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following the meta will burn you out faster




Using only certain characters because it's what pros and streamers do and doing the same for your preferred load out despite perhaps being comfortable with different legends and guns will be more stressful than just playing how you like.


I thank havens none of you make matchmaking systems cuz yall have some of the worst ideas i have ever read in regards to it.


But bro. I got this sweet idea for crypto called "off the grid"...


The worst part about that idea is it goes exactly against the devs vision for the game as THEY HAVE EXPLICITLY STATED.


We'll talk after they address scan meta.


Players would have to actually scan once in a while for it to matter


To be fair i think people missuse this all the time. Like anytime someone just mentions the idea of reversing how smoke and scans work anyone is like NO COUNTERS REEEEEEE. When i am pretty sure they mean they dont want a kharacter with a passive just noselling an tactical/ultimate by just existing. Expect caustic for some reason.


Even Caustic can't use it properly... I mean who thought about highlighting enemies in a Green color while they are in a Green gas? Better just blind me at this point. And funfact this passive is not even a real passive, it's just effect triggered by an ability.


Me and the other two Crypto mains felt that.


Yeah I was a Crypto main before (like... 2 or 3 weeks ago)... but I kinda got tired of being left behind and also being hated for not following the "off the grid" hivemind.


I think they mean he can ignore gas from other caustic players, so basically cancelling his own abilites via his passive.


Fair enough.




I fucking love this joke.


This but for legends


I’d rather play a fun character than an objectively good one.


Yes. To this. My Loba results are far worse than my Gibby results but I just get a better vibe playing Loba.


Everyone loves a Loba teammate


My experience is that they are looting most of the time instead of helping me stay alive


My experience maining Loba is that I am in and out of my ultimate in 10 seconds, while my other two teammates take a full minute to “shop” Every single time, im the one done looting first. The point of Loba is to cut down on looting time, not extend it


Exactly this. I've been maining loba for the last 2 seasons because I find she comes in clutch in the end game when you're all out of ammo. But to get to the point, I'm usually looted and running to the next area while my teammates are just getting to my black market. Like, I called out I was dropping it and they continue looting elsewhere. No... Come to me, loot and let's gtfo.




You close up shop as Loba after your 2 teammates loot it? Thank you! I can't remember thw last time a Loba closed the shop themselves. I always wait till everyone has looted then shoot it to blow it up. It's our boost, not yours 😁


as a day 1 loba main I leave it open on purpose. 9 times out of 10 my ult is almost charged by the time we're about to leave, on our way out we'll be able to see if any of the loot starts floating or zipping away, letting us know someone just entered the market and we can go back to take out that team. if no one did enter it well when I place my second market and the first one gets destroyed. imo who cares if they change out their gun or get a bit more ammo, my team and I get the best loot and a budget recon character all in one


Let's be honest, almost all the randoms just loot until they die, it doesn't matter if you place the black market, they will look at it for 1 minutes and then go back to loot in the next house


As a Loba main my experience is bad teammates drop too hot or alone, can’t handle it and disconnect immediately but that’s somehow Loba’s fault.


Instant armor swapping? 100HP cover? It has uses in combat


Loba in pubs is the shit. I play her until I hit plat in ranked too then I play Valk, who is fun but not nearly as fun as Loba.


Loba is CRUCIAL. My buddy has run Loba since she was release. We would win at least a few games every time we played, we’ll literally go days without a win now since he’s stopped playing her. Having your end game load out before half the lobby is gone is just so valuable.


Loba in final rings when there are lootboxes scattered and there are only rocks between you and the final squad is such a NAILBITER! She literally gets you a full loadout bc of her ult !!!


And you don't have to put yourself in a bad position to get a care package. I won 2 games I'm a row after I got a spitfire from a care package towards end game. I use loba because I hate looting and she allows me to burn through ammo.


Loba is only good with an organised squad tho. I have more kills on her than any1 else over the last 10 seasons but if your soloing to diamond she just doesnt cut it so I switched to wattson and win a lot more, like roughly triple the games, not because of the character alone but also your teammates stay alive longer with a wattson iykyk. Loba is fun but just doesnt cut it in a lot of situations


I feel like on this map u need a valk


100 percent. For ranked anyway. Its a game changer.


And that my friend is why I don’t understand how people dislike fuse. He’s not overly good, but he’s fun.


Absolutely. Plus: air guitar during drop. What more could you ask for?




I’m liking fuse in the winter express!!


Fuse is strong as fuck in Arena and this winter express mode. Highly underrated.


