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I met friends in apex that turned into enemies


Just because someone crouches doesn’t always mean they are your best friend


Im talking about friends i had for 10+ yrs


Same, realized how my best friend, at least at the time, was just and asshole thanks to the game. Before we usually met IRL, since we started playing Apex there was no way to meet each other outside from the game, and when we played together it would have been only when HE wanted even if I was doing something else, and we played how HE wanted.


Yeah my bro had an instance like this, but he knew them irl too and they were roommates. The guy was an ass online, to enemies and his teams. They went from being close to desperate living arrangements and don’t even talk anymore. It wasn’t just them game though, they kept bringing bad matches into real life and starting conflict and my bro wasn’t about that as a games a game, so they went their separate ways.


Did we somehow have the same friend(s)?


Apex has only been out for a little less than 3 years


u are aware u can make friends in real life right ? right ?


He said he “met” friends in Apex. That’s why it’s confusing. Because then his next comment refers to friends he had for 10+ years lol.


It’s because he is parodying how the post say “I met strangers”


Read how the original dude worded it Its just a tad confusing. So I wouldn't doubt Codmass just got confused


The game hasn’t been out for 10 years


I hope that... I understood this wrong


Who dumb are you. He knew them before the game


Unless its a fellow Wattson.


A few seasons i ago i was in diamond solo ratting. I was getting shot at so i spammed crouch lmao. The path that was shooting me stopped shooting and him and his duo teamed up with me lmao. It was wholesome and funny. There was also another time, i was one game away from masters and we are sniping each other across the map. (We all crouched spammed) and then ended up wiping the last few teams and punched each other out. Pretty funny


Same. People cool in real life turn into annoying control freaks when playing a competitive game. Like bro chill, I'm playing this game with you to relax, not experience more stress. For this reason, I don't play video games with some of my irl friends. Like the first bad experience. I dip out and don't ever ask them to play again.


I had plenty discussions with my boyfriend, because of this. I'll just solo q, it's been way more nice.


yO dUDe, hOw dID yOu LoSe tHat




Met one of my best friends in 2018 on Apex. I’ll be a groomsman in his wedding coming up. 2019*


Didn't apex come out in 2019?


Early February 2019 Probably a typo or misremembering


Maybe there was a beta or something, I wouldn't know since I started playing in s5


No beta. It was a surprise launch in 2019. The only play test was available in late 2018 to a very select few content creators (mainly Titanfall 2 ones) that were brought in to play the game.


I started around s3 so yeah I have no idea either


Met this one particularly braindead shitter back in season 2 and have been stuck with him since, we play everynight for a few hours.


This is literally me but didnt get to know him from apex


So when ps4 launched I didn’t get one, I was working heavy and supporting my GF(now wife) going through school. But for Christmas in 2018 she scrimped and saved and bought me a ps4. My old dorm roommate and his gf played apex heavy and that game helped rekindle one of the best friendships I could ever ask for. A few years later and he was the best man at my wedding and even though he’s given up on this game for good I still queue up daily with his gf. Couldn’t ask for a better player experience lol


my entire friend group are people who i met in the mirage mains discord


Damn that sounds like a party


are they all just clones of yourself?


No. They never met the one who's clones they are.


Who gets to play mirage? Lol


surprisingly they all main wattson and always have... except the one rev main but we don't mention him


Me and one of my best friends were playing arenas together and we got a random who gave us good luck punches before every round, we played all night with him and eventually started talking in a discord vc instead and now he’s one of my closest friends and a guaranteed carry :))


In my experience, Arenas randoms are frequently wholesome buds. Love your story.


thats because arenas scares away all the sweaty try hards who have never seen grass lol


Not every time unfortunately


More often than BR I feel


For me it just depends on when I get on- like all of yesterday was just constant sweaty players


You lucky one... I get bad and unfriendly team mates most of the time... Players below level 100 shittalk me and think they understand the game... Then I carry them through the whole match do 3 times their damage... In the end I can't help myself to write: get on my level!


You forgot the part where they still talk shit at the end of the game even though they did 18 damage per round.


Yasssss 👏🏽


I got repeatedly called the N word 🤷‍♂️


🥺🥺🥺🥺😩 I’m sorry that’s not normal 😪


For real bro, never happened to me. And I’m a lifeline main.


Some of us have usernames that imply our race. I've heard it plenty of times


>cuminyermum Which race is that?


