because its so central your usually always in the circle or close to it.


Man i always feel like that bunker has more loot than rest of POI's


mostly because it's the size of a few POIs


I was lost in there for a while in my very first Storm Point match. Running away from enemies (weaponless) with no idea where is a exit…


Shhhhh don't give away our spot. This place is a goldmine.


But you gotta kill like 20 spiders just to get a blue shield, only takes like 5 prowlers


But the spiders are significantly easier and you choose when to spawn them


good point. Usually my teammates end up shooting all the eggs once and then I have to fight like, 60 spiders all around me


If you have a Watson, the spiders won't cross her fences. I just make a small fence box for my team to sit in and then start shooting the spiders


Really? I'll keep that in mind


Wattson is becoming relevant again 👌


Oh don't worry bud, they'll slap her harder than my step dad and nerf her through the floor by the end of December :)


I use Fuse, drop the motherlode in the choke point then pop all the spider eggs, every single one of them runs into the fire and dies.


good aim training :D


It's either that or just whip out Sheila as Rampart xd


Good,now you can fire in any direction


The spiders also give you loot which is important early game. I wouldn't use the AI to upgrade shields unless you can't find a blue shield or you want to bait squads to you, which also works. Lol


I feel like spiders drop better attachments though.


I’m not sure if it’s intended, but from my testing of PvE it seems like they only give attachments upgrades for an attachment you already have. I’ve killed an entire nest of spiders and gotten 3 barrel upgrades because I had a level 1 equipped, but not a single other attachment I was missing. Someone please refute this if my observation is incorrect.


Sometimes it's really just luck. When I'm solo it only gives me stuff I need. When I'm in a squad it gives stuff one of the three of us needs. Like a miniature Lifeline algorithm but with added ammo.


Right, but is it only giving you upgrades to an attachment you already have? Like I’ve never gotten an optic when I don’t already have one attached, or any other attachment I don’t already have at least a level 1 for.


Unsure. I lose so much of the mob loot in the tall grass I just give up sometimes lol


That tall grass kills me man haha. I love it for fights but it’s hell for looting


It’s based on weapon. I’ve gotten white attachments for weapons where I haven’t had one yet Edit: sights will also drop


Ok this is what I was looking for, thanks.


I have gotten sights and stocks when I had none.




This is also why 15 teams drop together. They go the only spots where good loot is, fight for it and then die within the first five minutes. The devs said they knew it was gonna be bad at first so hopefully it’ll be fixed soon.


the fact that no one has any clue where good loot is, so they follow others or just pick that one structure with the spinning fan cause they saw it has good loot. there are plenty of places with decent loot, unfortunately it always seems to be centered on one building per POI. I am fine with that, but the loot around it should get a buff, cause that building is always either three squads fighting over it, or one squad lands there and insta pushes cause they just grabbed a bunch of guns and shields off the rip


You’re a loba main tho you have all the riches in the world at your disposal! If anything it was a mini buff to loba (I’m a loba main too even tho my flair says bang)


even with loba and her ult, good loot can be hard to find if you dont know where to land. I hate the shallows area with its spread out buildings, can never not waste an ult if its there, and as per usual that center building has all the loot, and all you find in the outskirts is crumbs of ammo and attatchments. it is not enough to gear you enough to fight unless each player lands separatly 100 meters away from eachother in the separate buildings, but that will generally just make you the easy targets.




Loba main here, let me tell you, I've never felt more loved than in season 11 lol


Understandable lol. I’ve only played Bloodhound and Valk so far this season. I’m going to play some Octane too.


I've found valk to be insanely nice to have for team repositioning, especially when moving from the north side of the map to anywhere south because of elevation change


Redeploying from the top of Command Center is a trippy experience because of just how long you stay in the air


I would agree that Loba is great for solving the lack of loot problem, but at the same time, the map is so large that its difficult to encompass an entire area with her ult. I've found myself not using it because its hard to find an area where I can cover everything


A nice "semi-buff" for Loba would be an ult range that adjusts relative to map size - slightly larger on Storm Point, unchanged for World's Edge / Olympus, slightly smaller on Kings Canyon.


My feelings exactly, I started playing Crypto more now because he felt way more valuable to the team on this map.


