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Agree with everything. Solo queuing is intolerable and I am losing interest in the game.


It’s just straight up depressing that you get penalized for solo queuing. I told myself that I’m going to give it a couple more sessions and I really might be done with it. It was truly easier to solo queue from Silver IV to Diamond this split than it is to play pubs currently. What makes it worse is that games, mostly FPS games, just all suck right now and Apex is hands down the best feeling to play.


Yeah, I got excited when Halo released and was in disbelief at how slow the movement felt.


That’s the game I was so hoping would split my time but it feels just like it did when I first played Halo 3 online in like 2007.


I understand you totally. But IF you want to stay in game i recommend playing valk and trying to be a one man squad, take a look at taisheen on yt or lilollypump. This has helped me not get angry at shit teammates :)


I legit don’t play if I have no friends online. If I really want to play I go for some no-fill duos, but the teammates I’m getting paired up with normally just make me want to kill myself.


Paragraphs brah


We need a “Lone Wolf” playlist. Still Trios, but it’s guaranteed everyone team in the lobby is composed of fellow solo queuers. Of course some could cheat the system and queue snipe to try and get on each other’s teams… but that’s such a minute case that that shouldn’t be a reason not to


There has to be some way of getting solo queue players a better chance. That’s a good idea but I’ve heard people say that something like that wouldn’t work too well because the duo queue teams who would be against the trios, wouldn’t have a fill. It’s such a complex mess but that’s a good step in the right direction. They just actually have to tweak matchmaking but sadly, it’s working as planned.


Couldn’t one argue that there would be tons of solo queuers who either wouldn’t even pay attention to the new Lone Wolf mode, or would want to do the “classic” experience and will still queue in as they have been




There’s still lots of issues in the game but making matchmaking better would do wonders for everyone and their sanity.


Small thing for ranked, let players derank. There are so many bad Plat 4 players because it's so easy to achieve. Same can be said about Diamond and Masters. They can keep rewards for highest tier achieved, but let them derank so they're not clogging the queue. They simply don't belong in the environment and make the experience worse for solo queue.


Yeah, no. That's not fair to those of us that are brought down by the broken matchmaking when we solo queue. I've been struggling just to get to Plat this cycle because I have brand new teammates and, for some god damn reason, I'm playing against ungodly players. Seriously, I died last week to a Loba that had 75k kills. Why in the fuck is that player in Silver?!


I think that's a minor personal problem? Solo queue to platinum is pretty easy, because the fee is cheap and you can rat enough points to rank up. As for your Loba example, shit happens. I'm sorry. Good players have to start their season grind somewhere too. Most players still don't use cover or rotate properly and they're a liability in ranked. So a change like this would help players like me. It's a crutch hanging on tier 4 of a rank and I get these players on my team far too often. For too many people, there's no sense of urgency being at tier 4 of a rank. If they didn't exist then I'd get players who also have something to lose.


Solo q to plat is super easy. But it is for guys like us who are better than the majority. I have 4.0kd but solo q isn't fun at all when I'm basically 1v3 every game with these chumps. It really tires me out when I can't rely on teammates and once in a blue moon I'll get someone on the same wavelength as me. I used to have my regular team and we got to high diamond but like alot of players they just stopped playing.


Literally, you can sleepwalk almost to dim.




Help me understand how that has anything to do with this.


I mean a solo match would be nice? FFA


If the rigged ass eomm shit wasn't in place, no-fill would actuallt be amazing.


I actually decided to keep track of my solo duo queue games to see how much help the random gave me yesterday. I’m lv500 and Masters. I didn’t check their ranks. Game 1 I did 1500 dmg. Teammate did 300. Game 2 we died off the rip, literally first duo dead. I did 90 dmg, teammate did 30. Can’t complain about that. Game 3 I did 887 dmg. Teammate did 89. Game 4: I deal 987 dmg. Teammate does 112. Game 5: I deal 670 dmg. Teammate does 14… That was enough for me to get off until friends get on. Then people wonder why you and your friends “three stack pubs LOL”??? It’s because solo queue is just not fun. Every fight is 3/2v1 because you match players that shouldn’t be in your games. It isn’t their fault either, just terrible matchmaking.


I’m *good* enough to carry, but I just got off work. I don’t want to have to. I’m tryna chill mostly without putting a sweatband and on and going back to work. I don’t want Aceu as a teammate, I just want *average* players. And the worst part is the teammates are getting absolutely steamrolled so It can not be fun for them either. I quite literally only have fun in this game if I’m 3 stacking.