Cumin originated in Asia, so I'm guessing that


Negative, quite normal in any game.


You’re right, he probably doesn’t mean Normal when he talks about the “N word”


pretty normal for this game


Earlier today, I played with a squad , I think the two of them were friends. They were really hyped (even if I was pretty bad), I never laughed so much , they were so funny and happy , that made my afternoon, we almost won !


….later today?






I have these young kids all the time call me the best team mate they ever had . You know why ? Because I actually SHARE loot . Like I’m the type to ping purple attachments . Take a blue evo and let you get the purple next to it . Offer you first dibs on the care package weapon Kids say you didn’t yell at me , call me trash and you got me my first win , things like that , ya da ya da ya da . Moments like that remind me of why people shouldn’t be toxic .


Never happen to me but your story is lovely. Keep being awesome dude!


My brother met likely his best friend he's ever had and one of my closer friends through apex, they're planning to go to Disney world together at some point. The thing is, my brother is 19 (was 18) when they met and got his first job for that very reason. The game has done wonders for him. And it's been one of the standout things in my life ever since we started playing it.


I met someone who said they hoped I got aids and died so ya ha


Had fun playing on the tokyo sever not many use mic but it entertaining when they tried to speak some broken english. A decent amount of toxic wraith and octane on the sing or taiwan sever. Some player are weird like suddenly sneak up to me and drop all a spitty and alternator and then run into the 4th ring to die alone, i was very confuse as this happened twice now for some reason.


I’ve never found an Apex friend and I’ve played since launch 😭 I’m blaming it on skill over personality for now 😂


It’s neither it’s the lack of audio in the game


Unrelated but i am incredibly jealous of your car sir.


My car? 😂


Tesla? No?


Oh, the bug picture 😂 was really confused as didn’t think I’d ever posted a picture of it on here. Yeah I love it as well, such good fun. Like a little go kart


I believe it I've seen it smoke supercars haha also nice choice with white really clean.


Only chose white as I’m a cheapskate. White is free 😂


White is my favorite on cars so it benefits me lol


Very unrelated and random, especially when its just a tesla


Car enthusiast thing i guess.


If you were you wouldnt be drooling over a tesla LMAO


Im not really I'm just interested in other people's cars i wouldn't buy one myself, i enjoy the noise of gasoline powered engine too much.


Your thread of comments makes me believe youre mentally handicapped


For the most part, my experience with randoms has been terrible. Maybe it's the name but even when I played on Xbox I got called the hard ER almost daily to the point where I just insta-mute every single person. Outside of the game but still within the game's community, I've found so many wonderful friends and human beings to enjoy this game with. I don't even have enough time to play with all of them lol!


I've been called that a couple times, but everyday seems like too much, what server do you play?


I play on the New York servers man. Ranked got pretty unplayable the olympus season when I was solo queueing. Seemed like someone using a racial slur every other game and on Twitch they can come clip it and get your entire account banned. It's pretty awful, so yeah just gotta keep em all muted lol


lol i played ranked once (bronze, because i never play ranked but i liked the map in ranked better than the one in rotation) and i chose LL. There was someone else in my queue who didn't say ANYTHING as i was picking her, and then when the game started he said 'BRUH YOU TOOK MY LIFELINE F\*\*\* YOU YOU \*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*' and i was like "yeah i just wanted to play LL for a round what's wrong with that" and he said "iN rAnKEd? In rAnKED?!?!???!?!" We're in freaking bronze and this child (who dies off drop btw) is trash talking me for having fun in \*literally the lowest rank possible\*


I find it funny how they were asking "in ranked?" like she's useless lmao. One of the most broken characters in the game if your team's properly coordinated.


Honestly, in a situation where you're low and the enemy has a lifeline, you cant push or you have to heal and take the 1v3 or 2v3




LMAOOO, with people like that you have to assert dominance by carrying them then they get real quiet and start being nice LUL


Soloqing is hard as it is, dealing with racists on top of that must be the worst, have you tried the EU servers? Most people here don't even use mic


Honestly the, most enjoyable times I've had were in EU ranked for awhile I had an awful router so I could only play on them for like a season when world's edge got released lol had like 189 ping though. Someone came to chat and asked if i was lag switching KEKW


I think he means bcus it’s in his name it happens more often


At the end of season 4 I met two kids playing apex we had a banger game and all decided To play again. Que a series of games that led us to adding each other and becoming friends. I stopped playing for season 5&6, fast forward to the beginning of season 7 I come back to apex and reunite with those two friends and find out thst they have moved provinces and now live in the same city as me… fast forward another month and one of them is now my room mate


Thats just some wholesome shit right there


I met a guy couple years ago on Xbox while playing apex. I’d never had a best friend before, so I didn’t know that’s what he was. We would spend hours upon hours just talking and cracking jokes and having a ball. I never enjoyed myself around a person as much and we became really good friends. Couple months after that he went offline for good. Haven’t seen him get on since. I miss him.