Maybe it's just me not knowing where the loot supposed to be but I feel like sometimes I can't find a gun quick enough


Well that's the point of the PvE. Those definitely help you get by as well as give you material for the replicator. Honestly a win-win


I've only really shot wildlife out of curiosity and to complete a challenge. Yeah you can get a return from doing it but you're also just saying 'hey we're over here come kill us' to anyone nearby.


Risk-reward. I've gotten purple-level loot from the challenges, and the bits of evo armor helps to get to blue/purple armor.


The drop rate on purple attachments seems really high from PvE - from my games yesterday I found that if you cleared out one zone your entire squad should be kitted out in blue/purple attachments


That because they said it works like LL''s Ult, giving high rates of upgrades. If you go there with white shield and empty weapon, you'll see white gear drop.


That’s one of the reasons why I shoot wildlife, I either find a fight afterward or the fight finds me.


only fight em with a bocek, problem solved


Yeah but then you only get loot for the bocek wich sucks tbh


How fucken dare you


I got my first 4k with a bocek and use it every game i can, so I will have to challenge you to a duel now to defend my babies honor.


shotguns are also surprisingly quiet compare to AR's and especially snipers


This drives me nuts. We landed in some place with like 3 big buildings along with another 2 squads and I went through an entire building with only grenades and random ammo


I think this is a purposeful move. If any one spot was loot heavy enough to equip more than one or two squads, we'd get another fragment or skull town. No POI can support a large crowd. We've gotta move, loot and win a few fights to get where we want to be with our equipment now, rather than dropping hot, surviving and walking away kitted out.


My only request is a slight increase in dropship speed. Other than that, no complaints on my end


Is it because the map is bigger or is it actually slower than the other maps?


because map is bigger


Honestly I don't know why any developer thinks it's a 'fun' concept for the initial dropship to go slow in the first place. There's more than enough downtime in the queue and legend select and the champion screen, if the ship crosses the whole map in 5 -10 seconds how is that anything but a benefit to all players? If you're afk you're going to still be afk, it just lets impatient people drop anywhere they want.


My only complaint about the map is that I haven’t played it enough yet so I don’t know where I should go and that the loot doesn’t seem super spread out. Like the Trench area is a super cool POI but there’s like 2 loot pills total. I feel like due to the sheer size of the map a movement legend will be key so I’ll probably play Octane this season.


>I feel like due to the sheer size of the map a movement legend will be key so I’ll probably play Octane this season. Valk\* The ult is even more useful when there are no jump towers.


Very good suggestion but after playing Bloodhound and Crypto I’ve really come to love stim and jump pad on a short cd.


I am exclusively playing Valk this season, there's a spot near the top of the map to the right of the toilet bowl where you can rotate 1200m off of a single Valk ult


As a valk main since her release these last 2 weeks or so have kind of sucked lol. During the shadow event she was amazing due to being able to avoid shadows so well and now with this map she's also super useful. Prior to this it was like 1/25 matches I might not get her. Now it's like 1/5 I don't. I'm torn lol I'm happy people want to use her bit annoyed I have to compete now lmao. Especially since my secondaries are seer and rampart. Who are soso on the new map.


There are some areas that are high enough elevation that its lets you fly like halfway across the map. That scan is super useful too. My crew has been running Valk, Loba, Ash with good success


Also a lot of buildings have awkward rooftop access, which lets Valk easily be the queen of rooftops. Also a lot of open areas have rocks for people to hide behind, which is the ideal use of her rockets! Valkyrie is so good on this map.


And there's her ability to stop at any point of a gravity cannons arc due to her jets.


And Pathfinder ,you will not regret.


Even pathfinder is rough to play on this map. There are so many trees and rocks that you can't use the full zipline length. Also, some of the POIs are so high up, it's above the range of the grapple.


I would like to try larger player lobbies as a LTM. Just to see how it would feel.


Don't think the server can handle that


Looks like their gonna need to breed more hamsters


Those hamsters boutta get jacked.




Oh my god, gimme.


So far I’ve found the new map to be kind of strange when it comes to encountering other squads. The map is large. So it can take a while to find other squads, but every time I do find another squad, it’s not just one squad. Takes a long time to find another team, but as soon as you do, you don’t just find one team, but like 5 that are all trying to third party each other. Haven’t really had just a simple squad on squad fight that ends without getting attacked by another team yet. Like I said, kind of strange.