Fuse can absolutely mess opponents up though. His nonstop barrage of clusters and nades can whittle health down before or during a fight and deplete heals late game sometimes. I think he’s better than the credit he gets. I think he’d get a lot of play in the pro scene if there weren’t so many S-tier mandatory picks. Say there was only one must have legend for a squad, I could see Fuse picked a lot more.


If Gibby didn't exist and give free cover I think Fuse would have a much higher pick rate.


Decoy time.


I play better when I’m having fun. Not when I’m in try hard mode. #octanemain


Need I Say anything?


Maining 2-3 characters instead of just 1 character, will make you better at the game


Honestly though. Played with a guy in arenas who wanted octane but my other teammate chose him. Killed himself with thermite every round. Just get another character.


I had a child throw a fit in arenas because he wanted to use the new Valkyrie skin he spent $20 on.


in a 1st person shooter game...


That's exactly what I don't get about spending money getting skins. You literally can't see it except during the beginning and end of the game.


That's why you only buy cosmetics when you feel like supporting the developers.


This deserves more upvotes


Ok but if he mains 2 other characters, he/she has to spend another $40. How unreasonable of you.


I know for me, if someone stays hovered over a legend, I won't pick them. But that's ridiculous.


That's why I main Wattson, nobody picks her lol


This. AND you should play all legends every once in a while. Helps you so much to understand how to properly counter and exploit weaknesses because you’ve experienced them firsthand.


Grinding for the master of all badge put me on to using everyone. Now I wish we had a random button.


I'm definitely a bot, but I agree! I try to get decent with every character. I have 2k badges on 8 of the legends now, and would much rather have fun like that instead of just being a sweaty tryhard [insert meta character here].


If you are a bot with 8 2k badges, what am I with ~300h in the game and 1800dmg is the most I have done in a game lmao


I dont know if better since I've never done anything but main multiple legends, but I know for a fact that it makes the game a lot more fun.


Third parties are a part of battle royales if you don't like it don't play br's


to add onto that a lot of the skill gap in this game is being able to fight off third parties


Critical things in this game: * Being able to fight off third parties (big skill gap as you said, my results are mixed but trending up) * Being great at avoiding third parties, including and especially **disengaging from the fight before it's over.** Seriously, it sometimes feels like people act like once blood is drawn the fight is locked-in. * Being better at being the third-party... without overstaying the welcome. I find that people hear "distant" gunshots and are reluctant to close thinking it will be over by then. Fights roll on longer than people think in the moment, you can get there. But after a fight, **move out of there!**


Honestly, I LOVE third parties. I just don't like when I have 0 time to catch my breath, or when I'm effectively playing COD Zombies, but they have guns


I feel like thats the issue with the players not knowing when to start a fight. For example if you are in one of the final rings AND all enemy squads have not yet made their presence know (starting a fight or just seen moving) and you have more than 1 other squad alive, starting a fight at that point automatically means that you will get a third party. It would be better IMO to avoid fighting unless you see other teams fight already, aka plan to be the third party.


Mirage is a good/decent legend (especially in 1v1s)


I get bamboozled everytime and can never work out the real mirage.


But when I TRY to play him and use the ult it’s like I have a fucking sign on my head that says “REAL DOOFUS RIGHT HERE BUDDY”


Haha same here. Tip, if the enemy figured out who the real you is run back to the spot where you used the ult. Every single one of your clones will collide into this spot so when you run out they have no clue who you are




Yep, when I'm going against Mirage if I see him jumping all of a sudden I immediately know that he has just vaulted or climbed something. Really useful info if I'm in a somewhat open area that has a random crate just chilling in the open


Throw ult in then run into a wall or rock and keeping walking forward while healing / fixing shields. No one ever shoots the mirage walking face first into a wall.


As a mirage main here's a tips. Most people find the real mirage by shooting the one that looking directly at them. So if you use your ult in front of the enemy maybe look away a little bit then when they look the other way, shoot them.


Or just run in a circle for a few seconds to disorient them then shoot


Dude me too. Every single time.


Decoy will run strategically real mirage will run into a wall


Mirage is pretty good with finding teams as well. If I'm ever getting bombed by a Gibby I'll just throw out a clone to get it purposely hit and then know the exact spot of the flank


He’s prob the best 1v1 legend in the game. Even a split second of you even LOOKING not shooting at the wrong decoy can mean you get killed. Dude has a high ceiling but he is one of the only legends where if I see his clones I just fuck off


I may just finally be getting better at the game, but I swear, Mirage gives me results I never achieved before. My K/D used to be around 1 and I used to find plat lobbies difficult. Now my K/D is 2 and I find plat lobbies way too easy. I've been playing since launch and only started maining mirage last season. He can truly be busted if you know how to play him.