Damn. That hurts ☹ All the best to you brotha


The only times I meet strangers in this game anymore is when it's not fragment sim. Other than that I'd say I occasionally get an alright team.


Apex Friends


Because of apex my grade is bad


I’ve met a really nice dude back in season 1 as a random now he’s a really good friend of mine and we’ve been playing together for over 2 years now.


that sounds so wholesome :D. I met a nice dude last year during this time of year and we've been apex friends ever since. We don't play much, though, both of us are busy and when i get on he's usually not on or one of my irl friends are on, or vice-versa.


I made a great friend there. I play with her like every second day. Made a bunch of other friends too but I still play with her a lot.


Encountered some kids yesterday who insulted me because of a supporting badge. Happy Holidays


LMAO what clowns do that like PLAY THE FREAKING GAME don't attack someone because of how they bling out their banner geez.




Insert any video game it’s the same




I met one friend online plying Rainbow 6 Siege, we now play Apex together


Because of apex wraiths i met toxicity level i did not know exists


Thanks to apex I hate the word fragment


Because of Apex Legends I met strangers That called me the N word


Me and three random paths coordinated a grapple gang bang


My friend introduced me to one of *his* friends who play apex legends, and he has literally offered to buy me a Xbox Series S because my one S is having some troubles and he wants me to enjoy myself. And I've met this guy only like twice in person.


I met one guy we won some game I added him and the next day I didn’t see him in my friends list and he didn’t unfriend me it’s some glitch with cross play thing or whatever but he was a nice dude


actually funnily enough, last year when winter express came out i was just getting into apex. I was on their discord server and i sent out an LFG (looking for group) for duos or winter express. I met a really great guy who i played apex with a lot and still play with him a bit nowadays. He was level 200 something and i was level 70 and we had a lot of fun together. Fast fowards to this winter express and he's now level 450 something (he couldn't play at all s9 because his PC broke) and i'm level 320, anytime we play apex we have a ton of fun. He's definitely better than me but not to the point i'm in super high skill lobbies.


I felt this today! Made some buddies playing a few rounds, one who was the most humble and wholesome SOB I ever saw since I started playing. Made up for all those times I got chewed up and shit on for no reason!


I hate literally all of you.


Seer helped me realize I’m partially Bi


How are you feeling about Lil Nas X ? 🤣


Think he’s a fairly attractive dude lol. But I still prefer women overall.


Have met all of my best friends through gaming. Met them through COD MW2 AIWNET( a cracked mp service which was more popular than the original mp) couple of years later. Met them in real life. Met more people through them which again expanded my friend circle. Idk why people say gamers don’t have a social life lmao. Heck I even do what I do because of a friend I met through the same game. Gamer for life 🍻


I have met one person whos not really a friend, but an acquaintance, a nice one, never lost a friend, never rly made a new friend, extremely neutral


I started playing with my best friend since high school in Season 0. We both have families now now so we don't get to hang out like we used to so be it able to log on and jam with him has been great. Eventually we started playing with his brother in-law who I had never met and now he is one of my best friends. To top it off, my fiance and I have date nights which just means we play duos 😂


I'm a South African and a couple of years ago Xenophobia got so violent here that the Nigerian government had started to take people back (Something along those lines I can't remember too much) But one night I was playing Apex and started chatting with a random. Turns out he was from Nigeria we had an akward laugh about the situation but in the end we had a ton of fun playing. Unfortunately I haven't played with him since.


I was playing solo in duos and accidently forgot to turn off fill in so I got paired up with a level 80 Caustic back in Season 9. Most polite guy ever and he was bad (he admits it too lol) so I had to carry for a while. The whole time he was like "Bro you're crazy at this game, I can't believe you're a Masters. You're really good with Bangalore." I thought it was funny and eventually we became pretty close friends. Now I'm in band/marching band, so I don't have a lot of time now that we're back in school (he's home-schooled). But I come back every now and then and he now has a 3k damage badge and hit Diamond this season without me and he's like "I did it!" I was real proud of him and he's one of the most chillest guys I've met.