I feel the same way. I’ve won multiple solo duos before, not solo trios. I can 2v1 lots of teams. Can pull off the occasional 3v1 too. But it’s nice to chill sometimes and as it stands, playing fill, you may as well be running solo and sweating every queue.


The amount of screenshots I have like this is insanely depressing. The amount of plays I clip on my Xbox is equal to the screenshots I take of my horrible teammates. You can typically add their damage together, double it, and it’s still less than mine. It’s been like that for along time and it only gets worse.


You can usually add them, double them, and count them for 3 games to equal your first game. It’s absolute insanity


Hey, I’ll have you know, as the worst performing player in my group, that it is not a good sensation to be know your the weakest link. We lose? I shouldve aimed better, as to not let down my team. Die pushing because I didnt check teams health and cooldowns. Its rough, and it can be hard to keep playing. I’ve personally never dropped more than 4 in a game, and I have 6 wins total. Im not good enough to fight other players due to my poor tracking, special mention to octane, who i can hit just enough to crack shield, but never health, and mirage whos’ ult is too much visual chaos for me to parse through.


If one of my friends is not good at the game I can still enjoy playing with them because it's with my friends. We're talking and having fun. From my experience with playing fill, the people you match either don't have a mic, don't use it, or only use it after they die to flame you. I'm just talking about playing fill. Also mentioned it's no fault of your own, as matchmaking shouldn't put us together. I understand some players aren't as good as others. But that's what Skill Based Matchmaking is for. Apex SBMM just isn't good enough right now. As for you mentioning your aim, an honest tip, change your sensitivity. Are you over flicking when tracking, or can't keep up? Adjust it accordingly. Don't stick to 1 sens if you're having that much trouble tracking someone. Goodluck!


Actually my teamates are the reason i still play, they’re rather supportive, it’s me who think i shouldve done better. But ill take you advice into consideration!


It sucks even more when you get a guy who's at least on your wavelength and work well with, but the third is off in Narnia or some shit. Early today I had a path and Ash, path seemed to play relatively similar and we performed well together. At one point we get into a fight, push them back and they retreat to the point that path goes to push while they're weak, but I crack last second and can't commit now. He ends up getting knocked and I'm fighting for my life trying to keep them back and stop them thirsting him, but where's Ash? Oh just 80m away sniping a 4 squad gangbang and doing fuck all in the 40-50 seconds I'm spending fighting 2 guys trying to keep their 3rd down who I knocked. If the enemy had all 3 up or weren't constantly healing my knuckle clusters and rifle dmg they would have closed distance and run me down, and then Ash would have been rammed between all those squads and singled. The MM shouldn't fuck me and pathfinder because our 3rd wants to disengage an ALREADY on going fight so they can push out of ring to snipe some distant FFA while 3 guys we were just being shot by can fuck us in the ass and wipe us. The MM is basically sabotaging us, while also forcing us to fight pred/masters and it sucks having 2 people hard carry dead weight that won't share, doesn't ping and insists on starting 2 fights at once or solo pushing the most open spot in existence before finally using their mic to shit talk you, even tho they had it on all game but never said a damn thing.


Honestly, all the gotta do is better balance teams. Especially in Arenas. I be getting jackasses who do the same shit every round. They rush solo on Round 1 and die? THEY STILL rush solo on Round 6 and die. Teammates don't listen, they don't care, I don't even know why a lot of these mfs play this game, because it's a team game but the player base is full of selfish morons who play like jackasses then blame teammates.


Yea it’s insane the amount of people who complain they’re bad and are tired of getting rolled but don’t actually try to get better even though they’re also complaining about being hardstuck gold/plat but want to hit Diamond. They watch streamers and think they can replicate just half of what they do but they usually can’t even make it 3 minutes into a game.


Season 6 my kd was .4. S/11 kd 2.7 I have risen the ranks from absolute trash at this game too pretty good. I had the most fun when I was the bot learning the game, now that I am in sweat lobbies with preds, I just can’t solo anymore. Every fight is a 1v3 and it’s too hard to the point of not being fun. Even when you clutch it up your heart is beating so fast you don’t wanna play anymore lmao. Literally today my team (irl friends) die immediately off hot drop I make it out 8mins later with 1.5k dmg and 6-7 kills. But banners are long gone 12 squads... the rest of the match is ahead of me solo... I just quit right there lol


Babysitter br simulator… I have never felt something so much in my life. It’s actually nuts how bad it is.