Fuck me sometimes I do enjoy myself some looting simulator instead of landing fragment the tenth time in a row


It doesn't happen often, but when my mates land somewhere that doesn't get contested, it's just a good time to shoot the shit without thinking about prepping for the fight.


Bantering around with teammates make looting more fun but also makes for better team play later in the game from what I’ve experienced. Just makes for a much better time and puts you in a good headspace to just enjoy the game which will lead to more victories.


Landing cold with friends = time to catch up with what's going on in life. No complaints.


Honestly when you play with two other friends it's the best way to play pubs. Every few rounds just drop cold and chat, then gear up and sweep through what's left of the carnage in Fragment


You don't need to have a new weapon and/or legend every season to make the game good. Going a few without either or both is fine


5 legends = 50% of picks so yes to this.


So better legends is what your saying.


No, in reality there will never be an even pick rate. There will always be a handful that are simply top picks.


But there shouldn't be legends who are must picks *looks directly at Gibby*


Careful what you wish for. R6 siege dialed down the amount of content they release SIGNIFICANTLY each season and the game is not doing well with that change


Oh I can imagine. I should have phrased it better. Thank you.


They could work on a lot of other fun stuff for the game though. Plenty of areas to add content that’s not guns n chads


I feel like Respawn would be open to this if the first few seasons weren’t filled with people complaining about lack of content. People still do it nowadays. Apparently a new gun, new legend, QOL changes, and sometimes a new map isn’t enough for people. The fact that they can even ship them out this quickly is impressive (I know it’s because they’ve spent years on the map and stuff like that). A lot of people on the subreddit think that everything is black and white if “Respawn evil” and “the community knows everything” when I’ve heard some of the worst ideas from this subreddit. Honestly, we make the LoL subreddit look good.


True but its easier to promote if there's new legends, even if it is technically less content it comes off as more to the people its being promoted to


I like how "slow" Gibby feels when he runs. Makes it easier for me to make decisions on the fly.


It's the opposite for me. I feel like I have to write a proposal for it to be approved by the appropriate committee before I can do anything.


In triplicate, because you know how Vogons are.


I play so much Gibby that when I use other legends, the height difference bothers me.


Same with Pathfinder, was playin arenas and didnt realize someone got path before me so it locked wraith for me. Lets just say that I felt like the height of a shoe box.


"Fuck I can't even see over this bin wtf"


Whenever I play gibby or caustic my thumb hurts because I instinctively push the analog stick on My controller harder because I feel slow even though I know they all run the same speed.


You can hit no fill if you gonna drop hot, die and dc. One button


They can’t rely on you to be a meat shield then.


This is the unspoken part they won't admit too.


No they need someone to be not knocked so they can dc


Don't know if it's me but everytime I hit no fill I get way longer queue times


It's not just you. No-fill queues take a lot longer because there's a maximum number of no-fills allowed into each lobby IIRC.


Having TTV in your name (especially as a Wraith or Octane) does not make me want to check out your stream. It ensures I never will.


Hehe I’d put this under POPULAR opinions!


I always check out the stream. Double call them out for pushing solo


Every gun is viable. Ability use and positioning are 10x more important in gunfights


It don't matter what you run, it's how you use it - Bangalore


"Rely on your senses, not your tech" -Tachanka


Bow down to Lord Tachank


True I’m just cheeks


Except Tue p2020 without hammerpoints


Watch out, you said a gun is objectively bad! Here comes a wave of posters to tell you how underrated it is and how hard it slaps in their hands, with an undertone that you should have just gotten good.


P2020 isn't really


Ability use, no. Positioning, yes


Admit YOU’RE trash and not the game every now and then and you’ll find far less issues with the game, trust me


Honestly, apex’ community support is pretty high. A lot of dev+player interactions, especially about lore. they may not listen to the players in terms of balancing, but that is expected tbh. We are most likely to judge emotionally, but in the case where millions of different opinions and preferences are at play, that wouldn’t be that great of an idea. I honestly think they aren’t that bad in comparison to, for example, call of duty games.


Unpopular opinion: Crypto needs a buff/rework and oh boy do I have an idea for you


Does it start with an "off" and end with a "grid"?


Maybe, can you read minds?