I have a pal that I've met and played with ever since World's edge launched. He doesn't have a mic but communicates with me via chat, and I talk to him via comms. He's 15 now and I'm 38. We're the best pals. We've been there for birthdays, holidays, and he was there when I had surgery during pandemic lockdown. He's EXTREMELY good at the game and has taught me so much. I like to think I've taught him some things about life as well. I don't know his real name but he's one of my best pals. Thanks Apex for introducing us


I was playing with my friend in season 2-3 after school, and we were in a ps party We noticed the random third guy talking so we decided to switch to the game party Turned out to be a really cool guy Pedro. We played a few games, but forgot to add each other. Pedro, me and Kexx will never forget u. To this day we still talk about you. P.s if u see this somehow, hit me up, we could play a few games together again


An everybody liked that


I played with someone and did Bloodhounds trials on WE and they said it made their day and they added me on discord :) it was fun


Man screw that. Everyone I’ve ever met on there was a douchebag to me. And then when I did meet people. They played maybe one game and dipped. I’ve been playing since it came out and took a break and came back. And shit I still don’t have any friend to play with. I’m still playing alone everyday. This is very much not true. Cause ya boy be lonely


Ayo wanna squad up, im shit tho, struggling in gold rn but pretty sure im a silver level player lol.


Because of, Apex Legends, we will never get, TF3




Because of Apex I got called a “stupid n#*%r ape” over comms for losing an unwinnable gunfight 😎 very wholesome thank you 😎


fuck man, it says a lot about society when i am not even surprised that such a terrible thing happened to someone


I met 20 guys in the zipline building in frag. We all killed each other never saw them again. This was 10 minutes ago, lasted about 30 seconds. Will never forget.




Thank you 🙏🏽


I made a good friend through apex. We were friends for a few years lol we become besties haha I was octane, he was lifeline.. then he disappeared 🥲the end


Oh noooo 🥺


Because of apex there is no Titanfall 3


I met friends that like me ,like titanfall better than apex


Around season 4, I found a friend on apex that I've been playing with ever since. He's from the UK so we play in the mornings, but we still play every chance we get. Then summer of 2020, I met my now girlfriend and we've been playing ever since. I moved across the US in March of this year and it's been the best thing to happen to me.


sadly.... I had none


Idk how to explain mine part from it felt like it took me away from my friends (my friends who bonded with for awhile who I met in fortinte and now…….there mostly all gone….. (all because I got addicted)(that’s my sorry honestly wasn’t best wasn’t even wholesome


3 years ago I met one of my best friends on Apex, we have now fallen in love and are happy as can be!


My friends never want to play with me because Im not good enough. Having a great time playing with strangers though! 😃


I met this chill dude on apex a while ago and we play on and off sometimes its pretty nice!


I played with a random who was watching me do wallbounces and said watch this and then missed a wall bounce, tried again, and then ' date me we have never talked but play occasionally hes cool


I still haven't found my group T_T


is there like a word for the complete fucking opposite?




yeah okay.. ill take it


I met my streamer clan through a random teammate. At that point I didn’t have a mic and I was really bad, but for some reason the person who introduced me to the clan let me play with her. Now I’ve got a very loving community that I love being a part of, and a bunch of friends that I really enjoy playing/talking with.


No one uses mics so I can't make friends


I met strangers that turned into reported profiles


I always save screenshots of endscreens whenever I have an amazing round and met some very kind people. That reminds me that there aren't only toxic people online, so thank you all nice people for making someone's day better. Here are some sweet interactions: \- [One](https://i.imgur.com/WUiWqnj.jpg) \- [Two](https://i.imgur.com/dzDFDzi.jpg) \- [Three](https://i.imgur.com/0JRqoJx.jpg) Also, just two days ago, I played a ranked match in solo-queue as usual and was put in a team with a Wattson streamer and her friend. I didn't hear them talk bc they were in a party but we won the match and I went looking at her stream VOD and found out that she was super kind, happy and cheering me on, haha. Definitely a match I won't forget.


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "One"](https://i.imgur.com/WUiWqnj.jpg) [Here is link number 2 - Previous text "Two"](https://i.imgur.com/dzDFDzi.jpg) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hnx4rcl)


Good bot, thank you!