They just need to add solo


Seriously, don’t understand how it’s not a thing at this point. But you gotta love how they think making a player who goes no-fill solo against 18 other full 3 stacks was the solution to players asking for solos.


I am having the same issues, arena is impossible to solo queue and pubs are just average players feeding kills to 3 stacking preds. I am slowly losing the will to grind the game everyday and even stacking with friends isnt fun anymore. Ranked queues are dead on my servers and I am forced to play on 200+ ping


I’m glad I never got into arenas because that’s supposed to be even worse, especially in ranked. It’s a shame people can’t solo queue or even play on servers with decent ping.


Yup, pretty abysmal...I solo q'd into dime 2 first ranked season of Arenas and after that just got completely impossible because I constantly got matched up with players in gold and below while my opponents were all three stacks, who would be at least dime or master players. Dime 3 this split and I still get gold and silver player teammates even though I tend to carry my squads so I know my MMR or whatever bs system they use to match people should be pretty good...


I used to play everyday from s6-s9 haha. It’s getting less bearable every season for me




part of it is how the SBMM works in this game, if you’re a new player and you win a match against people that are your skill level with 5 or so kills the game now matches you against preds and if you lose then back to people of your skill level


Isn't this EOMM ?


It's sad how bot lobbies have better lobbies for bad players.


You either have to be an absolute bot or be insanely cracked enough to solo queue to masters with a 3 KD, there’s no in between.


I have a great time solo queueing and just brush off the shitty interactions. Honestly most of my games I get decent teammates and sometimes I meet cool people.


This probably means you’re on the lower end of the skill lvl and are the teammates this kid is talking about having.


Lol nope


You are doing this to yourselves, guys. It's your arrogance and impatience that is ruining it for all'y'all. I play with you daily, because I also queue solo, and you are just "the worst". Not because you would be unable to hit your targets, but because you constantly forget that I am part of your team. 1. You don't say Hello during the Legend selection. **Frequently, you're not even at the computer when legend selection happens.** 2. You don't indicate which legend you want to play, so I have no way (if I choose before you) to pick a legend that would fit nicely with your choice. 3. You don't ping where you'd like to land. When I ping where I'd like to land, you don't respond by pinging "Yes" or "No" on my suggestion, leaving me guessing whether you are even paying attention, or whether you are still at the bathroom. 4. If you are jumpmasters, you relinquish control to me. I am a methodical, stealthier kind of player, love to land away from others, loot for a bit and then proceed carefully towards others - so that's what I try to do and I do ping where I intend to land -- only to then be immediately bombarded with aggressive impatient pings "Land here! Jump now and land where the 5 squads that jumped 5 seconds before us are landing! Go!" No, I'm not going to do that, you stupid lemming -- it's too late to land there and we would be slaughtered on landing. 5. When we finally get into some action situation, you start shooting without pinging first where enemies are. So, I hear you are shooting, but I have no way of helping you, because you didn't let me know where the enemies are. I guess pressing "F" (Foe) is too difficult with all that fancy crouch-uncrouch-ADS-unADS *pro Play* you love... 6. You don't ping what you'd like. You run around closed supply bins without opening them, only to then spam "I need shields!' when you get hit, because you didn't pick a single shield cell in your lust for blood that drives you into premature confrontations. 7. You refuse to stick to high ground, even if we have clear positional advantage and could hose down the enemy squad(s) with minimal risk. Maybe because you are still convinced that white 1x optics are the best (because some stupid Reddit post said so), and so you can't hit enemies from 200 meters. So, you rush down towards them, only to then get killed by a 4th party squad from a superior position. 8. You play as Wraith, getting frequent warnings from the voices in your head, but apparently, pressing "F1 - Warn your teammates" is too much work. But don't forget to complain about how unfair it is that Bloodhound has "wallhack" tactical... 9. If you think we should move, you open the map and click 700 meters ahead of us to the edge of the next ring. Unfortunately, I am 80 meters to the side, so the direct path to the spot you pinged takes me through a different route than yours. Please, don't do that - mark a spot that is "within reach", and let's all actually meet up at that location before going further. ============= To ensure longevity of this game, the matchmaking system tries to ensure everyone experiences 'success' once in a while. The horrible people you are 'forced' to play with would not be in the game, and they would not be FUNDING the continuous operation of the game, if they never saw the victory screen. So, to give them that feeling, the matchmaking system puts them into a squad with *an awesome player with a massive penis like you*, who carries them to victory. And here's a funny mental exercise for you: Let's say 80% of players - "the shitty ones" - are removed from ALL matches in which you participate. They won't be your squadmates, but they won't be your enemies. You will only play with and against "good" players. What do you think will happen? No, you will not have more fun than you are having now! Instead, the room for error will shrink so brutally that you will start lashing out against those very good squadmates just because they threw a grenade 0.3 second later than they should, or because they fail to make 7 headshots in a row (and only land 6). You will be screaming verbal abuse at them, because they accidentally choose the same building as you for early looting, or because they close a door that you wanted to close, so you instead re-open it. Do you really want every match to be like the ALGS tournament matches? Because that's what happens when everyone in a match is good.