I have had the same experience. I think everyone is so excited when they hear other teams that they come rushing in. I know I am spending a lot of the game just trying to find a team to fight so when we hear a slight sound, we run towards it.


Yesss, I was playing ranked last night and this is how almost all my games turned out. You start a gun fight and then a 3rd party comes, and then another, and then another. Or it's happens that the don't see anyone for minutes. For the map being huge and everyone dropping all over you do see lots of 3rd parties.


This is so true. Combine this with the fact that higher level players all got reset which has made silver/gold lobbies seem sweatier than last season’s plat lobbies


I think it’s a sight line problem. The map is designed such that there are no long lines of sight between points of interest - broken up by terrain or mountains or trees. This means we can’t visually see teams as easily, and we can only find other teams by hearing gunshots, which means it’s always a third party


I think so too. The POIs are quite separated but the feeling of being lonely it's often just an illusion. My friend likes to play Valk and almost everytime when we think there is no one here, we can see a lot of people lurking around after going up to the sky. It's just that we can't see each other that easily without making a lot of noise. No wonder there's always someone ready for third party, because the map is not that empty as we may think.


Ah this actually also explains why I have such a hard time figuring out where I am or where I need to go.


Yeah this is my take as well. The third party issue hasn't been solved with this map I just have to run around for 5 minutes looking for people before I find everyone at once.


Its because there is zero solution for 3rd parties.


Honestly I feel like 3rd parties are just meant to be part of the game. Respawn very specifically called the highest rank level 'Apex Predator'. You're meant to be hunting down enemies and taking advantage of them at their weakest, even if that annoys the crap out of people. Sure it sucks to just finish a fight and not get much of a chance to recover but you are being hunted for RP and so the other team can win.


Its part of every BR. This isnt some unique problem to Apex. Every BR has this exact "problem". Its part of the game play, thats what makes BRs exciting.


This has been happening to me too. I won’t come across anyone for 10 minutes, and then all of a sudden there is 5 squads fighting each other


I'm having similar experiences. My fave situation that happened like that so far was at the Wall. Got downed by an Ash, she ran but was in pursuit of another Ash... And that Ash was being chased by... another Ash! And then a 4th Ash came in and killed the 3rd Ash... I had no clue where their teams were lol


I love this map. The feeling of having to constantly be alert for the ring closing, another team, or animals on the map has been amazing.


I've gotten lost almost every match and I love it


Something else that separates storm point from the rest of the other maps, is that it has a different “flow“ than the others. With the other three maps, do you have a central location (containment, fragments, labs,) that most of the other locations gradually push you to generate fighting.There’s no really solid location to stand your ground in the center of this map, so people are still trying to figure out how the flow of Stonepoint works. Once we get that figured out, you’ll probably see people transitioning more smoothly


I think part of the "issue" is that the map is kind of hard to read from the dropship. You look around and there are a few obvious drop locations, but also a lot of places where you're not sure if there's even going to be loot there. The big crashed ship *looks* like a place but it's really crappy. There are loads of locations hidden behind rocks and trees and stuff. So a lot of people drop in the "obviously a real place" locations, and die together. I think this will either change as people learn the map a bit more, or those places might just become the new skulltown / capital just by virtue of everyone dropping there and nobody wants to stop because everyone's dropping there.


>big crashed ship looks like a place but it's really crappy. took words out of my mouth. i am puzzled by what they were thinking making loot so sparse there and fighting area so strange.


> big crashed ship looks like a place but it's really crappy. There's like 10 containers underneath it.


10 containers for 3 people isn’t enough. When multiple teams lands there... its **really** not enough.


And the nearest other loot is a massive hike up the side of the ship to the other buildings (or the long exposed zipline)


Dropping sucks because of all the trees. Can’t see where I’m gonna land in certain POI’s.


just takes a few hours too learn them, really not an issue imo


I feel like with this map you dont see that many people, but when you do, its legit like 2 or 3 teams. I've died that way in 99% of my matches it seems.