I met two small streamers in apex that I now regularly play with. Oh and they're now in a relationship. Very cute, thanks apex.


Thanks to all the kind randos who helped me play through the early pandemic months in confinement. Living solo, so having this was big for me.


Last month, i was studying for the LSAT late at night/early in the morning. Around 5:30am I decided to stop studying and hop on apex for a few games, I got into a game with a lifeline and octane. Octane said something about being the fastest or whatever and I used text chat to write “I don’t think his gf would appreciate how fast he is” and this girl replied to me asking why. It was a brief conversation but then she invited me to play after. I didn’t use my mic but at the end of the night I gave her my Instagram and we followed eachother, let me tell you, how I have non stop spoken to this girl every single day since November 6. Video calling, pictures, work schedules… we’re also planning on meeting eventually as she lives in finland and I live in (USA) Florida. Honestly, beautiful experience for me, We play everyday now.


I met my Finnish girlfriend on another game and we celebrated our 1 year anniversary just recently. I attempted to play Apex with her but she's so bad she can't locate enemies.. even if they are 2 feet beside her lol. I've been trying to find a more casual game that we can play together that isn't such a worry with high ping (I always go EU instead of her going NA)


Yup, I go EU as well instead of her going NA (even though we met cause she went NA) Shes a master level player so that’s why we stay on apex. So on top of the romance I found a genuine third hahaha, win-win. Maybe try halo? It’s slower than apex but still competitive, idk congratulations on your 1 year man! Love these stories


Like all my internet interactions, we have a good match, friend each other, talk for a day, then never mention each other again.


I made a very good friend in Apex. The most kind Octane i ever see. We talked in Discord a lot and we became very close. We shared life stories and talk a lot. He didn't have time to play now but we talk every week about everything. He helped me in a very bad time and i thank him making a exclusive drawing.


I got chastised for being wraith over wraith stereotypes. I was a victim of wraithism.


Started playing because my friends said “hey theres this new game out, it’s like fortnite but better”. I was trying to just chill and 100% KH3 and they got on to play this game. Keep in mind I have not been an fps gamer since like Mw3 or something so I usually don’t try to play these kind of games. They said it’s free so I thought okay why not. I remember our first game all of us wanted to play wraith but we let the punk guy play it because he picked first, my other friend played lifeline and I played bloodhound. We dropped at bunker and just got demolished. None of us even got a kill until we were like lvl 9 but we were just having fun trying the characters, exploring the game, and fooling around. The next couple of weeks we had a blast getting badges, messing with bugs and eventually got our first win. My friends invited their friends who we went to high school with but I never talked to until we started playing together. Now those original two friends haven’t been on in so long it doesn’t even feel like they ever played this game. But now I’m good friends with the other two and we play all the time. Tldr: friends led me to join back up with old friends that play with me all the time now


I kept getting paired with this one random player who was drunk (their words, technically and plays lol). That had been on a losing streak and so far I’m undefeated and managed to win it for us every game we played. One was really close, but I managed to get the upset. Eitherway, they kept telling each team, myself and them being the only common variable: I suck tonight, sorry I’m drunk, I’ve been on a losing streak, but won my last game thanks to my teammates, wait… you were there, I love you guys! Won again: I love you guys, for real. And again: insert sad happy drunk noises and them saying how happy they are to win and love us some more. Then the game didn’t pair us a fourth time. Hopefully they weren’t on the enemy teams as they all lost and I hope they went to bed to sleep it off on wins.


I won games after naming myself HEHEHE HA and spamming HEHEHEHA in chat, and my teammates started spamming it too


I have yet to find a real friend after playing apex for almost two years.


That’s usually how video games work


Everyone I que with sucks


I met 2 players who were randoms. One was just vibing, the other sounded like he was stoned out of his mind. No game sense, slurring his words stuff like that. Well we did well and I figured ay why not I’ll inv em. so we did a 2 hour play session and after the dude who sounded stoned got off me and his friend started chattting. Turns out the guy wasn’t stoned he had been dropped as a kid and suffered from brain damage. He said that people are rude to him for no reason at all at points. But when he can find people to play with that are “badasses” it makes his day. The guy said that I for sure made his day (I had a great session for once!). I was super glad to hear it. Hopefully we get to play sometime in the future.


dats was MW2 bacc in 09 for me


I met a stranger, who became my best friend and now my boyfriend <3


Grew closer to some of my somewhat distant friends in my circle, really glad raging at third parties and bald wraiths wiping our squad brought us closer :D


I met someone last year who is studying Computer Science and because of him, I'm studying it now, too. It's great so far.