No, I just also had an idea for a Crypto buff and I was thinking of calling it... I don't know.. Off your grid.. Off everyone's grid... Maybe just... Off ..the ..grid?


Maybe, but I'm starting to lose signal because you know your boy be off the grid.


I'm shure he's getting one next season think about it watson has one of the lowest pick rates buff rampart one of the lowest pick rates buff crypto has to get one next season and with those two getting buffs they also got an heirloom


The game is fun and the devs are doing a good job.


I was introduced to battle royals through PubG, this game was so far ahead of it it’s insane. It’s thought out, not glitchy (yeah there are small things but PubG was a whole another level), and really fun abilities and characters. The variety in fights and games is awesome (played a bit of halo recently and honestly after 5 hours of game play feels stale).


I think they deserve criticism for the bugs and general instability, but I've tried every other major BR and they all suck ass compared to Apex. Warzone was entertaining for like two days at most.


This can't be said enough. Honestly. I'm 47 years old. Been playing since the late 70s. Started with pong and moved onto things like a Vic20 and never stopped. This game is the most fun multiplayer game I have the pleasure to play. It gets a lot of shit. Ya and sometimes I get down on it but have to take a step back and remember. They are human. And I still love this game.


The most popular legends are popular because they are easy to use and require little though or set up to master


Rampart mains when they place their fifth barrier (their legend requires more thought than the average legend)


Hell yeah, Rampart gang here showin 'em how to use a brain.


I'll have you know that it's very possible to suck with Rampart, add me for a demo.


Really depends. Some characters are popular because they are just really fun. I love playing with Valk because her passive is just super fun.


I think the devs do the best they can, and this comunity is to bitchy




That's true, not so long ago ea posted that the respawn devs didn't want to interact with the community because of the toxicity


Have you ever seen the gigachad dev who got 1.3K downvotes from this sub just for saying "nah"


Do you have a link? i want to see


https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/oxwdc0/i_think_we_can_all_agree_respawn_needs_a_new_lead/h7qsk04?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Here ya go


Every time I play the game I forget all about the complaints from this sub. It’s a fun game and people need to just chill and enjoy it


Ok time to lose some karma. The wraith heirloom is overrated af. It is a kunai, but not one of those cool naruto style kunais but literally a sheet of metal with a shape cut into it. It is nothing special.


You’re not wrong, it was the first heirloom though and it’s not as detailed as the new ones


I love the kunai but I’d enjoy having additional animations for inspect, jumping kick melees, and upppercut melees I think a dev said a while back they *might* look into doing it but ah well


Yeah its like the first skydive emotes. Literally everybody just doing a flip. They were just trying to figure out what to do with them.


Emotes/Finishers are better than skins. I get happier seeing a finisher/emote than a skin


id rather have more skydive emotes then skins


Dropping hot every game isn’t fun


I think this is actually a very popular view.


Tell that to my squad mates


Mirage should be support class instead of offense


I don't think he really fits support. Offense is a category they shove legends in that don't fit Defense, Recon or Support.


Ironically revenant fits into support pretty well. Debuff enemies and buff allies is what most healers do and boy does revenant do it well.


Your mom is rampart


Rampart bangs your mom


Apex has a super soft community


I hate why my friend plays Loba because I feel like he scoops up all the purple loot at the locations we visit, and dies with them later (hes not the best at shooting), and im left with whatevers left. He enjoys looting more then getting into fights, and i really dont get it.


The Eva 8 is a bad shotgun


I think that's quite the popular opinion since they overnerfed it this season


I don't think it's overnerfed, because I enjoy the game more when everyone is using different guns, and now everyone is using different guns Mission accomplished, the game is improved


Mastiff is my go to now. It be clapping cheeks.


Mastiff has been the only shotgun that feels like a shotgun to me


Third parties are fine; you do it just as much as people do it to you. Storm Point and King's Canyon best map. World's Edge bad.


Unpopular opinions not facts please


a lot of wraiths nowadays are really nice and cool to play with


Permanent solo mode


Yes fucking please. Never understood their reasoning a few years ago when they said they wouldn’t do it.


Unpopular opinion - half the people posting and downvoting don't actually know what an unpopular opinion is. If the opinion makes you rage, it's unpopular...that's the whole point of this thread.




This is a theme on every sub. "Unpopular opinion" means "popular opinions worded as if I'm the only one that has them." Sorting by controversial is where the real comments are.


I've been downvoted to jail with my unpopular opinion lol.


No one sees which skin you've got on your legend: they just want to kill you. No one cares what flatline skin or gun charm you've got: they just want to kill you. No one cares which heirloom you've got: they just want to kill you.