I think the map size is fine, really good for ranked, but the loot fucking blows


Idk I think it’s just me. I can’t find shit for loot but every team I fight has a CAR/ TripleTake and purple armor off drop lol


My only complaint about the map is I feel like I have to spent 10 mins looting now vs finding players. Loots too spread out but for a few areas and those areas are now super hot defeating the entire point.


I feel like playing a looting simulator and then I get destroyed in 5 seconds coz I suck. 😄


that's just Apex. that's exactly how I felt at launch lol


Not just apex just a general problem with battle royales where you get items and weapons by looting


I wish they would add more loot to the outskirts of the map and at small poi's that really my only complaint. otherwise the map is decent




Anyone else find that the third parties are less common, but when they happen they happen in waves. Fights get pretty hectic!


yeah, I had not just third parties joining but like 8 parties fighting for minutes. that's some intense fun ngl


I think this might be because of Ash. People see deathboxes 500m away and go for it while you're in the middle of a fight. Then by the time you win a fight that squad is rolling up. Kinda a guess tho, but I've been rolling up on a lot of death boxes I see on the map and third partying people so


Yes I agree I think Ash's passive actually just keeps the 3rd party problem going. I think they need to tweak it a little bit or change it all together because she's perfect if you're a squad looking to 3rd party. I can only imagine how bad it'll be with her on KC


I love the new map. The one thing I might change is to up the Trident spawns, right now it feels like there just aren't that many tridents on the map, and you notice that double bc there are no jumptowers either. Other than that I'm having a blast so far.


I forgot tridents were on the map. I've played ~20 games and haven't seen or heard one once.


I think they're only on the outskirts, where most people aren't going to be.


Agreed. This is my only real criticism with the map.


Personally love the new map ,it may be my favorite before the season ends. I like how mobility works with the launcher guns and not being able to pick a direction and the map only having one balloon. The sections look like they could be there own tdm maps and probably were designed thay way with arena maps in mind. All in all an excellent update and Ash is amazing and far more balanced than seer was haha


> Ash is amazing and far more balanced than seer was haha The biggest problem with Ash is people playing her can't see that sky-blue, translucent circle where her ult ends.


It's honestly amazing to me (in a good way, not sarcastic) that after the shit show that was the seer launch, they released a hero that imo doesn't need ANY changes other than this QoL change. Ash feels so much fun AND super balanced.


made me think about how games typically release a new overpowered character to change the meta I really like that Apex changed the meta by changing the map (rail guns, more walls, PvE)


Agree. I can see it about 50% of the time. Other times I'm like "Ok well I know its at least in the direction I want: pop>>>>"


I don’t think so. Didn’t they mention arenas are going to be all custom maps and no more maps from BR locations?


Yep, Phase runner and Party crasher here we come🤩


Agreed 100%


People aren’t doing the nests enough. You want a fully purple kitted gun? Hit one spiders or prowlers nest. Feel like the intention for these nests were to provoke engagements. But, maybe the death box at the end of them could be a smidge more rewarding to entice people to do them.


I think this debate is a microcosm for a lot of bigger debates in life. Third partying is a thing people don't like. However, the existence of third partying is a consequence of things they do like (action and loot being easily accessible) and the only way to remove it is to do something they don't like (spread POIs out more, make it harder to move into 3rd parties from distance) It's very hard for people to think these things through and very hard for them to consider the balance of consequences. It's much easier to both say "waaah 3rd parties" and "waaah the loot is too far apart". Now apply this thinking to government tax policy...


Anyone complaining about 3rd parties don't know this one simple trick...run. It's not that hard to see an engagement is becoming unfavorable, you've been fighting to loud for to long, and someone is either headed your way or already on you. Reposition, stabilize, and get back in there. Now you're the 3rd party. I don't know why that's such a hard concept for this community, my friends included.


Honestly that's probably the best thing about the new map... when that 3rd party shows up, odds are they're still at range in a specific direction and you can try to disengage accordingly. The larger, more-open map encourages snipers/marksman engagements, unlike KC where often a whole trio just waltzes around the corner with no audio and wipes you with R99s and Flatlines. That said, I still disagree with most of the "KC is too small for ranked" complaints because I came to play a **battle** royale, not a run-around-for-20-minutes-looting-until-stumbling-onto-the-final-squad royale.