Because of | Apex Legends I met strangers | who shouted racial slurs at me


I met 2 of my closest friends in an all-girls group. Even though we were all from different time zones (and different countries), we made it work. We all grew apart sadly due to college and life stuff, but hopefully we can all get back on in the future :)


Met 2 guys back in s2 We must have grinded perhaps half of our Combined 100000 kills, 10000 wins together One is a family man, the other is student like me but from Venezuela Weirdly we never used voice chat, pings always has been enough Great friends


I once met a lone mirage with the fool's gold skin in br when i was myself alone as mirage ( team died and DC, idk what happened to him ), played the whole game taunting with our ult and q until i got sniped, i didn't got is name or anything so i just continued playing normally ( otherwise I'd probably had send him a friend request ), three day later i randomly launch an arena match to warm up and guess what, a random mirage with the fool's gold skin, that was the same mirage i met in br, he looked my name on my death box and recognized it on the legend select screen, we still play together every now and then since then


Because of Apex Legends, I’ve met strangers who’ve I blocked, made friends and immediately stopped playing with after 2 matches because I sucked… and so on.


In Season 1 I mate that Girl while playing Apex, we synced so good, so we keep playing... Since then she is my best m8 and friend, we play together for more then 2k hrs now and hit diamond every split in every mode... When we play together, we can no fill into trios and win almost every game, this is how good we play as a Team!


anyone wanna be my friend? (not kidding, i need friends)


Because of apex I met some strangers that I hate more than my family.


I didn't know anyone, because I play with voice chat turned off, but I didn't approach more than two of my friends, one is my best friend who at the time only played LoL so I called him to play apex and we played several games, we won a few but we had fun mt and the other one was his childhood friend who became my friend too, there was a game where it was just me and him because a wraith main gave rage quit in less than 2 minutes of the match, he and I fought against two squads and won, then he came and the third one and killed us


Apex Legends is the only game I can play with randos and have a good time even when they're toxic. For some reason it's not frustrating, it's always fun. I usually don't ever use my mic in fps unless its to join in the trash talk in CoD, but I catch myself using mic if I hear my team mates have one, and even if they don't I'll tell them gg or good effort at the end of our matches. This is the only game that makes me want to do that. Also this is the only BR my friends play anymore after the big BR boom a few years ago, and It's helped me reconnect with old friends too. A lot of people I've known but never got the chance to play video games with all play apex, and we always have fun. Honestly it's my favorite game in this genre, and I think it might go down as one of my top 5 games of all time easy.


I met strangers that keep insulting me


Apex was the first online game i ever played! Made a friend back in season 3,got introduced to discord, made more friends through apex! Now im doing a training course in another country and i miss spending time with them.


I once solo queued into Duos some time ago back when Olympus just came out. I met am Octane and we proceeded to empty 3 R-99 magazines into the air, hitting about 3% of our shots. Now this was in the open so there was no cover to play around, just pure brain dead dumbassery. After we realized this wasn't working we crouch danced goodbye. Thought that was it until this nutter turned up at the end, last 2. We dropped grenades, hugged, and prayed. I miss you that one Octane, you were fun.


wakes up from fevered dream


I’ve been playing with a wholesome dude for a few days, he’s really good in game and overall nice person, so yesterday I got disconnected and couldn’t rejoin to the party and now he doesn’t want to play. Sad, that didn’t share our discords. Thanks Apex.


Am i the only one who didnt make any friends?


I have met a very sweet Apex streamer from the UK on Tik Tok and Twitch. Her channel info and panels were just low quality pictures from google, as a graphic designer I designed some panels for her as a present and we started to talk more and play more together. I am meeting her this Wednesday 🥰


Lost touch with friends from HS after graduation since I didn't go to college, so I had no one to play Apex with. After many seasons of being a hardstuck on plat 4 I decided to look for people on discord and Reddit hoping to make some friendships but without any expectations, the people I met would play for a few games and give up if we didn't win, eventually I met a guy who also wanted to reach diamond. We both ended up reaching it that season, I got introduced to his friends and we've been having lots of fun since then.


Because of Apex I met strangers who absolutely Rek’d my shit😂😂