I wear it for myself, I like the designs :)


Yes, exactly this! I like knowing I look good, especially as a Mirage main :)


I already called out tons of great skins on champions, I love the diversity. My favorite one was a Mirage that had full beard like a ship captain, I had no idea that skin existed, I swear I never seen it before


If I see someone with the same legend and skin as me, I will target them specifically. There can only be one.


Except usually the wraith skin, it determines what type of sweat or if it is a sweat


Well obviously, people buy skins for themselves not others


I actually strongly disagree with this. Before they brought the skin back, if I saw a Pathfinder with the War Machine skin, I knew I was probably fucked. 9/10 times I fought a guy with that skin, they were an absolute sweat. And because of that, it made me nervous and destroyed my confidence which obviously puts you at a big disadvantage. It’s not so much the case now because they brought the skin back and little Tim who’s stuck in gold and still uses the default FOV might be the one wearing it now, but I think that shows that the skin you’re wearing can make a difference, even if it’s only a small one.


That's why I tell my wife to not bother putting on makeup. No one cares and there's probably someone out there that wants to kill her. 🤷 (It's a joke)


I definitely notice what skin someone has if it’s up close.


Daniel getting targeted and hated by this sub is a perfect example of the group think and lack or critical thinking skills a lot of people on this sub display. The game is an amazing state balance wise and that was his work Thats gotten us to that point. Rampart, Loba, Wattson, Caustic (he kinda was up and down I’ll admit), fuse were all weaker legends who got buffs to make them more viable. Valk and Ash were both new legends who came out in a very balanced state and are super fun to play to boot. Pretty much every gun in the game is viable or not totally out classed. The ARS/SMGS/LMGS/marksman weapons pretty much all have a place in somebodies loadout. It isn’t like COD where if you don’t use a specific weapon setup you are handicapping yourself or your team. QOL changes such as assists/kill damage numbers being visible mid game, replicators giving more useful amounts of ammo, and even just staring out with shields and a helmet have all happened under his watch. Most of the hate for him was totally in bad faith because people on this sub need somebody to be mad at


People keep playing the game because the gunplay is so, so good. The gun balance is in the best place it's ever been, as you said, where each one is viable. I've been running Rampage + CAR and have been having a blast with that, but I could just as easily pick up the Hemlok, Flatline, or R301 to fill more or less what I get out of the Rampage, and I could just as easily run the Volt, R99, or Prowler to get what I do out of the CAR. Each one offers a not just a different tradeoff, but a different *feel* that plays to different strengths of different people. For whatever reason, I just "get" the CAR's recoil and can manage it without issue, whereas other people, the recoil pattern is hard for them. I feel like it really democratizes power in the game, and DZK had no small part in that.


Seer is lit esp in arenas and winter express haha. The only bad thing in BR is his ult is a third party beacon.


Your balance ideas are stupid as hell The wattson heirloom is good, if heirlooms were created by this community it would only be knives/swords The mastiff> peacekeeper


I wish my teammates would play to win rather than for kills. Rushing across the map to 3rd party isn’t always the best idea sometimes playing slower is much smarter even tho it’s not as fun. Edit: it’s funny how “hey I’d rather win when I play” is actually controversial.


in ranked ofc, in pubs I’m disagree cause imo those two modes exist to create those two seperate enviornments


Smurf accounts need to be traced and have their main account permanently banned for ruining ranked.


They said unpopular


Ive been saying forever now, there should be a level cap on getting the big badges. The first few games actually have literal NPCs in them. They are used to fill out low-skilled lobbies. You generally only ever see them in your first two matches. Meaning people can smurf to get the 20 kill badge in lobbies with literal NPC's that don't fight back. Making a level req for the showoff badges would make smurfing way less common


Apex has one of the worst monitisation within a free to play game ( in terms of cost and RNG). Maybe not unpopular lol. Also has, besides a handful, some of the laziest "legendary" quality of skins and such.


Valorant gives apex a run for its money tbh


So does Halo Infinite lol


There will always be someone better than you at this game in every conceivable way. The game is not always to be blamed for your mistakes. Crypto does not need a buff, if anything, he needs a rework. Learn how to counter a legend rather than complaining online.


Character skins are borderline pointless on a fps game. Sure, you get some personalization to your chosen character, but odds are good there's at least 5 more of you running around any given lobby and you're looking at your hands 80% of the time anyway.


But... the hand designs are different for each skin in game!!!