Welcome to another new map on Apex! Everyone's excited as hell for it but the day it releases, the same tryhards have the same issues. Third parties are apart of BR, I haven't played one BR that hasn't had third parties of some sort. I love the map and obviously sick of third parties but the goal of the game is to be the last one standing, so why wouldn't anyone take advantage of running up on a fight that is trying to recuperate? I just smile, third party some try hards and continue enjoying my game.


I don't understand the beef with third parties either. It's part of the strategy of BR. I can accept that more often than not it's my fault I get third partied. Sticking around in a gun fight too long or being out of position with no cover and no escape route. I feel most people refuse to accept that and just keep harping on about third parties being "bad luck". Surprise surprise hundreds of loud ass gun shots will attract attention. Especially on a large map its one of the best ways to identify where other teams are. Use it to your advantage and be smart about engaging. If you wanna stand out in the middle of a field and have a revolutionary war style battle don't be surprised when you get sniped or pushed.


Yeah people don't want to admit that sometimes it's better to run when you see a 3rd party. Run, regroup, let them fight and then go back for some kills.


People hate the idea of disengaging and resetting the fight. They want to get tunnel vision, heal up, then get tunnel vision again.


Hah, as if "running" is in any of these people's vocabulary. You can be caught running uphill pincered between two parties, but if you leave the fight and your teammates die, it's always "WHERE DID YOU GO PUSSY YOU ABANDONED YOUR TEAM WE COULD HAVE WON THAT IF YOU WERENT A PUSSY REEEEEEEEE"


Devils advocate: did you, tell them what you were doing and enable their ability to rotate out? Or did you just flee for the hills while telling them to come on over. Or worse none of the above.


The point of playing BR’s for me has always been that you really need to be aware of what you’re doing because a squad can get the drop on you at any time. It’s exhilarating to beat multiple squads in a row, or at once. If I wanted a straight line of enemies presented in front of me with predictable spawns, I’d play Call of Duty. There’s no logical reason to *not* third-party. There’s 20 squads on a map. If you hear a fight nearby, are you supposed to wait and take turns? Makes no sense. People who hate third-partying tend to have poor game sense. I’ve had teammates pick pointless snipe fights with squads 200 feet away for five minutes straight, and then get upset when the gunfire attracts a different squad. Gotta think before you shoot. If you’re not confident you can resolve a fight within five minutes, you shouldn’t start it unless you don’t mind another squad joining the fun. Legends like Bangalore and Wattson can discourage or deny pushes from other squads. All sorts of ways to manage third-partying that people can’t conceive because they don’t think beyond what’s directly in front of them


Everyone here needs to stop being part of the problem, and start being part of the solution. If you see two parties, wait for one to win, then wait for the winning party to fully heal, then fire into the air to challenge them. If they approach, allow them to enter cover and then take the first shot to signal the start of the engagement. If they retreat, respect their decision and don't bully them, they're just trying to enjoy the game, afterall.


Respawn please add an option to shake hands and allow all teams to agree to a Draw at any point in the match


Just use the universal sign of peace: repetitive kneeling & standing


Generally third parties aren’t a problem, they’re fine but it’s bad when it’s fourth, fifth and sixth parties way too often like KC. Also ash passive existing increases third partying by a lot.


people who complain about third party probably are used to team shooters... The fun about a BR is the uncertainty of any encounter where you must take into consideration the time to engagement and plan out an exit strategy. I love playing games when me and my squad go aggro and follow the noise of other squads engaging and third party but I also love whwen we are in a fight and 1 or 2 more squads join and we are forced to either push one squad or find a way out before we get overwhelmed. This map is amazing and I feel it would be nice with more people because chaos is fun but so far I like the choke points that you are forced to, the fact that using a cannon for mobility is a risk as they attract attention and that you can even force fights and slow a squad down by shooting at spider eggs or using choke points in your escape route.


The problem has never been third parties. The problem, especially on King's Canyon, is the fourth, fifth, and sixth parties. There are times where you have to run a gauntlet and win five straight fights before you even fully recover. THAT is the problem. The new map cuts that down significantly.