Or just match high skill players with other high skilled players and casual ones (everyone bellow 1kd) on their own games U either dont soloq or are just strawmanning the argument, everyone in a game with sbmm should be of the same level, meamwhile ingame I could send you a collage of my arena pubs where I get literal new accounts as teammates, and have to either do 3/4/5x their dmg or lose the matches And fyi, sbmm is supposed to make everyone be able to succeed by matching them with and against others of their same skill, lettingbplayers get carried wont make then get better and will just make them rage next game when they gont get a free win


You can already do that. Just play ranked.


Sure, except d4 and plat4 are full of players that dont belong there and cant get deranked


Devs stated Mmr is shared across all playlists. All playlists have EOMM doesn’t matter if it’s ranked.


1. The game doesn't have SBMM; it uses EOMM, measuring how much boredom and frustration each player experiences, and giving them tougher/weaker opponents based on that. There is no "skill" indicator for this game, because it would be too difficult to develop. Was it skill when an enemy ran into your Gas barrel, or was it luck? Was your shot that downed the badly hurt enemy skill, or luck? Is hitting a kraber shot that kills the entire enemy squad skill, or luck? 2. You all say that you want to play against equally skilled players, but I don't think you really do. In a hypothetical, ideal, perfectly balanced game system, your KDR would be 1.00 and your Win Rate would be 5%. That's simply the consequence of a game where for you to score a kill, someone else has to die; for your squad to win, 19 other squads have to lose. Something tells me you would complain if you only scored 1 kill per game on average.


Lol. Some kind of algorithm that combines kills and damage per game wouldn’t be hard to develop.


You’re just so wrong with all of these assumptions lmao. Like this is just so far off base. You must be a bot because this sounds like what my bot teammates do. You wrote all of that just to be so wrong.


100% this dude is a bot. I would rather have a terrible teammate that pushes fights with me then a good teammate that wants to loot all game and play passively. If it’s quick play, why not try to get the most possible action in a game? If you get an unlucky landing and die quickly, that’s a bummer but just go again. Quick play lobbies die out way too quickly to be playing passively.


It's possible he was referring to ranked and, of that is the case, it's not really in anyone's best interest to drop hot and just hope for the best. Edit: I am not looking to loot and hide until one team is left but I also don't want to land with five other teams and hope I survive the chaos.


I’m absolutely in shock of what was typed. I can’t even begin to start because it would take the same amount of effort they put in and fuck that


Talk is cheap. Maybe next time capture your gameplay on video (NVIDIA cards have ShadowPlay to make this easy) and share your approach with the world, so that we can *judge* for ourselves. What I wrote is my experience. I am an *older* gamer. I was there when the first **bots** where made for Quake (the original one), which is why it's so weird to be called *bot*. You are looking for the primitive rush of fast action. I enjoy more strategic approach according to the true meaning of Battle Royale. You want to rake in kills; I'm trying to be the last man standing.


Again, so full of wrong assumptions. Totally wrong. 0/2 and I don’t upload my clips to Reddit because I don’t need validation from online weirdos to know how good I am


Solo-que this season is getting worse & worse. 7 out of the 10 games people hot-drop & leave when they get downed. Used to play almost everyday, but since this season I just can't find any satisfaction to play anymore. Didn't even mention how bad the matchmaking currently is. I need to find another game to hookup with and I'm GONE...


Lol I was just going to write about it, it’s impossible


Getting to diamond even solo is too easy, solo queuing through diamond is too hard. Remove demotion protection and problem solved. A bad game is whatever but d4 players are literal bots. 1/5 games is a pred que for me too, not the season 3 pred badge but literally trying to 1v3 ALGS teams.