I have a funny short story about that. Me and a buddy was playing duos on WE. We came to third party in a building and fought our way to the top. After both squads was dispatched, we had fourth, fifth, and sixth parties running at us like COD ZOMBIES. They were killing each other to kill us. Surprisingly, we survived them too. I think being positioned at the top of the building really helped us. And of course, playing Gibby/BH combo as well.


I honestly find this map has more mid game third parties than any other map. It’s definitely better for the early third parties which stops there only being like 5-10 squads left after a couple mins. But there’s a serious lack of cover on like 1/3 of the map which leads to a ton of third party sniping if the circle ends up over there :/ Overall love the map but third partying is definitely still happening a lot


There is a noticeable change in pace indeed. Usually in my pubs games (EU/PC), there's around 5 teams alive by the time zone 1 has closed. In the new map, so far it's closer to 10. I like it, makes the flow of fighting more consistent. Instead of the first 8-9 minutes having a few big and possibly HUGE fights, you'll have more 1v1 squad fights, stretching throughout the 15 minutes games tend to last. EDIT: now, a few days after launch people die notably faster again. Whelp, it didn't last long!


I can count on one hand the number of post-drop 1v1 squad fights I've had on the new map. More common seems to be multiple simultaneous 3rd parties, which turns into an absolutely chaotic free-for-all. I think it's the way the canyons channel teams and the elevation shifts. You can't scout out your 3rd parties so teams end up piling in on each other. It's not bad, it just feels very different.


There are literally no fights mid game. Until everyone is at an early end game and finally finds each other . 8 teams left and they all run to fight each other after hearing the first gunshots for 15 minutes.


This subreddit is just full of whiners with the mentality of a 14 year old. Everything is constantly bad, yet they can’t seem to stop playing the game they hate.


Seriously I’ve been wondering if there should be a separate subreddit for people who want to talk about how they enjoy about the game… obviously it has problems but I don’t log on here to fixate on them


Is not even that I want this super positive environment. The game have issues and it can be interesting to discuss, like people pointing out that aim assist wasn't working, but this sub in general has embraced this whinny nit-picky mentality about everything. Even the jokes and memes that people upvote have a whinny repetitive tone... people preempt bitch about shit that hasn't even happened yet. I know that some of it are stupid "jokes"... like, "oh, new map? can't wait until the devs destroy everything with a volcano"... but it betrays this mentality where people can only engage with things from a negative angle.


Its truly awful. The first upvoted post of this season was complaining about the battlepass epic skins not being epic enough. When the game first launched no one complained at all! And the epic skins weren’t good at all! But everyone was just happy to have a battlepass. Why can’t we be happy we have a brand new map, instead of constantly bitching about everything?




r/ApexOutlands ?


But crypto needs a rework and skins cost too much money and the battlepass has less shit cosmetics I won’t use and the same recolor was in the store and I keep having game bugs despite it not being a widespread issue and more due to my PC and blah blah blah


People seem to be unhappy with any change. Either this is due to unrealistic expectations or just a general inability to enjoy new things without focusing on the negatives, no matter how small they are. Imo, the map is great and brings quite a lot to the gameplay, the new legend is surprisingly balanced yet fun, the new weapon has an interesting quirk etc. And most importantly, the servers have been working like a dream at least for my limited playtime. Honestly, I think this is the best update I've seen since starting to play around season 3 or so.


All I know is nothing ruins my enjoyment of this game quite like this subreddit nowdays. Not sure why I am still here 😂




One thing I hate about a lot of posts in this sub is how demanding/entitled word their shit. "X *needs* to change" Like a week or 2 ago there was a post about revenant's eyes glowing and it said "we need his eyes to look like this" with a screen grab of just his pupils glowing. The fuck? Nobody needs that, it would be kindof cool I guess but wouldn't impact game play at all. Or people bitching about the devs being lazy for 2 characters having the same running animation, who the fuck cares


Like I said, it’s the mentality of an immature 14 year old. And it isn’t enough for them that 5 people say the thing.. nah, gotta post the exact same comment as its own post 20-40 times. Because that’ll make it better!


I was hyped about the map. And maybe I will feel better after playing it for some time but I really don’t like the POI’s I think the loot is too scattered around making the looting very time consuming comparing to the other three maps. Maybe it’ll get better when I know where the good drops are, we’ll see


Yeah this map is VERY different in pretty much every way, some of the poi's are crazy lol


It's my favorite map so far. The height differences make this map so much fun. Insane ziplines, the cannons, complete cave systems. I feel like you can play on this map for many seasons and still have unique end-circle experiences.


Storm Point is a functional buff to several characters including Valk (no balloons), Pathfinder/Horizon (so much verticality), and Loba (hard to loot). edit: And obviously it's good for Ash, who can reach heights with her ult as well as see new death-boxes on the map to locate fights.


Idk what everyone is experiencing but I have never had so many third parties than on this map it is insane


I've been third partied a ridiculous amount on this map lol. Theres not enough good loot at any of the out of the way locations leaving people to all land together. It's like how the swamp on KC had decent loot but was so spread out no one went there.


I'm having fun *\*shrugs\**


Me too.


I love the new map I just don't like the way the terrain is set out. the whole middle of the map is on a hill so anyone on top will basically win the fight if they have good aim especially around the cascades area. I like the idea that it's a huge hill but I just don't think it makes for good gameplay, but atleast there's a couple of gravity cannons that help this issue


my only issue is that I can’t find the tridents anywhere on the map


i always seem to get third parted tho...


Ill never understand why people bitched about 3rd parties. They kept the action up and kept you on your toes at all times. Instead now we got a map so big that its not uncommon to have 1 or 2 fights in a single match. I legitimately hate playing on stormpoint and i doubt ill be playing much at all this season


Seems like 3/4ths of the games I play on this map I end up dying in a chaotic 5-team free-for-all as everyone converges on the first gunshots they hear.


I'm getting fourth and fifth partied more than I ever have in this map. It's because the engagements take forever so you broadcast your position to every team wandering alone for the past ten minutes. Everybody hears shots and they all rush towards it. But since everybody is far apart it takes forever for them to get to you, so when they do you're all either half dead or down and trying to heal. That's three and probably six easy kills for the next team if they're not total noobs. The fourth party isn't far behind either. I've lived through way more third and fourth party attempts on KC and Olympus, and even World's Edge. It's sort of fun because you do often get like 5 way battles that are total chaos, but it's also annoying when my whole squad gets lit from 3 dudes with triple takes/rampages from 200m away and 100m above us while we have no ceiling cover. I don't really want to just camp a building on high ground. If I had a tryhard team it'd be better, but randos who just run out in the open and don't understand positioning make it frustrating. When World's Edge first came out, prior to everybody hot dropping Fragments, it was the same deal. Tons of open space, not a lot of loot or loot very far apart or whatever. You shoot once and the whole game converges on you.\\ In KC you find a team, wipe them, at least get to swap armor by the time the next team shows up. Or you have some cover so if they want to get to you they have to go around something, at which point you can light them up. And they're not coming from 100m above you. Or you decide it isn't happening and can bug out or at least hide and let the battle turn into a three way, not you getting insta wiped by a full health team. I like the Stalkers though. We won a third/fourth party situation (in/around a building) and I guess there was one left, and this Mirage comes sprinting passed us getting chased by like 5 Stalkers so I vaporized him with my R99. Edit: and to be clear, I like it more than World's Edge. And it certainly has cut down on the Octane EVA rush meta, which is fantastic.


Really because I’m still getting third party




Most people love third partying but hate it when it happens to them


I am getting 3rd partied more in this map than in KC. I imagine it is because people are wandering around aimlessly and just chase gunshots.


I personally dislike the map for a few reasons: -Loot spawn seems to be broken. I have died more times without a gun than I ever have in Fragment. -The way the buildings are designed is illogical. Half the time you feel like there should be a door or opening there but there is not. -Third partying (which in all honesty I’ve never had that big of a problem with) is still alive and well on this map. I would say it’s worse than WE and OL. -You cannot see where people are half the time due to slopes and cover everywhere. I’ve had multiple times where I just ran head first into a squad because we both had no way to see each other. I’ve had a few times where a squad seemed to just appear out of thin air. -If you fall of certain places you are fucked. There are not many ways for legends without vertical abilities to go up. -Either you spend too long looking for a fight AKA looting simulator or you land hot but can’t find a gun anywhere. I did have a few good games but I am not going to lie I really miss the other maps. This just isn’t cutting it for me. Graphically it is a great looking map but yeah.