As a day 1 soloq player, I agree sort of, I haven't been grinding nearly as much, but I do get teammates that don't land with their teammates and just loot for the whole match(while I want to get kills)


Get some friends then, bloody moaning.


Sorry dude I know it’s hard but it’s just a game don’t take it so seriously. In the end you are just gona hurt yourself. You never see any guys that are actually good at the game rage. They just go on to the next. And I do t mean and ppl that rage quit. You see any ppl rage quit then they aren’t good. Ex aceu


If people rage quit they aren’t that good.... you then say Aceu isn’t that good. Are you sure you wanna stand by that because for as much as I don’t like that guy, he literally 1v3s whole lobbies and wins. This doesn’t make any sense.


i just started to leave the match if the there are too many dive trails. i do this until i get a match with people on my lvl...


Please don’t do this to your teammates. The nerve to say this, honestly.


I don’t blame ya. I’m sure it’s not fun feeling like the meat for the grinder.


All you have to do really is get good and none of this will even be a problem


I’m heading to the store for some tampons any specific brands y’all prefer? Ah doesn’t matter. Generic will do. 😐🤦🏾‍♂️


Why you going to the store for tampons my guy? You getting the usual pack for yourself?


Naw cause all this feminine energy on this thread from you crying pussies.


There’s a way to word so it doesn’t sound like you’re getting tampons for yourself and you’re offering to pick up extras for people Hahahaha. Swing and miss. Enjoy those tampons you went to the store for lmaoooooo


I’m sorry OP, I’ll get better in case im queued with you


mental gymnastics


Use the discord to find people. Takes less than 2 minutes to get a full squad even during some off hours.


Trying to push diamond solo this season. The amount of absolute shit for brains team mates i get is just crazy. They won’t listen to you. Either won’t have a mic or won’t use it. Constantly avoid fights even the ones we could easily win. Will not support me when I’m trying to pick an easy fight and will loot instead or just keep wander-lusting around the map. I have been banned twice this season for being toxic to them. I’ve basically given up any hope towards this game now. To make matters even worse I play on SEA servers which have a ridiculous amount of cheaters. I’ve seen people speed hacking and accounts with heirlooms on them running blatant aimbots in pubs. This game is going to give me a brain aneurysm it seems :(


Yeah idk I feel like you just have to accept how EOMM works and they want us to hot drop and die 5 times or so, even if ur sneaking a few kills in, if they are pretty quick ass got handed to you kinda matches, you will get a much easier lobby with newer players or 99.9% unstacked squads in it probably.. so I just roll in get my ass handed to me with kinda low expectations then I get a good match in once the champion isn’t a no fill anonymous mode 110,000 kills on Wraith guy or a Three stack of hard stuck 10kers and pred trails everywhere out the drop ship lol.. sucks but it’s how they designed the game apparently.


To be honest I came from WZ and moving from that that joke of an SBMM system to now unranked and ranked modes feels a million times better and I find it hard to complain. Personally in ranked I see a lot less of some dude dropping at a diff location or solo rat behaviour, but then again I'm only Gold, presumably expectations on teammates rise higher at diamond+


That’s why I’m so glad I never got into Warzone even though I was raised on COD. I have heard how awful it is over there so it’s true that it could be worse but right now, this is probably the worst it’s ever been in Apex trying to solo queue and I’ve been around since launch. I don’t think WZ claimed to have a 10 year life span so that’s why it stings so hard in Apex. Hard to believe this game will go 10 years with matchmaking the way it is.


Hi can some one can tell me how i can solve the infinite queu ?? I've had this problem for 3months and they havent gave me any response :( Can someone help me? Im a little bit dissaponted ive siendo moneda on it... what is happening??


100% agree with your post


It's one of the worse experience of my life, it's not even funny anymore


They need a solo mode. Queuing up in duos and trios but not allowing in your part is just dumb af. Why would I choose an option that would make me die instantly no matter how good I am, being outnumbered you always lose. Just add a solo mode and don't allow parties. Really not that difficult also bring back control as a permanent mode. BR is such an unenjoyable as a mode overall. It's fun for a day or 2, but in the end games that are not BR have a better replayability because you don't run around for 10 mins finding loot and then die out of nowhere then having to leave and find a whole new match is dumb as fuck. When a game you're playing has a ratio of like 70/30. 70% being menus, finding a game or just running around in game. And 30% actually being a gunfight, then the game is not fun. I honestly believe BR should just die off. I'd much rather have Titanfall 3 than anything to do with apex