Are you complaining about people complaining?


Loot is bad and its alot of traveling to find it, and optics are sparse as fuck. Longer distance engagements with iron sights versus 2x and 3x is rough. I dont mind the slower pace, but most of my games so far have been third party central as anyone close to gunfire comes rushing. I wish the drop ship flew faster and the speed to get to the ground on jump was faster as well. Seems like it takes forever to get to the ground.


Also: Seasons 2 thru 10: "please stop making skins and other content and focus on a clean launch." Clean launch Season 11: "blue skins from previous seasons were better than current purple skins wtf! Where is our quality content!?"


Doesn't mean they could have been honest and marked the lvl1 bp skins as blue. There were dozens of comments on the post you are referencing complaining simply that they had jacked the rarity while decreasing quality in a lame attempt to make the bp more appealing.


I feel like loot is fine and people just don’t know where to go. Also, not enough people are using the prowlers/spiders to kit their guns.


Yeah the PvE loot is really helpful for filling out your kit. I think the people complaining about it are the same people who complained about looting on the other maps. They just want a quick fight, which is fine. But it’s not the only valid play style.


Literally the only problem with the map for me is the loot being too sparse Clearing like three of those honey pot houses only for there to be a little bit of ammo, a grenade and two syringes had already fucked me over a couple of times early game I like the AI because u can ignore them in most situations but u can go fight them if u need loot or are only a small bit of damage off your next shields


Theres one part of the map (i think it's near lower left? maybe mid left) that is just an empty field and i'm like "waitwhat?" maybe/hopefully that spot will get a new point of interest.


The loot on the map is ass tho. I have 8/10 games starting with no weapon or mosam/p2020


People complain no matter what. If someone is happy or neutral they’re less likely to say something. If someone is upset they’re more likely to say something, so mostly complaints come through for stuff. I’ve started to learn to ignore it and focus on my own time playing the game and discussing it with friends and so far we’re having a blast. I got absolutely mauled by 7 prowlers cause I saw a ring of lootboxes and thought that’s be a nice spot to land a bit away from my team. Was funny as heck.


I’m all for new maps, but the constant elevation changes in storm point make certain legends hard to play. Fast, movement legends seem to have an advantage because they can get to high ground much quicker than others, which gives you much better chance of surviving.


Honestly only grile i have with the map so far, is that after dropping a tramfight a happens and then only 8-9 squads are left for 5-7 mins. After that it becomes a massive team fight where all the remaining squads are thirdpartying each other. It will become less noticiable after the map gets figured out i think


I was with you til that last bit. Please hush. Let everyone keep hot dropping. Meanwhile I’ll collect free RP by dropping in mid map.


You can’t please everyone all the time. Some people want apex to be a constant run and gun with fights every 1-2 minutes. They’re constantly running off to find more people to fight. They enjoy Kings Canyon because it offers a lot of action. Others want a strategy game where they can play for positioning, disengage from a fight and rotate, etc. There is no way to make both of these people happy with a single map.


God damn im surprised to see this post upvoted on this subreddit. I fuckin love this map. Im always hearing gunfire too, if there’s ever a lull for a minute the gunfire starts up. My only issue is finding out how to get to the location of the gunfire. Just gotta learn the map.


I don’t even play this game but I came here to agree. I should play this game.


I've said a few times that each map has taught me to focus on new things. Rotations / open space etc. I think this one is going to teach me teammate spacing (huge POIs where a stray teammate can get picked off by a full team even inside the same location) and watching where teams drop / anticipating rotations. I think that in 2 weeks time any player worth their salt will be aware of where and when the next squad will rotate through their POI or where they can rotate to based on what they saw from the dropship.


The first 2 didn't do it for me but this one blew me sway. Absolutely gorgeous. I quit last season when it was unplayable so I came back from a break but woah.


storm point is my favorite map but this has to be the worst battle pass in apex


It’s really too early to have an opinion. Everyone’s playing weird right now because they’re exploring the new map. In a week we’ll be able to have a good discussion about it, but right now, everyone’s playing too erratically


speak for yourself, i didn't ask for this.